Hi, I'm Ryan Beach, the President of Orion Wealth Management. Thank you for joining us today. I'm very pleased that you're all here to join us today for an update on Orion's relationship with Schwab and an update on all of our activities post conversion. We have the senior leadership of both Orion and Schwab joining us today. Joining me from Orion is Mike Forker, our Executive Vice President of Operations at Orion. Mike heads up all of the wealth management and service and operations teams at Orion and owns Orion's relationship with Schwab. And from the Schwab side, we have Brad Lawson, who is the Vice President and National Managing Director of Relationship Management. Brad is a long time Senior Executive at Schwab that owns all of relationship management at Schwab including the Orion relationship and I'll let him introduce himself further in a moment as he makes his remarks. We also have from Schwab, James Watts. James leads Schwab's advisor Services Enterprise Group, which services Schwab's nationally recognized financial advisory firms such as corporate Raas, independent broker dealers and turnkey asset management programs like Orion. So welcome gentlemen. I appreciate you making the time to speak to our advisors today that I will turn over to the agenda. We're here because as you're all very aware over the Labor Day weekend, Schwab converted the institutional business that was previously held at TD Ameritrade over to the Schwab side of the house. And that was a monumental and complex task. And conversion weekend, you know, itself went very well. However, with any monumental and complex task of that nature, I think we can all agree that there will always be issues around change management, client service, changing service teams and change processes that can take some some time getting used to. And we're both very aware at both Schwab and Orion that because of those change processes in United teams that since the conversion advisors have faced some challenges which we're apologetic for. I know each of the advisors on this call are absolutely committed to supporting your clients and that's required additional work on your behalf since the conversion. However, we're committed to reducing those burdens in the future. Schwab and Ryan have worked very closely over the last 10 weeks to continue to minimize those disruptions to our shared advisors and shared clients. Both Ron and Schwab are committed to serving the independent advisor space and we're very thankful for your business and want to earn more of that business. We've listened to your feedback over the last 10 weeks. And so with that background in mind, we wanted to give you an update on a number of items that we've been working on based on direct feedback from you. So today we'll be covering DocuSign policies, Schwab's policies on solicitation of clients, general service and operations and general process improvements and then ending today with a reminder on your end deadlines. We'll also have some Q&A at the end, so please feel free to submit questions and comments directly to us. I also want you to know that even if we don't respond to your specific question in today, Mike Forker and I will follow up with everyone personally who submits a question today after the presentation is over. And so with that, I'll kick it over to Mike Forker to talk about some DocuSign enhancements that we've been working on. Mike, you want to take it? Thanks, Ryan. You know, as Ryan mentioned, you know, since this conversion, we've had dialogue with a lot of you about your pain points to the conversion and one of the most common themes is your ability to use your own DocuSign. And so we've engaged with the Schwab leadership team, you know, with Brad's team and James's team, to make it easier for you to use your own DocuSign. Over the last few weeks we've worked together to come up with the process where the initial setup is going to be much easier so that if you want to use your own DocuSign, you can do that. The the biggest hurdle previously was that there had to be an agreement between Schwab and either your broker dealer or you know, the owner of your RIA. But we've worked with Schwab where Orion has taken on a lot of the responsibilities related to that agreement. So that we no longer have need to have that contract in place between your broker dealer and Schwab. So you know if you want to continue to use Orion's DocuSign or use Schwab's DocuSign like you have been doing, that's great, you can continue to do that. But now we've made you know the third option of using your own DocuSign easier for you to do that the way the process will work is contact your sales. Point person and they can get you started. We will work with your Home Office or your RA to make sure we've got an agreement between US and you with respect to the Orion DocuSign terms of use. And then from there we will guide you through the process of how to get started. There's a little bit of information we need from you about your DocuSign account so we can share it with Schwab just to make sure the flow of documents is correct and then our operations and service team will also help you. With the setup of the documents so that we can ensure everything gets to the right spot that Orion gets the documents we need and that Schwab gets the the custodial paperwork that we or that they need. You know this was really the the top request and has been our our one of our top priorities over the last few weeks. And you know, I'm, I'm really pleased that we're able to get to a spot where it's going to be easier for you guys to do business the way you want to do business. So with that, I'm now going to turn it over to Brad to share some updates or review the the no contact policy that Schwab has. Great. Thank you. And first of all, thanks for having us on the call today. It's exciting to be here. You know, normally we're always, excuse me, working directly with the team at Orion and don't have direct interactions with all of