Hello everyone, I am hope and be helping moderate today's webinar. I would like to welcome everyone to exploring the benefits of state-of-the-art Murion detector technologies for Synchrotron applications Webinar. Before we get started, I'd like to go over some housekeeping. At the top left of your screen you will see our Q&A chat box. Please ask questions throughout the presentation and we will answer as many as possible within our time constraints. On the left side of your screen is a resource list with more documentation on what we will discuss today. If you don't want to miss on miss out on any future webinars, please sign up for our mailing list and all of your windows are adjustable, so feel free to move them around for your best viewing. If for some reason you are having trouble viewing this webinar at any point, please refresh your browser. This webinar will be recorded and available at Mirion.com/webinars for future viewing. Here you can also see our past webinars. This link is also in your research section. Today's webinar will be presented by Gabriella Eilai. Gabriella is the Product Line Manager for Specialty Detectors, focused on developing custom high purity germanium detector solutions for challenging and unique applications. She has a PhD in experimental nuclear physics, and in the last few years she has played an active role in promoting new technologies to help customers select the best radiation detection and instrumentation for their applications. I will now hand the presentation over to Gary Ella. Hello, good afternoon, good morning. Thank you everyone for joining the webinar. In today webinar, I will give you a brief introduction to detector technology solutions which we have for synchrotron application. I will then explain how to choose between silicon and germanium detectors for your application and what are the some important criteria to define the most suitable detector and in the next. After that, in the next section, I will speak about the high purity germanium detector solution for synchrotron following by Silicon Drift Diodes Detector solution for synchrotron application. And I will conclude the presentation and open the floor for Q&A. So here with Miriam we have complete solution of detectors for synchrotron application. The main semiconductor at Miriam for synchrotron application are high purity germanium detectors and silicon. Here you see some examples of different detectors which we build over time and well we have. They are covering a wide range of application from spectroscopy for application to this semiconductor. They also have application as imaging detector in configuration such as strip detectors and finally pixelated 1. So during the presentation I also have some all questions and I would like to get some feedback on some of these questions. So so far for the if you have used any detector for synchrotron, have you experienced any challenging or limitation with existing synchrotron detectors? If you can select yes or no here, I will be highly appreciated and I will wait a few seconds. Next let's talk about how do we select what is the best solution for your application. So germanium on silicon as I mentioned previously are the main semiconductor used for X-ray detectors. So first in terms of energy range, the silicon detectors are best between 1:00 and 20KV and germanium is between 2KV and 200KV. For both configuration we offer retractable cryostats, you know down to 300 V 4. In terms of energy resolution the silicon detectors are better below 3 KV and for count rates better above 1,000,000 counts per second. And for the germanium detector, they are better between 3KV and 200KV and they are better below 1,000,000 counts per second. In terms of throughput both detectors they are similar and for the big two background silicon it's better than germanium for the footprint, silicon is it, it's smaller and you'll see some parameters wise that is and germanium is it's a much larger footprint. In terms of price, there are some difference in and silicon tends to be a lower a lower price and also it has some florescent peak which depends which depends of the semiconductor and material of choice. So there is a 1.7 KV in silicon compared with 11.1 KV. Therefore the generated X-rays are less likely to escape. So detector volume if we if we look at in this particular energy range and well this should be taken into consideration whether you choose detector of choice and additionally if there are any extreme in the region of interest for some application around this they can present some some more more complicated structure. In terms of cooling time for the STD we have two solutions available, Peltier cooling which takes few minutes and we also adapted and implemented new developments where our silicon detectors can use electrical cooling similar with germanium. Next, let's see some details about the material absorption for for the for the two main semiconductor which I presented here. So each of the semiconductor has advantages in some certain application for the laws energy X-ray. So below 20 KV silicon is really good as you see here in the graph where the energy is a function of the absorption photoelectric is presented and for the germanium. For the germanium crystal they can be easily built in a smaller in in bigger sicknesses. So here is just an example of 5mm here and 10mm. And for the silicon we have O .5mm. Also seeker germaniums are available and for the germanium we can go to higher energy. As you see in the plot here, you know about even A60KV. You have almost 100% absorption in terms of in terms of like you know, key performance on features. Let's see which are some parameters which are most important for the users in in order to to choose the best detector for the application. So due to the new improved electronics, the energy resolution, the peak to background and the maximum Zener and the peak to background are improved, which means the benefit is a faster measurement, better peak discrimination