Welcome to the webinar. My name is Sean Hollingshead. I'm a Senior Vice President of Business Development and really appreciate everybody taking your the time out of your day today to join. I know you have busy schedules, I know you have businesses to run, so we sincerely appreciate your effort joining. Before we get started, a couple of housekeeping items. Any questions that you have, feel free to submit them throughout the webinar would be happy to answer those. Also as you're looking for additional information, you'll see a blue button on your screen. You can click on that, grab some additional information, you can schedule demos. The most important thing to understand is the things that we talked through today. We're not going to be able to get into every single detail. We want to give you small tastes of what's happening within the system, some of the top technology tools that we've been providing here. But we're more than happy to schedule additional time to show you these in depth and help you understand how these can impact your business for the better going forward. Now this is one of our favorite webinars that we do and part of that's because Orion as a company, one thing that we've done really well over the years is the ability to continue to innovate. Orion is not a stagnant business. We continue to grow, we continue to build and we build solutions based off the feedback we get from you, our partners and advisors out in the space, you're the most impactful asset we have in building out these tools in the way that we structure, structure what we make available today. Now 2023 is no exception to the build pace that that Orion structures their business around. We've done a lot of things related to our system internally. We've done a lot of things related to acquisitions and today we're going to walk through several of those components, help you understand some of the big initiatives and top technology tools that we've made available through 2023. Now before I do that, it's helpful to get some context into why we've driven in some of the directions we've driven over the last, especially the last six to seven months. One of those is related to some of the biggest pain points we hear from advisors. If you think about the industry and especially the financial technology sector, where it started, where it's gone, where it is today, the number one pain point that we've heard over and over and over is this lack of integrated technology. Integration is a very loosely defined term in our in our space. For some it's a single sign on, for some it's data pass, for some it's still multiple tabs up on a screen. And we've taken that as something that we think is impactful to to look at and and create a single ecosystem from an operational standpoint so that you can focus on the things that are most important in your business. Now in order to build a solution that becomes a truly integrated process we have, we've had to go through several changes for the better. Some of those are related to internally building tools that are more seamless, that transition, better that pass the data appropriate that make tools available to you from a client perspective as well as in an advisor perspective and advisor experience. So those are useful. The other component is we've there are great companies out in the space that have done a very good job over the years building tools that are helpful to bring into the Orion Orion ecosystem. And so you can see I won't go through these in detail, but over the last several years Orion has had the opportunity to make several acquisitions that allow us to now build out a technology stack that you can now scale and grow into the future. One of the most damning things a firm can do is have to transition technology every couple of years. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't do do do due diligence on your technology every couple years. I think that's highly critical to your business and understanding the health of your business. But for firms that are trying to focus on client build out, you're trying to grow assets, whether that's organic or inorganic, you need to have technology in place that you can outgrow and the ability to make some of these acquisitions, build the solutions together so that you have a single ecosystem where you can run from an operation standpoint, a client experience standpoint and all of the other processes that you need to run to maintain calendaring, scheduling, client notes, etcetera came by way of of the timeline that you're seeing here. Now what did all these things bring us to acquisitions, some additional growth out of our platform, some additional builds within some of our tools like reporting and billing and trading etcetera. Well, it all kind of led to at the beginning of this year when we announced Orion Stacks. And Orion Stacks is just what I was mentioning a few minutes ago, Ryan. Stacks is the ability for us to take all of these components, both tools that we've had already within our reporting system and some of the acquisitions that we've made over the last couple of years and build it into one fiduciary flywheel that allows you as a firm to grow into all of the specific areas that you run your business out of. So if you think about let's, let's go to the beginning of a of of a firm, maybe you're a breakaway, maybe you've just started a practice for the first time, maybe you're an established RA that's more of a lifestyle practice. Often times the critical pieces you need to get your quarter end processes right. First I need to have my my billing and my reporting processes down path so that I can scale those. I'm not wasting weeks and weeks every quarter end ensuring that we bill appropriately, we can put out our quarterly statements etcetera. Well that's the base of what a system like this will do. It'll give you all of those core quarter end tools and when I have that, I have that in place, I have that process down. The most successful firms that we work with today that's now an afterthought quarter end is something that they have down in such a systematic way that they've now allowed themselves to build into several these other tools that allow them to provide better client experiences, more effective discussion points around clients and their growth and objectives and prospecting tools that help you continue to grow the business organically. So what is the Orion stack? Well, it all starts from the prospecting side of things and we were fortunate to partner and acquire Redtail last year. And that gives us a key component to our system that allows you to one, track your client data, set up your calendaring, prepare for client meetings and also be able to communicate with clients. And so if you think about the Redtail system, Redtails gone through some shifts as well and they just announced Redtail plans just a couple of months ago. And the Redtail growth plan, which we won't spend too much time today talking about, but the Redtail growth plan, which includes the Redtail CRM, Redtail Speak and Redtail Imaging is included in the Orion Stack. So out-of-the-box you have access to our CRM that allows you to maintain your client data, text your clients through compliant text messaging platform and archive and go paperless from a firm perspective through Redtail imaging, all very impactful tools that are now bundled together as part of this Orion Advantage stack structure. So on the front end we have a CRM system that was built specifically for this industry that does not require an enormous amount of build out customization consulting to get this up and running. I can go online, I can schedule time, I can set up a database right away and you have access to a CRM that the the firm could start running their business out of. When you have that in place, that leads to the next portion of our stack process, which is the plan component. Now when you think about planning, Orion has several different tools that are involved there. Orion planning is included. We acquired a company several years ago called Advisor that is now Orion Planning. Orion planning is included in your bundle from from a technology perspective. So you have impactful goalbased planning. You have cash flow analysis and you have the ability to take that information and tie it into a proposal process. Now I'm going to pass the, the, the baton here in just a few minutes Over to Brian Towner. He's going to walk through the proposal process in the new account workflow. So you get to see that more detail. But the beauty of this is it's no longer a fragmented process. I'm not creating a financial plan over on one side. I'm not creating a proposal that has nothing to do with my financial plan on the other side. And then trying to merge those two components together and say, well, hopefully this makes sense, Mr. and Mrs. Prospect and maybe we can do business together. Both of those components also tie into a mobile application. Again, Orion wants to meet you and your clients. Where you are today, most of your clients are on Apple, on mobile phones, on tablets. This is not new for anybody. Step on a plane for two seconds and everybody's head's bent down. We're all in looking at our phones, we're scrolling with them and so why should our finances not be available in one spot as well? Well through the Orion stack, a mobile application branded to your firm is also available. So we have these components in play on the front end to help you prospect. We have the ability for you to start telling a story with your clients versus focusing purely on asset allocation and purely on performance. We can get into more the behavioral finance side of things, the goal based side of things and help clients understand risk is not just a number, risk is much more than just a number and it's part of that that plan that's available through the Orion planning system you you're able to tell that story. Now the meat of the stack comes from the core of what we would do. The four core components of what Orion's always done very well as reporting, billing, trading and a client experience. So when you think about the achieved component, well a firm achieved success by having very efficient operations. Any COO can tell you this, that's why they exist, that's why they're in their jobs. If operations are smooth, you have the ability to focus your time on the areas that are most applicable. So that within the Orion stack, of course you have access to the full reporting, billing, trading and client experience structure. And then the 4th component, which is I think the area that's probably the most exciting component of all the Orion stack structure because it gives you the ability to create unique identifiers to clients. It allows you to build a story that's unique to your firm because I I can produce reports that look really nice and those are impacted for clients. I can run bills a certain way and that's just fine. I can trade my client accounts a certain way to be tax efficient. I think that's highly impactful. We're always looking for ways to add tax alpha. But if I have the ability on the investment side of things to add in additional functions that are specific to a client, whether that's custom indexing or the way that I manage from a compliance perspective, share class reviews or or employee trade monitoring or some of these functions that allow me to broaden the scope of what we do as a firm, all with the the same ecosystem. I now again have a repeatable, scalable process that I can grow into. So there's much more to talk about on that, the Orion stack side and then we'll talk through some of these components today in more detail. But like I mentioned, if you have additional questions, feel free to submit them. Now click the blue button to learn a little bit more. And now I'm going to turn the time over to Brian Towner to touch on the proposal and the new account opening workflow process. Thanks, Shum. My name is Brian Towner. And today I'm going to show you our new proposal and new account that we released recently. One of the places that we launched that is Redtail. So I'm going to show the demo from there. All right, let's start the demo. As you can see, I'm at a Redtail dashboard. There are a couple ways that you can access the proposal, a new account tool. One of them is through the ad icon at the very top. I'm going to start with a brand new contact. Start with an individual contact here and I will put my name in. I'm not already at contacts. You can add in any information that you see here. What we use for the new account will be first name, last name, e-mail address, phone numbers and then any socials or date of births. All of that will pass on to the new account process if you choose to add it here, but you'll see here at the bottom we added in this Orion Proposal button. You will have access to this if you are in either the Advantage or Essential staff on Orion technology or in either of the plans of Redtail. Now let's go ahead and launch this. I'll click Orion Proposal and that will first create a brand new contact. So Brian Tanner is a contact and then it will jump you into the workflow. As you can see here, it's brought over my first name and last name and up top you see the workflow as it stands, I'll click next step and this will actually jump me into our Orion planning technology. So at this point, you have access to all of the different paths that are available to you. If you do have behavioral finance, which again Kate will be touching on next, you will see those up top, as well as Protect, Live Dream and all of our other workflows. If you'd like, you can go through and jump into that right here on the screen, or you can skip it by just clicking the top navigation or the next step at the bottom. If at any point you do want to back out, you can just click on the contact's name over to the left. And this takes me to actually our other input that we can do where we can jump into the flow. So you'll see here on the contact record you have a new tab called Proposals, and this is actually the proposal that I was just in. So we save your state throughout the proposal process so that you can easily go back in to wherever you left off. At any point you wanted to open up a new proposal, you can click New Proposal and you can start that process all over. This allows you to do different variations, maybe propose different allocations to the client, but also allows you to go back in and see any proposals that you have done historically and again pick up where you left off, just as we did previously in this brand new proposal. If I click on Step 2, this will jump me into the planning software. This time you'll see retirement savings and I'll quickly go through this just to show you how easy it is to go through this with your client or have your clients do this upfront so you can actually send this to clients so that they have this beforehand. There are only a few questions that we go through here, and I'll just say I've already started. For simplicity's sake, I'm just going to go in and add a checking account. Just say that I have 15,000 safe for retirement and then annually I put in, let's just say 7500. Now another great thing if you do this up front with your client is they have the ability to go through and actually integrate their outside accounts through a service called cloud that we provide. If you do that, that will also link in these accounts and I'll show you where you can see that here in just a second. Now that I've done that retirement flow, I can see that here from a goal standpoint and I can also add another goal, but let's say I'm ready to move forward when I get to Step 3. This is going to show you your net worth that the client has provided. Now the only information my client has provided is this checking account. You can see I added that through a goal and it shows up here any of those client accounts that I previously mentioned, if they do go in and actually sign up through your client, pull those accounts in, you as the advisor will be able to see all of those accounts. So it's a great way to see the whole picture of what your client has or what they've provided to you to make sure that you tell the right story as you're building those proposals that you can win those accounts. Now at any point, if you don't want to do any of the planning, you don't want to do any of the outside accounts or goals. Then you can click on step four and TQ right into the RTQ. From the RTQ you can e-mail that questionnaire. You can impose a risk for if you already know that, or you can have them take a quick seven question questionnaire. As you scroll through you'll see that there are again only seven questions. Very easy to just go through, click that and then get a risk for for your client. Once they have that risk score, I then we'll go into step four or Step 5, excuse me, where we are actually proposing the accounts. So this is a chance for you to say what custodian you're working with. So I'm going to choose