Hey, good morning. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for joining us. It's a pleasure to welcome you at this webinar. My name is Stan Albers. I'm a Marketing manager at FedEx Express Europe and I'm heading up the team who built the out of home proposition for B to C shipments for FedEx in Europe. Also with me, very happy to welcome you Nick Williams from Collect Plus in the UK and Jonathan Coathouse from my Flexbox in Austria, two of our valued partners with whom we couldn't do this. They will also introduce themselves later on. Let me start out by saying that this presentation will take around 25 minutes. We will leave some time for questions afterwards. Any questions that we can't answer today, we will take it. We will take it offline, so no worries about that. We will also record this webinar so that you can rewatch it later on or share it with your with your colleagues. Now with without further ado, let me take you a bit through the agenda of today. We will start with what your customers want of course and that's why we are here. That's why we want to improve the 1st and the final mile of the of the journey. Then we will go more into how do we make it happen at FedEx with our with our partners following that and we will also talk to you about the future improvements because we've just started, we're not not nearly done. So we will also highlight there. And then as said before, there are there is the chance to ask any questions in the chat. You can see that on the screen. We've got colleagues looking at your questions as well. We'll pick a few questions at the end to to answer and again any questions that we don't have the time to answer for, for today, we'll get back to you later on. So let's begin at at some of the market research that we that we have. This slide shows that today shoppers they want flexibility and convenience for the delivery that means both on the pick up as well as on the drop off side. So some statistics to walk you through is that 34% of the online shoppers they would switch to parcel lockers or kudos shops so to say for their online, for their online order. So it's not really a small size of your customers who would would like to do that. And 68% of the customers are choosing A variety of methods for the delivery. So the control of the process and the greater of the choice is increasingly important for customers who shop online. And then the last thing, the 50% over there that indicates the merchants, I assume most of you who deliver more options, more delivery options, more control, 50% of them have seen an increase in sales revenue of it with another 40% not really seeing any change, but most of, well half of half of them really see a noticeable increase in revenue. So that's really why you would do it there. That's actually quite simple. When you want to grow your business, you need to offer more delivery options than only at home. Now let's start with a poll, let's see what you think. So due to the hybrid working, have you actually noticed the shift in your customer shipping preferences from out of home or sorry, from residential deliveries to to out of home? Please give me a yes or give me a yes or no on this one. I'll give you guys a couple of seconds to to answer it and then we'll we'll pick it up afterwards. All right. Lovely. I see answers coming in. Nice. All right. Keep them coming. Very nice. All right, I'll leave it. I'll leave it to that. Let's see. Oh, not surprising. Whopping 76% say yes, we've we've seen a shift. Doesn't surprise me. We have seen that as well and that is exactly what we are doing. Now the next question actually as well for your feedback. Are you actually planning on attempting your shipping options to match the shift? So we've got yes and the no and of course the yes, but not yet. Perhaps you're busy with all the stuff. We have other priorities, so please give me some feedback. Sorry, I went a little bit too quick there. All right. This will be the last poll by the way, I'm not doing only polls today, but let's, let's see what you what the feedback is so nice. Nice to see that there's a split between yes and yes, but not yet. But it is very clear that only 10% of the respondents say no, right. So you are actually looking at it and that makes total that makes total sense. So essentially your customers indeed want the choice of being able to select it, right? So what do they actually want? Because so, so first of all, they would like to choose their delivery time and location. Your customers have their own lives that they need to attend to and they don't want to sit around all day waiting for the Courier. They also want to be able to redirect their parcels. If they are not going to be at home right then they want to have the control. I want to. I want to give it to the neighbors, I want to give it to to a shop nearby or or or to a locker. And we know that nowadays the majority of the online shoppers also would like to return their parcels easily. And it's even more important people check the return policy that you have and if it's not simple enough, they might abandon buying the product in the first, in the first place. Now a little bit of a hint, we will have another webinar coming in the future exactly about the returns. So keep an eye out on that one. We will not go into detail this time, but we will another time. So the good news is FedEx can offer that to the customer. So what what can we, what can we offer your customers out there in the field. So first of all, they can choose their delivery location. We'll go into that into a bit more detail, but we are providing thousands of locations for your customers to choose from. They can also customize their delivery times. So if it if it doesn't fit their schedule they can they can see OK what what might work better for me, is it the next day? Is it, is it a different, is it a different time. Sometimes they can also redirect the parcels if they are not going to be in and then when when they know FedEx is going to come on Wednesday not working for me, I'll drop it off to a locker or a nearby. And of course they can also return parcels easily. Not waiting for the Courier if they don't want to but then dropping it, dropping it off at a nearby location. So what have we developed? What what are those choices? So first of all across the globe we have FedEx owned and staffed locations. This is also this is also staff that can help you and your customers with advice when when when shipping as well. We also work with third party alliances. You will meet a collect plus and then my flex box later on as well and and we also have lockers in our in our network. Then we also have the FedEx authorized ship centers quite similar to the FedEx owns and staff locations. These are shops who make a living for for logistics so they will have the expertise to help you and your and your customers. And then lastly, the drop boxes where if you have a pre labeled parcel either outbound or return, you drop it in there. The FedEx Courier comes by on its route and brings it to wherever you need it to go in the world. So this all improves the customer experience and also boosts the customer loyalty. That basically means that your customers will come back and buy again from you. So as a global integrator, we need to be where your customers are or where your customers can be. Of course with the Internet anyone can buy your products, right. So we now have 261,000 locations where your customers can direct parcels to or or drop off their parcels, it depends a bit what is what is available. And in Europe we have over 40,000 locations. It's it's actually has exceeded 4243 thousand already. It's growing very rapidly. So let's now look a bit at the out of home or sometimes internally, we call it retail. The journey options for delivery and for the collections, well, there are 5 journeys here. This will be a bit technical, so buckle up. But it's important for you to understand what you could answer, could offer to your customers. So we make a split in inbound services and outbound services. So inbound services is the auto redirect to hold is the redirect to hold and it's a direct to retail. I'll, I'll go into a bit more detail a slide from now, but these are three services that we see as inbound. On the other side we've got it for outbound as well and there we identified too. So we have the drop offs that can be for outbound shipments for you or it can be returns for for products that your customers want to give back to you because the size doesn't fit or whatever reason. And then the last one is shipped from retail. This is where anyone can walk into a location and say, hey, I'd like to buy FedEx Express International Priority because I need something in Boston tomorrow okay. So let's go a bit into into a bit more detail. We will start with auto redirect to hold. So this means that the customer is not home and the customer and the shipment cannot be delivered because either it needs a signature or there's no safe place to leave the parcel. So in that case, the driver will see that there's a shop close by right where we're not going to send it on the other end of the country. And the Courier will leave a card in the mailbox of your customer and then say you can go here, you can, you can collect your parcel and then it has, your customer has a few days to actually pick it up. It depends a bit by country what that is. That also means that your customer will have still the option open until that evening to give us different instructions, right? Deliver it to the neighbors anyway or just send it back to the shipper because I don't need it anymore. Yeah. So ultimately if the customer doesn't pick it up, it still can be returned to you just as normal. So return to shipper process then the the next that I'll talk to about is the redirect to hold. So this is if the customer ordered something and something has the left, your warehouse, it's in transit and the customer knows it's going to be there 3 days from now. It's not going to work out. I'd like, I know that there's a FedEx location quite close by, let's drop it off there and the next day I'll, I'll pick it up as well. So the customer can do that with FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager. That's our tool. We'll show you in a minute what those options are. If you've already listened to the previous webinar, we went into more detail in that one as well. Then the third one that I'd like to talk about is a director Retail. That means that there's an integration with your web shop or your web shop's provider and FedEx so that when customers order something online and they see it will be delivered on Thursday. Fine. I know that there's a FedEx location quite close by, just leave it there immediately and I'll come and pack it up immediately. So I said before with redirect to hold also here it depends bit three to say 10 days it will be available in the in the location. This is currently not widely available to Europe, I have to say. So contact your sales representative if you want to know more where this is available. I'll give a spoiler at the end of it. We are rolling this out quite quickly into the rest of our network. So then we will move to returns at the drop offs, right. So your customers want to have convenient return options. We know that in the market 84% of the European shoppers say that the ease of returning of products is super important to them so that if they don't have the option to wait for a Courier at home, they can drop it off at one of our 70,000 FedEx locations worldwide where they can do that. So to make use of these drop off points the return shipment should be pre labeled but exec requirements might vary a bit and shoppers either find the return label and the commercial invoice. If it's not the European Union, they might find it in the box from you from the web shop or they can request a return. So then we send a PDF that they can print and put on the box and in certain markets it can also be be paperless, but also there. Contact your sales Rep if you want to know more about that. And then the final journey is shipped from retail. This is where the customer can walk on, walk in with a box into a FedEx location and just select a service that can be international priority. It can be FICP and this is a very popular service particularly in the US and Canada and in Europe. We currently only have this in Italy available, but we are rolling that as well. So I've given you a lot of context already. I hope you're still with me. Now let's get a poll again, right. What are the most important aspects for you to set up the out of home options in your web shop? So give me a bit of feedback here. Is it for you to improve the first time delivery? Because of course it's going to be a bit annoying when when your customers need to wait for a second delivery attempt. Feel free, you can click, you can click through it already, I'll talk, I'll talk. In the meantime, you can also reduce your carbon emissions because of course the fewer kilometers that we need to drive, the better it is for the environment. Do you do it to enhance your customer experience because your customers tell you that they want to have the choice and the control over it? Or is it really to boost customer loyalty? Do you actually see customers returning to you time and time again because they have the choice? Fortunately, this is not a multiple choice because I'm sure it will be a bit a bit of all, but just give me the main reason, what is the most important aspect for you to set up out of them? All right, I'll click, click through. Let's let's see. I was actually quite looking forward to this question. So most of you are saying it's to enhance the customer experience followed by the improved first time delivery. I think they match together and the loyalty and the carbon emissions come later. Very nice. Thank you for, for your feedback. So then the question is how can you and your customers control where the parcel is going. So now that we've explained it, how can your customers control it? And as I said before, the most powerful tool that we have is FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager. This is where customers for the return redirect to hold as well as the auto redirect to hold. So when you're not at home, you can control it. So they can sit back and await their delivery or they can change it, right, if they want to. I'll show you a quick video on what the options are in FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager and then we'll pick it back up again. All right, lovely. So as you see, FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager in combination with out of home delivery options give customers the complete control. It is flexible and convenient. They have control again and FedEx will keep you and your customers informed throughout the journey of the parcel. So the next step is to focus a bit more on Europe and the out of home delivery options that FedEx can offer in cooperation with our partners. So as this slide shows, FedEx works with a wide network of partners to support all of our European markets and we're very happy to have them to give us regular feedback as well on how we can do better. We select our partners and locations to make sure that we give the best convenience to your customers and we strive to get the best coverage to wherever your customers want to pick up your parcels or drop off the the returns. What you can also see is that 75% of our locations are open after 6:00 PM. It's convenient again because people have lives and have jobs and 93% are open on on Sundays. Now let's talk a little bit about how our partner, about the partners that we that we work with. So we select the partners that share our passion to make that delivery experience and pick up the experience better and also share the belief that this is sustainable, that we make it better. And I see Nick and Jonathan coming online. That's great. Thanks for having you guys. I'll start with Jonathan from my Flexbox in Austria. You want to. To introduce yourself and your company. Perfect. Yeah. Thanks so much Stan. Yeah, hi everyone. My name is Jonathan. I'm one of the founders of my Flexbox in the Co CEO. And yeah, we founded my Flexbox in 2018. And as you can see, we have already more than 500 locals live. So what we did or what the main reason is why we're doing this? We want to build smart city infrastructure. So that means that we are building an open network which is truly open for anyone who wants to use this infrastructure. And we are already the largest open smart locker network in the German speaking markets. So we have over 500 locations already, most of them still currently in Austria because we started there, but we also entered the German market and we're quickly growing in Germany as well. Our core USP is our platform. So we are tech startup and we have a platform which is able to consolidate all the different stakeholders on this one platform in order to have a seemingless customer experience at the end for all the end users, which are, yeah, the end customers. And that's very important to us. And very important for us is also that we are vendor neutral. So we are, yeah, really focused on building a smart infrastructure and stay neutral into comparison to any players we're working with. And yeah, as I said, we got founded in 2018. So we founded this together with the Salzburg AG, which is a private public company in Austria. And then with our expansion to Germany, we got a 75,000,000 investment this year. And yeah, now we're growing pretty strong. And why the reason why we did this, so why is it so important to us to build such an infrastructure is because we really as coming out of our a private public company. For us the living quality in cities is very important. So we really want to, with our open network with smart locks, we really want to reduce the O2 emissions by reducing the number of ways which delivery takes. And we also want to help to minimize the overcrowded roads and the parking issue. And this is something what we see what we can do with our infrastructure with the smart lockers. To show you briefly how this works, I have a small slide. So as I said, it's really open to anyone. So we're very happy to work with great partners as standard FedEx. So this is really a great partnership and we're really happy about this. But we also have other partners who are using this, my flexbox. We also have local retailers, we even have end users which can use the my Flexbox. And what we see in other countries is that there is many closed lockers and then all of a sudden you have like 5 or 6 or 7 lockers next to each other and all are have full and the end customer doesn't really know, OK, which one do I have to use now And we want to combine everything in one locker so that it's really convenient for the end customer, for the drivers and therefore also for the cities. And this is what we're working at. And yeah, we're very happy to be here and they have such a strong partnership with FedEx and we're looking forward to grow faster in Germany over next years as well. Thank you so much. Yeah, definitely looking, definitely enjoying the partnership as well. Jonathan, thanks Nick. Over Over to you. Welcome to it from Collect Plus. Thank you, Stan. Yeah, I'm Nick Williams. So I run Collect Plus in the UK. We started in 2009 as a as a Pudo provider predominantly to begin with back with prelabeled returns, but life has moved on. So we offer all of the services, printing store labels prelabeled, we can collect in flight. So we've got just over 10,000 sites in the UK, predominantly inconvenience stores but also gas station, 4 courts. We're in 35 of the big shopping centers. We're rolling into student unions to support a new wave of the volume we're getting from the likes of Vintage and Depop. And also we're doing a pilot with UPOD on on some lockers, just a compliment where we have where we don't have store coverage and we may be able to pop a locker in. We are carrier agnostic partnered with most of the high profile carriers and certainly for FedEx being one of those my stores really my my USP as a as a as a period of marketing is is our opening times 109 hours a week on average predominantly open all weekends as well. The only places we shut really on a Sunday is the center of London where the financial districts are where there's there's nobody there on a Sunday. So yeah so that's us as a as an overview for a little more detail as the slide builds, FedEx take just over 4 1/2 thousand of our site. So you know carries don't have to take all the sites, you take the sites that suit you for your geographical needs and your volume needs are wide. The whole network offers about 94% coverage for urban population. FedEx currently taking with the four and a half thousands you're you're within about 80% of the urban population within one mile in the UK. But what we do really strongly is we we're, we are fundamentally a great ESG partner as well where you know if you've got 20 deliveries to take to home and they come into one Pudo that's that's 19 less stops and I'm sure there's some clever maths behind how much emissions that saves. But 20 into one feels like a feels like a winner for me. So yeah, you know that's what we do is we we do it for all the carriers, FedEx particularly. And I'm looking forward to the growth that's going to come from the likes of these webinars and increase the volume and the number of stores we provide. Thank you. All right. Lovely. So as you see we we have partners, we can't do it without, without them and we're really enjoying it and that makes me, it gives me a bridge to what does the future hold right, because we are not done yet, not nearly. So what does the future hold? So in the coming year we are focusing on unlocking more services to more locations across Europe, especially the dropoff and the returns. We know how important this is for the return proposition also for small shippers. If you are an online online seller with only a few packs per per day might be out of your home. It might be easier just to drop them off rather than waiting for for various couriers. Sorry. Also redirect to hold in Austria with my flex box. We are currently building that. It goes very well and then we expect to roll that out across across Europe and as said Director Retail currently available in in Italy and also for for the in in in France. To to an extent we will be rolling that out as well quite quite quickly. That nearly brings us to the end of our presentation. So let me just summarize right, your customers want flexibility and convenience of the