Hi, good morning everyone and thank you for attending the webinar today about how you can deliver visibility and control to your customers using our FedEx tracking tools. I'm Chris Hodge and I manage the ecommerce marketing team here in Europe and I'm joined by my colleague Stan Albers. Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Stan Albers. My team is takes care of the out of home deliveries of FedEx across Europe as well as the returns value proposition. Thanks Stan And and today we're going to spend about 30 minutes with you to show you some of the great features that FedEx offers to business, to business and ecommerce, shippers and recipients. So if you like what you see, feel free to get a hold of us through the chat bar. And if you want to tell your friends, note that this presentation will be available on demand when we're done here today. So before we get started, I'll take just a couple seconds to run you through the agenda. We're going to start off by setting the scene on market expectations based on internal and external research that FedEx has used to guide our development. We're then going to demo a couple specific tracking tools and features that can make you and your customers lives a lot easier. Then my friend Stan will come back on stage to tell you about the fantastic ecommerce solutions that we've developed. Of course you can ask questions anytime you want in the chat bar below. And if time permits, we'll also take some questions at the end of the show. So let's jump right into it. And I want to take just a couple seconds to cover some key statistics to the from the market to let you know about the emerging needs of your customers. And 1st off is the impact that a good delivery can have on both customer spend and customer loyalty. Here note that almost 3/4, so 74% of customers tell us that they will increase their spend with a merchant when they're dissatisfied with the delivery process. Remember that the point of delivery is often the only physical touch point with your brand. So you really want to make sure that that experience is outstanding and 2nd, 65%, so almost two out of three recipients that they want the ability to take control of delivery in case something comes up. They really want delivery on their terms to fit into their busy lives. So when it comes to basic tracking, it's now a table stake. In fact, 23% of customers would not even consider reordering from a store that did not offer tracking. And to further highlight that point on the importance of convenience, 70% of customers now considered important to know and to even be able to choose the day and the time for their deliveries. So to recap, greater visibility brings many benefits to shippers and shoppers alike and it all starts with confidence in delivery. You and your customers get Peace of Mind that when they order something, it will arrive safely and on time. This leads to reduced calls into your call centers as those customers are going to have the right information from start to finish and no need to contact you to get it. We also see that this leads to faster issue resolution if and when things do go wrong because customers can easily find information. This greatly improves the delivery experience. And as we've seen through the research, this has a direct tie to repeat orders and improve spend. And finally, a great visibility experience really helps to improve the credibility for your own brand during that delivery moment. So we talked a bit about calls and I want to do a quick call, a quick poll just to make sure everybody's awake out there and can follow along. You know, I have a question for you. Do you get frequent customer queries? So that could be calls, emails, social, whichever on the status of packages and orders in flight, you can select yes or no on the screen. I'll give just a couple seconds for you guys to go ahead and vote. I know when we talk to customers this is often one of the the most frequent things that come up is how do we reduce the number of customer contacts that are coming into our merchants website. Let's see the results And and I think no surprise here, so 75.2% of you listening in say that you do get frequent customer queries. I I don't think that's very much of a surprise. More surprising that 24% say they don't. So I'm guessing that you guys are already taking advantage of a lot of the FedEx tracking tools that we have available for that 75% out there. The good news is that we've developed a nice solution of products that can help you reduce those calls. And now that we understand a little bit more about why tracking options are so important to etailers and their customers, I'm going to introduce you to a couple of the specific tracking solutions that we offer here at FedEx. So first up is our track and trace tool and this is the one that started it all on FedEx.com back in 1994. It's a free online tool that offers near real time shipment updates in just one click, of course available on FedEx.com, so on our website. But we've also developed mobile apps which offer the same functionality on iOS and Android. Now if I think of that journey from the 90s to today, one of the things that we've learned is that tracking is absolutely not A1 size fits all offer. So we've developed two specific online tools to help match your size and scale. So the first option that you're going to see on the left is FedEx Web Tracking, which we've designed for our smaller ad hoc shippers and our recipients. Here there's no need to log in and your recipients can even choose convenient delivery options where available. The second option shown on the right hand of the slide is our FedEx Advanced Tracking tool. This is for larger or high volume shippers. With FedEx Advanced Tracking, you can log in to manage up to 20,000 shipments in flight. And of course with all those shipments the tool is customizable to meet your needs. I'll show you more on that later. But when I think about our our busy lives and the importance of access on the go, I just want to highlight the ability to create notifications through our web tracking tool. Because it's really simple to set up. You simply select the notification that you're interested in, provide your e-mail address and you and your recipients are on your way, and you get proactive notifications on all of the shipments where you've you've selected. And of course one of the most popular notifications that we offer. And you can set this this all up