and better for low concentration. For low concentration samples it has a really good sensitivity in the energy of of interest. The maximum pound rate per channel can the benefit. In this case it's like lower that time on measurement, measurement. Well measurement time and you will see some users example and feedback in terms of the total active surface gives the possibility to maximize absolute beam coverage. Then the number of channels can be optimized as a function of of the different angle large active surface and the count rate capabilities. The optimization of the geometry of the active area. It's also important the minimum distance between the channels and the energy range. This provides an increased packing ratio and sensitivity to maximize the coverage of the solid angle of interest and to avoid detection of the scattered or diffracted or signal noise. And it has enough sensitivity in the energy of interest. So next let's I will focus on the high purity germanium detector for synchrotron application. As I mentioned we have been doing improved our technology building back technologies which we have so significant improvements performance and test results are showing on this slide. The comparison between the former generation in blue here and the the the new generation shows that by using a novel ultra low capacity of for the element configuration and also using ultra low noise with cryogenic electronics and also a detector which are designed to highly immune to the electromagnetic interference, we observe a factor of almost two cut in the fullest half maximum you can see here. So curve in Reds going from 300 EV to 100 EV. And it's also the the graphs here on the right it shows a comparison between the output count rate for the two types of preamplifier and the measured energy resolution, where it shows an improved energy resolution for the new type of preamp. Other important parameters to notice for this new generation type of germanium detector, it's an increase increase throughput. This the increased throughput give us, it gives us better electronics and smaller pixel. It has a decreased front end rise time and it decreases at that time on which LEDs to faster data acquisition as it can see here. So you can see the former generation and for the new generation some pulse or oscilloscope traces which further more LEDs to an overall faster pulse processing as you can see in the graph here in the next in the next slide, I want to give you some a quick summary of the current technologies we have available for synchrotron detectors on the high purity Germanium site. So former we have two types of technology available which is a monolithic pixel detectors and the discrete array. And for each of these detector I listed here which have some important detector parameters to take into account. And we introduce a new generation pixel detectors and I will give you the tiles going details going forward. So if we look at between the monolithic L and the discrete array, so this fits here in the middle when it keeps you the best energy resolution, the best pick to background or it has the best count rate capability. So really similar with the discrete arrays, the number of channels currently available for the new development is up to 16 channel. It has a really good solid angle coverage. So formerly it used to be the largest with a monolithic and now with this new generation pixel it's it's really good. The energy range it's it's similar and there is no charge sharing between the different channels. Next let's I have another all questions where I would like to take few minutes. So are you aware of the recent advancement in spectroscopy performance for the synchrotron detector? So if you can please select your answer here, I will wait few seconds. In the next slide, I will speak a little bit about the four more types of detectors which we build and then I will introduce a new concept technology which I mentioned. So since the beginning, when Miriam builded the first germanium ray detector, it was comprised by multiple elements. The segmentation patterns of the pixel can be adapted between, you know, one to almost 100 pixel or a single segmented on a single segmented crystal. The element size of the pixel can it can be between 25 or 64mm and different custom and mechanical design to fit the stringent user requirements were available and you see here different picture just showing different pattern. For the new generation of pixel detector we can go up to substitute elements and we can have now multi element array up to 24 round shaped element. Also an important aspect of the detector had to do with solid angle subtended by the array. So below are some illustration of the packing density of the monolithic discrete array of the monolithic versus the discrete array. So you see an example of the seven and versus the nineteen element to show the different packing ratio on the next slide just to mention the different custom monolithic pixel detector which we build over time. So you can see examples of detectors between you know 3425 or 36 pixels 64 and 100. And also I want to point out specification for each of the detector can be provided upon request and some example of single and multi element array detectors which will build over time starting with a single element and up to a configuration here of 18 elements for. And the same specification for this detector are also available. If anyone is interested. For the monolithic pixel detectors, I would like to highlight some features which for these detectors, so we have a unique process implemented to the germanium crystals. The the process how we do the monolithic it's it's really done in a consistent manufacturing process. They are highly reliable which is ensuring the minimal probability a failure. It requires less window gluing needed for these detectors and test regarding the high electromagnetic immunity even in harsh environment are done where shielded pre amplifier, high quality gold