Hello everybody, thank you for joining me as we discuss a seamless transition from Morningstar Office to Orion Advisor Technology. First, I want to I want you to understand how I empathize with the situation. I think for many of you, you may have thought that this was coming, but certainly didn't expect to receive the notice. At any rate, you have an important decision to make. One way or the other, you have to choose who your next partner is going to be. And today I'd like to share with you a little bit about why Orion is the right partner to help you scale your growth and deliver a superior experience for your clients, the advisors and free up time for your operations or administrative staff. So today we'll explore what Orion offers and talk a little bit about the the, the process to switch from Morningstar to Orion. The first and foremost, I want you to know we've done a lot of these conversions. We've done a lot of conversions in general. And the important thing for you as you're going through this, people often ask me, what am I not asking? You need to ask for references. You need to speak with people who are using the application, people who've come from Morningstar, people who are using the trading, the billing and the reporting platform, the integrations that you may also be using. So before I get into this, I just want to share with you as somebody who works with a lot of advisors who have to transition from one platform to the other, I'd encourage you to go through that extra step because of your due diligence. This is a long term decision and you do want to choose the right partner for it. So I'll just start a little bit about what differentiates Orion. If any of you have paid attention to our company over the last decade, we've grown tremendously. Orion leads the league tables by market share, and we've done so by delivering consistently for our clients. Our mission is to build a wealth tech community where every advisor and investor thrives. We are focused on making sure that our investments and our areas of focus for improvements in the platform, for our service model and for our support structure help you to grow your business. And so that's why our culture really is defined as one that's really focused on you, our client. We're always working on trying to win together and strive for excellence in everything that we do. Orion offers pioneering technology and some of you might be aware of what we offer. I'll show that today as much as I can in the time constraint we have. We have reliable systems and support. Our platforms built on a Amazon Web Services gives you scale, stability and a low latency as you're working with our web-based platform across the ecosystem. We have a comprehensive wealth solution, Orion acquired Redtail Technology in 2022. We have the industry's leading portfolio management system trading platform. We have Orion Planning, Orion Risk Intelligence for those of you who are looking for risk analysis and stress testing for scenario analysis, and a robust regulatory tech platform that's often used by compliance consultants delivering an engagement to their own RA as they support. It's a flexible ecosystem. We're not all in one. We're not going to force you to utilize our tools. We integrate with third parties. We see your decision to assemble the wealth stack that best meets your needs as paramount to your success as a firm. Despite that, we often get advisors who say we want the most in one platform. We want a deep integration. We want to contribute to your development ideas with the complementary technology that you offer. And so there we have acquired technology to help our clients to deliver a set of services through a single vendor solution that's deeply integrated and cost effective. So just by way of scale today, I won't spend a lot of time on this. I mentioned Orion leads the league tables in several categories. Some of you may not be aware. On the other side of our business, we eat our cooking as well. We have $100 billion in wealth assets that's run on the Orion platform where we deliver investment solutions for advisors like yourselves. All in Orion supports 2400 about 2400 advisory firms. We have about 7.1 million accounts. We reconcile on a daily basis, accounts for about 5 trillion in assets under administration on our technology platform. So as you consider Orion suite of powerful integrated tools, we're a platform that's able to offer comprehensive daily reconciliation and account aggregation, advisory, fee, billing and reporting, client experience in the portal and and many integrations to your custodians and complimentary applications. But we do have our own proprietary tools that you're able to utilize as part of your customized wealth stack. Redtail CRM is the number one CRM utilized by advisors today and it is deeply integrated within our platform. Orion Financial Planning today is only available to Orion customers. Therefore many of you may not even be aware of the capabilities of our planning module. It offers cash flow based forecast reporting, modular goals and a lifestyle goal based platform. We also have incorporated behavioral finance tools from Doctor Daniel Crosby that we've developed through cooperation with our planning team and our behavioral finance lab here at Orion. Orion Risk Intelligence actually utilizes Morningstar data so you can get the composition of the mutual funds ETFs. Be able to run a comparison of a client's or prospective client's portfolio against one that you may recommend. Looking for an efficiencies in what they have today and how you can improve their results. You also have the ability to do scenario analysis, stress testing, optimize the portfolio and see the results before implementing the changes in the trading. The behavioral finance I touched upon in a moment, I'll cover a couple of items that includes a risk tolerance questionnaire that accounts for risk composure, risk capacity, as well as risk tolerance to create a blended score that aligns suitability with identified risk. It includes a concept known as Protect Live Dream, helping your clients to mentally account for where their accounts contribute to their success among their bucketed goals and Orion trading eclipse, as many of you may have heard it referred to, is a tax efficient household level trading platform that offers household level trading with asset location. SMA level trading where you had signed a model to an account and full UMA trading capability with very flexible cash management, including a synthetic sweep to move your bank balances at a very low yield every day to a higher yielding money market fund by generating buys in those units and redeeming units to cover purchases of investable securities as needed. So I'll kind of go through the integration again. I don't want you to think that you're beholding to utilize our technology, even though we think it's great. We're somewhat biased, but we do work with other custodians, other integration partners in the financial planning and the CRM space. I'll start with custodian integrations. Orion really offers the deepest integration with Charles Schwab. It includes a client portal integration where your clients can step from the white labeled client experience into the Schwab alliance. The integration also includes the ability to a client access brokerage statements, tax documents through the Orion client portal and mobile app, which again is wide labeled for your firm and we have that with all the custodians that you see on your screen. A similar level of integration depth when it comes to CRM, Redtail is deeply integrated. We also work with Wealthbox, with Salesforce, and with Juncture, also known as Advisor Engine CRM. When it comes to planning, Orion planning, of course, is deeply integrated, but we also have the industry's deepest integration with Money Guy Pro. We have single sign on and data exchange with E Money and Write Capital and some others that you may be using. We'd love the opportunity to talk about the integrated suite, what Orion offers that might be available to you if you're not utilizing these tools, or how you can integrate these tools within your Orion stack. Just moving along, I know that this is a time where it is essentially a market where you're getting a lot of competitive offers. As I mentioned in the beginning, you're forced to make this change whether you wanted to or not. Unfortunately, we want to try to make this transition as economically feasible as we can. So one of the things that we're offering is 25% off of your selected wealth stack within the first year. If you have a Redtail discount, Redtail CRM may be included in Orion packages. But if you're buying the Redtail package as a stand alone solution or in addition to one of our modular offerings, we'll honor your Redtail discount. Orion has done over 100 morning Star office conversions, full transactional conversions. We will do that for you at no cost. And this is one of those areas where I implore you to speak to references. People will use the term conversion and it doesn't mean the same thing. We're not talking about bringing performance over where you lose security level attributes. We are doing full transactional conversion of all of your historical data. We have the ability and we have been extracting that out of Morningstar for years for clients who make this transition. The customizable package, I know you don't know as well yet, but Orion offers bundled packages that start with just basic reporting and billing and you could build upon those to incorporate more of our technology for combined discount. We'll work with you to identify the most appropriate package for your needs. So I guess in terms of those packages, I touched on them a little bit. We will spend time if you'd like to have a personalized demonstration on each of these. Orion's foundation stack is the entry level. It's going to give you the capabilities of daily aggregation, reconciliation, maintaining cost basis and applying those things so you have an accurate book of record for reporting, billing and your clients can see that through the client portal in the mobile app. The Essential stack goes a step further and incorporates the unlimited licenses of Redtail CRM and our trading platform. The Advantage stack is a true bundle. It brings together all of the Orion technology and it does so without seat fees. So I think the benefit of our stacks is flexible, gives you the ability to build your own journey. The integration, we don't necessarily need you to utilize our components. If there's a partner you're already working with and we can integrate with them. We create scale. Orion is your forever home. You will never outgrow Orion and you'll be able to build on the platform to create a scalable foundation for your growth today and beyond. Orion's support model, which I'll touch on a little bit at the demonstration today, allows subject matter experts specific to the area of focus. You speak directly with members on our billing team to discuss items related to generating few files or handling exceptions that you don't usually put in place for clients. The same with reporting, with compliance, with trading. We have subject matter experts aligned to those different areas and functions so they can align best your question with the answer. So there's also the ability to add on to the base journey. You have the ability to start with a foundation and grow as we talked about earlier, adding trading, adding compliance and adding risk intelligence. So transitioning for Morningstar, it's we'd like to make this as easy as possible. I'll say that we have a proven track record, being able to convert over your client and account mapping, your fee schedule mapping through an import and also your full transactional