So hello, good morning, good afternoon to everyone. Depending on the place of the world that you are joining us today my name is Jesus Fernandez and today we are starting this Santech patient presentation that will cover the modules of Plantech dose check imperfection. But before we continue, let me say here about the the logistics of this webinar. So this presentation is being recorded. So after the presentation you will receive, everybody will receive a link with the recording. So you can watch the recording again or you can just say serve with your colleague, everybody all the attendees are in listening only mode. So you all are mute. So you if you have any question, please post your questions in the chat window that you will find in the upper left corner in this webinar. At the end of the webinar I will have, we will have some time for questions and I will answer some of the questions that you have. If I can answer all of them, I will do life now. But if I cannot, you know I will later on I will answer all the questions by e-mail. So please, if you have any question about this presentation, feel free to post your question in the chat window quickly. I would like to introduce myself. So once again, my name is Jesus Fernandez. I'm the International Applications specialist here at Sun Nuclear and I have been working in this area, in this field radiation oncology for about 17 years now. I'm from Spain and today I'm just making this webinar from Spain. And the most important basically is like I joined Sand Nuclear on 2010 and I have been working in different positions. You know this is my, my last one as a application product, physics sets. So let's go to the presentation. So let's talk about Santek. Santek is our platform for pacing QA and also for mating QA. We can do both things within Santek. Once again Santek is our platform, this is our platform where would you can have all your data in one unique database. Sorry, we are here. So we have all the data in only one database. So Sanchek, you know provides you access from anywhere so the software can be accessed remotely. So it is I don't know why this is changing. Hold on a second. So you can access the software from a web browser. Today at the end of the presentation, I will make a quick live demo of the software and once again within Santech, we can cover the modules of patient QA and also matching QA. We can do both within this software and to continue, let me talk here about 3 words. The first one is integrated. So Santech is integrated on your daily workflow. So this provides optimal workflow efficiency and standardization for you. So you will see that the platform will integrate with your other, you know devices. It is one independent solution. So this is very important for me because we are not, we are not only making products for one machine vendor, so we are only one solution. You know we are independent, so we can just make solutions for everybody. And probably one of the most important, this is automated. So now in the world every time you are dealing with more and more fractions, more and more patience. So we need to provide some automation, some new tools to make the QA more efficient and more quick. Talking about the why being independent is important. So basically you know I like this this statement here we avoid conflicts of interest. So Can you imagine like for example the Linux vendor is doing also the QA of the Linux itself. So when this happens you know there is a conflict of interest. So maybe you don't want to point the errors of your machine or of your machine. So This is why Sun nuclear is here. We are at the symmetry and QA company. So we are making products to find discover this Linux errors and whenever we find an error you can take an action you can implement some solution, some fix for for this error. So we are also developing new tools, for example, in vivo, the symmetry that we will see here today and the Second World if you remember is automation. So this is very important, maybe the most important one for me. So The thing is like in this world, every, in every moment, every year we are treating more and more patients. There has been one study here like in the year 2012 in the world, in the world totally we treated 118 millions of fractions. By 2035 it is expected that this number will increase to 200,000,000. So as you see, we are treating and treating more patients with cancer every time. So it is important that you the physicist, you don't waste much time doing the patient QA. So we have, we are implementing some solutions for you to automatically do the analysis of your patients. And what is SANTEC? As I said before SANTEC in the part of patient we cover different modules, different areas and why? Because there are hazards to focus only in one type of error. OK, because of that SANTEC focus on secondary dose calculation, pretreatment QA and also in vivo monitoring we focus in different areas and why? Because depending on the on the on the face where you are, for example if we go for secondary dose calculation, we can discover beam modeling errors. With the pretreatment QA we can discover beam modeling, transfer corruption and deliverability errors. You know this is our fraction 0 or pre treatment QA like that. This is the QA that you do before treating your patient and then we have the in vivo monitoring. So now when we are treating our patient we continue Santec continue doing QA of your patient. So what we can find here a part of transfer corruption deliverability, we can discover patient setup errors and anatomy changes, changes errors. So this is very important. This is a part of the in vivo monitoring. You know if anything of this happens to your patient because you know like sometimes the patient is you know a losing weight or sometimes it's not currently positioned into the couch. So all of these errors, you know they can they can be discovered if we do in vivo monitoring. So again this is the Santech platform and here you can see the different modules. So Santech starts with Planchech. Planchech is basically one assessment, one verification of the RT plan. We just push the RT plan through a standard metrics and we can see if your plan meets, you know the goals according to some clinical relevant metrics, some standards in this market. So plan check. In the plan check we can do physics checks and the symmetry checks. If we go for dose check which is the second part of this software. Within those check we can do the secondary redundant dose calculation. So that's the ability of SANTEC, yes, we have to push, you have to push the RT plan and the software will do automatically a secondary dose reconstruction dose calculation into the into the patient anatomy and then we go for pretreatment QA this phase here. So we can go for pretreatment QA or we also call it fraction 0 and basically this is the pre treatment. You know before treating the patient we have to verify if our, you know basically the calculation and our measurement, they match, they are the same. So for that we have three options we can the option #1 is that we can deliver the plan with the epid deployed. So you can deliver the beam through your EPID and you can take a fraction serum measurement with your epid. Second option is deliver the plan without the epid. If you go for this solution for #2, basically we are using only the log files. We do the calculation using the log files. Here in the first one we are doing the measurement with the epid, but in the number two we are using only log files and the third option deliver the plan to the Arctic. So Arctic is one of our arrays, you know our Priti Mercury arrays in is in our family of Maptech Arctic. So with these devices you can take the measurement and you can use this device. Maybe here there are some Arctic users, so you can integrate your Arctic within this platform. You can integrate the Arctic within Santech and the last solution is the in vivo monitoring or also called fraction N with the in vivo monitoring. Again you have two options, the first one is to deliver the plan with the EPID deployed. So in this case once again you will use the epid measurements and the log files. And the number two is to deliver only the plan without the EPID. So in this case number two you will use only the log files. So basically within Santek we can use log files only or log files and also EPIC measurements you will see this better in this next slide. So this is the biggest, this is the one of the main advantages of Santek, especially when we are talking about in vivo monitoring. We can have the log file base mode only log file base or we can have this important mode here which is a bit based mode. OK. So as you see here in this picture, so we have our Linux, the Linux is delivering the beam to the patient. So the first thing, our beam always is a clean beam. We don't put anything here, We don't make any any perturbations on the beam. The beam is treating the patient. And after treating the patient, we just do a transcend or symmetry, and we just do the analysis we do, We take our measurements with the epid, which is located here. OK, so we do a transcend or symmetry we do, we do the analysis, we collect the measurements after treating the patient in our way. This is the best solution because the first thing is like this is a real in vivo monitoring because we are using the log files of the machine, but we also do a independent analysis of the MLC, you know the multi leaf collimator, the leaf positions and we measure this information with the API. So at the end you will have two D analysis results that we that you measure with the API you know and you will also have a you know the we will also use the log files for a dose reconstruction. But this is very important because we do a transit dose symmetry and the benefit here is like a we are using the epid and as we are using the epid, if there are some changes into the patient, I mean like a changes like a setup or anatomy changes, all of these changes will be captured using the EPID. Let's continue and let's talk about the automation. So once again Santek is built in automation and how does it work. So basically when you acquire this product, we have to make the configuration of your machines. So as you see here we are starting with the, with the TPS, with the planning system and from the Linux. We just need the EPIC images and the log files. All of this information, all of this big block here, all of this information will be sent to the server. Everything will be sent to this face. Here will be sent to the tower server and in the in the in this server everything, excuse me, all the data will be automatically processing. So we will do a verification of the plan. We will do a secondary dose calculation, the treatment QA and in vivo monitoring, everything is automatic. So you only have to think about treating patients. All the files will be automatically exported to the server and at the end you will have this analysis results that you see here. So you can see the analysis as a point, those 2D or 3D analysis as well. You can have absolute dose or relative dose as well. The analysis will be based on the epic measurements and also on the log files. You know, we use both. And finally the dose reconstruction can be done in the city using the images from the CT scanner or on your daily convene city you can choose which one you want for the dose reconstruction. Just to finish with all of that we have the automatic results and alerts. So basically here you can see in this this is a picture of the software. So you can see here like I have AI AM, I'm very positive. So all these space and you know we have like a a positive for passing results. But you will