you and. That's important I think for all of you to get a sense of who we are and how we think at Schwab. I know that trust with you and your clients is kind of paramount to everything else you do with your clients. And we we kind of think the same way as we work with advisors whether it's direct or whether it's indirect through like Ryan and so. I hope this is the beginning of building that over time. That's not an easy thing to do and I'm not asking you to trust us implicitly. But I'm hoping that at least my comments will help you understand how we think about the advisor business as a whole and how we think about that in the context of our retail group and how they interact with clients. And sometimes we have some hiccups when we cross the line on a retail. FC communicating with a client of an advisor and I'm going to hit that head on. So you know exactly how we think about that, how we respond to it, and particularly how we have some good corporate policies in place that do our best to help prevent that. Let me get to the context really quickly of Schwab and I'm going to give you what is about a 20 minute conversation, hopefully in about two, 2 1/2 minutes. At Schwab, we serve investors through one or three channels through their place of work. Whether they come through a four O 1K or some other sort of retirement plan, we serve them directly through our retail channel and they walk in through a branch or they call one of our lines directly where we serve retail investors through advisors and we're totally agnostic to where those folks come from. If you look at the bulk of the assets, almost half of the assets, over 90% of the assets get split pretty much 5050 between our retail channel and our advisor channel. So we have almost $4 trillion of assets through independent advisors, all of you. And that business is substantial. It's substantial to us from an economic perspective, but it's also important to us from a strategic perspective. Going back to our strategy, we serve individual investors through one of those three channels and we have as our stated corporate strategy, which is both approved by and endorsed by and mandated. By our Board of Directors and by our senior leadership team that our primary focus on serving high net worth, the ultra high net worth investors who want to work with a customized platform with a local advisor who is not part of a big brand is the independent fee based registered investment advisor segment and whether that's you know. Through an Orion or direct, through an advisor that works direct with us on our platform. Again, we are agnostic, but it is our strategic approach to serving those investors in the community. It's important to us and it sits right alongside our retail group. It is half of the assets that Schwab is roughly 1/3 of the pre tax contribution margin, 1/3 of the revenue and our strategic approach to serving those. So, so quite frankly, we need. All of you. To serve those investors and we are a mission and purpose driven organization out there to help investors find a better deal and a better solution direct through their place of employment or through all of you. And so I just want want to give you a, you know again that's usually a 20 minute conversation that help you understand that this is strategically a really important business. Because it's so strategically important, we have some policies in place, written policies where we delineate how our retail FCS should be operating in the marketplace and not interacting with clients of independent investment advisors. And so our retail contact policy prohibits any proactive retail contact or solicitation. Of what we call advisor services or dual clients, An advisor services client is a client who only has their accounts through an independent advisor and a dual client. And this is important to know, A dual client is a client that has maybe accounts with you, but they also have some retail accounts that they have not disclosed to you or maybe they've disclosed, but they aren't. They don't have them underneath your particular management. If they are retail accounts, because of NPI rules, obviously we can't let you know that they have retail accounts. And if an advice, sorry, an end client comes to us and says, hey, you know, I need help on this IRA that sits over here, it's $200,000. I've got $2,000,000 with my advisor. I need help with this with an RMB or I want some advice on how to manage these assets that complements what we're doing over here with my advisor. We have to respond to that. We have an obligation as a custodian to take care of that client for any request they have on their retail accounts, but it is definitely a written rule that whatever we do in that account doesn't bleed over into what you all are doing for your client. In fact, if a client says to us something like, I need help in my advised account with my advisor or hey, I'm thinking about actually. Terminating my advisor relationship. Because, you know, I want to find a different advisor, I want to do it on my own. Our first set of rules are to advise that client to go back and have that conversation with you. Directly before we act. On anything, at the end of the day, as a custodian, if the client asks us to do something, we have to do it. We have no proactive outreach intentionally to clients of advisors. It is a written policy internally. Now are do we bet 1000 on that? You know we have a millions of accounts through advisors and we actually have millions of dual accounts clients, retail accounts of clients who who also work with an advisor. There are times where we have a new FC who doesn't go through the necessary checks to make sure that their client that they're talking to has or doesn't have advised accounts. There are also times, and we've seen a few of these lately, where coding on accounts is incorrect and a marketing campaign might accidentally send marketing collateral to a client of an advisor, either a dual account, a retail account