Hello everyone. I am hope and will be helping moderate today's webinar. I would like to welcome everyone to enhancing radiological safety and efficiency with the Orion System webinar presented by Olivier Perry and Chris. Before we get started today, I'd like to go over some housekeeping. At the top left of your screen is our Q&A chat box. Please ask questions throughout the presentation and we will answer as many as possible within our time constraints. And if you're watching this on demand later, you may also submit questions here and we will reach out to you with an answer. On the right side is a resource list with more documentation on what we will discuss today. If you don't want to miss any future webinars, sign up for our webinar mailing list at the bottom of your screen. If you are having trouble viewing this webinar at any point, please refresh your browser. And on the left of your screen is a survey that we hope you will fill out. This will help us improve our system for you. This webinar will be recorded and available at Mirion.com/webinars for you to view again or share with any colleagues that missed it. This link is also in our resource section. And here you can view all of our past webinars. I'd like to thank you for joining us. And I will now turn the presentation over to Olivier. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, good afternoon and good evening. Welcome to our webinar session entitled Enhancing Radiological Safety and Efficiency with the Audience System. My colleague and I are delighted to introduce our supervision solution or TLS. As we are really thinking, it's a game changer for the nuclear industry, it will help to manage the radiological exposure to enhance the health physics efficiency and as a consequence to reduce the collective dose of our industry. So please feel free to use a chat function to ask any question you may have. So today we will be a three speaker. Let me introduce the first one. So we got Perry White and Chris Bauer. Perry White as a more than 30 years experience in the nuclear industry. He was a former LP supervisor and joined the company more than ten years ago, 15 years ago we got also Chris Bower as a application support group in the health physics business line. So Chris was also had a huge experience from managerial and technical point of view and he joined the company quite recently and only he was myself as a product line manager for dosimetry and telemetry in the in the range like the company in the in 21. So today we will see the shortage on that. I will introduce first of all the Miranda symmetry and the ecosystem associated. Then my colleague will introduce the audio RTLS system, the LR toolbox, the different components of the system and we will see different application. And I will conclude with the the future of the symmetry telemetry And so just a few words as introduction and the Mirion electronic dodgemetry system. So as you know Mirion has a long history as a dodgemetry provider. We design a different dodgemet. We design dodgemeter for everyone, for all purposes. We can claim over 1,000,000 GMC electronic dodgemeter in service around the world. All dodgemeter were designed to support the strongest requirement, especially the MPP ones and more than 70% of reactor worldwide are using a million dosimeter. We also equip different army around the world with the South family which is a more constrained dosimeter. One characteristic for many characteristic of our neuron dosimetry system is the long life in service, the low failure rate as everyone know the DNC 2000 and DMC 2000. The dosimeter is also part of a full and complete ecosystem and of course is qualify with different standards, i.e, CNC and other standard. As I mentioned previously, the dosimeter was designed to be part of an ecosystem, so we can provide different product calibrator, turnstile reader, reader integrating on turnstile and more recently, we integrate our reader in the CNC line with the Argos or serious product as example. One other particularity about our dosimeter is the modularity. So from the original design, the GMC 2000 was thinking to be evolutive and to be up to date regarding the technology evolution. This is why we can nowadays propose a neutral version, beta version, telemetry version to drain the neutral and telemetry capacity to other NTX or neutral and telemetry module, the Bluetooth capacity with the last Bluetooth version, and finally to drain the location feature and telemetry feature to propose the location and telemetry module. And now I will let Perry introduce the audio RTLS system all. Right. Thank you so much, Olivier. So what is Orion? The idea behind Orion is to add the simply add the location capability to telemetry. I mean, there's a lot of telemetry systems out there and there's a lot of location systems out there. But what we're trying to do is basically combine those two, the other one. And so that's really the main proposition of Orion is to be able to do this telemetry with the actual monitoring itself. And who benefited from this? Obviously the the RP personnel, people that do the critical path planning and execution, all those things that go into what you're going to do for an outage and how you're going to make everything work and mesh together to get everything done on time. That all plays into what we're trying to do with our Orion telemetry system. Obviously, other than that, a number of things you can also do with it by being able to pull the data remotely. You can get survey information, you can come back and review data, review jobs, literally lifetime with the replay function as well as doing the same with training. And then of course there's always the capability of when you're decommissioning to start being able to use the Orion system with the contamination or the other monitors that you use and to map the actual contamination rates that you're trying to release. And finally, of course, we're we're going to combine all of our software and firmware into a single data management system called SV One and we'll talk a little bit about more about that later. So we call the Orion system our heart of the RP system. It certainly already does the telemetry portion of it. And now we're adding the the whole location capability and and while we promote the ability to see lifetime data people moving around, there's more to that the Orion can do besides just a simple location portion of it. And we'll talk more in detail