Mhm. Sehr gut. Genau und würde aber jetzt noch mal was, sagt er ja dann eigentlich immer. Ja. So. Aufzeichnung. Oh, das war doch schon mal relativ gut. Ihr habt gesehen, wir haben einen Experten, wir haben uns allerdings unsere Slide ist weg, wie ich gerade sehe, unsere Präsentation ist uns abhanden gekommen, vielleicht können wir die wieder einblenden. Das klappt bestimmt gleich auch wieder. Wir werden hier diese Session heute in deutscher Sprache moderieren, Martina und ich, wir werden uns weitestgehend im Deutschen bewegen, allerdings unser Experte, der wird uns zugeschaltet sein oder ist uns schon zugeschaltet aus dem. Mit ihm sprechen wir Englisch. Seine Präsentation wird auch im Englischen abgehalten werden, aber wie ihr wisst, ich ermutige euch immer am Anfang dieser Sessions eure Fragen loszuwerden und die könnt ihr, die könnt ihr gerne sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch adressieren am. Besten macht ihr jetzt so, dass ihr, ich hör schon gerade am besten stellt ihr eure Mikros bitte leise in der Session, so dass wir hier gut auditiv miteinander arbeiten können. Ihr seid aber dann herzlich eingeladen, während robertus Vortrag auch gerne eure Fragen im Chat loszuwerden, ihr könnt das auf Deutsch machen, ihr könnt das auf Englisch machen, so wie es euch beliebt, ihr müsst euch auf jeden Fall nicht wegen der Sprachbarriere genötigt sehen, eure Frage vielleicht zurückzuhalten. Ihr habt's letztes Mal und Martina, du brichst unterbrichst mich bitte jederzeit, wenn ich hier in einen Redeschwall verfalle, der irgendwie in eine falsche Richtung führt. Wir haben letztes Mal ja Bedarfe abgefragt, wir haben nachgefragt, was interessiert euch eigentlich, wenn wir hier so ein Expertenforum machen, was sind Themen, die euch, die euch nah gehen und das Thema KI in der HR ist ganz weit oben gerankt worden, das war auf Platz 1 und deswegen haben wir gesagt, wollten wir auf jeden Fall einen Exper. Ten Zunächst zu diesem Thema akquirieren, um hier mit uns dazu zu sprechen. Und wir hatten 2 weitere Themen, die sehr hoch gerankt wurden. Das war einmal sozusagen der Ausblick in die Zukunft der HR Arbeit und die Frage nach Gelingendem Change und Gelingender Change Kommunikation. Martina und da haben wir uns entschieden für die nächste Session das Thema Change und Change Kommunikation mit hochzuziehen. Da werden wir am Schluss aber noch mal drauf eingehen, wann und wie wir das machen, ne. Genau, also lieben Dank erstmal für die einleitenden Worte Cliff und richtig, also uns war wichtig, das ist ja auch die Intention, da vielleicht noch mal ganz kurz von meiner Seite 23 Worte zu für das ADP Export expertenforum Was wollen wir hiermit erreichen, das ist ja eine Plattform die wir anbieten möchten wo? Die als HR Experten untereinander austauschen können und dementsprechend ist uns wichtig, was beschäftigt sie und das an ihre Bedarfe anzupassen, wie Clip es gerade auch schon gesagt hat und deswegen würde ich vielleicht vorschlagen, dass wir gar nicht zu viel Intro machen. Ich glaube, dass die wichtigsten Themen haben wir schon und deswegen würde ich sagen, einmal ins Thema rein Ki und vielleicht sagst du dann noch mal ein paar Worte dazu. Cliff, Warum ist das Thema KI gerade bei der HR Transformation so wichtig? Bevor wir dann natürlich an Roberto abgeben, der uns dann auf Englisch weiterführen wird. Genau. Roberto ist unser eigentlicher Experte und ich glaube, deswegen mache ich es auch nur ganz kurz. Aber wir haben eigentlich seit 2025 Jahren haben wir ja die Diskussion in HR, wie wollen wir eigentlich das Standing von HR von der Personalabteilung oder der People and Culture Abteilung, wie man sie auch immer nennen will, wie können wir dieses Standing verbessern, verbessern, wir haben da lange. Business Partner Diskussion geführt und haben gedacht, das würde uns endlich sozusagen aus der Rolle des Kellners zu der des Koch des Kochs befähigen. Hat nicht so ganz geklappt, dann kann das Thema Digitalisierung, wir sind dabei, ich glaube, da sind wir auf einem guten Wege und jetzt gerade ist natürlich KI die große Hoffnung, viele der lästigen, der repetitiven Aufgaben womöglich abgeben zu können an eine Technologie, die uns da schneller assistieren kann, damit wir wirklich einerseits die strategischen und zweitens die kreativen Entscheidungen treffen können, aber. Without fördere du i think I'm talking to much or ready i think we should really switch into english here because our expert is here right @right you already search mit roberto silvera rouberta roberto is here with. Hieß in New Jersey hieß with ADPHS bin there for couple of years and he's really and expert for all topics around the big. Topic webberry discussing for one for one in a half years. It's generated II large language models roberto has been working with peace for years now so he's senior lead data scientist with a dp in in the us and roberto has brothers with him some office key findings on how hr and ai a goin to maybe maybe. Come together here and there and roberto. It's in honor forest to heavy here. It's think it's pretty early in the morning still. My mike you wake really early, so it's it so ok familie thank you think things things for happy me guys. I mean that's that's what they say in German day. They say the kids give you back so much you know that that's also that they keep you awake in the mornings and in the nights as well as far is i'm concert anyways now i would say. If you don't have any for the questions or any thing that would stop you from talking now, i would say the floor is yours martina, i think you are green. Yes, absolutely so it's great to have you today here volatore to gips on insights. From AGP site so happy trial, happy here and it's your stage. OKOK Gonna Roberts. Thank you thanks. Thanks thanks. Thank you for my my. I did learn german like a five years ago, but i haven you so my all my german and the little really and so i am here today to present is to give you guys is presentation. And tide of human page, a inside how can we use navigate a in die charispace? Break for five minutes about myself. I'm a senior the science as sleep set i been working for cup of companies and I'm i been with adp in the innovation labs, twenty seventeen and the idea when i joined i be i focus 100% und natural language processing and as you guys say the last two year as has been just a revolutions to where surfy this way in twenty do the best intens of how can you? Technology for AKI just to start direct this this code fokus on the task, nothing the two I'm an ingenieur so we have the as engineer so have this bias of I'm happy Happy School Technology I hammery down in all the tasks and i when need to go down this vision and really fokus and what the business on notice Focus and what that the task that you have in hand in. Dien oder this to make the life of the business owner of the hrpetitioner easy and is my @least our is a lot of the culture of hour labs to really every time you train to come before you feature really ask yourself i mind do in the feature on the right away or to make the life of the diona simple dies ist keine. Es kann of anchor in der in der GPT Vision make it smart makey dizzy makes and making human because it in the and that a day where are all human, we have a say to have a keys that. Wake early you where have a who have the team that have difference expectations so. The idea or the technology here ich tu keine automate or help on the task that you are about walter mait and in let the human focus on the part @heaken he or she can i can focused. And about i think about division and how how jener TVI can can help. With this technologies that i think everyday is we are have in a little beat of more rezoning and i little beat of more automation. Die idea ist that in the future in the köpf of i think in accape of here from now variable to do this world life a system that is listen to you listen to your companies information events, inner private way organizer about privacy and @x later. And Push you Insights. Push your opportunities and that make your your work easier like make your life easier. We mein gonna talk i don't want to talk about the produced is have for your when it talk about technology, but the idea is ok i einmal small business owner, I'm monor over i don't where through company i don't have time to spin all love timing front over a bea big screen rival of men us i need to pay my employee i need to high a new do do, do do, do, do with taxis and as i think as muchers die DII helps three this thought des. The little Truck driver or the business on a can really focus on the on the main task. In der interessanter Little dies Movie Instal Lero bitold is her and we can of get summ inspirations in the Movie. Recommend. The domain charactery getting love you DI because they i is so, so turching, so help food that hindi and higgy gets in love with the year, but here we want to can of beauty story about hr love hr story so you wanna die Business owner to really get in love with this app because he app its help in so much, it's providing insights is talking about his employees about pay equity about career and. Bei dir ist das OK. Music App and the Audio oder Stuff am Fokus und Own my life of course. Gay and we have this big visions and now train to go back to reality. How can you we structure an market actor that supports this vision right so. As you can say, we have a environment is where we as humans indirekt, and this can change a lot, so inarchies a feel most of the cases with being using computers or chat or even voice. Bei quick and more, this is the environment so this is where are need direct in the and discon change overtime right, so voice is a big thing mini for the new. Generation NDIY hier ist der Wii Use Livestream Model User General, Kind of Mimic Computer Architecture in the sense that before you can imagine that before you have ACPU now you can think of a cpu also as a that basic is getting all your with crimes all your chat or your events from your environment and then asigning task to agents and today that's the big explosure of. In der One Agent basically is some else is a biss of software that have to snows how to connect