The regulatory bar for liquidity management has risen to new heights – and continues to rise and evolve in the aftermath of last March’s bank failures. The Fed’s aggressive tightening cycle moved liquidity management to the center of regulatory focus, as disintermediation of the deposit base and heightened awareness of the speed and magnitude with which deposits can evaporate created a paradigm shift. Adding to these challenges is the protracted and steeply inverted yield curve exerting further pressure on liquidity and industry margins.
Forewarned is forearmed and there’s never been a better time to prepare than now. Join R&T Deposit Solutions and Darling Consulting Group for a discussion packed with valuable insights and recommendations for more effective liquidity management, including recent observations from the regulatory field, optimal funding and balance sheet strategies, and considerations to assist your institution in navigating through turbulent times and the evolving landscape.
Highlights from the webinar will include: