As fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies and their external supply chain partners continue to operate in a competitive, ever-shifting market, it is becoming more important than ever for them to drive two-way visibility and high fidelity collaboration across their complex, multi-tier networks.
To this end, it has become mission critical for consumer brands and manufacturers to leverage modern supply chain planning technologies and multi-enterprise collaboration platforms in order to drive performance and responsiveness across their networks.
This webinar will highlight how leading technologies in the realm of supply chain planning (OMP) and multi-enterprise collaboration (Nulogy) can deliver value for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) enterprises and their networks of external supply chain partners such as contract packagers and contract manufacturers. By leveraging these two complementary categories of supply chain technology, FMCG enterprises can take advantage of true cross-enterprise visibility for their own value stream analysts and external suppliers alike.