history. That proven process will migrate all of the relevant data so that your clients and your advisors will know that you've been using a platform with full history for reporting security level transactions or performance at any entity level. So I'm going to get into a little bit of a demonstration and again, I'm not going to be able to do this justice in the time that we have. And we do have some questions coming through. Please continue to ask your questions. We have folks that are able to focus on answering those questions. If there's anything that we can't get to, we'll make sure that we get to them after this demonstration. And all of you who joined, you may know already, but we will have a recording that goes out so that you can share this with your colleagues. So just starting off, I mentioned that Orion has a deeply integrated experience starting with Redtail. If you happen to be using Redtail, I suppose many of you are, I'll point out a single sign on integration exists with Redtail. Of course, it also exists with Salesforce Juncture and Wealth Box. So you do have the ability to step from your CRM into the Orion platform. So from Redtail, I can easily navigate right into the Orion portfolio management system. I could see my dashboard, those cards that are critical for me to evaluate my business or to run my business processes when I'm looking at a client. I have the ability and many of you probably have financial accounts that are linked into your CRM on on the left hand side. One thing I'll point out is you do have proposal generation integrated with Orion. You'll learn more about that if you do take us up on the demonstration offer. We do have a risk survey and the risk score will populate for your client so that you can see your clients risk identified risk score and it could be associated with a bottle, especially if you're using Orion's risk intelligence or a trading platform for that. But as I look at a client portfolio here, it's broader than the general account aggregation that you may have today in your CRM, whether that's Salesforce or Redtail. I have the ability to view my client portfolio and this tool gives me the ability to slice and dice that household however I like. For example, I have a summary of information for this particular date range. We're looking at a rolling one year. I can see the market value of the household, the rate of return and the market value change. I can see the net amount invested, which is a really popular display and we have that in our client portal in our mobile app. We have it in our PDF reporting and everything that I show you here is available within the PDF reporting. We have Morningstar classifications so that your securities will be classified in a consistent manner at the asset category, asset class or subclass level. But in terms of the navigation, I might use this to answer questions from my client. So maybe, you know, my client wants to know what the gain loss information is. I can easily filter to just their taxable accounts and as I do so I might want to look at a view where I have my gain loss laid out for example. So without me having to run our PDF report or leave CRMI have the ability to see their gain loss summary for just their taxable accounts. And as I go through this, of course I can go in here and change their date range to the last year, year to date. How? Whatever I, I need to help my client to answer those questions. We have a couple of other shared views. I'd highlight performance reporting. That's one of the deep dives we have here where I can click on the standard view for performance, for activity, for allocation, for projected income. And we have these standard views that we've established that really are more developed in consultation with our clients as the most highly utilized sub reports that they wanted to see on screen. And so when we look at the client portfolio here, let me jump back over to my household. I can see the performance of massive categories. I can see an activity summary with performance of the benchmarks relative to my particular account. I have the ability to drill in and see security level performance if I wanted to. And again, I can change this time period to a rolling one year and refresh this time period if I had wanted to. On the other views we have allocation activity. I won't spend much time going through these. My risk view in particular, I know many of you may be using essentially the the the Morningstar direct application. So if you are, there's some basic risk that's available within the Orion platform and there is the risk intelligence module, which gives you a much more granular view of your client's portfolio or prospective client's portfolio. So here with the risk summary, we could see in the scatter plot, I have a lot of benchmarks. I'd want to see how the client compares to the S&P 500. I could de emphasize all of those other benchmarks and just kind of see how Curt stacks up relative to the benchmark. When we look at the risk intelligence module where our planning module, those can also be accessed here. So risk intelligence is an add on similar to Morningstar Director, Morningstar workstation. We have changed the look and the feel of this application to make it more consistent with what our new user interface theme has been as we've enhanced those. But here I can see the portfolio, I can see the breakdown, I can see my stress test, the results. I can see my correlation risk, my performance relative to benchmark, my risk measures, my style box are my sector analysis. And if I wanted to expand into this, I could see if we're overweight or underweight, the benchmark in any of these particular sectors. So some of the things that you're getting today in an integrated offer would be available with Orion as well. Just jumping over for those of you who aren't using Redtail, I've been spending a lot of time on a demonstration