Hello everyone, I am hope and will be helping moderate today's webinar. I would like to welcome everyone to Doseyserve software in action and exploration of advanced dose management and real world application webinar. Before we get started today, I'd like to go over some housekeeping. At the top left of your screen is our Q&A chat box. Please ask questions throughout the presentation and we will reach out to you with an answer. Below that is our resource list with more documentation on what we will discuss today. If you don't want to miss any future webinars, sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of your screen. If you are having trouble viewing this presentation at any time, please refresh your browser. This webinar will be recorded and available at miriam.com/webinars for you to view again or share with any colleagues that missed it. This link is in our resource section and you can view all past webinars here. Today's webinar will be presented by Olivier Blows, Product Line Manager of Electronic to Symmetry and Telemetry Line, Laurent Marco, Application Support Engineer for Mirion's Active to Symmetry product line and Joanne De Turk, Product Line Manager overseeing a team of software engineers. I will now turn the presentation over to Laurent. Let's go through the agenda for this two days will be now so that we'll provide you up fully more insights of the Doziser ecosystem. So we'll first start an introduction on the MI Yan dosimetry solution that will be followed up by the Doziser ecosystem overview. We will focus on components and architecture mainly. And then we will switch to the walk up perspective using the Dozimet, the Doziser ecosystem. So we will focus on the RCA entry and RCA exit. Then we will have a look at the health physics perspective with all the radio protection activity on the DDCR system to work up protections and access those tracking qualifications, RWP task body monitor integration. After that, we will jump into the IT perspective in order to focus on the DDCR integration with third party systems. So this integration can be standard ones or customized one. We will have a look at the cyber security compliance around our system and then we will discuss about the support that can be provided on the Dosimetry Neon ecosystem. We will briefly cover the legal approval that we obtained in the UK. And to conclude, we will focus on the next steps that will be provided in our future systems. So it will be focused on the US market features with the road map in the two phases deployment. And then we will have an overview about the dosimetry vision for 20-30 that will provide you what will come next in our dosimetry solution. So I will end it over now to Olivier to cover the Miani Phonic dosimetry solution. So, as you can know, Million Technology is a dosimetry solution provider for more than 45 years. So we design dosimeter for everyone and for all-purpose. We can claim nowadays more than 1,000,000 DMC electronic dosimeter in service. Of course, the our last product the DMC Thousand was designed for for everyone and for all specific order requirement, especially the strongest 1 performed in the nuclear world, nuclear industry. All the Dodameter are used in more than 70% of the reactor worldwide. And we equip also the different NATO army with another variant, the SAW Dodameter. The neuronosimeter are as many characteristic. Some of them are of course long service life, low failure rate. As you can know with the DMC2000 or DMC2000, we are also proposing a fully complete ecosystem to announce the user experience of our customer. And finally and of course our dosimeter are qualifying with the IOC standard and other standard as the NC or military ones. Next slide. So as I mentioned previously, the dosimeter was designed to be part of an ecosystem. So we can propose a different additional product link with the dosimeter. It could be a calibrator with our ERD calibration solution. We propose turnstile, we propose integrated reader into the turnstile. We can propose reader itself, We can integrate our reader in the door in the different product. And the last development we performed was integration of our reader into the world Body monitor with the Argos products. We can even propose of course, the software solution from different point of view with those management software which is the topic of today, different access control with LDM access, different telemetry software with our audio solution and of course a company or software to configurate the DMS. And so let's have a look on the DOSE management solution and what is those management software. So the purpose of the DOSE itself, which is those management software to manage the doseometry of exposed people. So DOSE itself was designed to be compliant with the different market as nuclear energy and MPP and lab of course to be also accessible for the other one that's industrial gas mining, the civilian, the hospital and the military. So how it looks like does it say is based on the database server, then we have the application and finally from the final user we can have an interface on the workstation. Difference particularity about the DOSE management software is those you serve is a scalable. So it means we are able to unwell the different demand, the different need in order to to give you the full potential of the system. So as a different feature, it's really complex to enumerate all the feature that our software can can food in. But mainly I would say that those itself manage the different worker will manage a different entrance and exceed for the SCA management and of course to manage the DNC configuration. In addition, we will go deeper with the management of the radiological working permit, the different task, the different authorization and alarm management that you will have to under to