What is up everybody? Ricky, Redtail here for you today and I'm very excited, one might say hyped to introduce to you our brand new syncing tool that we call Sweet Sync. This tool, we have a long history of syncing tools with Redtail going all the way back to the OG, the original Retriever for desktop now and then grab man, we've gone through so many retriever for desktop, then we had retriever for Tail leg and then we had Retriever Cloud. And now we are introducing Sweet sync, which could, I'm not going to, you know, make any definitive guarantees here, but this could just outshine them all. This gives people what they have been asking for for a very, very long time. But before we get into it, we got to do a few important safety tips. We got to set the table for what everybody is experiencing here. So I want to very briefly call out the audience Console and what you have. You can arrange it to fit your preferences. You can make this window bigger. You can click on a variety of related content around me. It's funny 'cause I can't actually see the the console itself, so I feel like I'm trapped in a glass box of the motion here. But you have access to our slides. You have access to our blog, our webinar schedule. We also have a 30 day free trial. If you've never used Redtail before, this is. I wouldn't say this is the best first webinar to start with. But none the less we're happy that you're here. So you can absolutely check out our 30 day free trial. You can e-mail this webinar to a colleague, or you can actually view the setup instructions if you're somebody likes to read through things rather than watch people talk about it and click through it. We got a whole set of setup instructions all about Sweet Sync available to you. So click around like just explore the space that we are in and I wanted to make sure that that everybody was aware of that. So I think that's a pretty that's a pretty decent like safety spiel if you will. No seat belt belts need to be secured. No ponchos need to be put on for the splash zone here. So we're going to be all right. Now not only am I on this webinar here, but I got a good friend. We actually just got done partying in Vegas for T3. It was it was a lot of work, but we had a good time. I got my friend here, Matthew Smith. He is a product Manager here at Orion. He has walked me through this and walked me through what we have been doing here. So again, going back to those safety instructions, customize the console however you want. Ask any questions that you want. Submit your questions below and we will do our best to answer them live. And then like I said, we have a free trial. You will receive an e-mail link with this webinar recorded. If you want to watch it again, you can do so on demand. But yeah, getting into the, the fun aspect of this here, one of the biggest pieces of feedback that we have constantly been getting is we want to be able to swing our Redtail information with our outlook with our Google, with things like that. And so now specifically available for the Redtail growth plan and this is available right now, we have simplified the way that you manage and stay connected across those suite of platforms. Your entire suite of Microsoft Office 365 can now sync not only with our calendars and our contacts, which has been something that our users have been able to do before, but now with emails as well. This is really, really cool. Now I'm not going to get into all of the details here. That is what Matt is here for. He is going to show us around. But obviously I wanted to set the table, I wanted to give us all a little taste of what we're expecting here. Each one of these features an e-mail sync, calendar sync and contact sync, offers something that is a little bit different, offers a value add, offers a new feature, a new wrinkle in the way that things work that has never been available before. So I'm going to take the opportunity to call those out as as Matt shows us long. But the last thing I want to mention before I hand the rings over to him is if you have those questions again, don't be afraid, put them in the chat and we will do our best to answer them during this webinar. And if not, we will do our best to make sure that we reach out to you afterwards to get those questions answered. Matt, does it sound like I forgot anything? I think I think I got everything covered. I think I've talked enough and now it's time to actually show the goods. What do you think? I I think that's a great idea. Rick, thanks so much and you know I I want to tell you why I think sweet think is so cool and exciting. I mean First off e-mail and and Redtail CRM from your external account. As far as I know that has never been done before and in this case it's easy to find searchable and and really an easy way for our users to be in the CRM as much as they as much as they can. The other thing it does from a calendar perspective you touched on this is it streamlines your calendar and one of the key ways it does this is no longer are we creating a separate calendar within within your Outlook 365 account, but now it is we are integrating directly with your default calendar. And finally I think the biggest piece here is we've designed this integration so that I'm just referring to this as a choose your own adventure. You can have a bi directional sync if you want. You can have a singular directional sync or no sync whatsoever in any of