of a client who also has advised accounts, and every now and then accidentally an advisor's account and and. We really take that to heart internally when those certain things happen. You can imagine that with the conversion of all of the accounts, both retail, dual and advised accounts from TD to Schwab, that as much work as we did to make sure those accounts were coded perfectly. There were going to be a few items with millions and millions of accounts where we were going to miss that. And as a result, we've had a couple of marketing incidents and we've had a couple of proactive outreach incidents with some of you on the phone today and we have certainly been all over those. So when some when we find that there is a violation of our retail contact policy, we actually have a dedicated team that does nothing but research those violations. When we research those violations, we find is typically one of three things. The 1st is is a marketing campaign that somehow accidentally marketed to a set of accounts that should have been excluded. And we do the forensics on that and we do everything we can to ensure that the that will not happen again, whether it's just excluding A handful of accounts, it's recoding accounts, it's remapping the marketing campaign. So that doesn't happen again the second thing. Is we find often that it's a maybe junior advisor who's still going through training and they don't understand the advisor business. And we do one-on-one coaching with that individual to ensure that the outreach that they are doing has the checks and balances as they go through their personal campaigns to ensure that they are excluding advised accounts or dual retail accounts of a client who also has advised. And the third thing that will happen from time to time is we are a large organization and we'll have somebody who has been here a while and they are just not, they're just not going through their checks and balances. It's very, very rare when we look at the number of accounts that exist in the marketplace. But when it does happen, we do a little more, as you can imagine, aggressive coaching and sometimes you know, HR management with with an employee. Who just isn't handling their job responsibilities the right way. And so I just want to give you that strategic context of the importance of the business, the strategic context that are stated platform for high net worth individual clients who want to work with a local advisor is all of you. It is our business strategy, it is our growth strategy. Over half of the growth of of Schwab comes through all of you and that when we do have marketing either direct through an individual or through a marketing campaign and those things go sideways. We have a dedicated team following up on every retail call it a contact policy violation to do the forensics, understand what's going on and fix that, whether it's a system issue or a people issue. And and we are on the advisor side actively involved in partnership with that team. We have great retail partners who respond every single time that know the primacy of the relationship is with all of you and they do everything they can to recover from that as quickly as possible. And so I just wanted to give you that context. So you don't think that this is not important to US, number one, or that we don't have systems in place? But in the scale operation knowing that there are going to be instances and we're going to recover as quickly in this and efficiently as we can. Yeah. Thanks Brad. I know you and the senior leadership team at Schwab are very committed to the advisor, client relationship. You know on the specific issues that you talked about where there has been some inadvertent, you know marketing or reach out, you guys have de escalated those and made it very clear and I think that process has worked. So I also want to just make it clear that should that happen, you know with any of the advisors, clients on this call, please reach out to your Orion sales team. They'll escalate it to the senior leadership you know here at Orion and then we'll escalate that to Schwab and make it very clear that that's to be de escalated and that that's a process that is working today. So thank you. Yeah, thanks for. I took the words out of my mouth and I'll just add on to that. It's not an option for you to do that. I am, I am clearly asking you to do that. We do have a good working process in place with the Orion team and we've got good communication in place. And we're very aggressive on these and so if you do have one of those situations, but we do want to know about it because we want to quickly jump on it and make sure that it doesn't happen again, particularly if it's something that is systemic within programming around a marketing campaign. You know we want to be all over that quickly and make sure that we're preventing that from happening again. And if it's a people issue, we want to coach to it immediately and prevent it from happening again. So it's a direct ask of all of you to escalate those who through your lion sales team. Doing that, it will reach our team. Very, very quickly. Perfect. Thank you, Brad. So James, you're up next to talk through the operational, you know, expectations of Schwab, you know and then you and Mike will go over the process improvements and your end deadlines. So James, I'll turn it over to you. Thank you and thank you for having me. Ryan. A little context, a little by my background. I spent 25 years on the TDA platform, kind of designing, building and leading services operations team and celebrating three years on the Schwab side. Before we go to this, maybe a little context on the service team and a little bit of background. From a service team perspective, we have 14 service professionals that support the Orion business and leading into the upcoming conversion, one of the things we heard was service continuity was very important. So what we are able to do is maintain those service professionals that focused in new you from the TDA side and kept them intact and brought them over to service you on the swab side and surrounded them with expertise. Now with that said. The leadership of the service team dates back to 2016. The knowledge when when this particular business was, was known under FTJ. So again the idea went from continuity was keep the team together and focus it, surround them with the expertise of Schwab. Now one of the things those service teams do and our responsibility is to navigate the Schwab platform and be experts on it to ensure that you have a positive Schwab experience. And so although we don't process things and we do work with other departments that do. And so if you if there's a pitfall or things that aren't going well, we work with the leadership of that team to bring you know that your experience there and find ways to improve upon it. And some of the things that we did here in addition to what we have a team called WST or Workforce Workforce Solutions team, what they do is they're a team of eight in addition to the 14 and they focus on things that are not in good order. They kind of kind of scan the processing queues to make sure work is going through the pipe as fast as possible and more so if things are not in good order and we have to reach out and send alerts, they they do work with you through our SAC alerts. So one of the feedback we did get after September was just a notice of processing delays in various areas. Now know that we work closely with Orion and our business partners and the good news is most of those level are now back into service. So if you look at the left of this graph, new accounts, transfer of assets, fund disbursements, ACH money link and account maintenance and the service level is not tied there. So things are in good order. You know those would be the processing times and we're in service level for those groups now we are at a service level for some of the more complex groups in the lower part of the chart. And so you think of these retirement distributions going into your end it we're seeing obviously as we approach December a lot more increases for distributions and charitable giving, our deep durable power of attorney and divorce request as well as the states. These are more complex requests across the board. Typical is 3 days, but we're out of service there. Those are adding another three or four days on top of it. But again, we are working through those. And if you have a particular item that's stuck in the queue, if you would let the Ryan team know, we'd be more than happy to take a look at that and work with our business partners to see if we can get that done as fast as possible. Now one thing that goes along with processing, if you look at the far right with things in order even from September seem to be doing pretty well. So with all the the the forms of the requirements we get are in place in September is about two business days. And you see as we continue to work and as we get more comfortable on this on the Schwab platform for some of our newer service professionals that came over from TDA that is now dropping from 1.9 to 1.3. One of our bigger opportunities in the top chart with NYGA or things not in good order. This is when I this week we get and for some reason we can't advance it because we're missing some data. A lot of this for examples could be on beneficiary forms. We're missing either primary or the secondary beneficiary. So in September there was just a lot of work to go through. At that time you'll see 6.4 days with the average against working closely with the Orion theme as well as focusing this. We had a team working throughout the day and on weekends to get caught back up. The good news, it's trending in the right direction. We went from 6.4 to 5.6 in October, three like one in November and Mike, I think I wanted to turn over you. I know there's some advancements and things you did on the Orion side that made a benefit to drive down some of those turn around times. Yeah, Yep. You know, we appreciate more than probably anybody that you know the difficulty it is with going back to your client and you know, asking them to sign additional documents after you've already gone through it the first time. So one of the things we did over the last year is we created an account resolution department. Whose job it is, is to work with you to resolve Nygo's. And so if you have a client that has a Nygo, this is the team that you know serves as your point person to help resolve that. And since we created that team, one of the things we've actually seen is that they've been able to resolve 60% of our NYGO items working directly with the custodian without having to involve you or your client at all. And so we really have driven down the amount of outreach that has come to our advisors and you know things we've asked for them to do. And since we still have that team, you know prior to the Labor Day conversion, we actually did see a pretty steady decrease in our Niagara rates as they work with your offices in the custodian to you know solve the most common issues. And I'm confident that once we get through this initial backlog that we'll we'll see that trend resume and we will see you know a steady reduction and I goes a steady reduction in the time that it takes to do that. You know, but until we get there, you know, we're committed to making sure that we've got the staffing in place to to resolve all of these. And so you know this is an area where we are aggressively expanding the size of our team to make sure that our advisors, all of you have the support that you need and that we're giving you the best experience we can as we as we look forward on the slide for some of the things you know we do a lot of listening and trying to respond. So here's some of the wins that we've had. You know, one of the feedback we did get is that one of the change coming over from TDA to Schwab was it takes a little longer to set up an initiation that has to do with what we call