Thank you for joining today's Sun Nuclear webinar. Today, Julia Kirckhhefer, medical physicist from Sun Nuclear, will present a first look at Suncheck 5 dot O. Julia is a medical physicist from Germany and currently serves as part of the Sun Nuclear Applications Physics team, and she works closely with our customers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland for radiation therapy and diagnostic imaging QA solutions. During today's presentation, Julia will discuss and review the key features being added to the Suncheck platform in version five dot O and highlight the innovations we're bringing to the market with this major release of the Suncheck platform. Before we get started, we do have a couple of logistics items as well as some poll questions. So before we begin, Please note that all attendees are muted. We do encourage questions and you can enter those at any time in the questions box on the left hand side of your screen and we'll address those questions at the conclusion of today's webinar. A recording of today's presentation will be sent out to all attendees after the broadcast. Before we begin with Julia, we do want to have just a couple of quick questions. We do know we have quite a few Sun Check customers on the line today and we'd love to understand which version you are currently using version 4.3 or newer, or previous, or if you're not a customer and haven't joined us in the Suncheck version yet, go ahead and select D that you're unsure and not using yet. We'll give you just a couple of minutes here to select your answer. Go ahead and click on click on the screen there directly and you take note. We'll give it just another two or three seconds. So go ahead and get those answers in. We'll go ahead and we'll, we'll show the results here. So everyone's aware of of who we've got on the line today. Looks like a good mix, Julia. So we've got quite a few folks that are using 4.3. I hit fair number that are on 421 and quite a few that aren't exactly sure and aren't using the Suncheck platform yet. As a follow on, we're also interested in learning which OIS system or oncology information system you are using very an Aria elect the Mosaic research rate care or other. If you can go ahead and and click that for us as well. That will make sure we're addressing that information as we go about the webinar. See that the results tallying up there. We'll go ahead and give it just another couple of seconds. All right, Oh, looks like we've got a pretty good variant crew today and a handful about 1/3 using the Mosaic platform as well. So Julia, be sure to address those where the information does come into play. And so now with further, without further ado, we'll go ahead and we'll turn the presentation over to Julia to talk about Suncheck version five Point O Julia. Great. Thank you so much, Andy. Welcome everyone. Good morning, good afternoon. Really appreciate your time on listening to our today's webinar on what's new in Suncheck 5 dot O. We have many exciting new features, new enhancements to the platform to announce today that I will go through and that I will show to you live in the software afterwards. So Speaking of that, Sun Shack 5 dot O is our third significant release of Sun Shack in the past 12 months, or to be a bit more specific, a bit over 12 months. It's actually the 4th release that we had, so 4.142 and 4/3 All in all over 12 months that have been released with key features, key enhancements to the platform. So in case you have not learned yet what is part of those three releases prior to five O, we do have in the resource section the previous What's new webinars linked. And in addition to that we also have like feature sets and feature cards highlighting at a glance what has been added within those past releases. So if there's something and sort of functionality, you might not be sure if it's part of Sun Shack, get a look at those cards and you will definitely get your your answers in there as well. So this Sun Shack 5O release reflects mainly five of our tenants from the product strategy that drive our product releases driven by innovation, driving enhanced workflows, reporting, analytics and user experience is what our releases are about. So all of these features we brought into Sun Shack is backed up by one of those five tenants to get Sun Shack to an even more connected workspace within the radiation therapy department. So just at a glance for those of you that are online that do not have Sun Check yet and I'm not aware of what Sun Check is about. South Sun Track is a centralized QA management system for radiation therapy departments that takes care of all of the patients specific and all of the machines specific QA all in one single place. So if you are currently working with multiple databases, software solution, stand alone single island solution, you don't need to think about that anymore. With Sun Check you have everything integrated, having the patient specific QA from initial plan assessments and plan quality checks all over the QA workflow into the in vivo monitoring. And on the machine QA side, we do have daily, monthly and annual QA, not only per the TG 142 report, but also other local or regional standards all over the world. We connect with our machine QA devices and have automated imaging, V MOD and MLCQA all combined in one single platform. So this is what Sun Shack is about and featuring today what will be next with our 5.0 release. So we have roughly about 2020 features that we brought into Sun Shack, all backed up by those five tenants I've mentioned earlier, especially with regards to bringing innovate innovation, but also workflow