Fidelity, the account site that you want to propose for the client, the investment amount. If you do have any of those goals, again you'll be able to select that and only do retirement. So I'm going to say this individual accounts going to help retirement. I'll go ahead and set up my fees and then I can go and actually set allocations. Once you land in here, you'll see that there's a lot of data that we provide to you to make this again as easy as possible for you as an advisor to help win those accounts for your client. You can click Add Models and this is going to show you all the models that you have access to. Or you can actually load models if I have any favorites that I've saved or any overlay models and I can come through here and I can load those up very quickly. Some models may have a minimum. The system will let you know if you've reached that minimum and if you can move forward or not. Now you'll see over to the left, we brought in some risk intelligence data, so you can see some risk statistics as well as upside and downside potential. And then at the top here, we've also brought in compare existing account. This allows you any of those accounts that we talked about earlier have been brought over. I'm just going to do a checking account. It's only cash, but you can see a side by side comparison of what you've proposed versus what your client currently holds. This gives you an edge as you're building out this allocation to make sure that you win in certain areas that you know are important to the client. That could be from a risk comparison standpoint that you go through and see or it could be from a stress test comparison. Once you've got your allocation the way you want, just Scroll down here and hit save and then we can move forward. Now on step 6, this is all about, again telling that story from an output standpoint. We do provide a couple of templates that you can have depending on your database setup within. You as the advisor also have the ability to go through here and add different pages. So I can start with the template. We'll just say standard. I can move it around. This time is very fee conscious. I want to make that one of the first things we talked about. I can move that up here and then go ahead and download this proposal or e-mail it out. You'll see all the pages over here to the left that we provide. And again, you can download that proposal or e-mail it to the clients once you're ready to go. Now these are white labeled, if you've provided A headshot, a logo, your name, your firm's information, all of that will flow through the proposal. So it is very customizable to you and your firm. And the next couple steps are all about data gathering. So on step seven, we're specifically looking at the account owner. So I only input Brian Townard here. So we'll go through and we'll pick out the owner information. Again, if I had input any of that inside of the contact record, all of that would map over date of birth, socials I mentioned, phone numbers, e-mail address, citizenship type and employment information are not going to come over at this time, but it's something we're looking at adding. And then you also have the opportunity to just upload any identifications here. So where we see this come in handy is if you know, custodian is kind of a stickler for let's say a copy of the driver's license. This is just an opportunity for you to upload that if you have it, or the clients can upload that later in the process. Depending on what I choose in here from an opponent standpoint, you'll see that the fields are dynamic. Once I've filled out all the information that I know, I can save that and then we'll actually move over into account setup. So this is specifically about the account. So I could have had Brian Towner and had five accounts. Here. You would see a row for each account, but on the previous screen I would only see one because Brian Towner is the owner of all five of those accounts. So we tried to split it up to make it as easy and efficient as possible for you When you're entering data now on an individual account, I'll just have funding information and the ability to upload any registration specific PDFs. This point where we really see that again from a highlighted standpoint is your trust accounts, your CNET Iras where you just need a little bit more information provided to the custodian so that they can open those accounts. So again just an optional opportunity for you to upload any supporting documentation that you may want and you can also add bank information for one time or recurring you can do a cats or non a cats and you can also set up a systematic withdrawal. So again everything specific to that account is what you're going to see on this step. After that you will see here and then you'll go to a summary screen. This screen is going to show you everything you've done up until this point and then it provides you the opportunity to do a couple of different things. So depending on your firm and how you set that up, you may have the opportunity to go through the signature. You may only be provided with the ability to download those forms. So if I click go to Review and Complete, we're going to show you all the forms that you gather up to this point. And then again, based on your setup, you're going to have a couple of different options. If you have any questions through this process, please reach out to your service team, but they will be able to tell you where you can access or if you have esign set up, or if you only have the ability to download or preview those forms. If you do have E signature set up, you'll take esign and you'll have the ability to sign it in person or send that via e-mail. Now if you are signing in person, the client does have to go through a knowledge base authentication and depending on a custodian that could be an SMS text message or it could be LexisNexis ID check. So just keep that in mind. The client is not with you. Don't click E sign in person. You will get stuck and not be able to answer those questions. Now again, at any point if you wanted to you could stop this process. I could click back on the contact record and again I'll see the two that I just did. I got a little bit further with this one so if I ever wanted to go back in I could put this arrow over to the left. I can click edit proposal and then that will jump me back in to where I left off, which in this instance is that summary screen. Thanks everyone for taking the time to watch the demo of the new proposal, a new account system. I'm going to pass it off to Kade who has some really exciting announcements about what we did through B5 and through our Orion planning tool. Thank you, Brian. As Brian mentioned, my name is Kade. I'm a product manager with Orion Planning and today I'd like to highlight two different behavioral finance tools within Orion Planning. And those two tools are Protect Live Dream, which you'll probably hear me refer to as PLD for short, and BeFi20, which stands for Behavioral Finance 20. It's an assessment with 20 questions, which is why there's the the number 20 there. A quick reminder before I get started to drop any questions that you have into the Q&A section and we will be sure to get all of your questions answered. So if you're hearing about these tools for the first time, I just want to give you a little bit of background to try to bring any possible abstractions about behavioral finance into a little bit clearer focus. So the slide you see in front of you now represents a study done by Merrill Lynch, which compares the additive nature of advisor behaviors, and they found that every advisor behavior was additive. Again, no news story there. That's what we all know and expect. But things like client assessment, behavioral coaching, goal optimization and savings and withdrawal guidance were among the most important and potent activities that advisors did when when Merrill Lynch translated those activities into actual investment outcomes. Let's shift focus now that we have that tidbit of information onto your clients activities. Clients whom were invested in a goals based investment strategy over the life of their over their investment life made fewer longterm changes. So sometimes there were some shortterm shifts increasing cash, that sort of thing. But in terms of their longterm core goals and visions, they were much more stalwart as a result of having a goals based financial plan than were there, should we say goalless investor counterparts. So you might sort