delivery. FedEx services can help you throughout this delivery process with FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager being a very good tool for your customers to have control and visibility over the shipment. And with the help of our partners such as my Flexbox and Collect Plus, whom you've met today, we continue to grow globally, right? And this is everything to do with your customers because as you said, we want to improve the first time delivery. We want to reduce the carbon emissions, the footprint that we have on the on this planet and most important to you guys, thanks for the pull and hence the customer experience. So that this will boost your customer loyalty and customers will come back and come back again to buy products from from you wherever they are across the across the globe. So thank you very much for listening. Let's take a look at the questions. I think I saw a few nice ones. I'll take one of the questions that I saw, Sir, I need to click a bit on one screen and the next I saw a question coming in from what if the parcel is too big and what if there are multiple parcels. You're absolutely spot on. It really depends on the infrastructure that we have and it also depends with the with the partners we work with. Jonathan, I know you, your your lockers have certain sizes, right? So if customers are shipping skis that most likely won't, won't fit. So in the back end before we actually give the control, we check the sizes, we check the weights, we might also check the value or you as a customer you say we don't want this, it needs to be residential delivery, fine. So this is the basically an eligibility check that we do in the back end. Do we give this control to the customer, yes or no. So these are things that we actually look into as well. I think that is one question that I saw come in. Is there another question that we saw that was interesting? Yeah, we've got few more. Will the expansion in the future also include Flexbox in the Netherlands? Very good question. So in the Netherlands we work with Monday Ali as our as as our partner. So flex boxes for are are not in the planning at the moment. Monday Ali in the Netherlands is working with shops so that network is there. Customers can redirect their shipments within the Netherlands to the shops if they if they want to as well. And as we grow as we keep on expanding and also as our partners are developing, locker boxes might be added, but it's not in the planning. But I do expect that indeed. Yeah, good question. Thank you. I see also a question coming in, any plans to do packaging take back, I assume that's reusable packaging or discarding of used packaging at the moment we don't do that. So we basically. So I'm so we don't have that in the case. I know it's happening in the market, but this might be the ship to retail. If you go to our the authorized vendor so to say they have packaging available for the shipping as well, the packaging take back so to say disposal of packaging that is not in the plan so far. That's an interesting point. I'm also mindful of the time. Funny, right. I think we are two minutes over. Yeah, I think a couple more and okay, yeah, still coming in. I think people are asking questions. So yeah, we will take some offline. But yeah, if you can answer a couple more I think, yeah, no, that's that's fine. I see a picture question coming in about picture proof of delivery that was indeed announced was not part of this, this webinar because the topic was not that. But indeed that is still being rolled out. Is it already in Belgium and the Netherlands is the is the question. I don't know from the top of my of my head, but I'll get back to you on on that one. But yes, that that is being rolled out and I know for the in the next couple of weeks and months that should be across Europe and Belgium and Netherlands are definitely there. But I'll get back to that one offline for the specifics if you don't, if you don't mind. And then finally, I think we have one more a little bit. We ship worldwide from our website and we use a plugin that calculates shipping due to the taxes at checkout for us. Can we still add custom collection as an option at checkout? So I think this is our DTR, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that is that is possible, it's can still be a pickup at your consumer, but it can also be a drop off or the other way around. The director retail would also be possible as that currently in in in into France and Italy rolling that out. We are working with certified service providers as well such as Blue Commerce and Shopify. So that integration works, but we can also integrate it directly with customers themselves, yes. For more information than I recommend, you reach out to your sales representative and then we'll guide you through that process. Okay. I think this is all we have time for today, unless you wanna do one more. Well, I, I, I see, I see a question about the returns, right. When can we see our returns being handled by partners globally. So for that one cliffhanger, the next time we will do a one of our returns, but we'll go into more detail. So there's FedEx Global returns and we also have a partnership with the company called Zigzag that is also a very good solution. More to come on the webinar on the next time, on the next time and we'll go into more details. Then I'll, I'll close it off. Thanks everyone for, for joining. All the questions that were asked that we didn't answer. We'll do that offline. But thanks very much. It's been a, it's been a blast, Jonathan, Nick, guys, thanks for for joining as well. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, no? _1743208569954