plates, connector and smart heat ventilation are used. In the picture here you notice really short wiring distance for higher throughput and there was a cross talk suppression and really modular electronic. So instead of if you open the detector it's really easy to change only one of the boards of easy on site maintenance. Next I would like to present our new generation of pixel detectors where we combine the ideal of coverage area of the monolithic pixel but with detecting performance of the multi element array detectors. We use. For this new type of detectors which we which we did, we use the latest fast CMOS front head electronics to obtain an unprecedented the you know spectroscopy performance. How I will show you some example the detector can be. It's available in two options with liquid nitrogen cooling and also with electrical cooling. Different custom configuration are possible. The detector is fully compatible with all the currently available digitizer on the market and and also we have. I would like to highlight here we have a demo detector with a new pixel detector which can be tested at your facility. So what did we do differently besides what we the concept which we currently have? So in order to have more modularity of this detector, we came up with this design where the new generation 16 pixel detector is consisting of the 16 square how you see in the picture here and shaped as like that where you can have groups at four element at the time. So this will allow different users to have four channels equipped at the time and you know, keeping the other free four channels grouped empty. Or it allows the possibility to acquire the first you know aid, but leaving to implement the other eight channels later. So this is really great. It's a new concept because in the past you will have to either you know have four channels and if you needed more channels. Additionally, if a higher I mean intensity of the bin line, you have to get the new detector. So in this way you can choose how many channels you have you would like to have available up front. The same applies to an 8 channel detectors with four initial channels and which could be later equipped with four additional one. As you can and to have a a complete system, some additional information about the detectors with detector which we did. So we did initially implemented As I said only the four square pixel. I mean in this each the active area of each pixel is 9mm by 9mm, it has an active thickness of 6mm each per element and it has a 1mm titanium collimator grid which is present between the neighboring channel which results in a 8.5 by 85.5 pixel aperture. The total number of the the pixel detector in this case is so it it hard to see Here in the picture is only four, so another you know block. Three more blocks of of four channels can be mounted later. We use the fast CMOS preamplifier and it's a compact design with ACP 5 Plus and it's compatible with all the FAST digital digitizer available on the market. A spec sheet of this detector is available only with this four channels in the corner and you can see here the different resolution for the different country. And in the next few slides I will give you some example where of users feedback where this detector was tested to a different facility. So first is a user's feedback by testing this detectors at the diamond light source where we compare the results and the performance of the new generation 4 pixel with a 36 pixel detector. So first we looked at the energy resolution versus the input count rate for zirconium for the four pixel channels you see here. So you notice we put the measure for the four channels up to 3.5 million counts per second. And if we look at the detector as I mentioned, we compare it with a 36 element detector, we look the same. We looked at the energy resolution versus input count rate and the in, in this case the detector could go up to for the same the quantum energy to 1,000,000 count rate per second. So you see the benefit by using the the new generation can go to even higher count rates. That's the former ones, former generation, and a comparison between a comparison between the 36 element and the new generation median detector by looking at the count rate as a function of energy. So you see, you could distinguish here between the two different X-rays, where before was a former one. It was much harder for the energy. We also, the customer also did the further study looking at the copper energy where it's the same. He looked at the full with half maximum as a function at the input count rate at that time. Corrected and the four element pixel detector can go up to 5 million counts per second. Next a second. The detector was also tested at the ESRF for synchrotron detectors in France. In this case the comparison was between the new generation 4 pixel detector and the searched in element detector available in the castable castable lab and you see the results which is the the main half with full with half maximum between the four demo 4 pixel detector and the searched in element detector at different shaping time. So the energy resolution it's almost cut in half. Next I would like to take another 30 seconds. And if you would like to answer, are you interested in testing of four pixel demo detector which we have available. So other improvement which we did for the synchrotron detector is to use the new electrical cooling which is a highly integrated electrical cooler with embedded electronics, electronics for the smallest footprint. It has a huge reliability more than 3 million hours with less maintenance required. There is no compromised on detection performance versus liquid nitrogen cool detectors. It's all attitude and it eliminates all the problems with which can occur occur by using liquid nitrogen which is you know the risk of refill oversight, the need for L and two infrastructure or the risk for burning or risk of anoxia other similar with this for electrical. For nano focus beams we have an additional