from the time of shipment creation is our proof of delivery notification. Here you clearly see when, where and how packages are delivered and you can even get a picture. I'll tell you a bit more on that one later. So if I switch from the smaller ad hoc shippers to the large customers, I'll be switching back over to our advanced tracking tool, which is an enhanced experience. And in this slide, we see an example of the customizable dashboard we offer those large shippers. You can see estimated delivery time windows here for all of your shipments in flight. And the application has some really neat features and it kind of all starts with the ability to filter options out, so you get right to the shipments you want to see. You can take those customized views and you can save those and reuse those over and over again. So you've always got the right information right at your fingertips. Of course, you can view the shipments in a list view, but you can also set up a calendar view, which allows you to see exactly when things are going to be arriving or leaving throughout the week. And finally, if you need more information on a shipment, it's very easy. You click a link and get the detailed shipment status. And of course, you can also set up notifications for all of those shipments so things are pushed proactively. And again, if I think about the importance of being kept up to date when it comes to ecommerce shipping, setting up notifications in advance tracking is really as easy as 1-2 and three. You simply set notifications for the alerts that are available under the Shipment tab, you select the time window to receive those notifications. So we don't want to be bothering you at midnight unless you tell us you like that. And finally, you can add up to five e-mail addresses and you can even select different languages per recipients that everybody gets the information that's easily accessible. So as you guys can see, our advanced notifications and tracking tools have been developed with your customers in mind, but we certainly haven't stopped there. That's why we've added estimated delivery time windows in all of our tracking applications and notifications to give your customers better information to plan their day or arrange deliveries for a time that's convenient to them. With estimated delivery time windows, your customer doesn't have to wait around for their package, they can plan their day better. And to close out this section, I have to take just you know one second to mention picture proof of delivery which I had hinted at before which is now available to all of our residential deliveries where a signature is not required. So this is a brand new service in the market from FedEx Express and it really allows your customers to view the exact location where the driver left the package thinking back to convenience and making that delivery moment outstanding. This gives extra confidence to those recipients. They don't have to go searching for things. They know exactly where to go to find their package and it's all delivered free of charge to both you and your customers. In the early days, what we're seeing is that with Picture POD, so picture proof of delivery, you may be able to reduce delivery disputes and claims. And I do believe that you'll see the opportunity to reduce fraudulent product replacement costs because you've got real proof of when and where shipments were delivered. We talked earlier about the importance of calls and I think we're seeing the picture proof of deliveries also reduce the number of calls to customer service because again, there's no searching around. All this comes together to boost ecommerce, shippers and shoppers confidence. And as we've seen earlier on in the research, there's a direct link between that conference, that confidence and the amount they're going to spend with your website over the customer lifetime value. So now that you've seen the power of our tracking applications at work, I'd like to invite my colleagues, Stan back onto the screen and he's going to cover our ecommerce specific portfolio of services and solutions. Stan, yeah, thanks so much, Chris. So I want to try it back a bit to the beginning of the presentation where we said that 65% of your shoppers also would like to have control. So Chris walked us through all the information that we get. I'll now go a bit more into the control and this is all the flexibility that you want to give to your shoppers. So FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager is the ideal solution for etailers who want to give their customers the option to select where and when their packages will be delivered. So we will notify your customers of when we plan to deliver and keep them updated on the way. They can just sit back and await their delivery or they can actually interact with the parcel such as changing the date and or the location right up to the scheduled delivery date. And it's easy and secure. It's just a few clicks away to give them all the flexibility and convenience that they want. FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager gives customers complete control as said. So once we've picked up your shipment, we'll notify your customers of their delivery date and estimated time. Chris already alluded to that earlier in the presentation and will do so by text message, SMS or by e-mail. Now, if your customer realizes that they won't be at home when the parcel is scheduled to arrive, they can customize their delivery using FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager. And throughout the parcel's journey, we will keep your customers informed and in control and there is a range of options for them to choose from. So we have that range. Now we've made a small video just to show you what those six options are, so I'll pick it up after the video. Wonderful. So you've seen all the six options that you can do. You can also deliver to a retail point as we say it or an out of home delivery. Now I'll put in a product block of my team in September. We'll also have a webinar on exactly that topic. Yeah. So keep an eye out for for next webinars. So if you want to offer this to your customers, how do you do it? Well, it's actually quite easy. Whichever automation tool you currently use takes 3 easy steps and your customer is in control of how they get your product to their home or basically in their hands. So first of all, your customer needs to leave the company field blank and this is how we identify that a shipment is for a residential shipment. Of course, to keep in for to be to stay informed, your customer needs to give their mobile number and e-mail and they need to select at least one notification option, preferably delivery, because then they know we are when we are planning to to arrive at the doorstep. So now that you've seen your that your customers can get plenty of choices of delivery, which is the when? Let's talk about why and where. So let's start with the why A significant portion of your online shoppers, 34% would happily use a parcel, locker or shop to pick up their online orders and to fit that need. FedEx has a large retail network as we say or an out of home network for customers to choose from. Next to fast home deliveries, we offer the option for your customers to ship, to redirect while it's in, while it's in transit, pick up or drop off. Their package can also be a return to over 40,000 FedEx locations across Europe and 261,000 across worldwide. It's a staggering number that we've built only in a couple of years. So these locations include FedEx owned locations, third party alliances, lockers and drop boxes. And in Europe 75% of our locations are open after 6:00 PM, which is of course again very convenient for your shoppers to go there after their work. And we work with a network of partners across Europe and worldwide such as Collect Plus in the UK only Ali Lay in Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Spain, My Flex Box in Austria and Germany, ball greens in the US and Hive box in China. So there are two whys that we need to be that I would like to highlight especially today 57% of your shoppers he was out of home delivery options more often since the Pandemic. So that was really a game changer and I don't need to explain that to you. You've been the you've all lived through that and the ones who actually do they spend 23% more online. So that's that's why you should be in this. These are the heavy spenders and on on your websites. Now related to this FedEx is also doing a lot in the area of sustainability because you might ask Okay, how can you make it sustainability in a transport company? Well, for starters, we can offer customers the option to change delivery dates and location to suit their schedule as we've seen before. So this will reduce driver trips and ensure that we drive successfully the first time around. As you've also seen on the previous slide, we give the customers the ability to pick up parcels at a local retail point quite close to their home. And we encourage shoppers to come on foot or by bike and not not burn fuel while they do it. And using the retail deliveries lower emissions as they reduce field delivery attempts as well. Also, we need to drive fewer kilometers around. So together with you and your customers, we can use reusable packaging also to ship more responsibly and sustainably. And this will also make the returns easier for your customers because typically 30% of your goods will be returned. So I'd like to give a little bit of a poll to take us through the next piece of it. So we've given all the options, we've given all the visibility. Would you like to tailor the delivery options you give to your customers. So the question really is, do you want to give everything to your customers or do you just want to say, hey, for my customers this is exactly valuable, This is what I don't want to give to them because not useful or I just want to limit their choices and give, don't give them the, the, the, the, the stress of choices. We say in Dutch language. So I'll give it a couple of seconds for you guys to to answer either yes sometimes or never. OKI think I've given enough time for everyone to to answer the question. So let's see, see the results. So it's indeed not surprise. Again, not surprising. What springs out is the never right almost almost none of you don't want to tailor this with let's say a third yes and the majority with sometimes well this is where I say have I got good news for you because you can further tailor your customers delivery or experience with with FedEx right and I'll I'll talk you through those slides. So FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager direct right this is this is basically your side of the of the chain. It enables you to choose the delivery option that best suits the needs of your customers from the six options that we that FedEx can offer. This gives you more control and flexibility over your shipping process and allowing it allows notifications to be sent even before a shipment is actually collected and you can send shipments with this. With a value of up to $3000, we can send invitation notifications to your shoppers even before the pickup scan is set and this works very well for large shippers. You can also select the channel of notification for your customers, so that means either e-mail or SMS. You can do both or do one at a time and this of course works as well for your B2B customers. It's not only limited to B2C to your to consumers. So if you're uninterested contact our sales teams to sign up for FDMI Direct, FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager Direct. You will see the the, the links in the in the Resource Center of this of this website. Now another poll for you guys is fraudulent notifications in your business is a hot topic. It's a simple yes or no question. So I'll give you a couple of seconds to to note that as well because as a global transport company that that FedEx is, we unfortunately are dealing with that as well that people use the good brand reputation of FedEx for ill gains. So that is unfortunately something that is a reality to us for us to do with you. So let's let's see what what you guys said to it. That's actually 5050. That's interesting. I had really expected that this is a a bigger topic than what the poll suggests, but that's, but that's that's fine. It's still if you think about it, half of you is a you call it a hot topic. So I assume that then the knows are is a topic that sometimes that sometimes pops up. So now that you can customize how your customer interacts with the parcel, right, you can also include your brand because FedEx is not the only reputable good brand in the market, it's also yours, right? Your customers have ordered in your website because they trust and they want your products. They want your service as well as FedEx. So by adding your brand to the experience, you will