enhancements and analytic, analytic features into the platform. So what we can see here already is that we have updated our Sun Shack view. So we have a new at a glance work list that will tell you right ahead what works are due and need to be done. We have a more detailed dashboard overview that's basically aid in easier decision making for what needs to be done within the RT department. So starting with the features specifically on the machine QA side, we have enhanced our direct device connectivity that is not only the daily QA three and our IC profiler anymore, but now we have expended our connectivity through the integration of the PCPC electrometer and our 1D scanner. So this all helps to reduce the use of additional software. It's directly integrated from within the platform. I will show it afterwards how you can directly start and stop the measurements from the software to use it in different kind of QA protocols. So either if it's per TG51 or TRS-398 or any other protocol that you might work with for, for those measurements, you could directly integrate with the PCE and the 1DS on that side. In addition to that, we have made additions and enhancements to our image based QA tasks. So this allows for way more flexibility of the analysis parameters in the machine QA. So we've added additional functionality to our IC profiler measurements. So in addition to the predefined parameters that can be extracted from the measurements itself, you're now able to determine off axis measurements. So define single detectors within the array. What do you want to have the dose readings for and use it for for further analysis. We've implemented a new image based test to verify the jaw orthogonality. We've brought brought in enhancements to the MLC leaf position test as well to the collimator QA star shots as well. We do now support the MLC picket fence test, leaf gap and leaf positioning test for the Halcyon and for the Ethos. So with separated proximal and distal MLC models, you're now able to have those tests fully integrated in Sun Shack as well. Moving on to the patient side of Sun Shack. Thanks Andy for making this poll In the beginning to check on the on the spread between the different OIS systems where we've seen huge participation of those using the Aria oncology information system. So we've expanded our integration with this system. What does it mean? So from Barian Eclipse, you're now able to get your clinical goals that are part of Eclipse directly through scripting into Sun Check. So in one of our QA phases in, in, in Sun Check where we're using the clinical goals and the constraints to compare it. You do not need to work with the predefined templates anymore to change or to modify those. You can work directly with the clinical goals that you've set up in Eclipse and exported through the scripting. In addition to that, we also enhanced or expended the the the script launch. So it's not only possible to directly launch the plan check from within Eclipse, so the first phase of our patient QA path, but also now dose check launches directly from within Eclipse. And out of all of these patients specific QA workflows. Whenever each of these single phases is completed and you want to save a patient specific report in the PDF, there is now a direct connectivity to save this report directly into Aria. So you can either directly sign it or also approve it from within Sun Shack and it will automatically be transferred on one of these ways into into your patient back into Aria. So enhanced workflow on this end here that reduces additional clicks and manual working steps. This is now all integrated and automated on this end. So another huge enhancement and expansion of functionality on our patient QA side on the plan checking feature. What is the first phase on our patient QA workflow in Sun Shack is the addition of plant feasibility. So those of you who know our Sun Nucleus Plan IQ solution where based on a patient's treatment planning, CT and a structure said a feasibility testing. So saying a feasible DVH is calculated. This is also now part of Sun Check. So you can see this roughly here on the left hand side. I will show this in the software as well. So for all of the organs at risk there will be a feasible DVH calculated. So this algorithm assumes a homogeneous dose in the target structure based on the dose prescription. And then with different physics calculations there will be the so to say best and feasible DVH per this patient calculated. So many dose constraints are like created through a cohort size of patients, but might not be ideal for like patient specific plant creation. So this plant feasibility feature takes the patient's anatomy and the locations of the organs at risk into account and then calculates the feasible DVH, what might be in cases even better. So with a higher plant quality than what kind of like published constraints to prescribe per organs at risk. So better tools that you can work with in your treatment planning process. This is now all integrated in in the plant shed workflow into Sun Shack. So if you've never heard of Plant IQ or what the plant feasibility is about with this new feature in Sun Shack, I've just listed a couple of publications here. So there's lots of publication backing up this feature describing more specific what this algorithm and this calculation of feasible or feasibility DVHS is about. So please feel free to dig through these publications. So in addition to the plan feasibility, we've also added a plan complexity calculation as part of our plan checks. So in addition to the comparison of those symmetric constraints, the DVH feasibility, we