about that as we go forward. So every site, current site and SMRS being built, they have to be more cost efficient. Everything is, is budget orientated. You literally cannot do any type of company or project without being concerned with the budget. And the easiest way to cut cost is by cutting personnel. You have to be able to do more or less regardless of what system you're getting or what equipment you have, you're always going to face the ability of reducing staff to make the company more profitably in a whole. And that's just the the factor in life. I mean, when I when I was working at a nuclear plant, when I went to the new position, I still did all the old stuff I was doing in my previous position. So yeah, you get promoted up and you get more work to do. And that's how this is working in all industries. The other part, of course, is that outages, in order to basically make them less expensive and to get back online faster, are much, much shorter than they were before. You know, generally in less than a month, the outages are completing up. And so you have to be able to find the equipment that's very, very critical. You have to know where people are that are supposed to be doing the next task. That's critical path. All those things the Orion system allows you to actually do. So again, we talked a little bit about what drives the business and you know, obviously monetary considerations drive it a lot, but also we actually have EFRI and IMPO and they also want to make the not only run better, but run safer and use less dose. And so there's so much documentation involved in how to make this better. I mean, Efrio has several things about location tracking systems in their library of things that they're looking for. So certainly these things are being looked at. We're just trying to get this finally over the hump and into these plans. The really the first installation that we've done both in a spin fuel and containment, we did this year. We learned a lot of lessons from it, but it's very, very interesting to see it actually go up in a real application. I mean, we've done it in Vogel 3 when it was not operation. We've done it in Bellefonte too. But to do it an actual working reactor was a new situation. It was quite an interesting challenge for us for sure. So this is where we're at right now. Obviously, everybody's got their own telemetry monitoring system. They have their own, we call it central monitoring area where they monitor both the cameras, the the dose information, where they can pull procedures and communicate back and forth with their technicians in the field. Most everybody's doing this now because that's how the industry works in the nuclear power. What we're proposing, of course, is to add to that existing system the ability to locate equipment, locate people, be able to warn people when things change automatically. So there's no requirement to have people stationed to make these notifications that are all done automatically with the system. So this gives you a lot more information and flexibility of what you see and what you can do with your existing system and equipment. So this gives you a quick kind of overview of what the Orion system is. Basically, you've got a the Orion RTLS, and just because you have Orion does not mean you still cannot use your other telemetry system. Orion has telemetry capability built into it. You have a separate section that does just telemetry, but you don't have to use it if that's not what your company prefers to use. The site we visited was using another site software in addition to the Orion software when they were testing it out, so it's not a problem to do that. Our system allows multiple connections to our AWM, so it's not a problem to have two different systems running on a telemetry. Of course, the telemetry system are not going to be able to pick up all the information from the asset tags and the LTX models that are actually showing their location information. And here you just simply see where the asset and location tags are or the asset tags and the Lt. XS are going to the anchors which are going to be calculating their location. And then they're also sending data out to our telemetry system. So this is basically the the slide for the functionality of the software itself. Location is very important. And. In certain circumstances, it is very important to be able to get the really, really high accuracy, which we basically consider 1M is our accuracy with what we're trying to do right now. Obviously the more anchors and a better location you have, you can have higher accuracy, especially in a decommissioning type scenario. But for this the mode meter was deemed the the approximate accuracy we would need. It's a trade off between how much battery power you use and how accurate you are, and we'll talk a little more about some less accurate applications later. But again, you can use either 2D or 3D map. Regardless whether it's a 2D or 3D map, the locations will be in 3D space. So if you have a flat map and you turn it, you'll see all the people and anchors in 3D space above the flat 2D map. So even if it's 2D, you'll still see the 3D information on that. Besides the LTX module which has the built in location tracking, we have the asset tags and they can be added to any other monitors like a Cam or a temperature monitor or a heat stress monitor or an oxygen monitor. And all that data can be brought back into the Orion telemetry system to be able to view on that location or any map location at all. Besides actually having the asset tag on there, which will actually move if you move the equipment, you can actually directly pin an area monitor. If I put an RDS box out there, I can pin it directly on the map because it's going to stay there the whole outer. And so you don't even have to use an asset tag, just by selecting and pinning that specific device out there. So that's how it worked. It's very, very simple and easy to use. And then of course, you can set your your boundaries, both warning boundaries, exclusion boundaries, both dynamic, which occur when something triggers them or all the time boundaries would allow you to block a high rat area or notify when people go in a high radiation area. And this is the this is the video I believe. Let's see. OK, so hopefully you're seeing the video now. I can't see it, but I think you are. And what this is basically showing us how all the personnel and people are being actually tracked in 3D environment. You