see that in the software, for example, I'm choosing a gamma of three percent 3mm and for and here I choose 90%. What does it mean? Like if my results are 90% or higher? Passing rate for me is a green check here. So that means like I don't want. I don't need to do any analysis on that. I know that is passing. So all of these green checks here mean that the gamma analysis is higher than 90%. Obviously if I have any score which is lower than this 90% this will be read. OK. And once again we do this analysis for all the faces, for all the faces meaning like a from the plant verification secondary dose calculation pre treatment QA and also for the in vivo QA when you are treating the patient. We also continue with the analysis and you will see here all the results talking about some studies here you can see from this hospital after two years experience they said that they have analyzed 56,000 fractions with Santech. So they have done a completely automatic analysis and what they have found is 4000 errors. OK, so they have fun, they have, they have found 4000 action not actionable errors and obviously they have implemented A corrective actions. So this is the good thing like whenever you find an error because with this software automatically you can find some errors in in patient setup, you know in the delivery at the end of your beam in your treatments. So whenever you find an error you can just implement corrective actions to minimize the impact of these errors. Another you know some results so coming from this hospital from New York. So they say like after purchasing this solution, they spend less time acquiring a structure data because they have automatic analysis using the appropriate machines techniques and tolerances. So this is for me one big statement about Santek. Like if you have this solution, you will spend less time collecting data, you have to focus on the analysis, on the result. But most of the data, most of the analysis, you know, basically everything is going to be automatic. Another statement is like a with a single boost of data, because this is the only thing that the Santech requires to you for those patients that you want to analyze, you just need to push this patient to Santech. Then after this all the analysis will be automatically analysis of obviously measurements and then the analysis. So with a single course of data I see everything in one environment. This is important because Santek allows you to have all the data in the same platform. So here you can see our Arctic. Arctic is one of, as I said, one of our array devices. This is a 4D array we have as you see here. Obviously it's like a cylinder, so. The benefit of the Arctic is like minimize the angular errors, you know, so you can just measure with the with the Lena with a different country angles. So you will have the this 360 geometry during the in the device and this device is also integrated into sunset. We have the direct integration that means like you don't need to use any different software, you just need to use Syntech software and within Syntech, you can acquire your measurements with the Arctic with the Arctic device. So just to summarize about the Syntech, here we have two solutions if we start in this left panel, First we have fraction or some take what we call calculate. What is calculate. Basically here we are using a log, log files only. So we do the analysis with the log files. OK which is this is really good. But using the log files we cannot say that this is you know a true in vivo solution because to detect you know to better detect anatomy changes, patient setup errors. For that we can include we can move to a fraction or Santech measure within this solution. Here Santech measure we are using the log files but we are also using the EPI, we are using our measurements. The benefit of this is like you can have two D absolute dose for treatment QA and also 2D transit. The symmetry for in vivo we are using the log files and in addition in addition we are using the Epic panel to collect measurements after treating the patient. So basically we have two configurations you know which is I mean this depends on user preferences and also budget. OK. So Santech capabilities, what do we support? So basically Santech can measure and analyze SRS statements. So you have like if you're planning to use this for SRS, yes Santech support as well SRS deliveries you know also is able to deliver and analyze multi met cases again you know what is supported with Santech. So as you see here Santech, that's the fully automatic analysis of 3D conformal cases, IMRT, VMAT, once again SRS and SBRT. Basically any plan with MLC leaves as far as you have deliveries with MLC. This is going to be supported by Santech as a summary. So this is what we can see within the Santech Basin platform. So we can have the secondary or sorry we can have the plan verification, you know we can have the physics and the symmetry text verifications of the plan. Then we can have the secondary dose calculation pre treatment QA and in vivo monitoring using the log files or using the EPIC as well. About the analysis, you will have the analysis as a point point, those 2D3D total gamma and those volume histograms and you will see the images and those displays as you see for example here in this picture. But Santec does not stop here. What I explained today basically was this part of Santec Basin. We have the modules of Plantec dosec and perfraction, but within Santec we can also cover the area of Santec machine. Within Santec machine you will be able to do your daily, monthly and annual QA routine. We have all the TG142 routine QA tasks implemented into Santek machine into this module and all of that you can do using the same platform using the same software. Within Santek we have a direct device integrations. So if you have a sun nuclear hardware as well