option available which is which is a water or chiller solution. Whereas the fans from our electrical cooling are removed in order to remove any fan vibration. You know heat dissipation of the electrical cooler and heat dissipation of the preamplifier electronics. The chiller in this case, as you can see in the picture here on the right, can be even located outside the Hatch and also the electronics benefits from the water circuit. So do those temperature stabilization for the new generation of germanium detectors for synchrotron. Different customization of the end cap. It's available as it can see in some of the pictures and sketches or presented here. It can have an optimal square head or it can be on a retractable cryostat. It can be mounted, you know, off axis and some sketches of different or how the detector can be presented here. We also have the possibility to customize the prior stat in such a way if the detector is used for any transmission prior stat, which can be some application for beam characterization where we select the minimum material for minimal fluorescence and to minimize the backscattering of the front and rear window and to offset the contact. And a picture of the detector, it's it's in here. The germanium semiconductor as I mentioned initially can also be used and even silicon for high flax for X-ray diffraction and imaging. We have a different variety of detectors for that with millimetrical segmentation which are similar to the other detector which we do. They can be single legit or ultra legit detector. We can have array of discrete element array or a linear segmented pixel as it can see in some pictures and detectors. Here we built over time or even St. detector. All different possible crystal arrangements are possible and different custom browse that configuration folder as well. Or we can build annular silicon detector for beam monitoring the detectors for diffraction and imaging. They can have micrometric segmentation as it it sees in the picture here. Where strip detectors from an wafer or crystal slab can be used depending on the thickness and or they can be used for imaging beam lines. So an example of a medical bin line and a picture is showing showing over here of for other types of diffraction on imaging. So due to the advancement of the germanium of the germanium material and the and it's property such as high efficiency and stopping power, the result in high quality and large diameter wave force. It's also available as it can be seen as a picture or here Germanium material is a really flat field with much less flows than other high Z material like Rodolini marsennium or cadmium Telluride, which later on translates in a better image quality for this. So in in this particular instance different we have a partnership with Medipix collaboration, but we also germanium supplier. So in essence the Medipix can be integrated into circuit which connects to a really sensitive element to form A2 dimensional particle detector and its ability to count single photon and produce X-rays with really high resolution and noise freemake it excellent semiconductor for using medical imaging. Other application where germanium is a good detector is for double side strip detector. Both semiconductor available in median are available. They can an example here of a detector build with an active area by 60 by 60. Different thicknesses are available and they can be customized in different stackable and to to minimize the distance between. Or you can have a a silicon as you see in the lower picture with a thickness up to 11 millimetre. A quick whole question. So would you be interested in upgrading any of your current detectors or learning more about the new technologies? Thank you. So in the next slide, in the next part of the presentation, I'll focus on the silicon drift detectors. And So what is that? So the silicon drift detector consists of a seen cylinder of a fully depleted silicon in which an electrical field parallel to the surface drives the electron, the electron towards the anode located at the at the centre. Here the field is created by by many concentric ring electrons and the other anode is directly connected to an integrated CMOS which is acting as a currently amplifier. So the even if the silicon drift detectors can work at room temperature. The best performance are obtained at lower temperature, typically around -80 Celsius for the multi element array, our median, multi element array silicon drift detectors, they have really excellent performance. I would like to highlight here which are some of the performance so but we obtain more than 4 million counts per output count rate per channel. Another important parameter to notice is a we are using the cryogenic pulse cooler or similar with our germanium solution. The guarantee energy resolution is less than 135 DV, but typically the measurement value can be around 1:25 and the resolution at fast rise time is typically between 1:45 to 1:50 oh .2 microsecond rise time. We used some other feature. The mechanical design of the multi element silicon detector can be customized in order to to match the customer need. One advantage of our by by using the cryocooling for the STD Ray detector, it is that it's allowing lower operating temperature possible which LEDs to a better signal rise time and better resolution at higher country. It has excellent reliability and it's really easy to maintain on site. Some example of different silicon germanium of silicon detectors, sorry. Like you see here we have some more what they call standard configuration which is a seven element and the searching element and also we can build custom configuration as I mentioned which is really easy to customize. We can have collimated active area from Thirsty 50 or 80 and they can come in two different configuration as a planner or as a focused configuration as you see in the picture here and handcap or you know it can be customized longer nodes as required by its application or different