Hello everyone, and welcome back to another very special webinar with one of my favorite people who used to be one of our Redtail trainers but has since transitioned to our beautiful Orion team. Welcome back Austin. We're excited to have you and we're excited to discuss all of our wonderful accessibility through our wonderful new accessibility through Orion. Yeah, thanks, Jax. It's glad to be back. I think it was April last time we talked. So I have some exciting updates to share with everybody today and I can't wait to see them. I know that we've got some new accessibility through the integration or even just through the different plans that are offered. Yeah, definitely. OK. So before we get started, I just want to remind you all that we are on a new platform on 24 dysfunction, a little bit differently than Zoom. Some of that different functionality includes being able to customize your screen. So feel free to take any of those modules, maybe change the sizes of them, make our faces a little bit bigger if you need. But we are also wanting to hear your questions and get to respond to those. So feel free to enter those into the chat to the QA box within on 24 and have No Fear, if you wanted to see this webinar again, it will be made available to you. You should get an e-mail shortly after we're done here. But Austin, with all of that housekeeping done, let's jump into why everybody made the time to spend with us today. Yeah, definitely Jack. So the purpose of these webinars and of course what I'm on a mission to help advisors with is their biggest pain point, which is lack of integrated technology. The advisors that I talk with, it's not we need more features, we need more tools, we need more bells and whistles. It's we're content with the tools that we have. We just want them to work together. And so 57% of advisor state, this is their biggest technology pain point. And so that's really what Orion's been on a mission to solve. That's why Orion went out and bought companies like Redtail and Basis Code and Hidden Levers and are constantly enhancing these platforms to create and what I call a most in one solution as far as advisor tech goes. We want to be able to take you through the entire client journey from that first prospect meeting to helping that client achieve their goals whether that be retiring on time, sending their kids to college, going on that dream vacation. We want to be a part of all of it and we want to give advisors a tech enabled process that meets all of those needs along the way. And so alright, we have a couple of different ways of doing that. But the key is again being an integrated source, we don't want to have 8910 tabs open on a screen just to get the full client picture. We want one integrated user experience all within one platform. So that's what Orion's looking to become. So Jack, for today's purposes, I'm going to first start off with some of that exciting updates, some of the changes that have come to Redtail since we last talked in April. And then what I want to do is I want to kind of go backwards and highlight all of those different integration points along the way because what I hear from advisors is Orion integrates very quickly and sometimes it's hard to keep up with all of those changes happening along the way. So I'm going to go through each point of integration between Orion and Redtail today so that way we get the full scope of integration between the two platforms. Thank you, Austin. I appreciate you walking myself and everybody else through all of that value. All right, Jack, for that first exciting new update between Orion and Redtail. As far as our integration is concerned, we have the risk score populating onto the contact record here in Redtail. So if you've logged into Redtail recently and you may or may not have seen this risk score field that is now on the contact record right below the Contacts name. This is our latest integration with both the Orion planning tool and our Orion Risk Intelligence tool. What we're looking to do here is to give advisors more visibility to the risk tolerance of their contact records, making it front and centre and apparent right from Redtail. So when we go to have these conversations or we're working on the portfolio, we're able to quickly see that risk score. And so where does that come from? How does it get there? Let's take you through it. To populate the risk score on a contact record, we're going to head up to the integrations menu here in the top right hand corner. From there, we'll scroll on the list until we find our option for Orion Planning. After choosing Orion Planning, we'll click on the Send to option to package up Mr. Jonathan Adams's contact information here and send it over into Orion Planning when it does. I have the option here to either look and see if I've already set up Jonathan as a contact here in Orion Planning, or if I haven't, I can click the option to add as a new client. Notice that information like the date of birth is being populated from Redtail. Next I'll hit confirm. Once Jonathan is added to Orion planning, we're able to go to the goals menu here on the left hand side and add in a new goal and begin building out the risk profile for Jonathan. Here we have an on screen presentation tool to build out Jonathan's 3D risk profile. The 3D risk profile is going to look at 3 dimensions of risk, capacity, tolerance and composure. Let's create the risk profile. So first we're going to gauge Jonathan's ability to take risk based on things like his age and level of wealth. Jonathan is in the accumulation phase. He expects to be invested for 11 to 15 years. His income is secure. He has some savings. He can draw from his accounts for 21 to 30 years and has a little bit of knowledge and expertise with investments and will be contributing at least quarterly on average. And so, based off of those answers, the 3D risk profile gauge Jonathan's risk capacity at a score of 70 in Step 2. We're going to gauge his risk tolerance. We're going to play a little game of risk. I like to say first, we're going to enter in our stake amount. So in this case, Jonathan is looking to invest $100,000. Next, we'll ask Jonathan to gauge his risk tolerance on a scale from 1:00 to 10:00. And here's where the gamification component comes in. We're going to ask Jonathan, what is the worst potential market swing you would be able to stomach in order to achieve a projected 5 year earnings. And I want you to notice that as we select different options, the options on the next screen will adjust. So for example, because I chose the 44,000 upswing, the 44 upswing now is in the middle versus if I chose one on the bottom -35 and 42, my numbers will adjust accordingly until eventually I reach that nice middle ground. And so again, our risk tolerance came out to be a 70 in the final piece of the Orion 3D risk profile. We look at risk composure. This is the behavioural side of risk. It is how comfortable will your client or prospect behave in volatile marketing. And so this is going to feel a lot like the survey that you might fill out in your therapist's waiting office. But again, what we're looking to do is get into the mind of the investor, understand the psychology, what is going on in their brain when certain things happen. And so questions like, am I easily bothered? Am I relaxed most of the time? Can I keep my emotions under control? And again, here we found out the Risk Composure is 45. And So what we're going to do is we're going to weight these different scores to achieve our risk profile of a 65. And so now that we have that results on hand, we're able to confirm the risk score and that information will then feedback into the contact record here in Redtail. So if I refresh my page here, you'll notice that the risk score of 65 has populated onto Mr. Adams's contact record. Oh my gosh. Now Boston, can we change that if we need to in the future or redo the the risk assessment at any time? Absolutely. In fact, it's recommended that every so often you have Mr. Adams here retake that survey. We know that life events can sometimes change a client's capacity for risk. Not to stereotype, but you know, we know with with young men they are usually more prone to take risks until they start to formulate families. And then that risk score may change. And so again, if certain life events are just over time, it's recommended that you continue to update that risk score for your clients. Oh, now, Austin, is this available for all Redtail users or just growth or just just launch? Yeah. So this is going to be available to those on the Redtail Growth plan, the ones that have the integrated Orion planning suite available to them. So you do need to have the integration with Orion Planning in order for this integration to be available. Excellent. Now I know that a lot of our users may want to get this set up if they're already on the growth plan. Is there an easy way to get this set up? The setup is done when you have a Redtail growth plan. Your Orion planning is already comes integrated with it and so all you would need to do again is just to create a contact record within Redtail, go to the Orion. Sorry, the Orion planning integration and that 3D risk profile will be available to you. OK, Jack. So that's our exciting new update. The next thing that I want to cover again is just all of the different components of the Orion integration and how to get that integration established. Some of the feedback that I've gotten from advisors is that again, Orion integrates very quickly. And so sometimes it's tough to keep up with all of the different integration points. And so today, let's review how to set up the Orion and Redtail integration. To do that, we're going to log into our Redtail database. We're going to head up to the top right hand corner and choose the option for Manage Your Integrations. From there we're going to Scroll down until we find the option for Orion Advisor. From there we can click on this cogwheel and open up our settings. By the way, if you ever need a refresher on what the integration is capable of, this support option here will take you to our help desk that will again highlight all the different integration points that we'll cover today. Once we hit settings, we'll go ahead and authorize access to Orion and then we'll go ahead and put in our username and password. Once we put in our username and password, the connection with Red Tail and Orion is complete. The next step will be to choose whether or not we want to enable the two way contact Sync integration. What that is Jack is it's a bidirectional sync between Orion and Redtail with certain points of contact data. So for example, let's say we have a client who changes their home address. We can update that information within Redtail and that information will be bidirectionally synced into Orion or vice versa, we can update that information in Orion and that will be bidirectionally synced into Redtail. So we never have to worry about that contact being out of date and then Jack. One question that I often frequently get is which one takes precedent? Which one overrules the other. And the answer is, it's whichever field is updated most recently. So when we connect an Orion contact, sorry, an Orion household with a Redtail contact record, most data points will remain unchanged until of course we update in one system or the other. When that update occurs, the AP is are instructed to update the data field in the other system. Now let's talk about how we actually link contacts between Redtail and Orion. For that, I'm going to scroll into a database that's been set up already to link a contact record. Let's talk about how we can actually link in a Redtail contact with its household in Orion. To do so, we'll open up the Contact record within Redtail and we'll head up to the Integrations button in the top right hand corner. Next, we'll choose Orion Advisor. When we choose the Orion Advisor integration, the Orion database and Redtail database will communicate to see if there are any shared Tax ID numbers. So in this case for Household 73, we found a matching Tax ID number matching with the Tax ID number listed here in Redtail. And because we have that matching Tax ID number, all we'll need to do is click link Household and those contacts will be linked. The benefit of linking the Household in Orion with the Redtail contact record is the bidirectional sync of contact data that we mentioned previously as well as you'll be able to go over to the Accounts tab on the left hand side and the client's portfolio view within Orion is now accessible from the contact record in Redtail. This gives the advisor the power to do all that it needs, all that he or she needs to do within Orion from the screen. For example, I can take a look at performance, I can look at models, I can place trades, I can run reports all from within Redtail. I don't need any additional tabs or single sign ONS into another system. It's all in one interface. Additionally, we can access Orion Connect from the Today page in Redtail. Here we'll notice that there's a tab for Orion and this will take us to our home dashboard within Orion Connect. Here again, we can see on the left hand side that all of the apps that are available to us from within Orion are also available to us here in Redtail Jack. Another key point of integration that I want to highlight for us today is our proposal tool. The proposal tool truly has it all. It takes all of those components that we mentioned here in the fiduciary flywheel and gives our advisors an easy way to generate a proposal for that upcoming prospect or client meeting quickly. It also integrates into the new account opening process, allowing me to open up the account through an E sign process right from Orion that opens up an account at the custodian of my choice. Let's take a look at it in action by generating a new proposal for our client, Ted Lasso today. To begin, I'm going to go to the contact record, Choose Proposals and then click on the new Proposal button here on the right hand side. When we begin the proposal process, we're launched into a nine step workflow that is going to help us to generate that proposal and open up the new account of the custodian in step #1. Here we're importing data from Redtail. On this screen here we can see things like name, first name and e-mail. But note that in the back end we're actually pulling in even more data than that. For example, things like tax ID, date of birth, mailing address, these are all gonna be populated into the new account forms when we get to step #9. In step #2, we're able to identify investor goals for our client. Here we can choose from our series of different workflows to begin identifying the goals and entering information about those goals. And step #3. We're able to link in outside accounts that Mister Lasso might hold by linking them into the client portal or Orion. Planning experience utilizing our integrations with Plaid or entering the account manually will allow for me to create a balance sheet on the proposal for Mr. Lasso to review. In step #4, we're able to fill out a risk questionnaire to identify the risk tolerance for Mr. Lasso. I can either complete this survey with him on screen, I can e-mail it to him ahead of time, or if I've already gone through the risk tolerance survey, I can superimpose a score here by entering in the target score. In step #5, we're going to create the proposed account. So First off, I'll click Add Additional Account and choose the custodian that I want to open up the account at based off of whatever custodian I choose that will allow for my available account types. Now, Jack, we don't have every account type available here, but we do see that usually about 90% of accounts fit into these categories, and so these are the ones that we maintain at the Forms Library at Fidelity. However, if you have an account that you need to open up outside of this, you can use the new account Wizard and Orion, or open a direct at the Custodian. We'll put in the investable amount. If we completed any of the goals on step #2, we're able to assign that account to a specific goal. This is really helpful if you're working with a client that has multiple goals and you're opening up different account types for those goals. Say for example, one for retirement planning, the other for education funding, we're able to set our advisory fees. We even have the option to split that fee across different reps. And then finally, we'll go ahead and set our allocation. Once we select Select, Allocation will be directed to add in a model that we want to recommend for Ted based off of that risk score. I'll start by clicking on the Add Models button. Here we can choose from our list of available models. Models can be added from two places. One is our library of investment strategists known as our Communities Platform. The other is adding your custom models that you've created within Eclipse. Note that adding your own models would require a subscription to Orion and the Eclipse Trading Platform. Here I'll filter for models within my risk range and choose the model that I want to select. I also have the ability to blend models as well. So if I wanted to do a blend of these two models here I can select both of them and click Add Models. If I'm curious about those models, I can download a fact sheet that will explain more about those models or download a blended fact sheet that will show me what those two models look like put together. So here we'll put 90% into Clark Global Tactical and 10% into the ETF strategy. Once I send my allocation I'm able to look at things like upside and one year downside, different risk statistics. I'm also able to compare this to an existing account that Ted has LinkedIn via the Orion Risk or Planning module. Here we're able to see a side by side breakdown of the different asset categories and classes, a comparison of different risk metrics and our stress test comparison which looks at hypothetical or actual market scenarios and how this portfolio would perform given those scenarios. Additionally, I can add in any specific trading preferences on how I want this model to be managed. So if there is a certain security that I do or do not want Mr. Lasso here to hold in his portfolio, I'm able to select that and then choose the buy or sell preference once this model is implemented. So in step number six here, we'll go ahead and generate that proposal. And so here I have the option to select a template. You can either create your own templates or use one of the standard ones that come available within the proposals tool. And then based off whatever template you select, that is going to determine what elements are available within that proposal. So here are all the elements. Notice that some of them are locked. That means that they are a required element of the proposal that you're going to be sending out. But if I want to rearrange items, maybe I want to pull some items out or add in some additional items, I can go ahead and and customize the portfolio So that way it includes the data and analytics that I want to present to Alan Louise. And then once you're done, Jackie, you can go ahead and either e-mail that out to Alan Louise or you can go ahead and download it to go ahead and display on your screen or print it out for your upcoming meeting. Now, it usually takes about 60 to 90 seconds to generate. So rather than waiting that long, I'll just go ahead and pull open this proposal that I already had loaded from from before. This is an example of a proposal that includes all of the elements that are available within the proposal tool. So as you can see here, we have about a 31 page report and you can go ahead and pull that down to your liking if you want a more simple proposal, but notice that it is addressed to them. We can even also import your logo, so your client's not going. Who's Orion? We'll have your logo here. Your name. You can even customize things like fonts to be able to kind of really match it with your style as an advisor. And so taking a look at some of those elements, we can include a customized welcome message, a little bit of biography information about the advisor. This is some commentary about market cycles. Here's a look at their current financial picture. If you remember in step #3, I talked about how we can aggregate in outside accounts to again show them a side by side of what their investments look like now versus what you're proposing. And so again, this is looking at those different accounts that they're having aggregated in to Orion planning. Here's a look at those goals that we went ahead and filled out, a look at that risk assessment that we went ahead and completed, more information about the goals. And then here we can get into the details about the investment strategy recommendation. So taking a look at things like holdings and sector allocation risks versus return performance details. This is again for those clients that really want to get into the details and understand why you're making the recommendation that you are. And so we'll include a look, a link to this example within the options within on 24. Feel free to download it and look through it at your own time. But for now, Jackie, let's go ahead and finish off this proposal by actually getting that account open. Yeah. So great news, Jackie. Alan Lewis, They saw the proposal, they loved it and they want to go ahead and move forward. And so again, if we need to, we can step away from the screen at any time and jump back in just by going to the contact record in Redtail. But in steps number seven 8-9, this is where we're actually going to go ahead and get that account set up to be opened up at the custodian. And so in set #7 we'll go ahead and set up the ownership information. So here for example when we click on owner details, you'll notice here Jaggi that a lot of this information has already been pre populated. Well if you remember back in step number one, this information is being imported in from Redtail CRM. So I'm not having to enter in that social again or that phone number or that home address. It's already available and all the information that you add here under the under details is going to automatically flow into the forms library custodian and pre populate that new account