see as it actually turns from the the flat view to the 3D view that the people are still being tracked above the actual floor level they're actually in. So again, there are asset tags involved and LTX modules both in these situations and you'll see them all moving around that 3D environment, which is I'm sure that's Bella font probably. So that's basically what the video is showing you and just giving you a good quick overview of how the actual tracking works. You also can basically select any device on there and click on it to locate it, and the software will bring you right to it if you wanted to. Or you can highlight them a number of different ways and opportunities to be able to see the data in any specific location you want. And now it's showing you actually in a 2D environment instead of the actual 3D. So now it's just a flat map showing you the information going through it. And there it goes back to the 3D map. So it's all selectable on how you want to view the screen, whether you want to see the 3D version or just the 2D model. And then the way the actual software works, you can turn and expand the model out to see specific locations and specific points and if you want to. And then we're back on the 2D version again, which allows them to actually they just want to find another location on a device and put it in position. OK, we'll go from here all. Right. Thank you, Perry. I'll kick off with LR Toolbox here. So next few sections here are going to be all about the LR Toolbox and we'll get into it here. So Lara toolbox, what we're going to talk about, it's good quality survey data, the asset control and monitoring, communication and observation, the work evolution review and the training. So first we'll talk about the dose rate mapping. So this is all about getting good quality survey data. We'll have a video after this that shows this a little bit, but really what it's talking about is having that mapping as you walk through an area. So it's configurable depending on what kind of dose radiance you want to see. And the more people walk through these areas, the more accurate the maps going to be. And it will update based on the dose rate. So say you have a high source area somewhere and it goes away as people walk through that area. These dose maps will update as you go through. So let's see, I don't think the video is playing yet. Let me get this video playing all right. I believe everybody sees a video here. So you'll see a test scenario we set up in one of our labs. And when we set this up, we use test source training sources out there. So there wasn't actually dose rates in the area, but the training sources were showing dose rates. So as you see the people walk through, you'll see the dose rate map, update the heat maps. So you'll see that red areas are where the sources were. You'll see the green areas with the lower dose areas. And the more people walk through these areas, the more information you're going to get, the better quality data you're going to get on these heat maps. And it looks like we have about 10 seconds left of that. So I'll just let that play through. All right, So next we'll show the asset monitoring. So Perry talked about this a little bit, but we'll talk about the asset tags a little bit. So the asset tags really they can be used multiple ways on the main way that we can use them is attaching them to components, to storage boxes, several different items during an outage, so. Say you don't want to lose an item or you know searching for an item is going to take time and dose. And to reduce that you can attach an asset tag and you can monitor where the location of the say it's an LSA box or just any kind of storage container, any kind of equipment instrumentation. You can attach this asset tag and see where it is at all times. That way it's easier to find. You can also use them in warehouses for storage, all sorts of solutions with this and one that Perry did talk about, I'll start the video and I'll talk about it a little bit. You can also attach it to other monitors such as air monitors. And I don't believe that video started there we go. You can also attach it to say air monitors, temperature sensors, all sorts of things. And as you're getting that data in the telemetry side of it, you can also see the exact location of those monitors based on the asset tags location and pairing it with that device in there. Perry also mentioned you don't need an asset tag to place the device on the map and see what the dose rate is if it's a device that you're going to leave in place for an extended amount of time. But this is helpful for types of monitors that you will be moving throughout the plan. So for Icams, for other, other monitors and equipment, I mean, the equipment's the big thing. Now, the big thing this video showing here, while it plays through, it's showing that you have an asset tag on two different items. When I can't actually read what it said, I believe it was some kind of tools placed in the box. And you'll see that the box moves alone that way. That way you can see where both the box and the item are. And when it gets to its location, you'll see the item come out-of-the-box and you'll be able to track the location of it again. So you'll see as that tool comes back out-of-the-box, you can see where it goes. Next section we'll talk about here is Geo fencing. Perry touched on this a little bit, but we'll go into a little more detail and of course the video that will come with it. So within the software, you can Geo fence areas. So this can be high rat areas, locked high rat areas, high dose areas, restricted areas, anything that you want to control individuals from either going into or just get notification when they do go into. Along with this, you can create automated or custom push notifications to the DMC. So if an individual enters one of these geofenced areas, you can send a message to the DMC or you can have it automatically sent to the DMC. So for example, on the screen you'll see how it says exit area. So that's an item that can be set up to automatically push that dosimeter if an individual enters that area. And here we'll watch a short video on an example of a Geo fenced area we set up. So you'll see that red area, right There is a Geo fenced area and a worker's walking around on the outside of it. And you'll notice when he goes in that area, the worker will get an alarm, but it'll also alarm on the Orion system for the individuals using