the core 3 tenets of of the integration being e-mail, calendar or contact. I love it. Dude. I'm. I'm so excited to show this off. Now. You're the one who's going to be sharing your screen. So I want to make sure that you throw your screen up here so that we actually see it. Now what's funny about this, and you and I talked about this beforehand is that you've done and I'll stop my share so that you can throw yours up. Perfect. Is that we've already set up the sweet sync in the database that you're going to be showing us. So we have a handy dandy educational slide deck here to give you sort of the first glimpses of what it's going to look like for the very first time. Because when people log in and they set this up, they're going to be getting just a pretty much a blank screen to start out with because we already set it up in your database. We can't actually show that. So we're going to show them this. I got that about right, right, I think. Precisely. So when you're in Redtail CRM, you can go select your name from the top right hand corner. You will be able to select Manage your Account and from the Manage your Account drop down menu you will see an option that says Sweet Sync Preferences and I'll show that a little bit later. When you enter the Manage Sweet Sync preferences page for the very first time, you're going to see a blank screen and you're going to see a little button there that says Add Account. When you select to add your account right, you're going to be brought to a page where you're going to authenticate your e-mail account. You enter your e-mail account, there, select continue, you authenticate and then after that. Easy peasy right? You'll be brought to a stage where it shows you that you are currently syncing and gives you a preview of the options within the syncing process that you have. Perfect. And that that initial sync's going to take a little bit, right. It's got it takes a little bit for Redtail to communicate with your outlook and we saw very briefly. I think it's important to note right here before we get too crazy right now this is available for Microsoft 365, but we are working on other versions for like the Google suite of products as well, right? You you got it. So our next step in this integration is not only to have Microsoft available available, but then Google as well. Awesome. I love that. I love that. So you know, on the syncing front, we know that our our users have a lot of information within their e-mail accounts, right? They have histories of e-mail, they have calendar event, they might even have some contacts there and that might take a little bit for us for us to grab. But once that information is available with within the CRM, it's very quick for us to to navigate over to the CRM and start to sync that information. You can kind of see quickly here that here is what that will look like. OK, I'm going to get into my CRM right now. So I will select my name, Matt Smith, select Manage your account and once I'm in Manage your account you will see the option for Manage Suite, Sync preferences. I think this would be a good time to call out the fact that you will not see this option if you are not a Redtail Growth user. If you are Abd user, please reach out to your broker dealer to see if Sweet Sync is available for you. But this this function is only available for growth users today. Good. To know, good to know. So I'll select and manage sweet sync preferences and what it's going to do is bring me to my my external account page right? And from here right I can see all my all my preferences that that I've already said. So let's start with e-mail as our as our first tenant. Here you can have two options right? You can sync emails from your external account. Meaning in this in in your external account is your outlook or or Google account. In this case, yes or no and then you can choose to have any of those accounts linked automatically to your to CRM contacts. Awesome. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to display that here and show you how that works. So I have my so I have already linked my external account and you can see that there's the linked checkbox here, the sync checkbox, and see that it's completely linked to matt.smith.tasks@orion.com. So I am going to go into my contact, Tyrese Maxie. I'm a huge basketball fan wreck, and being from Philadelphia, I'm a 76ers fan, a rising young star. Tyrese the franchise Maxie there. You go, so I'm going. To go into that's Joel Embiid. He he's also a contact in my CRM. We can talk about Joel later. So I've already synced this account and I have decided that I want all my emails. And just to be clear, there's a 30 day history of emails and calendar invites that will be brought in when a user initially syncs. Perfect. So like if they're singing on January 31st, all of the emails that they're going to be seen are going to be from January 1st on. And I think that's I'm really glad you brought that up because this e-mail syncing is not designed to replace Redtail e-mail hosting or archiving. This does not fill those same type of SEC and FINRA needs that require communication, archiving that is fulfilled by our Redtail hosting and archiving. This is a just a a fantastic and convenient way to see the last 30 days of messages with your contacts. I got that right, Right. I think I do, yeah. Correct. I mean we we're not looking to replace any of that. This is a nice