to databases and perform actions and the idea here is that work a. Maybe you have one may name assistant that talk to you that knows you and in the deliver to order agent order desks one important. Thing of course and this interviews that we have rules we have a texhrough so have a nookes a berous and those needs to be very fire firebown to sneak to be we need really need me. Make sure what we are doing so we can have some in like verify what's your rulver fire also i think as as also technology if you have a technology that can i forgets every time i type something know that you. That that's not good because we are brief sam be need you know you so to know you need to have a memory and this memory is about the best interaction you have a app is about the best event. It's when you start too company, you hire someone you this ai technology remembers disseller we memores the event and ever even maybe connect to order. Order databases to provide owner insights also have in a memory is the read important on it is technologies and making sure the all i lame connect to the memory inaz markway i think it's keep also. Wann out of peace that is with important is we call facts or basically you can have your employee is database with old information about all the emploies in you can maybe as questions maybe some simple questions like a who is who is wheref that is this week so as is a bissl zoner baby that's important information heißt so you can as the question you going to the database or who is the who is the highlights ourner in my company. When you was the last time i provider cleave with a bonus and so we can have a reactive. While while it's been a while my friend, ja. Das passt in die hier ne. Enden desinformation in comes from SQL Database today? I think when you start tasten this things text to sequel was something very breaded. Company sagt. Where you type and natural language and then you convert that to a sequel database in the evil with to gett information. So bringing factor die formation is key and awesome right because we are in HR space. You have your company policies you have tutorial policies, maybe I'm in New Jersey for new Jersey highing. Law ist halt die la Wear or New York and the just cross the Hood son maybe the rosa defense so the agent is to be a where of this and replay in the corners that that you have company paul process is your have a your app it sell for processes for simple, whats the free trial, pued and all do's polices denise to be n coated in and language that DL. M or your gunny Eye kitature is we good to get information and reply or to be projective to the use. Rights of this is more less division and now if we maybe we re wine the real back to the to the the past in how we get to dispoint where this owl started i os lenker two minutes history of review. Not s not s not a new feeling so we are have in this since ninety fitties with the percepton and then MIT release it. Die Eliza Chatboard Witch is can of a for that that time in sixty six was canificate as something impressive. Denn in AD six some with solches Symbol in Jeff Hinton, Kim Opa ist der Black Propagation arbeiten this back propagation allaus neronax to to learn the penisces on data, but odoo sphinx i think. Beginne auf The Night Hees Dosah Usen in toy can of the applications very specific very nero actually doors i put AI winter here, but a lot of way i winters with there and things to move back in 12 when the big data set big data, i think wanna the moss in portum wants was image nett. The cam the came in den people that notice world. Maybe if you give more data, those always news can review buttons better and some reading portant break fruits like comnet came and i think here was can of the perfect perfect storm, the because also in the simpleed companies like nvidia well day they camera play this gp us. Video boards that high and some kids use to play games, but than because those. Indianer der DOS Boards, die du parallel processing and people discovered dosa really good to do meth as well so here i think the who the who you really start to tun. And some companies open like openyind twenty fifteen and twenty seventeen google releases this very very important paper code on the transformer. And that's when i quitecture that we witched talk a lot of lader that kind of revolutionizing someway and because before or the the neuron nest or very desk specific in in not very skillable and transformer was. Der I am can use the way thing aquitator and i can't skilled this to many different applications in twenty twenty nineteen open eye releases GPT two can of the baby baby steps and then of course as of we know in train infinity release the chip and here start the revolution also and this is where we are now i like to i like to. I like to put it's year revolution in three steps for three waves as i menschen before this transformers was the first one because with the thingure about to do long term the penices and that's very important because that say you have a beak hr corpus or bigger allah before we are only yable to remember close relationships, and now we the transformer you are about to learn long term the penices and because of this now where are good to train. Dat assets in that's the really key, weil so that that the main step the second step was the GPT two and GP tween because before. Adwords you give a task force sample. I have a classification task for simple. I want to learning from the user i two way i need to train a classifier for that, but that now or natural was only use it for that that specific task and with them what people come multi task learners GPT 3 now we are to promptor to give a task and the moder it's your of learn understand what desk you have so now with the say model i can do multiple desk. Genauso agieren diese Jubiläqui bei TPD. Three was not have inquis @least of the first reversions where not really use full and i think that third act that i like to put here is the value alignment in here, basically what the chip was. The Revolution because the raable to aline the human feedback into the model i dooring please it or is pleasited so that now you i do zum values or i want this mother to be help for for this desk and the model alliance to that to that a particular value and now those modus be king very use for that. That's we are very see with managipet we point 5 and now with audio orday ones there is a really a lot of research on value alignment. More about @x and value, but ja, here is i think wanna that that the main this kay arite and i think whatsapp happening now and i think as you guys see with apple before im used to have a lot of apps. If you open your mobile Phone ist die App practitioner Opas davon und have point of apps and i think is loli your thing this move to now i have lero agents and those agents there doing automation tasks and then coming your information and medio have a centralize agent that discord. Der nation, it's something that move it from as something that is predivine, but den putin deal alarm in im domain in feedback look between the user and ender and technology right, so now as i mission before deltalem right now there omus acting like a cpu in your computer in der Basis clean list into defin agents and talking with the user why i think i don't know i don't. Sinkende Feature gonna have apps that. And nothing companies like apple and an google there movies and adderation wear estead of opening of apps u talk the App, in dem die die Agentur. Gerti Formation and make your life is and know how how can we in awesome just when other thing before i think i like to I'm electro menschen this book a really recommend it's from an euro scientist and and securities. Daniel canneman here it tox about the human brain and the human brain based. Please decided between you have to system the system one ist the quick emotional instinctive a very reactive and automatic. Dies ist. Brain and we we do like very quick desks, but we also of as we know have the Europe cortex it swear komplex decision this planning in our have a more processing with is the sisting to if you we today, i think today most of the alams there mossley if you do the same analogy on the system one because you us up prompt and they speak they we are to the prompt. Not doing all out of reasony indian with that they does mod of the adjust predicting the next token, but as we move along think we move more towers the sisting to where you give a task. Saya, i want to inproved my inlays selleries but i know have budget how how can i do that that and then the model is do in complex reasoning and long term planning. In der ein. In the future you can you have this to what views when is symbolic where you have the LLM and then you have a symbolical with noir that is do really do in the reasoning in den DLAM ist talking with the with the with und der Life handside an nefo, was Gabriel bei text this this year in compares with with lest ihr damit this is really like a very komplex question because you need to go back and factive text information from the last year you need to. Lockende policies to see it the policies change in it to do where is some conperison and then you need to common solo is really like this a love of things in world and if but so this is you have a symbolic view and. Companies I'm moving to what is going only where you have a deal, but the alemus generating foots it's generating ideas and is planning over des ideas and FI like to given neck when example here. Amorder that was release Cup of weak so go as coder and GP. CO One ist dies Model ist Basely ist. Ist trainee to to give phots and think about it a reason before answer, so the task here. It's very is just show i have a task that i provide some cypher and i as the modo using this is ample to the code cypher on the last size, the standard gpt the gbt for all which is the later's modern the on the writer side is the o one is then you want. You can't you are good to see the model with the Let's Play system one where just process the information and providerancers you can see in indien of the day e fail the task and on the writer in the bisher the model as you can see is generating