prenote. This was with some technology that was put in place. It usually takes three to six days, but it allows it really to do is you if you make a connection from your brokerage account to an outside bank, there's a period in place that we try to make sure that the connection is true. It's not a fraudulent account and it's a valid account that goes back and forth. Now the good news is that's data technology. We've actually tested a new technology that allows us to do this much faster. That has proven a true and so in 2024 we'll be sun setting that ACH prenup. Which reduced 3 to 6 days off the process of setting up an ACH. So that was listening to you and saying you know we need to set this up much faster. Clients can't often wait even though we establish a new ACH. So that that's some feedback and and enhancement that will be available in 2024. Another challenge coming through is what we call tax withholding election sometimes referred to as tweet internally a little bit different on the Schwab side. On the Schwab side if you want to lower a tax withholding election, it normally requires a client signature and that really comes from prior audits that the the Schwab has had. The difference between Schwab and TDA is Schwab also has banking regulators that we have to work with. And in a prior back and forth we there's some indications that we as a custodian should be withholding the right amount of tax withholding unless a client opts out. Now we do understand coming over and the number of accounts and being able to get through your end, this is a challenge. So looking forward to next week, we're looking to make an announcement for a temporary reprieve on this. So going into the end of 23, we're going to allow advisors if they do have the authority to do a distribution account, meaning the client has given you authority or signed a something that says you can do a distribution. We're going to allow the advisor to to lower that tax withholding election on a verbal note or being able to put it through the SAC system. So with that said, it'll be temporary until the end of the year. This should add a small reprieve that allow us to get through the the year end distributions that we need to. And then Schwab is taking a look at the overall policy to see if we can make any changes in 24, again a temporary relief but listening to our clients and and trying to find ways to find a solution here. The next one was funding of Simple and Sep Iras and this is not available through HHH currently today. So don't have a solution on this. But we are looking on this going forward to see if we can add some more flexibility in 24. And then as Mike and team mentioned, you know a big win regarding advisor on DocuSign working with Orion, trying to find a way that allow you to do that and still maintain the risk controls we needed on the Schwab side. That is an example of two organizations coming together focusing on a client needing and finding a solution. So Mike, with that, I'll turn it over to you to talk about some of the in process improvements on the Orion side. Yeah, thanks James. You know, yeah, in addition to all of those items you you just highlighted that we're working on, we've also done a few things on the Orion side. You know, the 1st is with any large conversion or you know new product offerings, we always put in additional quality control steps where we're keeping items in our workflow queue open longer to make sure that they get processed accurately. So you know here. Once Schwab completes an item, we are actually double checking it and reviewing it to make sure it is done and that that is something we always do when there's a big change or conversion, just to make sure you know that things are running smoothly and we've done that here. Another is you know, in relation to that prenote process that James talked about where distributions are taking longer. We entirely reworked our distribution workflow so that we could get the clock started on that prenote process as quickly as possible. And so that you know we can get your clients the money as quick as as quick as we can and that's something we've we've put in over the last seven weeks or so. And then you know finally we we worked with Schwab to put in a a number of automation steps getting data to us quicker and more timely but also you know trying to make sure that things were moving quicker, quicker. And one one example is on the new account workflow. We worked with Schwab to put in some automation so that. New accounts were getting opened and downloaded into the Orion system and Orion website quicker and because of that automation that we put in in mid-september, we did see a A2 to three day decrease in the amount of time that it took for new accounts to download into Orion and M1. Thing to note also you know we did also see an uptick in fraud attempts you know as the TA accounts were converting over. So you know combined we're we're doing the best we can to try to make sure that we provide speed and ease of use, but also making sure we secure client assets and making sure as we're getting instructions it's coming from the right individual and not a fraudster. So that that is always an ongoing balance that we're trying to find between both. Great. Appreciate it, guys. James, do you want to take us home on your end deadlines and just some updates there? Yes. And as we kind of talked about the service level queues kind of being normalized now, know that the month of December is intense month for all of us. As you guys know, that's where we get a lot of requests in a short period of time. So one of the things we wanted to be able to highlight here and this is definitely posted on SAC. So I won't go through all the details here, but here's all the published deadlines that we have for work. And what you'll see here if if you were able to use our digital channels, you have a lot more flexibility and a lot more speed If you're using paper, you know, we're looking for a lot of