add on to some of that as well. That being said, we currently do not integrate with Red Tail Webmail. Good. To know, OK. That's that's another step in the in in the process, so. Got the process in your head like like. What I did there, All right. e-mail history. So I'm going to go into the my contact Tyrese, the franchise maxi. I'm going to select E-mail History and then what you will be able to see within the E-mail history from my my client Tyrese is all of the emails that exist that I have corresponded with with Tyrese from my from my Outlook account, which you can also see right here. So it is. Very easily displayed within within this contact and and just to kind of talk about something else a little bit, you can also search for your emails globally. So if you go to the Today portion of Red Tail, select the E-mail tab, you'll be able to see all the emails that came in for any of your contacts that are linked in the e-mail portion, right? So. As to that point, if for whatever reason somebody chooses not to auto link emails because that is an option you can just bring bring emails in and not auto link them. Not an option that I would choose. I would definitely auto link them, but in case you're you're a user who doesn't auto link, they will show up globally on that e-mail today page. To to totally right. So so here's what I'm I'm going to do here. I am just going to click into one of Tyrese's emails. Hey, let's plan together for the future. One of the things that's nice here is you can see all the e-mail text here, right. In previous iterations, you know you might have, you would just be able to see a subject, but you can see the actual exchange that happened within my Microsoft account in the CRM, which is real really great and also it is very, very searchable, right. So I'm going to close this and I am going to select this e-mail called Home Games that that I that I have been sent. So here Tyrese is saying, hey, I'll be at a few home games recently, I'll shoot you some tickets. Let's say I just want to find that message I can collect, I can select search and I'm just going to hit ticks right here and select search. It's going to take a little bit to think and what comes up is all the messages that contain the text, the text text. And it'll look, it'll search for not only the subject, but again the actual contents of the e-mail. So that's pretty cool. Something that we have yet to have within within Red Tail CRM. Very cool. Same same type of reporting functionality that we have on our notes and activities where you can search for a word or phrase. Same exact functionality here where you can search for a word or phrase that exists in the subject or the body of that e-mail. I did see that notification pop up though, and this is an important distinction to make. You're only able because of the way Microsoft Works, because Microsoft is special and a global conglomerate and all of that fun stuff. You're only able to search for the content in received messages, right? Correct. However, I mean, normally you're responding to and from your client all the time, so you know you will normally be able to see those messages and search for those messages and if you can't, you can find them within your list here. Absolutely. You can be see your BCC yourself or CC yourself if you need to, because as long as you're either in what is it? As long as the e-mail address is either in the from the to, the CC or the BCC, it'll show up here. Correct. And if it corresponds with any e-mail on your contact record it will populate here. So it doesn't matter if it's the preferred, the primary, a work, home, other. As long as that contact has an e-mail that you are sending to and from your Outlook account that you have linked to to the CRM, it'll show up here. It's here to jump around a bit, but that brings me to a good point here where there is a one to one relationship between your Redtail CRM user ID and your Microsoft Account user, right? So it's not as if I can link multiple Outlook users to one CRM user, it's always a one to one relationship. That's a good note to make because we have some offices who like that. There's an assistant or there's an office manager who wants to log in to the bosses, you know, the the principal, the advisor's record or what have you. And the whole reason this is designed this way is to keep everything legit. The whole idea behind utilizing Redtail is that it is compliance. The things that you do in your database are recorded. So this helps with that, obviously. Correct. So I'm going to show two other cool features with e-mail and then we'll move on to some contacts. So I'm going to select my e-mail about talking to Tyrese Maxi. And you can see in the e-mail that me that I've sent to Tyrese A, I've copied Joellen Bead. And then the other thing I I made mention of is make sure you tell Allen that he's a legend next time you see him. I'm of course referring to Allen Iverson, Philadelphia Legend. Now Allen Iverson just happens to be a contact within my database, and let's say I want to include this message with with Allen Iverson as that contact. I can select select the Chevron here, select linked to contact, and what's going to populate is a list. I'm going to select Allen Iverson. Whoops and look what pops up Allen the answer Iverson. So I'm going to select Allen Iverson and what I've done here is manually linked this message to my contact, Allen