ideas is generating. Paths is generating exploring the solutions space and base. Self correcting and train to commercials solutions so, so disc show that maybe in the future. If you go back to the questioned ain't so how can i know if my texas arbeit, those modder sowie but to OKI need to get information from difference, systems and and camera piver solution night and so dosa very por food technologies and you can see here generate the answer was about to crack the code those not perfect defensey there. If you tester lilo beat you see that OK it's walking but is you to deutsch, but that just give us and direction nice, so but now. Genau OK, da soll nice technologies but i think to close this presentation how can we hando with this way, power for technology oder important thing news like privacy atix and how can we ok put back the human in the look and basic protect the human because we don't want to expose here humans. To technology that is in early stages right. So und private See so a just a give on example things that can be done. For example, the honor can as quent colours that to work first, you don't need to provite carlos the name carlos to the modo maybe one findet we are doing and tess in medien i come where p with some token that stuw have some is a name, but it is random and if you get those prompts you're not disclosing any. Formation about Carlos virtual some token provider information to the model, the model reply and den when you present information to the user you speak replace back the token and hear and yeah and the this is a very simple idea, but i think to think about those i did is when interact on it those modus because we do want to expose information wide information. Smf und the other think view this athics and value alignments and this is goes to almost like philosophy, but bastly you have a model or twenty it that modo that is not allein in oneside and you have a human values that are i that in please it or is please own new year other side and then me busy you you have always this and that are you to fein tune the training mother and then come on prüfer mode that isline facing and. This model has inkoded in somewhere is the human value also. And human values, what are those values? And dieser dove passion we ten to frame into the three age help fu if you wast aquation the modo nest to be healthful this to help you for the simple when you was the last time a profil cliff over sellering quiz to help you with that question, but in need to be harmless weil. Maybe i know us how can i make a something froodlands that model can not incorded so we can be help for a point optal value witches can not cause harmers and need to be honest because if the model this and not the answer them orden ist ok, i don't know that better better to say i don't know den coming out something that is. Not is not. True and those values now we can we can go into the dirty area. How can we find thousand values als dosa i the natur or no natur thing that are is scuderbed? Empfing that can be promotet or some some cry, tear or choice that we not just instrumental white and if you see companies there, this is really and not well defined. It's somewhen that we as society i as you figure out so for justin put just a give and openy id coming your with something come modus back and here we have a some some hkey. Maybe the platforming cold value and those are the mosting parting ones interms of hr Camping dosa die hr values and the dos values der more important anifine aus then you have a developer people like me there, i coming your solutions, but a here i can't Tweak the mother all ihre Beat when the prompt then you have the user good that to use your app in the two finally that the soldiers the provenic some examples what value alimines so as a as a different, you can say you al. Assistent ihr kennt Output Book, Complete Book and the user of just go and say proviny that the food text because there's a higher value we i in the on the platforming you can not in fringe copyright so that value is important and. Und mein user user using you can not bastely output data und on that on that on that can't for request another one if the user ask tipp for shop lifting for asnample of course, this is a high value canut out put that and finally think interms of hr. If some mordo trike to get information onboard as essen about emao home address from numbers free is like that and. Credite car maybe the model who have those values, but in easts to be about to have a value that is encoded that that the user oder developer can not can not a worker. This is the thing i think companies i've twenty figure out how wing code value some companies like antopic they have something could constitutional ai, but it basely state in natural language water the values and when that training the mother, the model look the those values and. An allein in in finetune but nothing there some modern, very interesting discussion, for example, how can we as as society or as a como with values that we used it for the modus in. Working we do that in i more demokratic way so