supervise your different worker. We will then be able to summarize all this information in order to perform some statistic as the end to help on the collective dose management to work all those management to. We will also implement the credit dose for the different action and we will be able also to perform the what we call RWP dose report in order to to be efficient and to support the LR process. And finally, the our doses of solution will perform a numerous report, automatic report and will will give you like a deep inside of your collective dose, your dose exposure in order to to perform the perfect radiation protection system and to support your physics department. Of course, those who say are scalable and customizable regarding the different demand. So 1 particularity about the scalability that for the different segment you can install the cell for simple reactor. So it could be as physics unit that we'll have to implement the cell. But in the other hand, in case of duplication or to to additional custom, it's possible to perform that for the the next evolution of your nuclear power plant. Which means that we can also envision to have even a global approach, especially from customer point of view, where we will centralized all the information and be able to duplicate simply in different location, the same as physics system. This approach is really useful for the SML fleet for instance, or for the the big customer who manage different NPP sites. In the same idea, it's possible to go one level per we at the state or agency, organizational agency level where we would be able to to manage directly a country or a really huge amount of data in order to to manage the the dosimetry exposure of population of our worker to emphasis the million. Those management software are really user friendly. They are up to date regarding the user experience. It led to have a Global Management approach. It's a scalable and upgradable software, of course evolutive and innovative. We have cybersecurity which is up to date and we have the capacity to provide customizable and automatic report in order to support the efficiency of your team. And finally, it's allow a great flexibility regarding the demand and the need of daily point of view. Thank you. Yes. So let's have a look now a deeper look in the dose of ecosystem. So when we talk about Does He Serve, we are mainly talking about state-of-the-art does management system. So by state-of-the-art means it is really based on the best practice in software development, cyber security and of course does management. So the current version of Does He Serve is today. The Does He Serve 2023 release has been released recently and it operates with various DB engine, various Windows operating system, Oracle Secure Server, which is an important topic to to be aware of. And of course we have regular update to make sure we are compliant with the latest operating system and database engine. Like Olivier explain, it is a very fully scalable system that can very be compliant with the small industry expectation but also with the large nuclear power plant needs with the capability to cover from 1:00 to hundreds of readers. And last but not the least all the software interface that are used by RP person. Also, workers can be localized and our system supports a multi languages mechanism. So basically when we talk about the ecosystem, we're talking about 3 main items, dozimeters, reader and management software. So if you look at the dozimeter items, so we basically cover the latest generations for the DMC dozimeter. So starting from the DMC 2000 until the latest, the DMC3000 extended modules like the telemetry version for Neutron of the telemetry version and the Bluetooth capability of the DM 2000. The third items, it is the what we call the fronted item, which is the million readers. So this readers are basically used by the workers in order to activate the dozimeter and deactivate dozimeter. So we do provide some big team readers like the DMC, sorry, like the LDM 3200 and LDM 1000. But like this, the M1 is a compact 1 and the M 3200 largest one with more peripherals. But it's also possible as our system is based on the software to deploy the software on the DIY equipment. And on the top of this ecosystem, we find the to the surf system, the dose management system that will be in charge of consolidating all this data that comes from the dosimeter and to perform the access control and the radio protection for all the the the worker that are monitored. So let's have a quick look at the main concept on Dosi Surf system. Basically, we find all the entity I was mentioning. So the workers here with the electronic dozimeter, the readers that can be provided in different combinations. So this one is a reader coupled with the tunstile. This one is a reader integrated in the body monitor. And this one also is a tunstile with a reader, but that can do both entry and exit areas. On the top of that we have the DOS server, the dosimetry server with each this database and the workstation that are used by RP technician or RP supervisor. So the system is made of some two main activity at the worker level. The first one is the entry. This one is about verifying the dozen matter to make sure that all the status are OK. For instance, you don't want the dozen matter to go inside the RCA if the dozen matter is dispelling low battery alarm you. We verify the various information about the workers identity qualification like medical exam and training. For instance, if you select A job code, we can call this task code or RWP code to to that will describe the type of work you are going to do inside the the RCA. We make sure that these selected codes are compliant with your authorization. Then we program the alarms with the the appropriate set points to make sure the worker limits will not be