also have plan parameters that we do compare against a reference in order to like reduce like additional checklist that you might use after a plan has been created. And to those physics checks, we have now added two complexity metrics that help to determine if maybe your plan is overly modulated and maybe too complex. So we have brought in two complexity metrics into our deliverability checks. So the first one is the the amuse per Gray or per centigrade that might be an indicator if the plan is overly modulated. And in addition to that we have decided out of many different complexity metrics that are commonly used or can be calculated to bring the edge metric into our plan checks. So what the edge metric does is to see this here on the left hand side as a reference within the edge metric, the leaf sites. So the lengths of the leaf sites of each field segments per control point is calculated per the area of a irradiated field and then like scaled on the total of numbers per amuse on this whole plan after all of these segments have been accumulated. So this H metric and also the complexity metrics for the amuse per centigrade, they do have a likelihood that with A2 large complexity metric that the likelihood is larger that this plan might fail throughout the patient's or like the following patient QA phases like a pretreatment QA for example, where you check the deliverability of the plan. So This is why we did decide to bring those two complexity metrics in. Sunchek automatically calculates it for you and it might be another indicator if your plan might be might be too complex so that the risk is higher that it might fail in your patient specific QA following afterwards. So lastly on that on our patient side, we have added an additional in vivo analysis tool. So when you're using sun shade patient for your in vivo monitoring, saying you're monitoring each and every patient with the use of the Epidemic as well as using the lock files for a dose calculation on your planning CT or on your CBCT, you now have the possibility to select the error category. So this means that when you might have identified an error in a specific fraction, you can now flag it either if it was a patient setup error or it was related to the treatment unit or whatever. Can also define if this detected error was clinically relevant or not. So that in the future you can use this detail and this information more useful as we get more insights into the patient's fractions. So not only giving giving the results of the quality of the in vivo fractions, but now through the error classification also using this data for maybe some trends or some further analytics. So a a huge enhancement for those that are using in vivo to symmetry already clinical and have lots of results per patients that they already analyzed. This gives a good enhancement bringing those error flagging all those error categories in there. So and then the last thing to announce on our patient specific workflow, we're making huge enhancements to our 3D secondary dose calculation to our dose check module in sun check. So this will be a holistic expansion by a Monte Carlo secondary dose calculation. So this will aid with the support of most all photon treatment delivery devices, what will also include the cyber knife and other systems and following afterwards will include SRS cones and also the electron energies. So in addition to this Monte Carlo integration that will follow in Sun Check very soon, the five O release also brought in the superficial and ultra voltage point dose calculations. So there's there's another enhancement and feature addition to our our dose check module as of yet. So if you have further questions on what's new within Sun Shack, please feel free to answer those or to get those questions in the Q&A that we will then then answer towards the end of the presentation. I will dig into the software to show those features all live to you, not only through screenshots or to just like mentioning roughly another thing that I want to share with you that we've already introduced some time ago, but that I especially want to make our existing Sun Check users aware of. So on our Sun Check Machine side, we have a tool that is called template sharing and this is already very actively used. So in case you've not heard of this, if there is any kind of template for a specific kind of either machine or a specific kind of QA standard out there in the world, we do have on our support page. So nuclear supply, but also customer supplied QA templates that can be created into Sun check and then exported. So if there's any kind of templates, for example, regional standards. So many of my colleagues and also myself have worked on bringing like local standards like for for France, for Germany, Austria, Switzerland and many other countries into the platform or also for different treatment delivery devices. So Damani, HDR, Brockie or Mr. Lenox? There might be or there are already predefined templates from mainly other customers that have been shared on our support page also for different kind of modalities, SGTQA, Gating, QA, but also for PMI or after service event measurements. So there are lots that are available on our support page. So if there's something that might be of interest for you, just have a look on our support page. You will find those there and you can then import them directly into your Sun Shack machine software and get those up and running. So at this point I will start start moving into the software and we'll show you life. What's new in Sun Shack 5O? So what you see here on the screen right now is our updated user interface and our updated work list view within Sun Shack. So what you can see here is this work list is designed to give you directly at one view what is important for you to do, which tasks are either due, which tasks are due for a review or for an approval. So this work list that is divided into the patient review list and also the machine review list will tell you what machine QA tasks are due, which patients fraction has been finished and finalized and needs to be reviewed and approved. So you can directly at a glance see everything that is needed and requires attention. And we've also brought our asset management into the work list. So the asset management has been implemented in previous releases already where you can main, where you can set up all of your assets that you have in the clinic and monitor those through sun check. So if there's any kind of asset that requires attention, so because either a software pitch has been overdue or your electrometer or any other kind of iron chamber has a calibration date that is that is already passed you, you will get either a warning or a direct block if the calibration is due and already expired. So at a glance, you can see everything that is needed and that requires attention for you. So we have also updated the workspace list on the machine QA side. So you can see here at a glance all of your machines that are set up and going on the QA. So we implemented this status view here. So at a glance you can see at what kind of machine and action might be required because one of the last machine QA tests has been out of tolerance. So we've, we've implemented a change here that it reduces the view of the templates within this workspace list. But you can always like extend this list here to see everything and all of the templates that are set up. So all of these first three templates that are showing here are those that have like the the next or like the earliest due date. So, for example, if your if your annuals might be not due until the end of the year, but there might be monthlies and dailies and weeklies that are like earlier there with the due date. This is kind of a filtering logic behind there that that does this this sorting for you. We have different viewing options where you can either have like this reduced and more compact or this expanded view where you can also see the the history of the last of the last QA stages. So you can decide with what kind of view into Sun Shack you do like working with. And in addition to that, we have updated that all of our tools that you can navigate and access to within Sun Shack can be directly navigated through this left bar here. So through the sub menus, you can directly go to all those different all those different tests or different features into Sun Shack where needed. So it gives you an easier navigation throughout the whole throughout the whole software. So Speaking of the plant feasibility tool that we have implemented into Sun check. So as part of our plan checking phase, what is the first phase of Sun check after the DICOM push, all the scripting from the treatment planning system has been performed. You can see here in this DBH view this feasibility range that is calculated based on this prediction model that will give you the the best or most feasible DVH per your patient. So when you select the different organs at risk where it does apply to, you will see this feasible DVH and then can use this information afterwards ahead of your treatment planning process. So based on like the patient, the patient anatomy, the location of the organs at risk, there might be those constraints that might be more feasible for a specific patient. So this component can then be used ahead in the treatment planning process. But also afterwards to to get a a more detailed view on if the DVH that has been created through this treatment planning plan in this treatment planning process is the best achievable DVH for this patient. So this is what the plant feasibility feature then provides here. And as I've mentioned previously, we have the plant complexity metrics then edits into the physics section as well. So Speaking of the direct reporting into Aria, as I've already mentioned, you do not need to manually download the PDF report and then save it manually into Aria. Once you create the event report, no matter in what kind of stage of the Sun Shack QA workflow you are in, you can directly send it into Aria, either sign or and or approve it and then have this workflow for the documentation of your QA process enhanced So quickly showing the functionalities of the error category. So when you're using Sun check patient with the in vivo monitoring tool and you have all of your patients undergoing in vivo to symmetry and you detect different kind of errors throughout the patient's treatment journey. You can now define the error category. You can define if the error has been clinically relevant or not and then use this information. Furthermore for more analysis and more analytics, especially when applied to huge like datasets and huge number of patients, treatments or fractions. So then moving forward into our sun check machine enhancement, as I've already mentioned, we do now have the PC electrometer directly integrated. So in addition to the device connectivity with the daily QA three and the IC profiler, you can now directly start the measurement from the PCE within the software. I'm currently showing a template that we have set up to show the integration of the PCE. For example for the TRS 398 calculations. We do have templates for TG51 as well for photon output factors, but you can use our customizable machine QA template features to create templates that do fit your needs. And based on the nominal voltage and then also the measurement depth that has been defined, the software will automatically communicate this to the to the 1D scanner. So when I do this measurement here, it will automatically apply the selected voltage. It will move the detector in the 1D scanner to the specific depth, then we'll perform a background measurement and stop the measurement afterwards. So the measurement itself will be taken in a triggered mode, what means that once you hit start and the measurement is acquired. Let me just reload this here real quick and the measurement is required acquired, sorry. You are then able to deliver the beam as as often or as many times as you like. So for example, if you want to deliver your beam maybe five times or 10 times and then you want to have a want to to proceed with the with the average of this dose readings. This triggered mode allows to deliver them all in one single measurement. So you do not need to hit start and stop 10 different times. So what sun check automatically does through this trigger mode is identifies those measurement as separates and then take the mean of those afterwards. You can also have a look then at the history of those acquired measurements. So if by accident for example there is a dose reading or a measurement that is faulty for example, you can then delete it from from the measurement queue. So now the system applied, applied the voltage, performed the background measurement and is now in the acquisition mode. And once the measurement is then stopped, you can then see it's directly, it directly populates the measurement value right here within this template. So there's no need of an of a manual input or a transfer or anything like that. So in this little button here, we'll show you the history, if there has been a history. So in this case, for example, if two measurements have been performed, it will calculate the mean out of it. If there is a faulty measurement you can just and easily delete it and it will not be used. And at any kind you can redo a measurement and it will add additional readings to your queue or like to your history view and incorporate this then into the into the calculation. So all of these readings of the PCE measurements can surely be integrated into our custom math tool. So within Suncheck machine, you have the you have the tools of any kind of custom math calculations. So if you, for example, want to use your charge readings and want to have different kind of correction factors calculated out of these, Suncheck does it automatically for you. So for the TRS protocols, for the TG51 protocols, we have all of those standard calculations per protocol already implemented. But if there might be any other kind of calculation that you want to implement, you can use this custom off tool to get any kind of calculation in there that you like and that you can think of. So I will finish this presentation with lastly showing you the enhancement to our image based QA tests. So most of these tests have been implemented that we fully support the ANSM protocol for our customers in France, but they can surely be used for any other application as well. So as I've mentioned that we have now the jaw symmetry and orthogonality test included what we'll do a calculation of the of the of the jaw angles. So when you deliver an open field, the Sun check software will then calculate the the angles between the jaws to check for orthogonality. So a huge enhancement to those open field measurements. As I've mentioned, we have now full support for the MLC picket fence leave position test for the for the Halcyon and for the Ethos made additions to the Collimator QA. So if a Collimator star shot is acquired, we've made enhancement to this test as well to yeah, to overall enhance especially the compatibility with other protocols and standards out there in the world to make it all fully compatible within Sun Shack. Great. So at this point, I or my colleague Andy, we will have a look into the chat box to see what types of questions were coming in here. Thank you, Julia for the wonderful overview of the of the upcoming release of Suncheck 5.0. That was one of the questions is 5.0 currently released? It is currently in our final stages of getting that live and we anticipate it being able available for download for our customers in the next 4 weeks or so. So in about one month's time that that will will be available and we will be broadly announcing that via e-mail communication to all of our current customers. There is a question Julia just regarding you know on different versions of the software, how do I go ahead and and get up to version five point O what's required? You know some some folks are on version 321, others are on more of the latest version as well. Right, so to get you upgraded on Sun check five O, it is required to be at a minimum of Sun check 4.2 dot one. So our Sun deploys support team is very happy on assisting you in case you are already on a previous version to get you through this upgrade to then get you up and running with Sun Check five O. So if you are a customer who's currently not at a minimum of Sun Check 421, please reach out to to to any of us and our Sun Deploys team will assist you in getting you up and running for Sun Shack 5O. Wonderful. Thank you. Julia, there was a question just with respects to how our plan feasibility and plan complexity, how that maybe is different from the varying rapid plan software that's available or some of the other auto planning type tools as well? Yeah, right. So auto planning tools like for example rapid