of retort or think that, hey Kate, that's, you know, part of the value of having an advisor. An advisor helps you see things from a global perspective and helps to steer the ship and provides timely insights, right. And the answer is yes, of course, but it really depends on how advisors and clients are connecting. So how do clients feel? If you've ever delivered a financial plan to someone, and I have, I'm a former advisor, I'm a certified financial planner who sort of became a tech person. You'll probably feel as surprised by this statistic as I did. 64% of financial planning clients feel that they have no one to talk to about their money and that includes their advisor. Now that left me feeling pretty gobsmacked. So it's it's pretty clear that there is some daylight between how we think we're being perceived by our clients and how we're actually being perceived. Sometimes it's also important to note why do clients and advisors break up for lack of a better term a large majority of the time if you add up. So if you add up the categories having to do roughly with you know the quality of the relationship, communication etcetera, the large majority overwhelming has to do with the, the quality of the relationship and that's why that's why clients leave advisors sometimes. That's from a study from from Morningstar, fairly recent study in fact. And then when clients are asked what they most want in an advisor or in an advisory relationship, believe it or not, 91% of respondents said that they want an advisor who just gets them. Now someone who gets you that could be sort of a nebulous term, hard to understand. And so that's why we unpacked, you know, maybe some of the some of the delta between how we're being perceived or how we think we're being perceived and how we're actually being perceived. So anyway, I don't, I didn't want for this to be, you know, some kind of boring academic lesson. It's not meant to be. It's really just meant to impress upon you the value of behavioral finance of a sort of leaning into that approach, embracing it. And maybe we've opened up some space for behavioral finance in your advisory practice. So now that we've gotten you know some of some of those statistics out of the way, let's talk about protect live dream. So protect live dream or PLD turns on the idea of mental accounting. Now I'm sure we've all, we we all either know about this explicitly or have seen many instances of this in action. But roughly, mental accounting is the propensity of people, people, your clients, advisors, you and everyone to treat equally fungible dollars differently just based on the way that we are mentally or emotionally framing those assets. So Protect Live Dream is technology that helps advisors and clients bridge the gap between advice and the meaning of the money that's being advised. So think of Protect Live Dream as a behavioral balance sheet and it helps investors visualize their assets in a purpose driven context. What's important to note here at Orion, we're all about personalization and customization. So Protect Live Dream can be customized at the firm level. It can be customized at the level of the individual investor. So if Protect Live Dream is not the language that you or your firm would like to use, you can customize. You can customize the language to suit your preferences or the preferences of of your clients. You can customize the numbers of buckets that appear, the names and descriptions of those buckets and and also the default asset like the account type assignment. So you know where does my 4O1K reside By default our default mapping would be you know in the live bucket, but perhaps you renamed that bucket and you can drag and drop that asset type into a completely different place. That's perfectly fine. Additionally, and getting more granular, you can drag and drop individual positions from bucket to bucket so you are not locked in place. You're welcome to have 99% of your account in the protect bucket and move, you know one, you know 11 stock or one bond position into a dream account if that makes sense. It could. It could be applicable in a concentrated stock position or something like that. You also can. This isn't just you know listed securities, this is also use assets. It can be businesses, it can be personal and investment real estate, it can be miscellaneous assets etcetera. So really customizable and it helps investors see the entire balance sheet in a very purpose driven way. It's available as a PDF. So a lot of our advisor community likes to lead presentations with this report, very useful. It's also available in a proposal tool and which Brian Towner has just talked about and it's also available as a sub report that can be generated at the frequency that works best for you. So really this has been a great, a great addition to our financial planning tool and it's trickling out and making its way into a lot of other places at Orion. So really hope that you get some great utility out of Protect, Live, Dream. Next up is BeFi20 or Behavioral Finance 20. This was developed by Orion's own Chief Behavioral Officer, my friend and colleague, Doctor Daniel Crosby. We know from research that people don't actually have as direct or as intuitive access to their own values about anything, but that also includes money as they perceive that they do. So that's really important. So, so people, I just want to reiterate that people don't have as intuitive access as they perceive to their values what they think and feel about things as they believe that they do. So this tool, behavioral finance 20 or BeFi20, helps people, investors, your clients, even you, uncover and identify what your values around money actually are. And if you if you have some dispositions and attitudes about money that you didn't know that you had, of course, as an investor or just as a as a consumer of you know, financial services, as someone who you know necessarily has some kind of relationship with money, this is going to be really useful information for you. It might be an exercise you just haven't gone through before. One of the one of the golden features, as we say in the tech world, Behavioral Finance 20 or BeFi20, is that you can you can compare your results with the results of another person. So the very obvious use case would be spouses or romantic partners, anyone who's in a direct financial relationship. But also the use cases are much broader, right? Think about, you know, adults, adult children and their parents. Think about business partners. Think about friends and family. So you can you and your clients of course can can just send a comparison request to to anybody who you think either might benefit from from going through the assessment or if you think your relationship you know. This actual comparison between two specific people would be helpful in the context of of that of that relationship or that engagement. So as I mentioned, you know the quick summary is that it helps investors understand their own relationship to money and it helps them understand if they've requested a comparison with someone who's important in their life helps them understand how their relationship with money aligns with the most important people in their lives. We generate a an individual report which will give you some nice qualitative feedback about your financial persona which is you know, it's personalized depends on how you answer the questionnaire. But you'll get some direct feedback about you know some of the signatures of your financial persona. And in the context of a comparison report, we will generate tips and insights. So we'll we'll provide some some guidance about you know what your partner might need from you and what you need from your partner. And of course I'm using the term partner very loosely. This could be a business partner, it could be a romantic partner. This is also available as a PDF. And for you as an advisor, I really want to drive this point home. I think we've covered the the value and the benefit for the investor and the consumer of this of this assessment. But for the advisor, you now have really valuable insights about how your clients are relating to money and that can help you adapt your approach, properly set expectations and maybe even tailor different parts of your processes that better accommodate your client. The goal of all of this is to help you deepen those relationships and make sure that your clients feel that they have someone to talk to about their money. So both of these