like a daily QA three or IC profiler. You can also collect measurements with these devices we allow custom formulas, so you can create your own formulas and you can just implement into Santec and then we'll have all of these. Imagine MLC or the Mac QA. Santec is currently used by 1600 users in clinical mode worldwide. So we have a big, you know, database of users as of today and we have the complete cloud solution because this is the, you know, the essence of Santech that you don't need to install anything in every computer, in every laptop. So this makes the software to run faster to be very light as well. To access the software you just need to open your your your web browser. We recommend for example Google Chrome, but you just need to access just in your web browser. And we have two solutions, One is that you have the data you install, we install Santek locally in your clinic or the second solution is to have the SAS software as a service. So basically in this solution you will have the data will be hosted remotely. So you will have you will access the data and you will pay as a subscription same same as the other services. I will compare this with Netflix or Spotify solutions where you just pay a subscription, you know and we and you will do the analysis remotely. All the data will be stored remotely. If you go for the second solution, you will know that they within Sun Nuclear, we partner with Amazon Web Services to host all the information and we are providing all the upgrades of the product security, you know like a virus and protection and everything we provide all of these security. So we have two solutions, one is like the product will be installed in one server in your facility and the other one is a full cloud solution. So you can choose any of these two options and let me quickly talk about SAN deploys. What is SAN deploys when you purchase this product? If you remember I said that everything will be automatic. That means like all the log files, epic images, you know the data from your planning system like RT plan, those structures, city images as well. Everything will be exported and will be automatically imported and process it by Santek. But to do all of this we have to make some configuration within Sun Check. You will be a partner of Sun Nuclear and when If you acquire Sun Check, we have this Sun Deploys team. Sun Deploys is a team which is dedicated to to install and to make the basically to train you in this solution. So everything starts with the we start here, so we start with a kick off meeting, you know, so we have a meeting with you just to identify your needs and you know how many machines, your configuration and how do you want to run the solution. Basically this is part of the plan. So we just need to identify the project team and just define you know how you want to use this product. Maybe this is the most important. You know, everything will happen here. When we will first install the software, we will do the machine configuration because this is part of our job as well. We are doing the configuration of your machines, you know, just to make sure that all the data is exported correctly. So we will do machine configuration and verification. Then we will do the B modeling because within Samtech we can start with some predefined models. However, we will do a custom model for you. Then we have the education. Basically we just trained you on using the product and finally you will be you will begin the clinical use of the product. When everything is completed then we will move to the transition. That basically makes sure the transition is when you are ready to continue using the product without the help of Sand Nuclei. So all of that is important for me because we are not a company that just gives the product for you and then you have to install the product yourself. This is not how it works. Within San Tech, we have this Sand Deploys team that will help you, you know from the starting point to the transition to the last point. We will help you how to install and train you using this solution. So this is it. This is about my presentation. But now before I mean closing this software, let me set my screen and I want to give you a quick presentation about the software itself. So the first thing, as you see here this is my computer and to access the software I'm just running it from a web browser so I can minimize here. This is my desktop and opening. In this case I'm using Google Chrome. I can access the software. To access the software first thing you have to sign in. We have a password protection, so you just need to enter your e-mail and password then click here in this sign in button. So let me maximize this window. I already entered the software. This is the software and the first thing is that here in the left side I can see my patient work list. All the information here is about my patient QA and in the right side I can see my machine QA so I can see my new tasks. This is what I have to do and then I have my pending review or the approved tasks. All of this can be still in the main interface of the software. Today I want to focus on this part on the patient QA. So here as you see I have all my patients. Basically here I can filter or I can sort the patients by name just clicking here in patient I can sort by name, you know now alphabetic order or the last ones here at the top. I can filter by date you know or sorry I can't sort by date. And if I want to use filters I have these options here. For example, if I go to my machine I can just say I want to see for example everything that has been collected in my trilogy. So these patients have been have been treated in my trilogy. I can add my true beam for example. So you can just add your patience based on your matches. OK, I have Halcyon as well. So depending on the machines that you sell it, you can see the patients