it. So the for the individual monitoring, you'll see that alarm, you'll see that the individual went into that Geo fenced area that he wasn't supposed to go in. And at that point you'd be able to push note or automatic push notifications, or you can push notifications to the dosimeter telling the worker to exit the area. All right, next section we'll talk about to work evolution review. So this allows you to export data from what has happened and you can rewind the event showing alarms, radiological information, positioning data, everything that's in the Orion system, you're able to export it and review it. So this will really help with enhanced pre job briefs. It'll help with root cause investigations. You'll be able to go back and look at data from where an individual was, say there was a dose rate alarm and you want to understand it better. You can see where the worker was when he got the dose rate alarm and the conditions that he was in. So it gives you really more tools for things such as those root causes or those pre job briefs. And then the last section here is training. So few ways that we can assist with training here with the Orion replay is rewinding events and showing all alarms radiological. So we talked about that part, but helping in identifying workflow improvements, assisting root causes and hands free time briefs. But additionally, with training, as you saw with the video we set up, you can have training sources that you set in an area and you can actually use the system to train individuals on, you know, watching the system, watching dose rates, understanding, you know, conditions in an area. So several training solutions within the software if you use it. All right, so the next section I'll talk about here is the actual components of the Orion system. So here's a busy slide here, but the components of the Orion system, we have the warm telemetry data. We talked about the worker and contractor locations. Olivier touched on that a little bit with the LTX modules, the asset tags, Geo fencing, and for the application, you can instantly create exclusion zone. So you can create exclusion zones, remove them at any time based on what you want to see. What you want to exclude could be just a source in an area that's not normally there and you want to create an exclusion zone until it's gone, then you can remove it. But this just gives you all the tools you really need to, you know, monitor areas, prevent people from entering areas and so forth. This is this video right here just showing the Orion replay a little bit. And I believe we have a video that goes along with it and it just shows the data that comes over to replay. So in this, you can see where the workers are working. You can see the dose rates in the areas that they're in and you can better understand the conditions. Now, this is a little bit longer of a video, so I don't think I can talk all the way through this, but if Perry or Olivia have any comments while this video plays through with it being 2 minutes, I'm happy to have them speak in here. But really the big thing here is understanding, you know, being able to pull all that data back and understanding the conditions of the workers written in the location that they were at. Yeah, you can. This is Perry. Yeah, you can actually select. So when you're doing replay, you don't have to see everything that's on the screen. The nice part is you can select only specific devices or individuals. See, so you don't have a really busy screen with, you know, 100 workers on it. You can just watch the single worker that had an alarm and see where he went and what actually happened to him without having all the other equipment or personnel in the same area. Yeah, my video is very long too. You don't have to watch the whole video. We can just jump out to the next part of if you want, Chris. Yeah, I'm happy to do that. All right. So I think we saw enough of that video there. So we'll get into the anchors. So talking about some of the components here, the first thing that we want to talk about is the anchors and anchors are placed throughout the monetary to capture and relay location data to the central monitoring system. So this is really the main point out on the field that gets the location data. So typical installation you want four to five of these anchors spaced roughly 20 meters apart with line of sight. So you need RF line of sight and that'll get you that less than 1m location resolution. If you can put them at different heights, it's really going to improve your it's going to give you a better Z access resolution as well. And then it goes into a little details here. So some spaces that have a lot of equipment like such as right here we talked about bio walls, it can affect the accuracy of it because of getting that four different monitors to be able to see you. So in this case, you may want to look at setting up the zone areas for more radiological challenging areas such as steam generated RCP platform. So that's just an example of it. That way you can really get the location data that you're looking for in those higher risk areas. And now we're going to talk about the brain of the system a little bit. So that's the cube. So the cube is really what's taking all that location data and spatially putting it where it belongs. So the cube works with the Orion system. So the cube is, as you can see in that bottom left corner there, the cube is actually just putting the XYZ based on where the based on the location of the item, then it will go into the Orion software where it overlays it on the maps that we can import into that. So you can see exactly where in your plant that is. So the cube is the, you know, like we said, the brain of the system. That's also where you update the firmware of the devices, settings are changed. Most of the things are done in the Orion software, but the cube is being the brain of it. There are a few things that are done within the cube itself. Here we have the DMC3000 LTX. We had Olivia talk about this a little bit, but it's really what transmits that location data as well as telemetry data to the Orion Studio software. So it has the ultra wide band transmission for the positioning and it also has the 900 megahertz or 2.4 megahertz depending on where you are for the telemetry equipment. It also provides just like every other remote monitoring software, the RDP task, the dose, dose rate, set points, everything that's needed to do remote monitoring of