tools, Protective Dream and BeFi20, are available in Orion Planning. We have opened up access to them for everybody, so we encourage you to try them out and please provide us feedback. That's it for me. So thanks a lot for your time and attention and interest in Orion's B5 tools and financial planning more generally. And I will pass the reins over to my colleague and friend TJ Maher to talk about the client portal. Thanks, Kate, My name is TJ Maher and I'll be covering the enhancements for the client portal today. One of the first features we wanted to go over is the enhanced advisor contact information. So when clients come out here and select Contact My advisor, they'll see a brand new model with a lot of new information. Out here. You'll see a larger image of the advisor. They can include things like the address, phone number, e-mail, any sort of link they want to share with the client, and then also any sort of message that they may want to share with the client as well. The client can also schedule appointments out here, so advisors can upload URLs to their different scheduling integrations for clients to schedule appointments with. And then one of the real cool features out here is we've added the ability to add support team members. So I know a lot of our firms operate in kind of a team environment with their client relationships. And so you can see here we've got three different support team members added. Clients can see their phone, their e-mail and all these can easily be added directly inside or and connect here. So you'll see on the client level, there's a section called additional reps towards the bottom here where you can add in reps, You can customize the title to those reps There's a drop down here so you can kind of reuse those titles for different reps. It's a really cool feature. I think a lot of our advisors and clients will really appreciate this. Our one of our second enhancements is redesigning the left sidebar here of accounts. So may seem like kind of a smaller item, but it was something that a lot of our firms had been asking for. And so we, we did a big update here. We're using now all the Orion product language here. All the designs and logos and everything like that really mesh well with everything. We've re spaced everything. So we've kind of changed the way things are laid out here. The daily performance change is now up top to give us a little bit more room to add a longer account name here. That was kind of some of the big feedback as firms wanted to be able to display longer account names and so we were able to do that and actually about double the account names that can be displayed there. So really nice update here. I think advisors will really appreciate the ability to have you know much longer account names in that sidebar now. And then the additional enhancement we made that a lot of firms have been asking for is the ability to sort more inside the personal finances page here. So being able to sort things like the asset category and and allocation, you can sort all different ways here based on name, market value allocation. Same thing when you get into things like performance and positions, you can now sort, you know maybe you want to see you know based on market value, your smallest account, largest account, things like that. You can sort all those different things now same thing on the positions tab as well. So maybe you wanted to you know sort off holding name, you can do that now as well too. So just kind of some added flexibility makes it a little easier to find different things in those different tabs. We've also added the ability for advisors to set a different default landing page. So our summary is kind of our standardized default gives clients kind of an overview of their portfolio. But for firms that we're looking for a more simplified kind of landing page for that client when they log in, we've now added the ability to use the positions page to do that as well. It's just going to kind of give the client a little bit more simplified. Hey, here's your allocations, here's your holdings and then if they want to drill down into those additional things, they can certainly do that as well. We've also added the ability to allow reports to be ran at the registration level. So if you are using sleeves or maybe you just report you know multiple accounts underneath the registration with your clients, those Orion reports can now be ran at that registration level. So a lot of great enhancements over this past quarter and a lot more to come. Thanks for joining today. And with that I will pass it over to my colleague Brian. Thank you TJ My name is Brian Nelson and I am a Senior Product Manager at Orion and I'm going to cover the pre trade compliance tool in Eclipse. I'm excited to get to show this today. This is a request that we've had over a number of years from firms looking for a way to put in basically an investment policy statement with any clips where certain securities aren't traded or that a policy could be, you know, violated before trade is created instead of after a trade is executed. So we're very excited to show this to you where the merger with basis code is what really allowed us to bring this to market. And so I'm going to go over just a quick demo of how to use this okay. I'm going to start in Orion Connect because that's where most of you will start this process. I'm going to go down to the compliance app right here. And we are going to click on Orion compliance. And once we click here, it will bring us to your dashboard and Orion compliance, it'll look something like this. And what we're going to do inside of the Orion compliance app is we're actually going to set up our rules for the trading piece. So to do that, we're going to go over to the client oversight in the left hand on the left hand side here, we're going to click on that. And then all the way on the right hand side, we're going to see this area right here where we can set our policies. All right. So we have some presetup policies in here, of course, but this is where you will, you know, put something in where you know you're maybe trying to maybe there's a certain taker that you don't want to be purchased for some reason. Whatever the compliance rules that your firm decides you want to have, you would place them in here. There is a help article that will go over this a little bit more in detail. I'll show that in just a second because there is a decent amount of setup involved here, but we can definitely help walk you through it. But this is where I'm going to set my trading rules essentially, and these are just some examples of what we have in here. So for example, Meta always fails the testing scenario that we created and we'll be able to see that as we start looking at the trades Okay. So I've gone into Orion compliance, I've set up my rules under the policies. So then if I go back over into the Eclipse trading module, I've opened up my all portfolios grid just to bring you guys an example here. So I'm going to go to this testing portfolio within our Eclipse instance. I'm going to right click. I'm going to go to Trade Tools. I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to go to the rebalancer for this portfolio. I'm going to keep all my default preferences. I'm going to rebalance and then once these trades generate, you'll see I've already preset my screen. Which by the way is a great best practice thing to do having filters and views that are set just for you. I already have my compliance approval status right here set. There's also a compliance message column that I have preset so that I can see them for this demo very easily. But essentially I've ran this rebalance and it's going to say pending compliance review for just a moment for all of you. For my testing scenario, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to refresh my grid and we have rejected and approved trades here. So in this, this is just an example of how a trade might come up as rejected like this one. Meta always fails, you know, So you could have set up a rule where meta can't be purchased for some reason, you know, as an example, so it's going to come up as a rejected trade. From here, the user who got the rejected trade can right click and choose compliance update and they can either appeal or override that rejected trade. So appeal would be, you know, a common, well everybody would have the ability to appeal a trade. Only users that have the right permissions could override a trade. So not everyone can