treated on these machines. If you want just click here and remove this filter. You can filter by phase you know like in vivo monitoring, preferement, QA, secondary dose calculation. So you can just say use these filters or filter by date range. So you can just say see the patients treated in a specific time frame. Also if you want you can just say look for one specific patient. So you can type here the name or last name of any patient and you can just the So what will show you this specific patient. OK, so about Santech to access the software and you saw like I have used my credentials, my e-mail and password to start that here within Santech you can create users and you can create unlimited users. To do that, excuse me, you only need to click here in new user and you just need to fill this information here. So when you are creating a user you can check these options, for example receive e-mail notifications for results with failures. So this is something important because within Sancheck we say that no news are good news. That means if my QA is passing, maybe I don't need to review this these patients. For example, I can set a gamma of 95% and if my patients have a gamma of 95% or bigger gamma, I don't even need to to do a any further review analysis on these patients. But I want to read to to analyze only the the patients with failures. Then you can also anonymize the patient information and or receive a system status notifications. So also you have. You can see here that you have different roles and based on the roles you will be able to only to view the data or also you will be able to approve. So we have different roles for different options and configurations, but let's go back to the main window. So another thing here is like you can select your machines, but you see here I'm using my I have different Linux here like a true beams, no valleys, you know synergy. They have different machines and they have much more. So if I want to focus on different machines you can just click here and just sell it or you know or uncheck these machines that you don't if they are not interesting for you. Here at the top you can see I'm in this first bottom I'm in the home but here I can also my patient dedicated QA if I go to patient. So I have a another window only for patient. Now here I don't have any matching data and the and the third bottom is the matching QA. So if I go for it I can do my my routine QAI can do my matching QA. But today as I said we're going to be focusing on patient QA. So here for every patient in this list as you see we have a different icons here and every icon refers to pre treatment, QA, you know like a plant tech, dose check and fraction, sedo. And then we also have in vivo monitoring so we can see the fractions, the number of fractions treated for every patient for example like in this one that we have 14 fractions here you know 9 fractions are failing. So we have all the information here and once again you can filter toward this information. For example, you can click here in recent activity, so you can see the recent patients at the top, the last day activity. You can filter by name adding the, the, you know sorting the patients by name or you can just type here you know patient name and just OR OR ID. And you can look for one specific name for one specific patient. Let's analyze one patient. Let's go for this first patient here in the list. So when you click in the patient, so here you see that the we are infraction 4, so opens automatically the last measurement, the last activity for this patient. But here you know, let's analyze all the different faces for this today. Let me start with those. Check which is the secondary dose calculation. As you see here, the analysis of the dose check is displayed as a point dose. So this is the point analysis. Here we can see the analysis in different points and I have here my dose differences in these two points. These points for you to know they are exported from your planning system. They are in the in the plan itself. So we have composite point dose and also better beam point. Those point analysis we can go to the target. So we can see the targets here, the analysis in the targets, this is a 3D analysis. Also we have the organs at risk and then we have the overall or total gamma. We can see here that my gamma is has been 98%. OK, we have the DVH, so we can see here the DVH and we can navigate through that and finally we can see the images of the patient and we can do these images here. You have also here some tools you know just to make a zoom you know and to move your images. So this is part of our dose check or secondary dose calculate calculation. Something that I like about the same check is that if I move to the next phase, if I move to fraction C do you will see that the interface is the same. So before once again I was getting those check. Those check is the secondary dose calculation. But if I move now to fraction C do which is the pre treatment QA, you can see that the interface, the software is the same. So the learning cure for you to use the product is very simple because for every phase you know the all the results will be so as a point those to the analysis that gets organs at risk, total gamma and you will see the deviate and the images. So here we have the point in the fraction 0 we have the point analysis. So we can see here that those differences in the same points. Now for the pre treatment QA, this is not a calculation. Now we have measure. So if we go to the beams 2D here we can see the agreement. So obviously well in this patient is 100% but if I click here the software will do the will open the the measurement, it is a 2D measurement. So we are using, we have delivered those to the EPIC. So we can see here the EPIC measurements, we can see the images and if we Scroll down we can see the profiles and we can