individuals. Last thing on here just talking about the it's powered independently from the dosimeter. If the module does have an an issue where it goes into alarms such as low battery, this will not affect the actual dosimeter, but replacing the battery typically resolves the alarm in these. Next here we have the components of the asset tanks here. So the asset tanks we've talked about a little bit how you can attach them to different equipment, how you can attach them to different instruments. Big thing here is that has A2 plus year battery life with the two AA batteries and this is when it's configured to go to sleep when it's not moving. So if asset tags on an LSA box, let's say, and it gets stored somewhere and it's not moving, the software knows it's in that location and the asset tag will go to sleep. It'll still show the location of that item. Once that item starts moving in, the asset tag will start transmitting again. It'll use a well, it'll just start transmitting again. So you'll see exactly where it goes to next. It's a uses security torque screw to that way you can reduce tampering of it. So you can attach it multiple ways to items that you can see. The asset tags has multiple ways that you can attach it to items. The applications where it saves critical time and locating items, tools, and this can be related to outage and normal operation support you can use in a warehouse to identify items for quick control locations and for vendor equipment. I mean, there's several items as you can imagine with the asset tag, whether it's paired to a device or whether it's used to locate something that's being stored. And with that, I will turn it back to Perry. All right. Thanks, Chris. So the next session we're going to talk about is the actual or some of the applications that you can use the Orion system for. So in the first application, basically what we're trying to do is let you know when people are not on the right task for RDP. A lot of sites use our turnstiles and our turnstiles can allow the people or allow the site to determine what tasks and RDPS can go into an area. Think about this as a big circular turnstile that you can actually put around a whole area. So that prevents the reactor head is on the stand and you're trying to keep people away from the that area. Now that's been a low dose area the rest of the outage, but now because the heads there, it's a much higher dose area. So you can put a warning area around that. And you saw one of the earlier pictures that had Bogle and had the the red and yellow area around the reactor headstand. Those things simply will just if the people go into the area, especially if it's just the warning, it will just give them the the similar alarm. A little message will tell in the backpack away that hey, this area is not a little city area anymore. Stay out of this area. And the course. If they go into the exclusion part of it, which is the red part of the zone, then it will actually create a full alarm on the December to get them the back away. The other thing of course you can do is if people are boarding areas they're not supposed to, you'll see them right away. And it's nice that on the replay function you can show these workers. I got, I got 10 scaffolders and they're all sitting there in the same location waiting for someone else to pass them scaffolding. If they'd have just moved 10 feet over, they would not have get in all this dose. So it gives you a lot of capability to find out why the sites are getting more dose than expected. Again, if you are like Chris talked about with the asset tags, if you lose an RCP pump seal, wow, that's a lot of work to try to find that. So yes, and I make fun of Chris because they did that at one of the sites that he was working at before. But yes, good to have things that are critical path parse especially for the outage. So you tag them for the outage so you know when they go in the lay down area, you know when they get into the containment building, the unplanned dose rate alarms very, very easy to investigate since you have the full tracking all the way capable to where it actually occurred and why it occurred. And then one of the other main things is if you do have some type of an area that you have to make sure everybody is out of, you can create two things. You can have a, a, a counter like if you're in containment and everybody has to leave, you can count how many people are actually in containment. And if you're doing radiography in there per SE, you'll know that everybody except the radiography group are in there without having to literally send all your technicians through the whole containment building. Make sure it's clear. Again, the the big thing on the bottom, do more with less environment. And we spoke about that before. So we just spoke about cross boundary monitoring. What is what a surprise and this is what this is how it shows up on the actual software. So it gives you, you put your cross boundary monitoring and you can see them. Let's see, you can see them there and there there's two cross boundary monitors and they're both set up here. So when people go in and out of those two specific areas, one is actually going into containment and the other one's going into another section of the OR the lower floor. This gives you the total people that have gone in and gone out so that you'll be able to see how many are there or are not there. And it's very simple and easy to use and it gives you all the data you need in a a quick plan just by pulling it up. So I mentioned earlier some applications that you're not necessarily trying to get the high resolution of that 1M capability because be honest with you, unless you're really except for personnel who you really kind of want to know where they were, they are where something occurred, for instance, an alarm or whatever else occurred. Those are mainly the people that you want to have that very, very high resolution. Asset tags typically do not need that high of resolution. And so you can do things with them that do not require a lot of hardware. You know, in containment you may have on the refuel 20 or 30 anchors on the refuel floor. Well, probably not that many, but 10 to 20 anchors on the refuel floor and that's giving you all your covers. But if you've got to do just a high rad door, you can't lock it, but you need to know if anybody opens it when they open it. You can just put a single anchor outside or inside really, and then put a asset tag on the