override, but everybody can appeal. So you know, I could put, you know, some reason for appeal. This does not apply. You know whatever you want to say, send back to compliance and then the the user with the correct permissioning could then go back into that dashboard, into that client oversight dashboard that we were just showing a minute ago. And that appeal is going to show up just right here. So right here the meta always fails trade. I can click on the appeal, I can see kind of some information about the trade. I can see that I appealed it and then somebody needs to review it okay. So if you decide to approve it you can click that right here. You can also re reject it and you can put in a comment for that trader or that user to know why that trade was approved or rejected. That would then come over here and change to approved. You know if it was approved or stay as rejected, whichever one is appropriate. So really at its heart, it's a very basic workflow. Just Simply put in your policies of what you want to be able to be traded or not be able to be traded for your firm. When those trades are created, if they violate one of those rules, they're going to reject and then that user has the ability to appeal or with the correct permissions, override that rejection. Okay. So I just wanted to hit real quick on our support app. If you go to the Orion Support app there is a knowledge article called How to Use Orion Compliance in Orion Trading. It's going to be a way more detailed step by step how to on what I just showed you and it will also include a little bit longer video that we've already created for this pre trade compliance workflow. So please, please go to your Orion support app and look this article up and favored it if you're going to be using this feature. We're very excited to offer this feature. This is something that we've been asked about for years. You know a way to, you know, have this kind of scenario so that you don't accidentally violate something within your firm that you shouldn't, you know, be able to trade. We're very excited for that that integration with basis code to be into our trading system at this point. So if you need more information, let us know. This pretrade compliance tool comes along with the Orion compliance package, which I believe in the new stacks is going to be available with the Advantage stack. So you can talk to Orion business development more about that if you have any questions, but that's about it For the demo today, please reach out if you're interested in utilizing this in Eclipse. Thanks for joining me today and I'm gonna now pass it off to Ryan Stevenson who's gonna cover Orion compliance module. Thanks Brian for that overview of the pre trade workflows and Eclipse and that's really timely for what I'm going to be talking about for our client oversight development. My name is Ryan Stevenson and I lead our enterprise compliance sales here at Orion. When we talk about compliance here at Orion, we really talk about three major components of our compliance solution. We've got the firm oversight, employee oversight and client oversight, which is our relatively new development and that client oversight is the third piece of that puzzle. So that's what I'll primarily be talking about today. That's our most recent development with our compliance solution. So what we're looking at here is our compliance dashboard and we've got all of our features of channelity over here on the left hand toolbar and it's quite vast. But one of these features is client oversight. And so I'll click in there and talk a little bit about that. And remember what Brian talked about with the pre trade workflows inside of Eclipse, that's what this first section here is, is the preclearance of transactions from Eclipse. So we can have policies built out and put in place to go ahead and test out those client transactions when they're generated in Eclipse before they're actually executed. So policies like maybe minimum holdings periods, maybe you want to restrict certain issue words, things like that. The list of policies is quite vast. You can come in, create policies with different types of policies or you can just do a custom policy and really build out your own from scratch. But once you create this policy, then it's going to start working on those transactions that you're doing inside of Eclipse. And here we can see an appeal. So that means somebody has processed an order in Eclipse, it came up with a flag from the compliance team, and then that trader has appealed it. Compliance team gets that notification and you can come in and dig into this appeal and see what's going on. Why are they appealing this? What's the reason? Why was it? Why was it restricted in the 1st place? What are they trying to do here? And then we can see the the messages around the auto rejection. We can come in here, we can add findings or add comments to this as needed to aid in our review process and document our review of it. But then after you go through that entire review process, you can either reject it or approve it right here. And then that'll send that notification back over to Eclipse and allow them to continue training to help in your share class review process. We'll be pulling the share class information from your custodians directly. Different custodians are going to negotiate different deals, maybe lower expenses for certain things, so we can get those directly from the custodian. From there, we're going to compare those share class availabilities that you've got with the current share class holdings and your Orion client database. So in here, what we're looking at is the share class reviews and these reviews can be central to the compliance team or distributed to where you can also include those advisors that are doing the transactions. That way they stay involved in that review process. But here, if we click into our July share class review, here we can see we've got things grouped up by advisor. And so we can do different groups or filters to narrow it down to what we're looking for in particular. But we can come through here and see all these different advisors and the number of share class notifications that we've got for them. So if I click into this advisor, I can see all different fun families, all these different share classes that we've got a pending share class notification for. So if I were to click into one of these notifications, then we can go in and see how many assets, the dollar amount of assets that we've got in the share class, number of accounts, what the share class is and where it's custodied at. We can see our review procedures here. And then below we can see what the share class is and then what the potentially cheaper share class option is off to the right. And then again, of course we can add findings here, add comments and then we can come in and recommend out this fund family, this new share class. And this is not going to automatically make the transaction. This is going to just make the notification that this client needs to be rebalanced into this new share class. The next section we'll talk about is ownership. Enlarge Schrader and those are your 13D G&H filings. So for 13D G&H whether you get over that 5% ownership threshold or you hit the volume limits of two and 20 million in a day or 20 and 200 million in a month. Once those thresholds are breached, then we're going to give a notification to you that that filing needs to be tweeted and we can see here what those filing types are. So you know what needs to be filed. So if I click into one of these for 13D and G for example, here we can see that that ownership threshold was exceeded and then we can log more of that process whether that 13 B was filed. Again adding any findings or additional units in here to aid in our review process. And then the last section over here is risk Monitor. And this is really where you can track things across your client accounts and start getting notified of items of interest. For example, if there's been a lack of transactional activity in account for a certain amount of time, if they've been sitting in cash for too long, if they have an excess concentration in a single security. And you can come in here and customize these. So if you want to get notified of whenever they're sitting in cash for 15 days instead of 10, you can customize that. Here at the top, we also see things like registrations that are missing, suitability information, whether there are registrations that are in mind with their