through the Redtail system. You do have the ability to access Orion directly by going to their URL, logging in with your username and password. And the advisor experience would be very similar to what I just showed you. We have the applications I might be utilizing. You can favorite those. If I have cards that I want to establish that I look at on a regular basis, I might want to bring those up here. So for example, you know, we have transparency into the reconciliation process. If there's anything unconfirmed, you want to know about that before you go ahead and generate reports. Or if you want to go in and start building trades within the Orion platform, of course you need accurate cost basis and reconciliation to be completed. I might want to see my top performers and I want to see my most recent reports or generate data queries, how we're allocated the fee schedules With Schwab, I could see the status feed without having to leave and go to the advisor center. So these are just a couple of examples. We're providing windows into your data, and I'll just kind of go through one example. I don't want to have to get to the end of the quarter or the end of the month if you have monthly billing and have to see the fee schedules that haven't been assigned or where an account is closed and it was the fee paying account. So the billing audit summary gives you the ability to see those data issues before you get to the point where you need them. And so here I have over 400 accounts in total that have missing fee schedules. I want to go in and I want to make sure that I clean this up before we get to the point where we have to generate our fee file. Coming back to the Orion home page, I guess a couple of things I'll point out. Orion does provide a base level compliance tool. Many of you are going to be updating your ATV without having to buy our regulatory tech platform. You can go into Orion compliance and easily access the metrics that you need for your ATV dashboard. So as you're going to do that, instead of having to generate reports, put the data together and get it to your CCO or get it to your outside compliance attorney, you'll be able to easily get that off of the Orion platform as long as you're properly maintaining data as you open up new accounts. If we happen to purchase a security that isn't classified to the SE CS category, we have a workflow here that makes it very easy to go in, select the security and assign it to the broad based category. And once it's set, you could forget it. It's going to be set to the category that's appropriate for that security or that client. It's going to be in the appropriate ADD category so you don't have to go back and do this every year. For those of you who have the 13 F filing requirement will generate A13F report for you will generate it in a grid in XML format so that you can post that to the Edgar system. So those are just a few of the standard compliance items that are available within Orion from a report generation. Everything that I was showing on that portfolio view, the, the, the widgets that you were seeing, those are all available as part of Orion standard reporting. To make the transition easy, we have templates that we've created, again in consultation with our clients looking at what are the most popular templates that they're utilizing. You also have a very flexible report design tool that you'd be able to use to design your own quarterly reports, client review, advisory, fee notifications. But we've tried to make it easy for you instead of you having to start from scratch. We, we have 6 quarterly statement templates as you're seeing on screen here. If I wanted to go in and I wanted to view the template and see what it includes, I have the ability to see that. If I wanted to create a report from this template, but there was something I wanted to change, it's really easy to do that, very easy to learn how to manipulate reports within the Orion Report design tool. And you don't have to do this once you've established a template. The template is available to be run in batch. I can customize the theme. So I've got these giant blue headers, which I hate. I'm going to go ahead and change that to my standard sample theme, which has got a little bit of an understated header. In terms of the report design, it is really flexible. Let's say that you've been using the term investment style instead of management style. I want to rename that, and so I can rename that essentially across the platform investment style. My spelling is off today. This is a live demonstration. And then here I could say in addition to the market value, I want to have the rate of return or the yield, whatever I feel I want to show for each of the accounts that'll be listed in this table. I can go in, insert a column to the right, name that column. So I can say this is going to be quarter rate of return. And then I'm going to pull in the appropriate data point. So type Pat and then you have access to our data library and pull in any of those items, whether it's going to be before tax, after tax return, contribution to return, excess return relative to the benchmark, or just a straight performance value like I have here. So the performance could be internal rate of return, it could be a timely rate of return. You can set your default if you want. You could use both within the same report. So when I go in here, I define this as a quarterly rate of return. I want to go in and I want to easily change that to my quarter to date or my last quarter, depending on what suits your needs. Just in terms of formatting, I'll right align this and then we just added very simply my performance rate of return as a column within this chart. I can also change the layout and design A more visually appealing report in a landscape design with quadrant like reporting. So you have complete customization of your report design. Orion's report writer gives you the most advanced dynamic control on tailoring the conversation the way that you would like it to be. I guess the last thing that I'll cover with the time that we have remaining about 5 minutes, I do want to focus on custodial integrations. All of you have a custodian and it's important that you integrate deeply with your portfolio management system. Again, coming to Schwab, I think one of the interesting things here is I mentioned earlier, you work directly with subject matter experts. If I have a billing problem, you want to talk to someone billing. If I have a question related to cost basis, you want to go directly to someone there or data reconciliation or performance and so forth. Off of that same communication queue, I do have the ability to initiate a service request for Schwab. It's a unique feature that Schwab does have within our platform, but within the Orion tool, I have the ability to go in and speak directly with a representative from a service team using the Contact Us feature. I could speak by computer, audio, by phone or by chat. As I was just doing another item, I'll point out, and this is consistent also with all of the major custodians, when I happen to be looking at a client account, I might want to get information related to documents. I might want to submit a service request at this level, I might want to initiate a move, a move money transaction. So for those of you who might be using another cashiering, this button might say cashiering. I'm just using Schwab as an example here, but we have this with Fidelity. We have this with Pershing and other custodians as well. You'll be able to select the account and then contextually link to areas within the custodial platform from the Orion system. And that's how by eliminating little points of friction, but eliminating a lot of those points of friction, we help you to create scale in your business model. The last thing that I'll show you, I'm not sure how many of you have been using the TRX platform. Orion Eclipse was designed to have model of model rebalancing with tax efficiency, household level model assignment with asset location or the ability for you to tactically trade and account. If I wanted to do an across the board and bring everybody up to a target percent in a particular ticker, I could do that or I could use the most tax efficient way to rebalance or raise cash in a client portfolio. The system was designed to really account for all of those considerations. I think as you go through this, one of the things that differentiates our trading platform is the speed at which you can make recommendations for you. Here we have the ability to go in and see just portfolios that are out of tolerance or maybe I want to see those portfolios that have tax lists, harvesting opportunities as I've defined them. I think in our demo database we have a 5% loss and $1000 is the harvestable minimum amount that satisfies that. But very easily I could go in and see a group of portfolios, access a trade tool and see what securities would be sold and what securities we want to buy with the proceeds. And so this is how with our trading, we help you to create scale. And if you're multi custodial, you'll be custodian agnostic. If you do have a single custodian, we can improve your cash management, business processes and of course the ability to maintain and execute based on models. I did see somebody come through and have a question related to gifts performance. I know I'm not supposed to be looking at that. Other people may have responded, but we do have a composite module that'll allow you to build out your performance composite rules. So there are going to be rules that automatically exclude an account from a composite, such as a management style change intra month. They'll be included in the composite for the first full month that it's in that management style. You also have the ability to do things like set your cash thresholds, things that are specific to the way that you maintain composites. Maybe an account with less than 50,000 is going to be excluded from the composite. So just answering that one question that you do have the ability within the trading platform to manage your strategies, design models really gives you a lot of flexibility. And I'm going to try to overwhelm some of you. Many of you are probably just creating an individual security basket where you decide to go in and you create a a basket of tickers and what a client should hold to that allocation. I'll make some room here. So here we have by 4 level model has an allocation to equity and fixed income 7525. The fixed income allocation is 5050. Core and intermediate fixed equity is broken down similarly, domestic and international. As I go down domestic equity, we have growth and value. We have domestic value and then I have large cap value. This could be an individual security basket or it could be a single ETF. But ultimately, this gives you the ability to rebalance very effectively at multiple levels. So we're at the end of the 30 minutes. This was not intended to be a comprehensive demonstration. I'd love to tell you about how online helps with little things like beneficiary IRARMD tracking, more time to spend on all the ways we can help scale your billing processes and all the exceptions that you probably have and go through 1/4 end process that's consistent, repeatable and accurate. So with that, I would like to thank you. I understand the significance of this evaluation and I know that you have to make a decision relatively soon. We are available to take calls and personal demonstrations with you. We'd love to provide you with personalized demonstrations and pricing that meets your firm's needs as it relates to the services we offer. So with that, I'll leave you and please feel free to share this after you've gotten the recording with anyone who couldn't make it today. Thank you. _1742940900212