door so when it opens, the anchor sees it move, and just one anchor is enough to notice the difference in the door when it swings open or closed. And you can set up a boundary so when it does that, it makes an alarm on the system and you see it on the system. So lots of things you can do without having a lot of equipment with the system. Same thing for if you're just trying to track some sources per SE in a specific location. I need to know where the source went. Well, someone checked out of the source room. We know it left the source area. We know it left Building 1234. It hadn't arrived at the other building yet, so it's still in transit or oh, it's at the other building. It's been there all day long. I don't know why they didn't bring it back, but I know it's in this building and I can go find it. So it gives you not high resolution, but it gives you enough resolution to be able to accomplish the tasks that you want, which is find out what room or area the actual device is in. So this kind of gives you an overview of our ecosystem. You saw something similar early on, but this basically starts from where you log in from one side it goes down into where you can actually if you don't have a lot of telemetry, you're in there where you can't have the full telemetry. You can use the BLE telemetry to get the data out. And then from the other side you see the access control software, LDM access, which would go to your dose management software. And obviously we're trying to promote a single access control software because it gives the customer a a better capability because we always have the up to date drivers for all of our devices and it makes it allow you to get all the features and functions that you wouldn't necessarily normally get from your access control. SO22 separate paths there. 1 is going through telemetry and into the actual location connection of it and the other one obviously is going back to the access control software, which also goes back to your telemetry software if you're using your access control system to log people into your telemetry software. So you know, the whole ecosystem as they all intertwine there gives you the capability of a lot of things that most companies cannot provide. The next one is. Kind of in what we gave you on the sheet, we've asked for your input on because to be honest with you it it's we do this because we think the customers need it. And so if there's a need that you have, we need to know about it if we can incorporate it. So certainly provide we, we love to hear you providing input you may have on what you think is needed. So some of the things that I just threw some things out here when we made the presentation, you want to make connections to different software. You know, we've always talked about, you know, the Spearview software which does telemetry way outside of the plant site. You know, most sites have the capability with their worm telemetry, which can go a mile, a mile and a half to do things around their site. But outside that, that's their their side boundaries. It's hard to measure what's regular telemetry, but if they're using the sphere software, maybe we can input data back from the Sphere software to put it on the regular telemetry. So it's still all one type of system. You know, we have the RDS 32 app. Can we get the data from the RDS 32 app, which is similar to what we would be doing with Speirview, send it back directly. There's a lot of different ways we can make connections to it. But you know what, what does a customer need? And that's why we ask you this. We can connect to the turnstiles, you know, so when a dose rate increases past a limit of an RDP, the turnstile makes a change and no longer allows people into that area unless they have a an Rep that has a high enough dose rate or maybe just locks them out completely. I mean, we also talked about actually putting a warm radio in the actual turnstiles to have them provide a locking capability based on dose rates that are in the room that they're guarding per SE. So a lot of things from that. And we mentioned the little mini tag, you know, the idea you can put it on sources and keep it done. The mini tag also, even though it's a very, very small battery, yeah, it's set to only transmit, you know, once a minute instead of 10 times a second. The data will last a long time and it's still enough to tell you, hey, is the equipment in or out? And plus it's very, very small and less intrusive than the asset tag to be tie wrapped to different devices that are in there. And it makes the makes it much easier to look over and know for sure what articles are still in your FME zone. The last part on here, and again, I'm speaking longer on these slides because these are the more important slides for you, the customer and for us is survey automation. There's several sites that have survey automation software. The idea for us, because we do want Orion to be the heart of any system, is to be able to add that capability possibly to Orion. You know, you could add the, the nice part about the RAM, because it has location. I mean, we have an ion chamber that will have the asset capability to it. And literally the technicians walking around with the ion chamber doing a survey, the data is going directly back, the location goes going directly back. There's no writing down on your survey information. It's all done automatically. So again, things are very, very simple. Even for contamination surveys, literally we can put an asset tag on one of our Rd. s s and that has a 100 centimeter squared alpha beta probe. It'll get the data from it doesn't care what it is it, it's all possible to do depending on what our customers want. So draw on the screen, screen, screen. The the last meeting we had, one of the customers said, I would love to be able to do this briefing. When I've got the briefing, just take a light pan and be able to show OK, circle over here. This is where the highest areas are, Don't go over here, draw a line. This is where the contamination is where it takes about 40K over here, be able to draw directly on the screen with a light pan to help with make briefings even more useful than they are now showing the live dose rates. And last of all, as I mentioned, the little bitty mini asset tag. It's funny, we had a customer said, hey, I love the LTX module, but I want to be able to do dry cast storage and I have and have my Neutron and gamma. So we went through and actually Chris and I actually