review this profile information here. Also we can see as you see here, the gamma histograms. So we have the target analysis and we have the organs at risk, total gamma that we see here, histograms, dose volume, histograms and finally we have the images is what you will receive for every patient and for every phase of treatment. Let's go to the next one. Next one is fraction one. This is in vivo monitoring. Now we are really treating the patient. We are delivering the beam to the patient and we continue with our analysis here. When we go to a fraction 1, you can see the same thing. Point those analysis to the analysis targets organs at risk and gamma. And as you see here in this example today I want to show you like a for example fraction CEDO fraction one fraction 2. You can see that we have, we have this green icon that means like everything has passed. But here we have some errors. OK, and today we will we will review these spaces because we have some errors. For you to know these errors you can you can do the configuration sample. Here you have this tab that says event settings in my current configuration today. So I'm doing a gamma of three percent 3mm and with a passing rate of 95%. That means like if the agreement is 95% or higher, I will have a green check here. If my gamma is lower than this 95 is when I will receive a red check. Meaning that I have to I have to do. I mean I have to review, I have to see what is what is happening for this specific base. So and in this patient, as you see here we are in fraction one and everything is passing. But let me open the fraction 3 for the same patient on a different tab. So this is also a good benefit of of sound. Check that you can have in this tab. Here you can have fraction one as you see here I have fraction one and here I have fraction 3. So you can open as many tabs as you want. You know I can see the fraction one and fraction 3 at the same at the same time. OK, let me open that here again. So here in the fraction one you can start everything is good. And if we go to the images so we can see a correct contour here let me just move this, put some window level. But today I want to solve you like in the fraction 3, the software has detected some errors and this is a clinical case from one of our customers using the product. So basically here as we are using the panel you see that in the point everything is fine. But in the 2 deep beams in our EPIC panel measurements the software has detected some errors. You can see here that the gamma is now it dropped to 89%. I think before it was let me see here before it was 99 Percent 99.8, but now in the fraction 3 the gamma just dropped to 89.13%. So obviously we have seen in the EPIC panel that something is happening, we'd go for PTV, everything looks fine here in the organs at risk. We can see in the trachea for any reason we are delivering you know higher dose like a 6% higher, you know in this in the mean or in the maximum we are delivering 5-6 percent higher dose. So let's do an analysis and we want to see here the the, you know, I want to see the images here and for this specific patient, you know and in this fraction, in fraction 3, I want you to see how's the external control and here we can easily see that it doesn't really match. OK. So we have done the analysis as you see here the analysis has been done not in the plan CT, it has been done on the convene city. So the analysis is in the convene CT and we have discovered you know basically the panel that the 2D analysis shows me that we have some some errors and here we see that these errors are because the patient has lost some weight. OK. So we see that the external control that I have here that we painted on the first day, let's take a look to the to the first day. So here you can see the analysis of the day number one, you know the first fraction. So we can see here that the everything match, you know the everything is currently painted so the external contour match our extractors but they in the fraction 3 we can see that there is an air gap here. So because of the patient losing some weight, obviously we can see these errors in the through the panel. And once again these errors are discovered because we can do an analysis, we can do measurements with the EPIC. OK, we are not only using log files, we are using the log files and EPIC measurements. OK, This is why this software is important because it can discover, you know also patient anatomy changes. Let me show you another example. Let's go to our main menu, our patient list and let's look at a second patient today and here is a similar theme. So in this patient we can start with the secondary dose calculation that has been is good, You know the dose check is good. So we go for fraction sedo everything is good. But then once again when when delivering the beam to the patient when going to the first fraction, once again my EPID is reporting some issues. You can see here that the gamma is only 79%. So there is, there is there are some issues here. So if we go to the targets, we can see in the CTV some you know error. In this case we are delivering lower A, a lower dose to to the D95, you know to the CTV. Again we start our analysis, we do the dose reconstruction cone beam CT and here in this plane let me make a zoom and I want you to take a look to this to the upper right also here an air gap. OK exactly in this in this area here. OK, this error for this patient, as you see it was found in the first fraction. This is another example. Well, what is what is happening here? Basically our patient was not currently set up into into the immobilization device. So this type of errors it can be found when we have a epic based solution because our epic measurements you see here once again that the results, the errors are found in the epic measurements. We can see here like you know we have some