clothes water chiller. It's also available some example of result obtained in house for the silicon drift detectors. It has optimum energy resolution as as I mentioned, the measured value can be 125 V The resolution is below 150 obtained O .2 microsecond rise time and it has really good energy resolution at higher count rate and the throughput per element is more than 4 million counts per second. And you see the result here also the for the seven element detector we received several users feedback where they achieved really good performance of the detector in the field. So first example here is seven element detector with the APS synchrotron and you see the measured value here which is as a function of the different count rates. So really excellent full maximum resolution and also plotted here for all the channels. Or or you can see on the XRF map of the 18 KV where they use the for the different element or line or for 1 by 1mm area and two by two microns pixel and you see really good high scattering for this element here. Other performance of this detector was also tested, so users feedback, but the search in for a search in element silicon drift detector or the Solane synchrotron in France, where you can see here energy as a function of count rate for all different channels of the detector. So no parasitic lines are present in the energy spectrum, the signal rise time is below 50 nanoseconds and the output count rate it's up to 4.5 million count rates that element. It's important to notice that because it's really hard sometimes to to do this type of measurement in in house by not having the appropriate sources some key performance and feature for the for STD detectors they have 15 to 20 better energy resolution at 2,000,000 counts per second. For the output count rate they use we use the pulse to cryo cooler which is really to maintain as I said the detector. So it has a low palm down frequency. It's thermal cycle free, so there is no loss of the vacuum integrity when the when warming up the detector. And you can find more information at all with different configuration on our website, some new developments which we did for the silicon detector. So traditionally all the detectors they were in one vacuum chamber and now we move to a new design similar how we are doing on the germanium side where individual packed elements as you see here on the right we are are done. So the advantage of this is excellent, you know packing fraction and by you have more flexibility, more development. We did. We introduced a new silicon drift detector in a hexagonal package where individual STD detectors are are are mounted as you see in the picture here. For one element the we optimize the packing fraction on the solid angle coverage and we reduce the dead area between the element and the separate entrance window. On the on the, yeah, the separate entries window. This offers us large flexibility and modularity in this configuration. For the hexagonal STD detector, each detector it's a vacuum, it's in a vacuum encapsulated design, no Weld leap. In this case they are hermetically sealed on the bottom of the header and they are compatible with all our vacuum chamber. The active area for this new development It's 75 millimetre and collimated and approximately 55 millimetre after coordination and I will show you some on the next slides view or design comparing the for more circular for more circular detectors with a new hexagonal so you see much better compacting where they can the reducing of of footprint even up for end capsule you see for seven element thirsting element and a one for 19 element. Some performance tested we also did in house where the energy resolution is below 155 obtained at O .2 microsecond rise time and for the hexagonal STD detectors as I mentioned. The the advantage is that they offer excellent packing fraction with individual package elements. The nose diameter can be reduced by 15 to 20% comparative with the former one and the individual elements can be easily replaceable. So the first two detectors they were already delivered last year. So spec sheet of these detectors are available if you'd like one. And a last question here if you please, you know provide what improvements would you like to see in the future development for the solution detector for synchrotron applications. Now while you type your answer, I would like to conclude my my presentation and the mentions that the detective solution for synchrotron represents our detector for synchrotron or ground breaking advancement in spectroscopy performance. We increase 10 times throughput, the full width half maximum it's cut in half but shorter shaping time and we have a five time reduction in the signal to rise time. We have a long history of building different detector solution for Synchradron application and really customizing different design and we have multiple reference available on request with a high degree of customization. So this concludes my webinar. I would like to thank you all for your attention. If you have any questions you can submit it in the chat here or you have my contact information if you would like to e-mail or my phone number. Thank you all. So I will wait few minutes, we'll see if we get any questions. So one question here is how can I test the demo detector and how quick can I have it? It's a good question, so please use my contact information here. Contact me and I can coordinate to have the demo detector your facility. And another one. What is the typical delivery time of the new generation of the pixel detector? So for the new generation, so that is between 6 plus to 8 months depends on the number of elements which you would like to to have. If you just want to have the first four or if you like to have more. One more questions, if we are working on sticker STD, yes, we are working to have Seeker STD and this development project is ongoing. I see no more question at this time. So thank you all for attending again and have a great day. _1743462397772