did this at the last seminar we were at. We actually took an NTX, just paired it with our little mini asset tag and then during the actual seminar we walked around and you can see there is the both the gamma and neutron dose rates there and it tracked just like a regular LTX. It just added it externally. So a great way you can do something different without having to actually have an LTX. If you already already have NTXS or regular TX modules, you can still do tracking without actually having to upgrade at that point in time. Now, to be honest with you, having an external device is more expensive than buying the Lt. XS, so definitely a cheaper version for you, but it is make it possible to do additional things for it. The key for us right now in this thing is, hey, we can do this. These tags that come from the site that works with us on this, they're fairly expensive. But our idea is, hey, if it's something the customers want, we can create our own version of it. And these are just some of the different versions that are actually out there on what can be done. So anyways, certainly need your input on this one. And I think that it for me, I'm going to turn the slide over to Olivia again to give us our final words of wisdom on the poetry vision. Kyle. So thank you Perry for, for the information. So before to, to end this webinar, I just wanted to share with you like what we are working for, what we envision for the future. So currently we are playing as you understood to, to merge the, the geometry and the telemetry features. We are able to, to deal with a lot of new data, new intelligence and we would like to, to share with you what we envisioned for the coming years. So currently the line is able to do like different feature with the modularity approach we were beginning. We began the integration with the other product line as we have a reader integrated on the CNC product line with the Argos of the series. So we are able to link the exposure data with the contamination data is the first things about the integration. But we have also working hard on the connectivity. And for instance, we have a connect studio the the software that will manage the connectivity of the Bluetooth from the DMC 3000 point of view, but also is taking into account RDS 32 for instance. And all this supervision approach is of course managed by the telemetry products RWM and is fully compatible. So when you choose to to work with the audio solution, of course you can do like a global supervision. It means our module of telemetry are compatible and will be able to work together. So it means the TX module, the ETX module, the NTX module and the NTX module. So you can combine the location feature and the telemetry 1. And those are information that I wanted to to bring with you. All these data will be will be really important for the future. So we are now working to merge the intelligence of the location with the app posterior dose, which means like the daily dose record the Dodge meter in the same database in order to create new value and to propose potentially in the short term the first artificial intelligence does management approach with our future Decimetry platform. So this project is ongoing. We will come back to you when we will be able to release this product. But Aurion will be the key to, to, to merge this information, especially the location that you can, you can have a automatic survey, you can have a really lot of of information regarding that the exposure you, you, you, you are exposed everyday. So I just wanted to share with you the, the, the ongoing task and the reflection. We got the mirror on side in order to prepare the those from the collective those reduction for close future. So thank you. The webinar is now over. Thank you very much. We will have 7-8 minutes of question and and then if we don't have time we will come back to you following your demo all. Right. Thank you, guys. So I'll get off with some of these questions. We'll get through a few of these. I don't know if we'll get to all of them, but we will make sure to answer all the questions. Once the webinar is complete here, we'll have an opportunity to go back through and answer some of these questions. But for to start off here, I'll send the first one over to Olivier and it's does Mirion 4C development of ADMC 3000 BLE that could pair with cellular enabled device to facilitate broader areas. So for example, A50 mile radius emergency planning zone Olivia. Yeah. So thanks, Chris. So the DMC 2000, the Bluetooth with Bluetooth capacity, which means that the Bluetooth module, additional Bluetooth module is able to be paired on the on the tablet or smartphone or it's something like totally possible. We already have a connect to your software that will manage the pairing from the DMC point of view and the smartphone. Yeah, that's. Thank you, Olivia. All right, we'll go to another one here. Is the location negatively impacted by heavy concrete or lead shielding? So we talked about this a little bit before, but really the locations dependent on being line of sight 4 to 5 anchors. So the heavy concrete, the shielding that you may have in place, as long as you have line of sight to those four to five anchors, that'll get you that less than 1M accuracy that you can get. So it's not negatively impacted, but you may need more anchors based on the conditions of an area that you're working in. All right, we'll get to another one and I'll have Perry answer this one. So this one is who or how was the two D 3D maps of the location created and entered so that you can perform a real time tracking of individuals Gary. Yeah. So typically the we asked the site to provide the actual maps that are going to be used. So normally we'll do the setup for in. Well, I mean, the last time we did it, we, we got the map from the site. We did have an initial problem with the map because a lot of the 3D scan maps have a very, very high resolution scan, which makes them a huge file. And we were trying to deal with a, it was like a six or seven Meg GB file which we just, we just couldn't process it. So certainly the site needs to provide those. Typically we can help with that. We have other sites that do can extrapolate 3D from a 2D map and and make it fairly realistic so or fairly accurate. But yeah, typically the site does that and we do ask the site provide the 3D maps in a lower resolution so that we can actually use them on the software. Thank you, Perry. And the one other