In September, OpenStax published the 10th edition of John McMurry's best-selling Organic Chemistry textbook as a fully free, openly licensed textbook. This textbook is available for free to students and instructors in both web view and downloadable PDF formats. Additionally, the text comes with free instructor and student resources — including a test bank, student solutions manual, student study guide, PowerPoint slides, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) modules.


OpenStax has partnered with Rhett Smith, Ph.D. (professor of organic chemistry at Clemson University) to produce these interactive and engaging DEI modules. Mapped to the content covered in Organic Chemistry: A Tenth Edition, these modules highlight the contributions of historical and contemporary chemists from groups underrepresented in the sciences. Students learn about these important figures through readings, videos, and quizzes.

In Tuesday’s webinar, we’ll take a deep dive into these DEI resources. We’ll cover:

Join us on Tuesday, November 14th, at 10:00 am CST. Register today!

Can’t make it? Register, and we’ll send the webinar recording straight to your inbox!