plan to work through a kind of learning based on input plans that need to be assessed for like treatment site and then out of that those kind of those kind of planning features will be derived. Plan feasibility is different from that. So it does not need any any pre planned as an input to create like those feasibility DV ages. So the only information that the plan feasibility feature does need is the planning CT, the CT, the RT structure set and then the prescribed dose for this target structure. Because it's a it's an approach that does not take previous plans into account. Because you can also have a model that is trained based on, I don't want to say bad plans, but what's in is what gets out. So this is not what plant feasibility does. It takes like physics based models like different kind of dose spread function for low and high dose gradients with an assumption of a homogeneous dose distribution in the target volume based on the prescription and then calculates this per patient. So it does not require any planning input. It does not include any kind of machine learning features. So it's a really you can say patient specific plant feasibility feature because different kind of anatomy is different kind of locations of organ at risk might lead to different feasible DVHS. Just because you're treating a prostate for example, does not mean that the DVH that is feasible is like applicable throughout your whole set of patients that are treated for prostate. But it can be different between patient and. This is why this is a really patient specific feasibility DBH calculation that does not need any kind of plan inputs previously. Thank you. There is also a question. We'll stick with the the plan check here. You know, does the plan check API work for a certain version of Eclipse And I believe it is anything newer than 15 dot O or 15.5. But also along those lines are there are a couple of folks that are asking about Monaco and and other elements. Can you maybe speak to how plan check works with that? Yeah. So it does work with all the other treatment planning systems as well. So that we have the direct scripting launch through Eclipse does not mean that we do not work with other treatment planning systems. So a initial DICOM push from any other treatment planning system does automatically transfer RT dose, RT plan, RT structure and RT images and then start with the same QA procedures into our sunset workflow as well. So there is, beside the scripting launch from within Eclipse, no differences in support of features and functionalities between different treatment planning system or OIS systems. Wonderful. There's a question that came in with respects to sitting on the patient side on the in vivo errors for an individual patient. Is there a way to see a summary of those errors once you've categorized them? Is that something that currently be exported? Yeah, yeah. These can be can be incorporated into into a report or into like a into a viewing that afterwards. Along those lines, kind of switching gears here then the platform side, you know, talking about automation and and patient and machine QA for non 100% variant sites, maybe a mixed environment where they've got an electrolinac with the variant OIS, etcetera. Can you you speak just briefly to that? Yeah, absolutely. So we do support any kind of integration of not 100% one vendor side. So Speaking of that, different kind of Linux, different kind of treatment planning, system planning, CT, they can all be integrated into Sun Shack. We also do support multi OIS integration. So if you have a site with maybe multiple satellite sites and you do not only have like the same set of Linux types, but also do have different OIS systems, we're also able to get, for example, one area and one mosaic connectivity into one single Sun check server to have like especially like larger centers with multiple satellite sites integrated. But we do have, yeah, full support of like mixed environments, generally speaking. Thank you. There's a question here with speaking about the templates that you mentioned. One of the questions is the different templates or different regional standards that are available. There's a question about maybe you can speak to what some of those are that are available, but also if there's anything with TRS standards that are available as well? Yeah, right. So especially with regards to regional and local standards, as I've mentioned, there are templates for our customers in France that are following the ANSM protocol. For our German customers, we do have all of the Dean standards implemented. For templates for the customers from Austria, we do have the ONOM implemented and the customers from Switzerland we do have the SGSMP recommendations in there. So this is basically the TG142 daily, monthly, annual for like all many other countries within Europe. TRS 398 is also implemented and available I think as a SNC supplied protocol. So one of my colleagues has mainly worked on this and I'm pretty sure that this is already on there. So you can just download it from from the software and then import it like in your machine QA settings when you want to set up a template. And then you can automatically pull in all of the TRS 398 protocols and tasks into your machine QA test. Wonderful. Thank you. A couple of other questions here about the hardware, software requirements to install or run Suncheck 5.0. I think maybe there's a more broad answer since we don't know the exact current, current situation of the customer. But if you can just speak to the deployment of opportunities that we have for Suncheck. Right. Yeah. So we do have different