i just. Shoing in some some discussions that a happening for sample, some people that communal we for did come moreograph and sope this moralograph in code values and also the presidents, which we value is more important than the other when taking a decision and you can think of hr values. We think about your company values than maybe you have your team values you have your higher. Values like society values and dosor or have presidency when you are using technology hope fully in the future in cup of feature from now. Dies kann auf ATX in Value alimari Evan more mature so that when you were navigator on the hurt space, these would be besside been help from which is a think is the first part of the talk we have so in code this more human. Value that ja help the hppetition and that's the domain thing but also it's. Ist harmlos. OK, anna think sorry i think that was lerabit just a little this is the app that we are walking the raw by ADP. Dies ist our platform that we used to basic apply those ideas is not perfect. Right now we are wright into that time wear before it was step by step by step and now bösli we are putin the alm in the center here we re provite diona with some inside die App ist base adon events who we are basic listing that the owners doing and you try to make the life easier. And you can do there you can as questions for like career growth. If you wanna job description. And yeah and general questions who that and we are moving to this okay die App we re talue bit international. Let's good that way to we want to do the next tape now when put yeah on the center and the auto challenge determination default year something that you face in unity to think about how can you we keep privacy? But you be very hope for the simplify the life of the dione. That's was my presentation, a hope you guys got a got a girl in spirit of inspired on that. Im Namen Herey for hervinyiquestion. Exactly thank you very muchrow tattoo of firstly that was very insideful and deep thanks for that and so if if i understand you right, denn the app the roll app that you just choud it is. Is it still in the slow Brain or is it already in the fast brain? We are we we are in this lawray it's. To line that in the slowway ja, also where the waiting go. Ja, we are thing this and we we do want to jump to the beast. I see those feser very powerful, but the week to be very sure on how how wear it using that information and test so you want to do distransition smooth so this is the challenge. I think when now how can we? Navigation in today space with this very parfüm, this a technology but concedering privacy conscioding that the year it is have for infinite. OK. Ich mach es kurz noch mal auf Deutsch. Wer Fragen hat, möge sie gerne im Chat stellen, wir sind da sehr dankbar, but for now, I'm going back to you as you nasdaer questions from the audience, i will take them into the account until than i will askmale und questions which is good for me because i have some here this @the beginning of your presentation you said that we need technology that remembers stuff right we need memory that's important the then also you talk about values you talk about @their talk about help full harmist. Haben das in Honest Technology Rate and then if technology remembers stuff, especially in the HRS 4 than i would think yes that's helpful when it comes to developing people when it comes to leadership and these maybe soft is just that we talking about in den organisations, but denn when it comes to i some heart issues and personal issues, then it's sometimes a bit tricky right to remember too much. For technology, which then sod of talk about it to people where maybe not elisable to hero to here. The Details so how you how do you how do you desifer are what is right and what is wrong and where to i don't know go with the memory and where where where not to go there. Ja, finde this a very very good question that. Auf course you in need to know employee, but up to the limit that i ming you are you have thempley data on the company right, but hear not only deep into okay II know clifty to much that i know. Anohis keeze and things like private life, i think there's i think does the bounry where where where is my professional data eas and a where you are searching the database that's why i think. We have just show in that can of where you have the company values. We have that the morro values and that's we need to draw some line in what information and and os life in that's also one where thing findet maybe. In the future, the employees of blaser rollwear don't want your information to be this those in you need to have that toption rise or as an employee as a person that is not the oner but die. Initiative Botho GAII want to disclosure this type of repremation and I'm clear what information on disclosing and wat information not so Navy there so so this. Deswegen. Information it's on the HR databases already, but the information it don't want to disclose. There's these also decision that's Putin hand in the hands of the personal for hood das war. When when? Talking about values