Iverson. So if I were to if I were to drill into the details of Allen Iverson again, select E-mail history and then go to view manually linked, I would see this message, even though it has really nothing to do with Allen Iverson. The contact within my database now practically for advisors, right? Let's say you're corresponding with a client. I have forgot to put their spouse on there, right? I can just very easily attach a message to a spouse that corresponds to to my client or client group. That's awesome. There are so many that is answering a huge request that we've gotten before. We have gotten that request so many times where an advisor is talking to ACPA about a client or what have you. And even though the client isn't part of the conversation, the conversation is about that client. Now you have the ability to link as long as the CPA is in Redtail, as long as your e-mail address is in their contact record, you now have the ability to link those communications to that client's record, just to give another example. I think that's phenomenal. Yeah, I I think it's super slick. It's a really cool thing to do and I'll just show you one more thing. So I'm just so Tyrese wanted to send me some of those highlights for my. Favorite part? I love this. So let's say like, you know, that's something I don't really care about. That's not really something I really need to worry about, something I don't really want on my record. I can just easily exclude that, right? So it's no longer in my contact list. No big deal though. I can select View excluded. Oh, there it is. But it is not within the context of my greater list of emails that I really care about for Tyrese at this moment and as it pertains to to my business with him. Now that being said, I could watch Tyrese Maxi Highlights all day long. So you personally would never exclude this. This is another. Never. This is another great feature because there again a lot of people have been asking like I get I get memes, I get random junk mail from clients, I have more than just, you know, you know, business related conversations. But I don't want that cluttering up, you know, my referencing. This is a great tool for that. You know, if if you're anything like me and you're sending just gifts all day, like I don't need that in my e-mail correspondence, you can choose to exclude it and hide it from that initial view and declutter that initial view of what you're looking at. Very helpful. So what I'm going to do now is I am going to show you some stuff about contact sync and you know very candidly this is something that we have had within the CRM for a long time. But again I want to go back to the point where I said we designed this to be a choose your own adventure integration, right. You can choose to bring in any all your contacts from your external account and put them within the CRM or vice versa right? And that can be a one way sync or both. Now if I were an advisor and I was setting this up for the first time, I would probably take a step in approach. Right? Do it one way, do it the other way, maybe do it both ways. It really doesn't matter because we've created this handy dandy clear synced contacts button so that what this button will do is if you bring something in from into the CRM from your external account, you don't really like it. You can select clear sync contacts and that'll remove all the contacts that you brought in. And honestly it's no big deal, because if you decide again that you want to do that, you can simply re sync your contacts. And if you decide that you've done this in vice versa, meaning syncing your CRM contacts in your external account, no big deal. Select Clear Sync Contacts and those CRM contacts will just get wiped out from your from your external account. That's awesome. I love that. I think it's, you know, obviously every office is different, but one of the biggest pieces of feedback, and again, I'm going to keep referencing feedback here because this tool answers a lot of feedback that we've been getting. But one of the biggest pieces of feedback we get is I want to be able to see my contacts names pop up when they call me on my cell phone or something like that. And just purely syncing from Redtail from your CRM to an external account. It gives you the ability to do that. Now because Outlook will sync normally to your phone, your account will normally set up the way that it does. And then if you get a phone call from Ricky Redtail, my name pops up. Because you're syncing CRM contacts into your Outlook. Now you can always go the other direction, which obviously we'll talk about a little bit more, But I do think that that's really, really nice. The ability to sync directly with Outlook, have those names, addresses, phone numbers, the Rolodex info sync together. Valuable for the advisor on the go. So, totally so I've already said this. I mean, look, I don't want to dictate how to work within your office as a product owner, I want to give you the options that are most helpful for you, an advisor or you an administrator within your office. What works best for you. So I've already set this up. So again, so it's a one to one relationship between a group of contacts and your external account. So in this case, and that's normal because I normally don't have folders or specific groups, they're all kind of lumped together. So I'm going to take my contacts here and then I can select by. I can choose not to sync at all, I can choose to select all my accounts, or I can choose by tag group. In this case I've chosen my my AAA accounts or My contacts rather, and then in this case I am just selecting from the external account to the CRM. So yes, I want those contacts and I only want me to see those contacts, right? We want to honor some permissions that you already have and already have in place. So, and again, I've already have this set up so I will just display one of my contacts so that I know was sourced from from my external account. So I'm just going to pick Giannis on Takempo right? Who? Who doesn't? Game recognize game. Game Recognize Game. That's right. So I am just going to go search for my contacts and I'm going to find Giannis the Greek Freak. I think it's important to mention if anybody is on this call is not sports like is into sports. These are all basketball players. Yes, they they are. Just in case. Just in case so one thing you will see here is if you look in my keywords and tag groups, you will see that we automatically show the time and date stamp of when Yanis and all my other contacts from my external account came in. So what you could do is if you really want to get rid of them and kind of like a selective way, you could use our reporting search for those contacts and get rid of them or add some information if you so chose. But you can very clearly see he's already been added to my tag group. The info from the from the external account was brought in and I'm ready to rock again. If I so chose I could clear this out. No big deal, no harm no foul and re sync it again if I so chose. What's really cool about this? And again, correct me if I'm wrong, but if you do decide to clear contacts or the sink is cut off or whatever, these contacts will disappear. But I believe they show up in the recycle bin. So if it is you know pertinent that you get those contacts back, that you didn't want them only in Outlook, you can always go to your recycle bin. You can always bring them back. But what's really important is that then that keyword they won't be synced if you bring them back from your Recycle bin. If you restore them from your recycle bin, you would have to resync the contacts as Matt showing us right now. Sure, but again, not hard. Not a big deal, right? You can clear your sync contacts and resync in whatever fashion you want. One thing I wanted to note here while I'm here, and I apologize for jumping around, but you. One of the nice things that we've done is when you're synced and ready to start adding your options within within the sweet sync menu, we will notify you through e-mail and we'll also notify you when your bulk syncs are complete so that you can do your work when you're ready to go. Excellent. So one thing I'm I'm going to move over to the the calendar here and I've already synced my calendar here again. One of the nice things that it syncs with your primary calendar. So I'm going to go over to my calendar and I've already set my options here to sync BI directionally. Again, if if I were an advisor or an admin or in an office stepping in with suite sync, I would just do that. I would step in. I would probably do a singular sync then bi directional if I so choose, right? Absolutely. This now I also, while you're pulling up your calendar here, I want to point out how big of a deal it is. Again, this is another new change different from all of the Retriever products beforehand. Previous versions of syncing tools with Redtail created its own separate calendar, its own separate Redtail calendar that was opposite or or outside of your normal existing good old fashioned regular Outlook calendar that has been removed. This now goes directly to your native Outlook calendar, and that opens up the opportunity for you to accept meeting bytes on Outlook and have them sync directly with Red Tail without having to worry about managing multiple Outlook calendars. And I think that's huge. For sure. So one of the things I'll say here is, so we will also respect privacy in the context of of the CRM. So if you mark something as private in your in your external account, it will be private in in the CRM as well. So in this, so in this case, I have a reoccurring meeting that I set with my other two clients, Adrian and Rocky Balboa. All right. So what I'm going to do, I'm going to go into my calendar and this is again my default calendar in the CRM and I am going to find that same meeting that I have on the 1st right with with Rocky here, right here we go. We're going to meet at the South Philly market. Great. And it's reoccurring. I have it done for for the first of of every month. So I'm going to go down to March, right. Here it is. It's the first Thursday of every month. So Yep, there's there's my meeting, there's my next meeting, right. Same thing with with something that derived from the calendar in Outlook into the CRM. Right. So I tomorrow I have a meeting rather sorry Friday, I have a call with with Joelle. Oh my. My favorite favorite six are Joelle and Bead. And guess what? It is going to be right there on Friday in Seattle. There we go, Rock'n'roll. Now again like I I just wanted to point this out and display this for for the last time. So I am just going to clear all of these. It's going to just take a moment. Clear them out. Clear them out and then what you will only be able to see next is the the info or the calendar invites. Rather