opening application. That we don't have necessarily all the data points connected at this point. So there are going to be some information about things like citizenship and employment that you're going to go ahead and enter in manually. But again, the more time that you spend here, the less time that you have to actually spend typing that into those blue boxes in the account opening application and step #8. This is where we can go ahead and set up a transfer information. So I can go ahead and set up this account to be able to transfer money in or out or sorry money out of wherever that money is now and into that account. So for example if I want to set up a one time bank transfer, I can do that. I can set up the details for an A cat or non a cat transfer and I can even go as far setting up a systematic withdrawal for funding the account. So again more details that you enter in here, the less you got to put into that application until all of this accumulates. Jackie, on step #9 where we're able to actually take the data that we've been entering in here for the proposal all along and it's going to pre fill the application at the custodian. I think I probably said that seven Times Now, but here we go. We hit the review paperwork and what Redtail's going to do here is it's going to go ahead and populate all that information into the custodian forms. And I'm going to go ahead and just be able to either print that out and complete for web signature or we also have the ability to integrate this into the E sign process at the custodian. So for example, if you have an E signature platform with Schwab, we can go ahead and connect that. So that way you can send out this new account form for electronic signature. So Jackie, I believe that what we see here today with with the proposal tool is really where we're headed with what we call integration, true integration. That is where we're bringing across multiple different platforms into one user experience along the screen, no more single sign ONS and we're having to call data back and forth. Let's put it all into one cohesive ecosystem and allow for us to do our jobs from one platform. Absolutely awesome. So one of the ways that Orion is attempting to empower advisors to do that is with what we call our Orion stacks program. So I talked a lot about some of the technologies that are available. One way to kind of get access to all of this even if you are an existing Orion users is to take a look at the Orion Stacks program. It's going to give you that portfolio view that contact Data Sync, that proposal and new account tool as well as some additional technology. So Jackie, as a way to kind of wrap things up, if you're excited about the idea of 1 cohesive ecosystem for integration and all of your advisor technology, I'd highly encourage you to check out what we have to offer with our Orion Advantage Stack. It has everything that Orion has to offer all into one bundled solution. So there you have it, Jack. This is the newest update to the Orion Redtail integration and what we've bought this far. So we're committed to continuing to enhance the integration between Orion and Redtail. We'll have some exciting new announcements around our Ascent conference coming up this March. The proposal tool is bringing the best together. It's Redtail, It's Risk, it's planning, it's streamlining your processes so you're able to get a proposal out quickly and get that account opened at the custodian with little additional effort. If you're interested in utilizing Orion, the proposal tool, and the integration with Redtail, and you're an existing Orion customer, I'd encourage you to reach out to us@stacksorion.com. If you're not a Orion customer, I would encourage you to visit orion.com and request a demo. Awesome. Thank you so much Austin for being here today. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping us understand how we can better interconnect our tech stacks because like you said earlier, it's a massive problem across the whole industry that I think a lot of us can relate to. Thank you everyone for being here today. We appreciate you jumping on with us. If you have any questions, we're still happy to answer those as well. If you're interested, I encourage you to reach out and get more information and learn more about the things that we couldn't even go over today because there are other functionalities and value to this. And also come and see us at a cent because we would love to see all of you next March, San Diego. I'll be there. Yes, it'll be beautiful. So we hope to see a lot of you there. But Austin, thank you again for being here and we'll see you all again next time. _1740079014558

Join us for the 2024 Ascent Conference!



Revolutionize Your Process Management with Orion + Redtail

Join us for a deep dive into the powerful integration between Orion and Redtail CRM. In this webinar, we'll show you how the seamless connection between these two technologies can revolutionize your workflow and help you build stronger client relationships.

Make CRM your hub while accessing Portfolio View, which allows you to see your clients' portfolios, directly within Redtail without the need to switch between multiple applications. This streamlined view gives you a comprehensive overview of your clients' investments, allowing you to make informed decisions and provide better service. We'll also show you how Redtail data can feed important tasks like proposal generation, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to see firsthand how Orion and Redtail can transform the way you work.