over past inside the controller. And then finally we switch on the dozen meter and the worker can go in to perform his job. When the job is complete, then comes the the exit. The exit is quite basic. We just read the dosimeter, store the doors that has been read from the dosimeter. Then we store also the dosimeter condition because some alarms might have occurred during the visit inside the control area. And at the very end, we switch off the dosimeter. Now let's have a bigger and closer look at the worker point of view. So basically we are going to look at what the system looks like from the worker perspective. So like we already discussed, the worker front end application is the LDM access application. This LDMS, sorry this LDM access application can be run on our LDM 3200 equipment, but like we explained can be run also only on the LDM 1000 equipment, the smallest 1, the compact 1 and also some built in equipment. If we have a quick look at the peripherals that are built in delivered with this equipment, we do see here of course the dozimeter reader that would be able to switch on and switch off the dozimeter. A barcode reader also is available. This backyard reader can be used to read the badge ID for the worker, but also task code that can be used for the the needs of the worker activity. The keyboard, right keyboard is available in order to type the job code or eventually to, to type the the worker batch number. And there's also like some capability to integrate some RFID badge reader that could be used to, to, to read the badge from the, the the workers. So let's have a quick look now at the airsail entry process. So it is the process when the dozimeter will be switched on. So this is what the the worker will see. As you can see several languages are available. So all these languages are customizable. So you can display one only or 10 different languages and it's up to the worker to select which one to be used for the the RCI entry. And the RCI entry is made-up. This one is a basic sequence, but all the sequence, all the information, all the inputs that are required from the worker, all this is configurable at the dose server level. So that means all reader behavior will be driven from the central system. You don't have to go on every reader to change the configuration. You do the configuration at the dose server level and then this configuration is pushed to the reader. We need to work and change the configuration locally. So this RCA entry will be done by very simple actions. The first one dosimeter insertion, then worker identification by Gen. 2 to eventually batch scanning and then the job code or RWP selection. So once the dosimeter is inserted inside the reader, the message will be displayed to the worker in order to access to sorry to type its access code. So this can be typed by the, by the keyboard, by the barcode reader. Various possibilities and combined possibilities are possible. The badge is read and once the badge is read, then the next step can occur. On this entry sequence, we will display the job code or the RWP code that are authorized for this person and this area. So the the list here will be populated from the central system according who is going to enter the control area. And once again, it will be up to the workout to select which job code is going to be used for the the the the visit. And it can be typed using the keyboard type, using scan, using a barcode reader. But all these combinations are possible. Once all the inputs have been performed by the workers, then it would be up to DOS itself to perform the access control to make sure that everything is compliant before entering the control area. And if one of the mandatory checks fail, then access is denied. So all the values, verifications and checks that can be done by those who serve all this is configurable and it's very quite flexible. So to you can really customize the access control procedure in your system. In that situation here the worker that tried to enter the controller had an invalid medical exam date. So this the denial reason is explicitly displayed to the worker. So no ambiguity about why the access to the controller has been denied. The opposite, when all the mandatory checks are authorized, then a clear and identified message is displayed to the worker allowing him that access is granted and the message also can be configured. In this example the worker name is displayed and the dose alarm that has been set on the dosimeter, which is a way also to make sure that all is OK for the worker to go in. Access is granted, it doesn't matter, I switched on, the worker can perform his activity inside the control area. Like I said, there are various combination that can be used, additional inputs that can be asked for the worker. It is possible for instance, to configure the system that so that the first RWP will be required for the worker and then depending on the RWP that has been selected, the appropriate task list linked to this RWP will be displayed for input to the worker. It is also possible to perform some checks on the official dosimeter. So I can give yourself TIDDIS any legal dosimeter that you like to check at entry time. The idea here is to make sure that when a worker goes inside the controller, you want to make sure that you will work with where the appropriate official and legal dosimeter. If we saw the entry, let's have a quick look at the exit. So the exit is usually quite basic even though it can be configured, but basically you just insert the dosimeter, DOS is red collected and then dosimeter switched off and the exit is performed. Quite simple and straightforward operation for the worker. In addition of all the the inputs we discussed, it's important to keep in mind that the survey ecosystem is not something that is frozen in the current state. It's something