kind of deployment methods of Suncheck. So there's different definitely a differentiator. If you're planning to have an on Prem deployment of Sun Check, what does mean that you have the server locally at your side and installing and operating Sun Check from there. But as we're also having Sun Check available as a as a cloud solution. So there are already two different ways on how this can be set up. We do have specific documents for each Sun Check release. What kind of technical requirements like for the server, all those kind of things are needed. So please feel free to contact any of us. We can definitely share those documents with you. That will tell you all of the IT specifics and server requirements for the deployment of Sun Check Five O, but it's definitely needed information if you're planning on a cloud solution or the like local server instance where it's installed within your environment. Wonderful. One more question the customer's asking, I'm on the current version of 4.3. Do I need or do I sorry, do I need to upgrade to 4.3 before moving to 5.0? So any I think you addressed it, but maybe just a late Comer here or just reiterating the the process for that. Yeah, no. So if you're already on 4.2, you do not need to upgrade to four three before upgrading to five O. So if you're on 421, you can directly move up until you're on five O just if you're like pre 421, you just need this one step in between. But if you're on any four, two or higher version or newer, you can directly move it up to five O and don't need this intermediate step there. Wonderful. Looks like there's a couple other questions that maybe would be addressed by technical team. There's a question about Is plan feasibility only useful for inexperienced planners? That's a good question indeed. So the the slide I've shown previously, let me just push this up here again. Where is it that was highlighting a couple of publication. I think there's one under there that just compared like different kind of treatment plans that have been part of the treatment planning studies that included the same kind of patient and the same kind of patient treatment. And it was really a huge range of different kind of plans and DVHS that have been achieved there no matter if it was an experienced or inexperienced planner. So as I've mentioned previously that the way how those constraints are defined that are applicable for an organ at risk does not mean that they are like applicable for every patient. There might be constraints that might be achieve a better plan quality per patient just because different and anatomy, different kind of organ at risk location might cause different kind of doses in there. So it is not a saying that only inexperienced planners should or should be using such a tool. Even experienced planners can get really great insights on what's feasible for a patient plan through this tool, just because there is a like intra patient variability of what's achievable. So the plan called quality can be enhanced no matter the the experience status of the planner or the the symmetrist. So have a look into those different studies, really, really interesting insights what's getting out of those those planning studies. And it's great if such a tool as as feasibility can help to enhance the plant quality and and get those those enhancements. Yeah, in front of everyone. Wonderful. One final question here. I don't know if you can speak to the specific elements that are in the Halcyon MLC test that we're adding in. I maybe just touch on those one more time, just there was a question. About, yeah. What are the What are the picket fence enhancements? Yeah, right. So the enhancement there are definitely that we now do have separate MLC models for the proximal and for the distal MLC of the Halcyon. So this way you can now perform the the picket fence test separately on those MLC banks as well. So this is the one thing and another addition to all those MLC tests is that with single clicks, you can now like override the expected MLC position. So in those cases, if you do not want to use the, the reference MLC position out of a initial data set, for example, and you want to have like an ideal MLC position of like, I don't know, 5 centimeters or something and want to have those like all over your whole MLC block, you can with one click apply those ideal reference positions to all MLCS. So this does apply for this picket fence test on the Halcyon, but also like the the the other MLC positioning test that you can directly overwrite so to say the the reference value with like an ideal value that you want to to achieve. Wonderful. Before we close today, I do want to make note that listed on on the resources page here, there should be a button for customers that would be interested in making the the steps to move to the latest version of Suncheck. So you are ready for the version five point O release. Please go ahead and and click that link that will connect you directly with our global support team and they will be more than happy to address any specific scenarios you've got with your types of OIS system you might be running treatment planning system, etcetera. And making sure that your sun check is ready to be completely maintain the automation that you've come to expect throughout as well the upgrade process there. But with that, I do want to say thank you to to Julia for the the wonderful presentation today. Thank you to all the audience for the questions. We really do appreciate them and we look forward to seeing you on our next webinar. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks for joining. Have a great day. _1740102563933