the paper to be in good order in 2 S at the beginning of December, but a lot more flexibility if you're using somewhere for digital channels. And so with that said, there'll be a little bit more ups and downs, ups and downs as it relates to our service levels approaching December. But know that we're committed to make sure that we work as long hours as we can to get through the queue and make sure we take care of your clients requests. Great. Thank you, James. A couple of Q&A questions that we've received, you know during the the portion here. But before I get into those, I did want to put you know both my contact information and Mike Forker's contact information up here. Please reach out to both of us. These are our cell phones and direct emails and I do see a number of questions that we have in the Q&A. That we probably won't get all of them through, you know as we're already over a little bit of time, but I do want to commit that we'll be reaching out to each and everyone of you that has submitted a question today. Mike, we had a question on DocuSign, specifically whether Schwab forms will be able to uploaded will be able to be uploaded into the Advisor's own DocuSign and set via the Advisor's own DocuSign with the BD form templates. So the BD form templates can be processed via the BD required channels if you want to handle that, Yep. And that that question, yes, that is exactly what we're we're trying to achieve with allowing you to use your own DocuSign. What we want to get to is so that you can send that client one DocuSign envelope to sign your BD paperwork, the Orion paperwork and the Schwab paperwork and you know during that set up process that I described. That's where we'll help you permission everything so that Orion gets the documents we need, Schwab gets the documents they need, and that your broker dealer gets the documents they need. Perfect. Thank you. Hey, Mike, I know since Labor Day weekend on the Orion side, there's been some longer wait times to talk to a service person. Can you talk through the improvements we've made there? Yeah. And you're right. Since since Labor Day weekend, the wait times for the service queues at times have been frankly unacceptable. And you know, that's where we've been pulling in the additional staff to support that. We did see a peak at the end of September in terms of wait times. Since then, times have improved by about 300%. So in other words, it takes about 1/3 of the amount of time as it previously took to get somebody on the phone. But we're still not where we want to be. You know our our goal is to have calls answered within 30 seconds and you know we've we've added staff to to help support that. We've done a lot of training, partnering with Schwab to you know, make our staff more comfortable and under have a better understanding of the Schwab policy so that they can give quicker, better answers on that first call. And you know, we're also on the operation side, are working with Schwab every weekend to make sure that we're getting through items quicker and getting them processed timely so that you don't have the need to even call us at all. And that you know the items that you expected to be taken care of have been taken care of. Great. One more question for you Mike, on status of RMDS for clients. Can you walk through that? Yep, so with this, you know conversion and. You know, we have a situation where clients were, you know, operated to custodians throughout the year. They will get 2 tax statements. You know, as we've previously communicated for this year, if you look at their the clients monthly statements, you can see the RM DS taken for that client. But if you want to look at it at a global level, reach out to us. Our our service team can can give you some reports and we're actually working on configuring a tech tool that will give you that information at your fingertips. But until that's ready, in the next few weeks, reach out to your service team. We've actually proactively started to send this out. And so you might have gotten it already, but if you haven't, you know, reach out to us and we will send you a report that shows for each of your clients where they're at year to date with respect to their RMD. Perfect. Thank you, Mike. James, one question for you. I know Schwab did a recent reduction in force. Has that had any impact on the processing you know of any of the items or any of your service teams, Brian that is a good question. The short answer is no. When we did that reduction in workforce it was concentrated in non client facing. So things that that people are not picking up the phones, but those are not processing work was really concentrated in the leadership positions and that was done with purpose because we do understand that we although we have an expense reduction, we did not want that to impact the overall client experience. So the short answer is no, none of none of those layoffs impacted your service team or those on that WS team that's working on some of the processing for you. Perfect. Great. I know we're at time and I know that some of you have submitted some comments. I have about 30 specific, you know, questions from some advisors. And I think a lot of them I'd actually love to you know, reach out directly, you know, to you you know ask the advisor and follow up with you, you know directly you know on that this afternoon. And so my plan is to do that. So if I didn't get to your specific question today, I'll be expecting a phone call from the Orion team. I will say that you know on behalf of you know Schwab and Orion, you know we very much appreciate the business and we're looking forward to rolling out type processes. And even deeper integrations between Schwab and Ryan to drive additional value to you and are committed to improving the service experience overall. So very much appreciate your trust in US and earning that trust here over the next few months through these additional improvements. So thank you everyone. _1737327977151