those differences you can analyze the profiles and you can see like a we are you know delivering lower those in some areas. OK we can see these those differences into the epic panel into your measurements. And this is the advantage of this solution that you can as we are using log files and epic measurements we can do doing a transit of symmetry we can found errors into the patient. You know we can find set up errors and also we can find anatomy changes errors to finish I want to show you like for those Artech users maybe you are familiar with these images here. So this is Fractioncito, and if you remember during my presentation, when it comes to fraction sido, you can do it using only the log files. You can do fraction sido with the EPIC measurements, or you can do a fraction sido just in the Arctic, so you can directly take measurements with the Arctic You see here. This redo measurement bottom. So you can take measurements directly with your Arctic. You can integrate the Arctic into here. OK. So once again you know let's go back to this presentation. You know, I want to remember like a within this platform within Santek you can do all your patient QA starting from the plan verification, plan checks, secondary dose calculation, pre treatment QA and in vivo monitoring. Everything is in the same platform that you just you can access using a web browser like Google Chrome and everything is integrated, automatic and very easy to use. So thank you very much and now let me open the questions, let me see if I have some questions on the chat. So the first question what I have here is like does same check patient use log files? Do we use log files? So basically the answer is yes we use log files but we use the log files and in addition we use the EPIC measurements. We use both of both both sets of information with the log files and in addition with the EPIC we can do this transitosymmetry and we can detect, I mean we can do the dose reconstruction into the patient but we can detect as well anatomy changes and also patient setup changes. Next question and how does Santech patient handle beam modeling and needed and needed adjustments? So when you when a new clinic acquire A Sentech patient solution, basically you will start with one of our preloaded models. That means like for example if you are on a variant through beam or if you are on a Electa versa HD. So we will give you one of our predefined models because we have a big database of users with the same Linux. So you will you're going to start using one of these models and then we will be asking you for some some simple data. It's basically like a water tank measurements, some profiles, some PDDS and some output factor factors measurements. With this data you know with the with the measurements of your machine, We will make a custom model for your machine just to improve your results just to have better results. Next question, can I do the recalculation? Can I recalculate the dose on the patient's CBCT? The answer is yes. So as I saw before so the analysis can be done on the city images done on the pre treatment or you can if you collect daily convincing. These images will also be automatically imported into Santech into Santech patient and the analysis will be done on the convincing. So if we have the images, the answer is yes, we can do the analysis on the daily Convin City. Next question, So what? What type, What types of plans does Sandtech patients support for patient QA? So that's an important one because the use of Sandtech is not limited only to A to A to IMRT or VMAT cases. So basically any plan with MLCS you know with the leaves is supported. So you can do you know the traditional 3D conformal and then you can also use the same check to do IMRT, VMAT, SRS as well. So we support SRS, we support cases with multiple Meds or SBRT. All of these techniques you know are supported within Santech. So basically any any treatment where you have, where you are using MLC leaves, you know when you have a MLC, we support this, this patient treatments. Next question, so I have a question like in your example for the fraction 3, so the beams 2D was red but the overall gamma is green, how could it be? So basically that's a good one. So maybe in the 2D analysis I have to do case by case, so basically the 2D analysis, think about that the 2D measurement, the 2D analysis was failing, I was I just received some errors in the 2D analysis. But then on my total gamma which is done on a 3D analysis on the volume. So we are including more points basically it pass and I think that was basically or maybe in this example it was very tight. If you remember you know the I think that 2D analysis was 89% so it failed. So maybe I have something like a 91 percent or you know in the 3D analysis obviously the the errors will be discovered in both in the 2D analysis and also in the 3D. But sometimes depending on the, depending on the number of points that we are including in the analysis, one can fail and the other can pass. But basically the answer is like depends on the analysis. Think like the beams 2D is a 2D analysis and the total gamma is a 3D analysis. That's the main reason you know, because we are including different structures and different points. So I see that there are no more questions on the chat and if anybody has any other question, you can just post it now or you know obviously you will have my, my e-mail address. You can just send me your questions using my e-mail or please contact your local distributor and they will, they will just go with your questions directly to me and I will, I will be happy to answer your questions. So thank you very much for attending this, this webinar and I hope you enjoy and you like the presentation. Thank you and have a good day. _1739824856834
SunCHECK provides flexible workflow automation for fully integrated and independant QA