stick to that for a bit because you etortabut is more. I less a philosophical question an, ja, i guess it is because i mean. Dare that a number of prominence speakers who would say and even developers of ai whould say wow, we need to stop this, we really need to cut it down for a point because we don't know where this is leading now to you purslally as somebody works with these technologies everyday how do you look it this how how are dangerous is it to to let the ai run free if you will? Ja. I where is with really amina is in engineer i like to see to see the fames movie. In der. Red dead is a train that is im pass smoot to stop, but i are we for someone the research research that. Technology in the hands of depot that there just come out in use with without thinking without i think my point is a good difficult to stop to have AOK Let's. Everybody sogenannte stop because there so the country competition there is nothing. This is something net, it's like a something like like internet white when internet started. Mit dem Know what you happen but i think we need to put more ifoed on value limonetics in the sense that stoping why ready heart but spending efoures on controlling it think is the right way init of die mindful when the ploint technology so put more people working on value, put more people or working on evaluation, also i haven to evaluation as well. Indessense that i come, i deployed a new age system, but before before really teasing putin on production into really test associally and check and soviet think have in more controls. Have it more research on value, it's to mine. Here here in Germany we are we are big fan of regulation of processes and this also. Transsence into the. Ist riskant. Lee we had this hughes heep of paper that we call the EUAI Act ITA no weather you red that in full length ITA no if anybody read it in full length, but a mirko wrightly assess that that firstly this this paper, this big keep of papers ist superstars to save the. Employee years employee yes from from leakages from from getting there data grab so mircus question goso long this way do you think that we should really have a governments and maybe bodies like the eu regulatey things or do you think this brother stops innovation? Ospring and this is a personal opinion. I think we should have should have for regulation we should we should we should have. Thinking General und this is just my personal pino. And this is not really to a be, but companies they would do what you do to inprofed by this is just a business right and government start there to be clee okay Let's Let's think more about you not a direction sinother ocan we save your manity how can you make sure things are fair? And ja, I think Regulation it is in important thing and. But ja of but sin need to have a but on not think time i think education on the series readimportant because auto regulators did need to be we well in form d any two to touch digitaler you need to get use to technology need to understand what technology can do when canards how i think also if you if you gone regulation side, not only reglet but okay let's get this body of government of course you want have a coders. But @least people that Let's Let's see it see to gethere that is technology. Let's have a people Talking, Let's educated der Regulator in ja I think going port in defying. Problem ist ist der Question of Speed i am not the drug but thing that time has you know the? Question of Speed because i talk to two EU parlamentarians in summer and june and the UAI act that thing with released in may and they told me in the interview that they have to they were always rushhhhhhhh after the technology. This is why that thing got so big because to technology rush the way from legislation you know with own is faster when they start they were so to checking it off there with the next jump. The next deep in technology coming of the and that i think is a bit of a problem in that respect. Ja, totally that line and myself is a developer is engineer. I sleep with this or the how day i read the papers and narcicus the hohe Week and is you i'm not about to ketchup? So, ja jetzt. Yo yo toucher really keypoint how can if myself that i speak sleep point it sometimes is have for me to kebab now i think we need to have this process on on regulationside, but but ja. You see like a companies like open AI, releasing or andre big, releasing new modus and more capable. Butts @the thing time, sometimes there a lot of new sind depots or about but diffus it the really break frees they help thing they happen in a more slow base than modus bean release like for something i think this later's modern animation that is kein liebt but yeah, but yeah i speed is key to we need to have people there we need to if you want to regulate this thing when need to have people four tim. E.ON this food times no were out. Usually I'm very very close to time keeping so actually a time is actually running out now, but seeing that we haven intercontinental guest here today, i along myself a last question here because to day a red on linkedin, there