note on that I'll say is they do have to be dimensionally correct. So when we create these two D maps is maps, not maps is when we create these two D maps, they have to be dimensionally correct. So whether that's plant drawings or anything, you have to create those off of because that's what that XYZ coordination coordinates are based off of. All right, next one, let's see my screen is getting a little small here. All right, so. Yeah, it's not. Yeah, I saw the question, will be able to replace our telemetry software such as GDS or does it work with VSDS? So of course all you can replace all telemetry software and adding and so the location capacity. Thank you, Olivia. Next one, this one we answered a little bit, but I'll make sure that we answer it again here. So will the Anti X work with Orion? Jerry went over a slide there that shows how we can use an asset tag or mini asset tags and we compare them within the software. That way you know where the NTX is and you get that data, that lifetime data location with the dose rates in the area. But you don't need the tracking capability of being Orion like like Olivia said, it's a full-fledged telemetry software as well. You can do it if you just want to see the NTX data. It's going to show up just like any other bar telemetry data on the Orion system. Thank you. All right. Next question, I would like to know the operational distance limit of the system. So, Olivier, I'll let you answer that one. So, yeah, so regarding the operational distance, it's really depending on the local plane like the your factory side, there are no really I mean distance where the system won't work. The the question of location will be like the calculation of our system. So we know that we can have anchor enough to have like efficient resolution all the time. So I won't say we don't have so much limitless operational distance. Thank you, Olivia. Let's see, here's another one. At what point does a real time dissimeter qualify as a dose rate Radiac for surveys of record? It would be nice to put the DMC3000 on spot the dog for an easy way to perform an area survey for record. So Olivia, I'll let you answer that one as well. So we can do that with the DM 60,000 of course, but we can also continue to do it with like a radiometer. We will just add an asset tag. We will combine the those right measurement and the location data and we will we will be able to track this information with the location information. And one thing I know the the IC three that's coming out next year, this year will have an option later on to add the UWB board inside it. So it will actually as I mentioned earlier, it will be a ion chamber survey meter with UWB or location tracking capability just like the actual LTX is. So that's another, that's another possibility for it. OK, another one here. I'll let the guys help me out on this one. So relative to previous questions, is there four side of Bluetooth connectivity becoming a two way proposition? This is to imply the capability and not only reading data from the DMC 3000, but perhaps also enabling a manager to program new alert alarm settings without the need to recall personnel away from their assignments. Maybe I can take this question please. So regarding the B directionalities, the the that's the definition of the connectivity. So it means element A is talking to M&B. But you must understand that we voluntary stop the the double pass to avoid any I king into the dosimeter. So the you must understand that the dosimeter is sending the information to the module and the module is doing the B directionality. But so far we didn't implement the second pass to come back on the dosimeter and change internal parameter. If you want to configure it your dosimeter, you need the reader to do that. It was a way we in order to ensure no I king and to ensure and so the perfect user experience. No bad surprise. Thank you, Olivier. I think we have time for one or two more here. So I'll start off with this one. How long does a system take to set up? So this is very dependent on the size of the system that you're looking at the location. So it depends on how many anchors there are needed to be put in based on the conditions of the environment. So this could be a couple hours to more and it all depends on how many measurements we need to take to get the actual location of the anchors we're installing. And once again, just it's highly dependent on the size of the system and the number of anchors that need to go in. And I believe we have time for one more. So Perry, I'll ask you this one. How does the telemetry features of Orion compare with other telemetry systems? So Orion has the the same parsers that our teleview does and tell you basically has everything except for right now our contamination monitors available for it. So it certainly can be used as telemetry only if you wanted to. It just does not have because it is a more complex system. It does take more setup for your telemetry, but once you've set it up, it's actually works really well for telemetry. It's basically set up in groups. So you have, because you have different columns from different groups, you have decimeters and area monitors and airborne monitors, and they're all separate groups. So that just basically means it's best if you have a, a long term monitor. So you get your groups in a very, very nice vertical list and be able to see them all together. But yes it it works very good as telemetry and can see all the data that anything else can see. So to conclude, I would like to to thanks all of you to to join this webinar today. Thank you to Perry and Chris for the presentation. Thank you all for for the webinar organization. We will come back to you regarding the question in the will take time to to answer like by by e-mail. You want to have a demo, you want to have more information, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to to to have like a meeting in order to, to go deeper in the system. It was just an overview. We can really explain with more details without issue. And the the last information is about the next webinar for the those mirror and the geometry especially focus on those itself, the 22 October. So if you are interesting about the mirror on those management software, please click on the link and we will be happy to to introduce those management software the 22 October. Thank you very much and have a good day. Have a good day afternoon and good evening. Thank you. _1741937743913