that exists for Joel Embiid and not the ones from a rather. Sorry the ones from Rocky in the CRM, but not the ones for for Joel Embiid. Gotcha, gotcha. Excellent. Just all the Philly love today, both. Fiction. I know, man. All right. So that didn't take super long. I'm going to go back to my calendar. Sure. Enough. There it is. We see the, the. There's my retirement meeting. But the Joelle meeting disappeared because it's still on our Outlook calendar. Correct precisely. It's still there. So the clear functionality again I think is so cool because it'll clear anything in your external account that derives from the CRM and clears anything in the CRM that derives from the the external account. And again, it all depends on what you, the user, have decided, decided to do. It's true. And I do think there's also value there as well because, and and I say this with all the love in my heart we have worked with, I've worked with thousands of offices who got all sorts of fun setups of how they do their calendar or how they do their CRM. And if you sync these together and something doesn't look right, the fact that you can just click clear right away and you know that all it's going to do is just, it's just going to separate everything. Nothing's going to disappear. It's going to put everything back in its original spot the way that it's supposed to be. Very valuable, just in case. Like, suddenly my calendar looks crazy. Sure. So here's the here's one thing I I wanted to show as kind of a a last, last step here. If you need support, if you need help, we we have teams here that are dedicated to helping, helping you. So if you select this little chat bubble, you select let's talk, you're going to be able to speak to an agent very shortly. But guess what's going to happen, right? You're going to be able to go speak with an agent and you're going to get support, and you will be able to get support solely based on Sweet Sync or retriever support. So we already know what you're talking about before before you come in. I love that. I think that that's really valuable as well. The fact that you can clarify before you even talk to somebody that this is the problem that we're having or this is the issue that we need help with, it's a more professional way of doing it would not be to mention a problem right away, but whatever. I did it anyway. Sure. That's awesome, man. Thank you for showing all of that. Do you have any is that that was the last thing that you wanted to show us, right? That is the meat and potatoes of the integration. And I I will say that we're always hearing feedback, we're always looking to do more and I I just can't tell you how excited I am about this. And again I I don't want to tell any office how to how to do their business, but what I want to do is give them the tools to operate in the most efficient way that they feel possible and that's that's the real basis of this integration. Absolutely. The ability, I mean the fact of the matter is, is that Redtail covers a lot of the needs that are required by this industry, whether it be compliance, recording, all of that type of stuff and Outlook doesn't. But Outlook exists in our actual everyday life in ways that you know Microsoft has the assets and has the ability to put behind. So the fact that we're able to build this connection and help bridge the gap between, you know, some of the functionality that you know frankly will never specify itself for this industry, like there's no, and again, knock on wood, whatever. I have no idea what Microsoft plans are, but I severely doubt that they're ever going to build a suite that has to do with one specific industry in this country or in this world. What they try to put together is all for everything. So the fact that we can connect something that covers every need that you need to cover inside of this industry with something that is pretty common in everybody's life I think is a huge value add as well. I wanted to answer a couple of questions really quickly. Some of these, Matt, I think you might have insight on and there's at least one that I have insight on, but you mind if I rattle off a couple before we wrap up here? Yeah, let's go. Awesome man. I'm going to throw my slide back up about questions again just in case. Actually, I need you to stop your share 1st and then I'll go ahead and share mine. And if we need to, if we need to actually demo it, we'll throw it back up again, no problem. But the first question was as far as the calendar goes, you mentioned the calendar, the e-mail particularly is 30 days in the past because you can't have future emails. That would be weird. And you should absolutely call me if you have an e-mail from like 6 months from now because you might be in a time, you know, portal or something and we're going to need to discuss that. But for the calendar, obviously we can schedule in the future as well. What is the 30 days look like past future for the calendar? Yeah. So we we can schedule a, we'll pick up things a year out right in your calendar and again 30 days of 30 days of of history in the calendar. Perfect. And if you use Redtail the right way, you should have way more history than that, especially now that things are going to be able to sync from Outlook like meeting reminders into Redtail and then you can mark them as complete in Redtail. Like, that's dope. I love that we can do that. Because remember, a completed