with some guy who that all of the stuff that that i persnally do in the office. Day today in the year 20 thirty all of these tasks will be done by AI. Ja, that's there with his high post is this probably just somebody want it to have some clicks and likes and that but anyways that was the pesis. And I'm would like to wrong with you into the future to the year, twenty thirty and what you think how would the day of anh professional than. Look ja, like what House this how can the things that you talk about how can the app that you talk about how can all of these things? Wenn ja, make the the day of AHR professional better over is or anything. Ja, defin. Itiv die Energien dieses Mike Personal opinion. Unmoralic optimistic Person and I'm talk onboard like a partitioners but any of thing genie technology relited job in the future i think you gonna work less why i think are you get to a point because if you if you go back to the like in Deutschland revolution people work like twelve breathers a day. I think journeys and we we go to eight doors a day and maybe i don't know this solution in the future again in the day we need humans we need hurpitioners we need people that we need to face to face when need to have this discussion as a humans, but maybe in the future in stead of work in eight hours gotham of governance nur have to steping because this is not the easis versus Schönheit so. I believe you baby the kind of things ab normal people not only ich hab partitional the time of inside do in eight hours over to do in two your hours for house and the wrestler the time i go how to with my kid. That's it darry that. Fink that's the we need to face that that that was like this sind Industrial Revolution i thinking thirty in twenty years we look back and see and again this is my personal of peace. Spending office. This is no sense. Why? Ja, that's that some people as them sells day today and theyle. I'm not that I'm IA like my trump i like my job but i like going outs i like to stay with my god i like a reading books so i feel. AI will come to make a life is your so that you do stuff for your as well. That's a good to end is so by yes martina i get we learn to love we had a new perspectives on the on the AI topic. I guess some of a deep deep dive here, so thank you very much roberto for your time and for your expertise here. I be, i have me. Yeah, i was great having you thanks for take in the time in the earling early morning hier on the east coast and martina we are going to ever look @whats next in this series. Also das können wir auch kurz auf Deutsch wieder machen, denn unsere. Say thank you very much much robert was a berry inspiring. Session that we had hope audience and if you might have some questions after words because we were learning out of time a bit just later snow, please go to cliff or to me to race a questions and then we can we can a under and picture and pictame. So but i really like your vision for twenty thirty. It was really way to here the outlook working only three days and come to are used work loads uj so really like that. Ein maybe Now switching back to german cliff to give an Outlook. And Steffi you can go to. Yes, danke dir so einmal einmal zurück ins Deutsche. Genau, wir haben ja in der letzten Session abgefragt, was sind ihre Bedarfe und eingangs hatte Cliff das ganze ja schon gesagt. Change und Change Kommunikation Roberto hat es eben auch noch mal gesagt. Wichtig ist das ganze Thema die Menschen mitzunehmen generell, und das ist ja auch ein weit gefächertes Thema, das heißt, wir bereiten jetzt für 26.11. Wieder alles vor und würden uns natürlich freuen, wenn wir alle wieder teilnehmen und wir vielleicht auch noch in einer größeren Runde da sind. 26 November 11:00 Uhr ist dann tatsächlich. Das nächste Webinar vorgesehen die 3. Folge unserer Webinarserie. Genau, und ihr könnt euch gerne mit uns verbinden. Ihr könnt euch gerne auch mit Roberto verknüpfen, am einfachsten über linkedin, aber auch auf diesen Kanälen hier sprecht uns gerne an, wenn ihr Themen habt, die ihr Reingeben möchtet, die vielleicht auch fürs nächste Jahr Relevanz haben und wir würden euch dann auch in den nächsten Folge auch einen Einblick geben, wie wir dann für 2025 mit diesen Themen. Weiter Verfahren. So, jetzt sind wir aber tatsächlich 6 Minuten über der Zeit. Wer mich kennt, der weiß eigentlich, dass es nicht mein Style ist. Aber Display. Es gibt or Time Management a bit for a guest from approad from over sea, so thanks once more thanks a lot roberto for your time. Thanks everybody for your time and for your tendence here it was anonner to have you all and martina the last words are on you ich. Kann nur sagen, vielen Dank für die Teilnahme und wir freuen uns schon auf die nächste Folge und wünsche allen noch einen schönen Tag zusammen. Vielen Dank in die Runde. Danke. Bis dahin. Tschüss zusammen. Bis zusammen. So, wir sind jetzt wieder in kleiner Runde. Roberto, hier ist der Widders IC. I don't know with till hears me. Steffi, Ich mach schon mal die Aufzeichnung aus. Jetzt mach das gerne. Abzeichnung beenden. _1743372931392