Banks, insurers, and asset managers are under increasing pressure to improve ESG and sustainability performance and risk in their portfolios. Most regulation worldwide today focuses specifically on greenhouse gas (GHG) and climate risk disclosure. This presents many challenges depending on internal competencies, knowledge of reporting requirements, and affordable tools for customers to report to financial institutions. How can this be made easier?
Canadian B-15 FRFI regulation and FDIC guidance to big US banks are requiring climate risk analysis of “financed” greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This is quite an undertaking by asset class with the variety of customers that a bank, insurer, or asset manager might service. The proposed GHG disclosure rules by the US SEC and California SB 253 & 261 also will require large businesses to report on climate risk and emissions.
35 major global brands in the financial sector have signed on as CDP Supply Chain Members, publicly committed to request suppliers report GHG and climate risk data on the CDP Climate platform. That list continues to grow, including Bank of America, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, KMPG, PayPal, UBS, Virgin Money, AIB, Bank of Montreal, BNY Mellon, Capital One, Mastercard, MetLife, Nasdaq, Prudential Financial, TD Bank, Allstate, Visa, Wells Fargo, and more.
If your financial institution is under regulatory pressure to report financed emissions, how will you achieve compliance?
Join SGS for our next webinar to learn:
Participants in this webinar will learn the importance of climate reporting for the financial sector, and how to approach it strategically to improve their compliance and scoring.
Target Audience:
Individuals responsible for greenhouse gas (GHG) and climate performance in the finance sector.
Language: English
Cost: No Charge
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