investment objective. If there are any states that your advisors aren't registered in where they have certain number of clients being able to see that notification. And then just below that also being able to track portfolio drift. So if you've got a certain asset allocation that that client should be invested at, but they've drifted too far out of that range, you can set that to notify you in here so you know that you didn't need to go in and rebalance that client. Well, I hope you enjoy that overview of our client oversight solution and the development that we've been putting towards that within the last couple of years. We're really within the last year. This is relatively new to us, so there's likely more changes to come, but the credit is here and all of its operations. But now I want to pass it over to my colleague Tony Donato, and this is a topic I'm pretty excited about because it has to do with Catch EPT. So we're starting to introduce AI a little bit into our Redtail speak product. And so I'll pass over Tony to talk about that. Thanks, Ryan. Hi, my name is Tony. I'm gonna be covering the Redtail SPEAK texting solution and chat GBC integration. So with Redtail speak, this is our compliant texting solution. It allows you to text your clients from inside the separate tab on your browser or from mobile app on your phone. When you initially get set up, you will come up here and you will click this button here and go to settings. We'll provide you with a compliant phone number you use for texting your clients. You can even set up the integration with the Redtail CRM to allow you to pull all your contacts over to Red Tail Speak and be able to put all the messages back into the client records. In the CRM you'll be do a custom invite message to send out to your clients for compliance. So you got to invite your clients then you can create this. In here. We will add the play to send to our guests. So if you like to connect, stop to unsubscribe, you'll send the clients an invite. They say yes, opens up your personal chat rooms with them and be able to communicate back and forth Right to Speak also allows you to do message templates. So if you're like me and you don't want to say the same wording all the time when you're texting somebody like a police defer meetings or happy birthday, you can do that and create these inside of retail speak OK You can also turn on the new AI Assistant feature for chat DBT. OK, This allows you to turn it on if you want to have that feature you want to use for texting and we'll get into what that looks like here in a second. Also sent out office replies, do incoming text message notifications and everything like that inside speak. You'll go down here and you're going to go ahead and invite the client. So if I would come up here, find a new client for texting, I can go ahead and click here, Send the invite to the client. They say yes and it opens up the client room. From here I can text the client if I want to use one of those templates we talked about. I can do that for right here. Please confirm your meeting. Sending it out. Client receives it inside. Yes, we would like to go ahead and go ahead and be there. I will be there. And as they text you back in, as you see it's live right there and good to go. Now you know, they could say what do I need to bring And what you're gonna do is you can, this is where you can kind of use your chat. You can see features if you like, which click in this button right here and it's gonna generate a response for you here and you can say just bring yourself any questions, concern you have recording your financial goals. Look forward to seeing you in the meeting. If you like what that says, you can hit send. If not, you can click it again to generate a new response. From there you just hit send and you're good to go. Okay and it's going to go through what this actually goes through on my end here, It'll send over and be good to go. So then you can have multiple people who've text in here. As you see these are all the people I'm working with now if you go up here to the team rooms, this gives you the options for internal communications. So you can have internal chat, so you have a sales room here. You have different options in here for different channels. Then you can also internally message one-on-one direct message with your clients or with your in your also in people inside your office. So say you're here, John, Mike called. Please call him back at, you know, you can send that internally. John gets that message and he can call. So if they're working remotely like a lot of companies are and they're in a different state, different home, not in the office, you can send that message to them now and they'll get that right and speak, OK, you have your broadcast feature. This allows you to go ahead and send multiple messages at one time to different clients. So it's like this year, if I wanted to do a new broadcast message, I want to send it to these four. I can hit next. So I'm gonna go ahead and label it. Market update stocks are looking good. I just want to send that with a little emoji saying hey good, now I can send this one time. Don't have to send it multiple times. It will send it all out to those four contacts at one time. This will update itself and let you know that it's going through Okay. So as they go through this, these will all turn green. This will say delivered as they do right there live and you're good to go. Now if I go back into those client rooms, Okay, I can see right here doc's looking good and then if I want to generate another response from here, yeah, but they're looking through the conversation. So the chat DBT will look through the entire conversation to what the last conversation was from the client. So even though I've sent a couple of things out here, it's gonna see what the last one was. But we never really answered that question. So that's where it's looking at Okay. So that's how you guys know how that works, Okay. So if we it's after I have to send that, I can send that also and it's good to go. Okay. You can also run reports and everything inside of speak. So the database center have access to all the communication here. What's going on? It's inside speech. You can search for it, filter it out. I just want to see you know today any message types, there was a text. I can go ahead and do that, hit filter and just see all the ones that are that were sent out today. Again, this will all flow back into the client records in the CRM. You can also have a mobile app that you can use if you want to, to be able to pull the texture. Clients send out those invites to have the internal communication and get those notifications as you see here. We got one back in here, so I got the little bubble here. You would also get sound notifications that you can come across browser notifications when they're turned on. They'll allow you to make sure you get all of that communication at all times to hear and do the scene. The coolest of the feature then with speak is back in here with this incoming text option is now you can market your texting number with your client. So now you can actually put your number on marketing material, on business cards and whatnot, labels, the text number. The end client can start the conversation with you and then you would send them that invite message to comply. But then they can at least message you first instead you have from the message them first. So this allows you now to start marketing a texting line instead of having to always just be the one sending out the initial text. OK. Well, that in a Nutshells retail speak into compliant texting and I'm going to pass it off to my colleague to talk about custom indexing. Thanks Tony. My name is Andy Rosenberger have Orion custom indexing. And today we're going to talk to you about some new launch points that we've built into the Orion technology stack, which will allow you to run custom indexing on existing accounts within the system. Now typically when an advisor would like to go into custom indexing, you have to go through the portfolio audit and then custom indexing route. But one of the things that we've recently done is we've built new launch points into the Orion technology stack where you can launch it on existing accounts. Now there are a couple of different ways you can do this. In one example, if we go into a particular client within the portfolio view at the top right under the three little buttons here we can double. We can click and launch into it from