that is going to move and evolve with time in order to leverage from all the latest innovation that will be bringing to the to the symmetry active to the actually dosymmetry project line. For instance, when we introduced the external module like Beta Neutron does this have ecosystem has been agreed to make sure to support all the capability of these new modules. And the last main improvement we bring now is the NFC capability that can be leveraged from the ecosystem. So we have now this DM2C7 Bluetooth module that can be combined with the the million watch in order to have some alarms to be reported on the watch. This current state of the decimeter reported on the watch. So all this action and I've been are now supported by the system and let's have a look at the quick video explaining to you how this works. So like we explained, first you insert a doesn't matter. You are prompt to identify yourself, type your job code, then you will select the job code. The job code is selected and the system will check that. For this job code, you need to get a million watch paired to your DMC. So using the NFC right reader, you will check the Mayon watch, pair the million watch with the dozen meter. It works very quick. It's very straightforward process and then your dozen meter, your watch are paired together. You can go inside the control area, do your job. Once the job is done, same process the the million watch is paired to your device. You put the dozen meter, the device will be pair easily and the mirror watch ready for the next use. Exit is granted, you can put to the cimeter very quick and Fast forward straightforward operation for the worker. So we had a look at the worker point of view. So basically the front end application involving the service system, the IDM access. Let's have a look now at the health physics perspective, which be the use of the client software that will allow all the RP operation. Before jumping into that, let's have a look at the very important concept into Windows ESR, which is the visit concept. So the visit, this one is a small and simple example. So a visit basically it is a dose increment between 2 passages, 2 transaction. So the 1st and transaction would be an entry. You take a dosimeter in post mode and you perform the RCI entry sequence. Exactly what like what we saw previously. Once a dosimeter is switched on, the worker is granted to access the RCA, then the dozimeter switch on. Proper alarms are set on the dozimeter and the job code also is linked to the dozimeter. The worker does his job, picks up some doses, and then go out through an exit trigger do performing the exit transaction. Dozimeter switched back to post mode and an exit transaction and exit passage is generated between this entry and this exit. The system will build what we call a visit and a visit is made of basically a dose, a job, a duration, a zone and of course it is linked to the worker. So basically with a visit, you know how many doors has been picked up on which job where and who picked up the doors same day the the worker go goes for lunch and perform another job in the afternoon on the different job picks up on those again and then perform the exit. The system the same way will be the second visit with a different zone, the different zone, different job. So that mechanisms will allow you to have a very detailed and precise area or zone, those monitoring and job code monitoring in addition of course of the work of those monitoring. One more capability of system is to enter what we call local zone or sub zone. So here it's the same process. At entry time you go inside the RCA, you select your job and you go in your dosimeter switch on, you can do some activity inside the control zone, you can picked up some doors and then you will have to go inside an area that is an area that where you should you could pick up more doors, reactor building for instance or steam generator building. You go inside this area, the system will ask you to select A job and depending on that job you will have your the appropriate, those alarms and those rate alarms that are going to be programmed inside the dozimeter to allow you to do your job in this hot area. Same thing here. The job is done. Some of those of course can be collected and then the worker can go out the subzone, the OR the local zone. The system as you can see built the first visit in the RCA #1. Then when you you went into the steam generator area, another visit has been built and the system is able to say how many doors you picked up in the RCA one and how many doors you picked up in the steam generator zone. You go out again might picked up some doors again and then you do the final exit 3 visits 2 in the RCA 11 in steam generator area 2. And the system is able to say this doors has been picked at that time on this area. This doors has been picked up at that time on this sub area with the steam generator zone and this doors has been picked up on this area again at that time. And of course, total doors is linked to the worker. So the main takeaways here that the system is able to do some those monitoring for the error for the job and also is capable to adjust the dosimeter settings depending on where you are going to do the job. And important thing all this from this entry until this zone X it is has been done without switching off the dosimeter. So the system is able to change the settings in order to protect the most efficient way the workers without switching off the dosimeter. Some concept also now regarding the dosimetry into dosiser. So we saw how the visit are built in the previous slide. All these visits here will be computed every night by the midnight job to create daily dose. So the system will be able to follow up how many dose has been picked up everyday by every worker from the visit information. So you can for every day you will be able to know how many dose has been picked up by this worker. On the same way from the daily doses, the system will build monthly doses. So all these daily doses will be computed consolidated by the midnight process in order to build the the monthly dose. The point of all this of course is to protect the worker regarding the legal limits. So if we take this example here we are in May, some doses has been picked up from the electronic dosimeter, the DMC 3000 some in January, February, March, April. And even though if the the month is not completed doses did record some electronic doses for the person brings you a total dose for the year at this value. Here in combination of that, the doses server system is also capable to store legal dose. Those that comes from legal dose matter like DISTLDS or or any other value you might input manually in the system. These doses are usually monthly doses. So you have doses from January in the system, February in the system, March in the system April. But of course May is not over yet. So no legal dose for this person on for the month of May legal dose for this year 0.7 And then a key point in the system is that some calculation will be possible and the system will take into account the legal dose for January, February, March and April for May, no legal those. So this this is the electronic one that we're going selected to for worker protection. And you will have this 0.9 those that will be used to protect the worker at the RCI entry. So it's really important to to keep in mind that this system is made to, to manage electronic dosimetry, of course, but can use legal dosimetry to protect worker efficiently in order or to, to, to take in priority the legal dose and then to complete this legal dose by the electric system, the electronic dose that is not covered by the legal ones. All this is flexible, configurable. So this is all the type of dose you can create manually. You can create as many type of dose you need and depending on the legal dose you create dipdos gamma, dipdos neutron or skin dose, you can define which dose is going to be used to complete the electronic one. And all this can be checked at the access control time to make sure you do not overpass the the value for the estimated dose, which will be actually the combination of the the legal dose and the electronic dose. All this, you know the purpose of making sure you will not overpass the yearly limit. We will discuss that a bit later in the webinar. But like we said, all the type of those can be combined. It can be used also for the Form 4 reports regeneration that is used in the United States. It will be involved in the index and like we said combination with electronic dose is possible. All measurement type will be available to handle this and with the dose itself flexibility, it will allow us to to be compliant with Form 4 and Form 5 data to be produced. We discussed previously that qualifications can be checked by the system. So medical exam, training, wall body count these, these are some default qualification that are in the system. But it is possible to create as many qualifications you need to follow up your your workers, the symmetry and access control and it can be checked or also by the access control to make sure you're compliant and you fulfilled the qualification. These qualifications can be mandatory or not. And it is also possible to link qualification to RWPS. So that means depending on the RWP you are going to use in the controller R, you might be required to have to fulfill a very specific qualification, in that case some respiratory training and fit test for the the equipment. So this is something that is also configurable in the system system. The service system can handle like we said both RWP and job. So it can be one or the other or both of them. Like I explained, you can say RWP and see the list of tasks that are linked to this RWP. On the practical point of view, managing RWP is something more. I will not say complex, I will say more as more provide much more features than the job codes and one of these features is the capability to have this workflow to make sure you have the proper validation before making other P available for the the workers. With the concept of visit, we saw that it is possible to have a very precise and accurate doors for the jobs. So and part of that that will allow you to have this dose budget you can define in the system. So you can define the dose budget for the total RWP. So that means every time you, you a worker will collect the dose you, you can have this value here that is checked to make sure the community dose by all the workers is not overreached. But it it is also possible to to have the same but per individual. So that being you can say for this RWP worker should not accumulate more than 0.5 millisieverts. And all this control, like we say in the idea of having a very flexible and configurable system is driven by a parameter. So you can do or you can avoid can skip the disk control to make sure the the the the Dosley budget are not overpassed. This budget versus the dose that is communicated will allow you allow you to have this follow up and to have a very visual and efficient way to monitor your your RWP doses. So basically you have a gauge here and every time some dose is picked up on the job, the gauge will increase until you would be able to see that you are very close or you're at the dose budget something that can be done or so at the access control time at the worker front end application, you can define that depending on which job, which other P you are going to use, you will have to use the appropriate type of dosimeter. So for instance in the video we show previously the RDP required to have NFC Bluetooth module for the for the dozen meter so that you the pairing with the the the the GMC 3000 device is possible if you have RDP dedicated for the Neutron exposure. You can also decide that this RDP will be allowed only if the dozen metal that is used is a Neutron 1. A dashboard application is also available in Dozer. So the idea here is to ease the monitoring, the follow up on the system and the idea that instead of having you digging into the system to find your information, this nice dashboard will just display the information to you, easing up highly the the the RP monitor. So basically this is the type, the ID here you can put the dashboard on the big display, it is automatically refreshed and you just have to check what's happening on your live system. Reporting is some is important in those itself. We can provide training on reporting to build some custom reports. This can be done on various type of system using Excel or Power BI. And we also provide now an embedded tool to do some custom reporting. So you have this dedicated application that will be for expert user I would say that will allow you to create your own reports and then this reports will be published into the client application making the reports available for your user. And then they will be able to use the reports you really handmade, customized according your needs. One very nice features in those itself is the body monitor's measurements import. So basically how it works. Same story, the worker does the control area entry, do his job and then before exiting the control area you will go through a body monitor. If the body monitor says that the worker is contaminated, then of course the worker will have to take the necessary action and then go back to the body monitor. This time everything is fine. The body monitor says the worker is clean. The worker can then perform the zone exit the system. The system will have built a visit between these two entry and exit, and it will implement an algorithm in order to link the contamination event that has been measured on the body monitor and the visit. So the idea here is to be able to get into the self the the contamination events and you'll be able to link these contaminations events to to zone, but also to job code. So it will be a very efficient way to see what are the jobs that will create the more contaminations. In addition to the contamination events, we also import inside those itself the the contamination measurements for every channel that are inside the body monitor. And just a few words about what has been highlighted at the beginning of the presentation. The integration of active dosimetry into contamination monitoring equipment is now something that was going to be very easy without embedded 2 type of equipment. We used to have a full body monitor and a full access point reader to be combined in order to do the the the the contamination monitoring and the symmetry integration. Now with the simple LDM 320 readers you will be able by the combination of the two application on the body monitor's computer to have a very quiet and easy integrated solution. This is the docile screen that will display all the contamination event in the system. You can see once again a very visual way to detect which are the contamination events. You see of course who had this contamination event and then you can link this to the job that was that has been used at the time the contamination event did occur. If you go to the details, you will be able to see every detector value that has been measured by the body monitor. So once again, it's not only importing events a flag, it's really importing all the measurements that has been performed by the body monitors and you will be able to detect which detector triggered the contamination. As a reporting possibility, using Power BI for instance, you will be able to build some reporting based on the number of contaminated event depending on the task and the RWP. So basically, we can see this performance review job generated the most contamination events. Let's have a look now at the IT perspective because it now is a very main concern in all the system deployed on the field. There is some capability in those itself to do some integration with third party systems. The first one is a standard 1. So does itself. Do does provide a built in API that can be used by a third party system like a HR system for instance? You know that you populate worker into the system or access control system in order to put some blocking event on the workers if you don't want to even to access the controller. So all these systems can be used by you can use the standard API to populate the doses of database. So you you are able to monitor the workers information and qualifications, the workout doses, the workout jobs authorization, the jobs that are available in your system, the companies that are available in the system. So very large list of items that can be driven from a third party system into those itself. It can be used on the daily basis. Every time you have a new person that goes on your plant or your facility, you can use this feature to automatically populate those itself with the new person. But also it can be an option when you migrate from a legacy system to those itself. You can you can use this standard API to do this migration. In addition to to to this standard and built in integration, it is also possible to do some customized on demand integration with our part C system. So this interfaces can be provided into this server. We, we have the API we have, we have the, the some what we call importers. It can import some files. So all these interfaces can be used with various external systems to populate the doses of data. This can be done using the the the the standard API. But usually you have to keep in mind that doses serve is not alone in the ecosystem of your plant. I would say over your facility dosis service only one part of a lot of different applications that drives medical authorization, qualification, human resources, work orders, security or even training. So all this is a concern how to integrate this dosis surf system in your existing larger ecosystem. So all this is possible based on what we we discussed, we have a lot of possibilities to to guide you using standard APIs or even build some customized and on demand APIs in order to make sure that the doses of system will perfectly fit into your own ecosystem. Like I said, remain resources, qualification, legal doses, security training, all this we know how to do it at the cyber security level. Also a lot of concerns can be raised. But he also does itself is a state-of-the-art system that implements some secure protocols. The secure protocols will be involved between the workstation, the client application and the DOS itself. Server using certificate to make sure that connection is secure and encrypted. But also between the reader stations and the server we will have the same type of secure protocol to make sure that data is properly encrypted and assigned. In addition for that, in addition to that, on the workstation level, the client application, we have this system that is based on user profiles and user rights. The idea is that we can ensure that a person will see only the data that is authorized for the person. So we guarantee that user will be authenticated and we access only to the authorized data. And all this also is flexible. You can define what is deauthorized data and of course, every important event that occurs in the system will be stored in various log files and journal tables to make sure that every important actions will be triggered. For instance, if you have ARP tech here that modify those in the system, it will be tracked. So you'll be able to do to know what was the dose, what is the dose now and who change it and when are we handed over to John now to discuss the customer support. Our team provides customer support from both sides of the pond. We have different levels of support and depending on what you sign up for, the following are available. Support by phone or e-mail during normal business hours, typically 8:30 to 5:00. You can get 24/7 support for an additional fee, corrective maintenance, remote intervention, software upgrades, and yearly visits as part of your support contract. We also maintain the Reader Equipment software operating system, especially for Windows updates. We'd like to also invite you to Mirroring Connect, which is being held in Orlando, FL this year at the end of July, July 28th through August 1st. Look for updates on the website in early 2025. So let's talk now about the legal approval. Recently those itself has been legally approved in the UK. It was like a great news for the industry and great consequence for worker. So the the big change and the big impact happened. So the dosimetry system, the million dosimetry system was really checked by the national regulator and awarded of this certification, which means in the UK NDP site there are no need anymore to use the TMD dodgimeter to follow the legal dodgimetry. The the different worker, they will use only DMS 3000 and the dosage server system to manage the the radiological exposure of worker. So it was for us a big momentum after three years of work have a specific development to achieve this certification and really a big reconnaissance about the quality of the product and the notoriety of our those management software those itself. So we are going out to focus on what's coming next on our those military system like starting with the new features that will be dedicated tailored for the US market. So let's listen to join carefully now. So as Laurent said, the you the team has been working on some dedicated features for the US market. We're doing this in two phases. First set of functionalities will be geared for the labs in DOE with a second set more nuclear powered oriented. Our first phase will be delivered in January 2025 and then the second phase will be in September 2025. As part of these features, they've been working on the Form 4 and Form 5. You will be allowed to enter previous exposure or off site dose for your Form 4. They will have the output for both the Form 5 and the Form 4 based on the current NRC documents. This is an example of Dosi serve Form four data and you'll see they're supporting NDNCNR and it will be populated in the Form 4 fields as shown here. We're also working on a bridge between WAX and LDM Access. The first phase, we'll just take the LDM Access interface and populate the HIS 20 database. Part of January 2025 changes will include the new Clyde Library for supporting internal dose intakes. If a worker's issued an instrument, there will now be tests or checks to make sure they are qualified for that instrument. Personal identifiable information will be masked appropriately and there will also be document attachments available in September. We're looking at multi badging, survey, air sample management, pads interface and some source control management functionality. The BEOSL and Instados will also be supported. OK. So we would like also to highlight a different topic regarding the, the future and the our our vision of the future in the industry. So we are now doing what we call integration. You saw for instance, the integration of the dosimetry into a wall body monitor in order to manage the exposure data and the contamination data. We are also doing the same from the dosimetry point of view and the handle point of view with the link between now the RDS 32 and our Software Connect Studio manage the dosimetry connectivity. You know also the audience of where we will bring in this database, the information of the location and telemetry data. And in the future we will converge between all these different input in order to create new value for your future, in order to enhance your efficiency by providing a new intelligence from the data. And this is what we are looking now. We are working on it. So coming soon with the DSL, we are working on the new ecosystem and new advantage for our user. As a conclusion, first of all I would like to say thanks Lauren and Joanne and I would like also to remind anyone that Miriam has a really, really huge experience in the those management software. We are working for last 25 years in order to propose the best in classes management software. All our development are based on innovative approach of course but also customer feedback. We are now at the level where we are proposing an innovative, efficient and compliance solution with all the demand and regulation. Our solution is robust, mature and up to date as Lauren introduced the different topic as cybersecurity compliance, customization, localization evolution. We also propose strongest million super expertise. We will bring some customer service and reactivity or learning the the different demo you may have. And finally, I will conclude with this want and if you want to to to switch to the system, it's really potentially the easiest way we are used. We have the experience to migrate the different information from your database into the database to perform any transition to our software is something that we master write. We have a great feedback with experience and I would say in the in the maximum with the strongest migration, it will take something that between six and eight months, which is which is I would say a short period. Regarding what docile can bring to you. The the webinar is now ending, ending before to answer your question, I would like and so to highlight one big topic. We are building the docile community around the world. So please come and meet us at Mirren Connect in Orlando. Next year we will have dedicated training day focus on Dodi Sale. We are working to create an event around May, June 25 for the European customer. And then so I would like also to invite you to take part of Dodi Sale community later. We will send you two or three times a year different later about the cell user, the cell feature and what's ongoing with our solution. So now we will answer to your question. OK. First question we have is, are there any plans to integrate the Insta dose passive dosimeter into this system for sharing dose between the Mirian dissymmetry service and DOSI serve? So yes, we are working on on this topic. So we will be able to integrate like the OSL in a in a short period. We are also working to integrate into those and the the the DSD dot GM3 service into dot server. The next question, how are current customers notified about available upgrades for Dosi Serve? This is actually two questions. And when will the Dosi Serve upgrade be released that includes the capability to print occupational dose record forms or the Form 4 or Form 5? OK. So regarding the difference release of. I think the customer letter would be the way to be informed about the new release. Is that going to be published? So I think it's a very smart move to to to subscribe to the customer letter because we will keep you updated on all the incoming features and incoming releases are going to be published. And for the second question, I think it was mentioned in the presentation today that starting from January 25, the new doses of release will embed Form four, Form 5 capabilities to allow you to do your US reporting to authority. The next question is the Dosi Serve server hosted by the customer site or Mirian. They're wondering where the data is stored and which IT organization will manage the server. So today the Dosi serve system is on Prem system. So that means everything is embed is hosted by the customer and there is no cloud subscription on Dosi serve. In the future this is maybe something we are going to investigate to propose some cloud based solution. But as I said today, it is really hosted by customer infrastructure. You mentioned an integration with Power BI. Does it use an API provided by DOCI Serve or something else? So there is no direct integration between Doci Serve and Power BI. We mentioned Power BI as some external tools that can be used to customize some reports. So basically with poor BI, you just need to connect poor BI to the DSL database and then you customize your reports. So we can provide the expert training to guide you through the DSL database in order to customize your poor BI tools and report. What we mentioned also is what is integrated now is the report tool in inside DOS itself. So you have the designer application that will allow you to design your reports and then you'll be able to publish this report in the Dosi Serve client application. So there are plenty different ways to do and build your reporting using Dosi Serve. And then we have is the contamination event recorded in Dosi Serve? So the answer is yes, the contamination event is recorded into the self database. Based on the mechanism we show them the communication with the body monitors. All this also involves the import of all the channels measurement. All the measurement that are performed by the body monitors are also stored inside the database. And this body monitor's measurements are linked to a worker. So of course, in order to when we say that, let's keep in mind that the idea is that the workers authenticate badge basically on the body monitor so that we can make the link between the badge number and the worker into the cell. But the short answer is yes, every measurements and events are stored in the cell. We're out of time. I'd like to thank Laurent and Olivier for answering these questions. All other questions will be addressed to the individuals through e-mail. Thank you. _1739958011076