activity becomes a note. It's etched into history. So that's great that it goes a year out. Another question for you that I think I I I have no idea what this answer is, but how long on average. Obviously it's going to be different for everybody, but how long on average have we seen that initial sync last for? I know you we get an e-mail when it's all said and done, but what kind of expectations should people put behind that? Yeah, good. Good question and it's a fair one. Folks have a lot of information within their within their Outlook or Gmail accounts. I don't know about you, but I am still a Luddite and sometimes I'm often working within my e-mail, so I have a lot of history if I were to if I were to sync. That being said, it can take up to a few hours to two hours maybe to do that initial sync. I don't think that is a big lift considering the time save that I think you will receive off the features within this integration. Absolutely. And if there is any issue with that, you just showed us how to get support and how to check on the sink and see if there's anything that we can do to help speed it up. Sure. Excellent. Last question that I will cover before we give our pleasantries. I saw that you have the option to select either all of your contacts or A tag group and somebody asked if there were you know best practices or benefits of that. And I think I can answer to that being the guy who's like lived in the CRM world and lived in this industry for freaking 12 years, which is crazy to think about. But in my personal recommendation, number one, it all depends on the number of contacts you have in your database. There are some offices that work with 50 contacts and they're all high net worth contacts and that's it. That would be fine. In my opinion, 50 contacts is not that big of an ass. That being said, there are also databases that have thousands of contacts. Maybe they're not nearly as organized as they should be. In that case, I would recommend creating A tag group and putting in either your most important clients. Create a favorites tag group and and throw in all of your gold clients or your AAA clients. Whoever is the top of that service model mountain of yours. That's what I would recommend focusing on. I think that that is the safest way of doing it. That way you're not bringing over, you know, any dependents, you're not bringing over any businesses that you don't care about, things like that. So if if you have a very clean, relatively small database, I don't think it's the end of the world if you sync everybody. But just to be safe and just to give you more control and more expectation as a user creating A tag group and controlling who is actually in that tag group, I think it's just the best case scenario. What do you think? I I couldn't agree with you more. I I think if it were me I would probably use the tag group function as well. And also to your point, depends on the database size. If you have 1000 contacts, contacts you're you're you might be it might be a good idea for you to create A tag group, but again if you have 150 I I don't see an issue with that. Absolutely, absolutely. More control with A tag group is always better in my opinion. Especially if you have questions about your database cleanliness or clutteredness, then create A tag group. That way you know who's coming into outlook and vice versa. So appreciate those questions. Now again, if we did not get to any of your questions today, don't worry. We're going to make sure to do our due diligence afterwards and make sure that everybody who submitted a question gets one answered. But Matt, I think that's it, man. I want to thank you for walking us through all of this, for showing us this new tool. I want to thank everybody who joined us on this webinar. Don't forget, you can watch it again in the future. You're going to get an e-mail letting you know. And just as I do my pleasantries, as I do my wrap up, don't forget to click around this console. If you're looking at setup instructions, go ahead and click for them right there. If you're looking for a Redtail webinar, schedule or a blog. All of that is clickable from where you're looking at right now, but it's going away in just a little bit because this bad boy is about to end. So Matt, I'm going to give you one last opportunity. Share your hope of the 76ers with the world and and then I will send us on our way. Well first, Ricky, thanks so much. Appreciate it. My my hope for for the 76ers is let's get that chip. And again, thank you everyone for for joining. Thank you for taking the time. I know everyone's time is valuable and I appreciate that everyone took the time to hear about this great feature that we've built. Very much so, man, Thank you for everything. Go. I'm a Phoenix guy, so I got a roof for my sons. But I respect the pain that the 76ers community has been in for a very long time. Or whichever your team is, unless it's the Celtics or the Lakers, then you get no sympathy from me whatsoever. But but thank you everybody for joining us. Again, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to reach out to support. Much appreciated. Get syncing, let us know how it works, give us the feedback so that we can continue to improve and make this something that is useful in your office. But for Matt, my name is Ricky Redtail. And thank you all so very much for joining us. Have a great one. Adios. Bye, bye. _1739449728047