Hi, everyone. My name is Chris Mellis. I am the Vice President of Product Management at T-Mobile for Business. And today I'd like to talk to you about T priority built for tomorrow's emergencies ready today. We all know how frustrating it is to not be able to use our mobile devices that have become so critical to all the things that we do. And it's really hard to move forward when you're using dated infrastructure and old technologies. And then we've talked to 1st responders around the nation, What we found, they've experiencing a lot of network issues. Number one, they're getting a lot of network congestion. It's a problem that we need to solve for them in a very interesting way. And we have to go do that with insufficient data speeds that could also limit their use. And today we're using a lot more technology than we used to, high speed resolution video feeds, very quick talking conference calls with many participants. And it's really frustrating to not have the data speeds or the congestion having in the network that we need to do do our jobs. Imagine what it's like being a first responder and not being able to connect. And we also have inadequate network configurations. They just aren't adaptable to the way that first responders need to use the network. They can't change with the dynamics of incidents happening in large volumes of people showing up in a very specific area causing all of these issues for our first responders and today's first responders is not like what it used to be. Maintaining their connectivity is vital for the way that they operate. It's not just about voice calls anymore. Now they're using data intensive applications and many tools that we've all seen and heard about, body cameras, drones, Agvs that go in during a bomb threat. They need to be able to send real time updates about things that are going on for situational awareness inside buildings they may be going into that are on fire. They have to put medical records quickly to the hospital, which helps save lives. And they also need to be able to command all of those cool toys that we've seen them doing with robots and other things to go make it safer for our first responders before they have to enter our situation. So as we thought about these problems at T-Mobile, we said we have a way to solve that. And that's why we're introducing T Priority first. It's built on the nation's largest and fastest 5G network, already built for the modern age. But T Priority takes that one step further and provides the world's first 5G slice dedicated for first responders, providing better speeds, high reliability, and best even in times of extreme congestion. Agencies can do in the critical services that they need to do. And that's why T Priority is built for tomorrow's emergencies. But it is ready today. So how do we solve this problem for first responders? First, let's take a little discussion on 5G non stand alone and 5G stand alone. What's the difference? Well, the promises of 5G network slicing, ultra low latency and a huge amounts of capacity are all things that everyone has heard about and wants to deliver. But our competitors 5G networks are still tied to their old legacy LTE networks. That's limiting in many ways. It's slower speeds and it can't take advantage of the full promises of what 5G has offered to deliver. At T-Mobile, we run a 5G stand alone core. It's converged with all of our services running in one place and it truly unlocks the capabilities like network slicing for first responders to have priority access to their data anywhere they are connected onto the network. So as we think about how that transforms the use cases that the customers can use with us, it's a much smarter 5G network that really delivers the performance that first responders need. They get much higher quality on the network, higher quality of service, much faster speeds, and they're also able to connect to the network during times of extreme congestion when maybe other users can't. T-mobile's T Priority Slice offers five times the network resources to our average users to 1st responders, as well as two times better baseline performance than normal WPS users. So during typical operations, there's a better experience for all T Priority users. But under those rare times of network congestion that are very extreme, huge events that we're used to seeing where unfortunately a lot of first responders need to arrive on the scene, the T Priority Network slice is able to expand to take as much capacity as it needs for first responders to do the jobs that they're paid to do, saving lives and coming and making sure everyone is safe on site while other customers still have access to the network for critical communication to their loved ones. We give as much capacity to 1st responders to do the jobs that we really all want them to be able to go do. But it's not just about on the network. How do the customers get on the network in the first place? That's why there's priority access and preemption. This is a free feature available nationwide 24 hours a day, and it provides priority access and preemptive access to the network and it works with both voice and data. Why is that important? It doesn't matter how fast your network is and how much capacity you have. If you can't get on the network in the 1st place to use it, it really doesn't matter. So that's why we have priority access and preemption. So during these major events, salt layer networks can get congested and eligible customers need to be able to access the network. But what about first responders? Don't we all want them on the network first? So first we give priority access. That's like being able to get to the front of the line to be the next one on the network. No more waiting delays before they can transmit video, make a phone call or download those plans of the building that they're attending to go in and save people's lives. Pre emptive access happens when during those times of extreme congestion and there is no more room on the network, we can remove somebody from the network and put a first responder on the network for people who really need to use the network in that time of critical communications. And that also provides end to end prioritization. Invoking WPS prioritizes phone calls and data and cross multiple carriers making sure connectivity can happen when we need people to be able to communicate. And TL Mobile proactively enrolls our customers and agencies in WPS free of charge. So when we put that together, what happens in this example of a train derailment? Fire marshals are connected to devices and looking at fire hazards, heat sensors, alarms. T Priority helps them receive those uninterrupted real time updates from potential hazards that they may see in instances before they escalate. Local police using handheld devices and the networks during extreme congestion can come in and use reliable access to critical tools that they use for managing public safety, helping direct traffic and quickly responding to other incidents. And EMS teams can come with ruggedized devices to access patient data, consulting with doctors who may not be on site and in heavily populated areas where local congestion from bystanders could be a problem. Citizens coming in and wanting to see what's going on. T Priori allows these EMS, fire and safety and and police departments to receive their critical communications, medical records and talk to each other in a way that's never been able to be done before. They're receiving higher priority in the network dedicated for the slice for first responders. They're getting faster speeds and even more, there's more capacity. T Priority provides up to 40% more capacity than our competitors networks to allow as many first responders on site to come and do the things that we all need them to go to. And if you'd like to find out more about T Priority, please use the contact form on your screen to get more information. Thanks and have a great day. _1739839324671