here under the custom indexing tab. This would be one option for a user. Another option for user would be if you're under Portfolio audit in either the Registration or the Accounts tab. You can also launch the custom indexing application from here. Now if we bring up a sample account, I'll type in Custom indexing, we should have a nice clean account available. If I either right click on it, you'll see the custom indexing drop down or alternatively if we go under actions and custom indexing, you can launch it from here as well. So let me do that real quickly. I'll run through an example so you can see what this looks like. So I'm going to launch into it. And when you get into the custom indexing technology, we have a number of different story pads you can pick from. If it's something where you want a tax transition over multiple years, we could do that within the component or we specify the number of years and then the capital gain that goes along with it. But for today's purposes, I'm actually going to pick Tax transition Wizard. This would be a great option if you really don't know where you want to start, but you want to, you want to kind of explore the different options for that client. So we'll get started. And when we launch into it the new experience that we have, you'll notice that we have all the existing positions in the system already, and that's because we launched it on an existing account. If we go through, we can see all the holdings and it looks like we have OOP. Yep, here's a one position that we need to take out because it's no longer a valid position. We'll get rid of that and we'll move on to the next step. Now from here you can customize the portfolio. I'm going to let's say exclude General Motors and maybe we want to force a position in Tesla into the portfolio. So we'll go down or let's say we'll want to make it a 1 to 4% weight. Now I know this to their client, they have a concern over the climate, so I'll pick off climate, but actually they're okay with nuclear power. So we'll, we'll let that be part of the portfolio. Next is we'll go in and pick the strategy that we want to assign it to. In this case, we have a couple of recommended strategies. We have in this particular example here we have a dividend, a large cap and a mid cap. I actually know that I want a large cap core strategy though. So I'm going to go in and I'm going to type large cap core and we'll pick that. And just to confirm, if I look, I look at the portfolio, yeah, this, this looks, this looks directionally correct. So we'll go with this option. If I want to change the holdings, I can come in here and update the number of holdings. Let's let's bump this up. This client wants a lot more taxes harvesting. So we'll try and increase the number of positions and those tax rates look Okay. So we'll go with that. Now I'm going to build a portfolio now being that we launched into the tax transition wizard story. What this will do is this will say we have a client on the system that we know the holdings and we want to take those holdings and we want to transition them to that target S&P or I should say Russell 1000 strategy. And so with that, rather than have just one portfolio option that you can pick from, we're going to run a series of different portfolios. We're going to run 12 different iterations. And those 12 iterations and options will then let you pick from which option you think would be best for the client. And so the way I would describe it is think about going from point A to point B, but there's a lot of stopping points that you can, that you can stop along the way. You could stop it at $1000 in capital gains or 5000 in capital gains or 10,000 or 20,000. And So what we want to do is we want to have a bunch of options with different level levels of capital gains where you can then pick what's right for that client. So now that the results are returned, what we find is that we have a series of options that we can pick from. In this particular example, we have 6 efficient portfolios that we can then pick from the transition. If we read the chart from left to right, we go from losses all the way up to realizing gains. And as we realize more in capital gains, you'll find that the tracking error or the tracking difference as we call it, goes from a high amount, almost 9% all the way down to a low amount of less than 1%. Now what this does is this gives you a bunch of options which you can pick from. If you have one particular client who's who, who's looking to maximize losses, they may want to choose a portfolio. It would be either 1-2 or three something where you're, I'm not quite where you want to be in terms of targeting the portfolio, but you're maximizing the amount of losses that go along with it. Whereas another client may be particularly sensitive to the underlying investments and being pretty close to the target portfolio and you want them to realize more in capital gains. Now in this particular example, we've honed in on a recommendation of portfolio 5, Portfolio 5, we have a small loss that we take. We have a pretty good tracking difference that we're targeting. Allocation looks good, Style box looks pretty, pretty in line with what we'd expect. You know, this looks like a pretty good portfolio. But I'll tell you what, just just to help, let's let's for that client, let's show them what it would look like if we realized a little bit more capital gain. So we'll show them two options. We'll give them an option where we have a small loss that we realized and then we'll give them an option where we have a $78,000 gain. But we're really up close to what that portfolio would look like. Now whatever you pick here is what's ultimately going to pull into that proposal that we generate for the client. Now I'm going to click download proposal, we'll generate that that PDF. But the one thing that I'll I'll point out before we generate that PDF output is that we've also now embedded this send LPOA to the client now with custom indexing, we're trading the accounts we're implementing, we're executing on behalf of that client. And so as a result we're we need to be papered on that account at the custodian. And so the nice thing about what we've recently built within the component here is the ability to send a DocuSign to that client with all of our major custodians where they can E sign off on that and get us attached to the account. So let me click download proposal and after that renders, we'll have a nice PDF that we can show that to the client. We have our intro page that could be branded based upon your firm setup. We have a couple of introductory marketing pages. And then we really get into the meat of the presentation, which is the target strategy, the customization, the tax rates, what we picked for that client. In terms of the tax transition solution here we're recommending an option where we have a small loss, but we're going to give them the option of what it would look like if they would realize more gains. And then maybe most importantly here the tax savings. In this example the client would have realized $27,000 in taxes if they had ripped the Band-Aid off, sold everything and invested into that model based portfolio. However, what we can do through a custom approach is we can realize a net of 4000 in losses or have a small loss that we can carry forward or if we look at the difference between 2:00, we can send the client almost $28,000 in taxes. So now what we've done is we've taken a narrative of the cost of making a change and we've made it more the benefit. So the nice thing about the new technology that we've built is not only does it give you the ability to create these proposals, but we've now built more access points into the into the Orion technology that you already know and use today. Thanks for watching. I'll pass back to Sean to wrap up today's conversation. Thanks so much to my colleagues for walking through that. I know there's a lot of information that we provided there. As you can see, 2023 has been a very busy year and will continue to grow. I'm sure many of you have questions and would like to see things in more detail. If you click the blue button on your screen, you can request a demo. We'd be happy to walk through any of the aspects that you've seen today in more detail. Happy to talk to the Orion stack capabilities and what's included in there and any other questions that you might have. And with that, we'll thank you all for joining us today and we'll see everybody next time. _1739917044482