further increase the confidence with your shoppers and enhance your brand experience in the shoppers journey. By adding your logo to our various delivery notifications with FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager Direct, it makes it clear which delivery they can expect, right? I mean, especially if they are, they have offered several products from your website that makes it easier for them to track. It also makes the notification more credible for your shoppers. So you can see here on the slides the places where your logo can be showcased. It can be both on the online portal where people go as well as on the e-mail notification where the customers will see. It's out for delivery, it's in transit. We have picked it up all right. So we have taken you through quite a lot of tracking and control options today. So let me give you a summary. So tracking is easy from the moment your package leaves to when it's delivered with estimated time delivery window and picture proof of delivery. You can customize your tracking dashboard if you should frequently to be more efficient. And tracking gives your shoppers more choice of delivery options with FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager, and you can define the experience they get with FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager Direct. This allows you to boost your brand, profile and visibility. And setting up this is the key take away. Setting up notifications is one of the most important aspects of any tracking option. So I want to thank you for for listening. We hope that you've enjoyed today's webinar. There was also a Q&A session, so let's review. I think Chris you've also while I was talking, have been reviewing the questions. Are there any interesting questions that we that we want to take take life here because obviously all the questions will be answered as well. Yeah. If you don't get your question answered live, note that we'll be working in the background to get an answer to you. But yeah, I can go ahead and start off Stan. We got a couple of good ones from Nettie that I can tackle. And I think a couple about integrations with different platforms, both Amazon and Shopify are mentioned. And specific to Shopify, we we do integrate both natively through our FedEx online shipping tool and then through a suite of more than 50 different third party platforms which can help hook up your shop on Shopify with FedEx shipping capabilities. Same thing for Amazon. Love the question on whether prices are competitive, I I'd recommend you reach out to sales to get the answer on that one. But I think you're going to be happy with the answer that you get. If I look down the list you also ask you know can you ship jewelry and valuable items and I think that is a fantastic question because you know that's one of the places where I think FedEx really shines. We have quite a few luxury and fashion customers that we serve both in Europe but also you know to far reaching places like the United States and Asia Pacific. So definitely anything you know up between $5 and $50,000 you know we can handle for you. So don't be afraid there and I look forward to you contacting our sales team For more information. And then Stan, I'll maybe give you a couple. I don't mind playing MC here because there were a couple of good ones about the FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager offer. And just a question on global availability, is FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager available for all the shipments including those shipped within Europe? So that's a simple, yes it is, it is available. I mean we for whatever we build, we build it for the globe so that your customers I get the same experience everywhere. So whether they are in Japan, US, Indonesia or just around the corner here in Oakdorp, we we are doing that. I I did see another question that I'd like to pick up because there was a question where the FedEx click and collect from checkout is going to be available now that's definitely one forever. My team, we call the direct to to retail. So if we can select a FedEx out of home location right at the checkout. So we have it available for consignees at the moment in Italy. Yeah. So if you are interested in that particular country, let us know and throughout the months to come we are rolling it out across Europe. So we are going for this year welcome up and until into the next year to unlock that into the major markets in Europe. So at the moment throughout you can your shippers can redirect, click and collect is a bit of a different piece to build, but we're getting there, so stay tuned. This is also a nice pivot for the webinar on exactly the topic of out of home deliveries that we're gonna do in September. Again, yeah, and that's really good answer and a nice softball on the yes on where FedEx FedEx Delivery Manager is available. There are a couple and I'm glad to tackle them. That kind of along the same theme on where do you enter e-mail addresses and what can you request when you're creating shipments. So I guess Long story short, when you go through the shipping flow and you do in your to and you're from and you're selecting your service, that's when you would also input the e-mail address. You can obviously integrate that with your web shop. So it's all automated. When you do add that e-mail address, you can also select which notifications you'd like to receive. So I see Cornelia asked a question about can you request the picture proof of delivery from the time you create the shipment? Absolutely. You know, just make sure that you select the delivery notification and if the pictures available, we'll pass it on. And then Jessica ask a great question about customers not in residential areas and will Picture POD be available for those deliveries. The answer Jessica is not right now most of those don't meet the criteria to need a picture because in in B to B scenarios we're handing over the the packs if they are residential and they have no signature required. We do take that picture for you and I'm looking through the list actually to see if there are any unanswered questions and we covered the click and collect FDMI, the high value shipments and the integrations and give 5 or 10 more seconds. I think we've covered them. There might be some more questions that require a little bit more explanation and and and providing context. So if if we did not discuss exactly your question here live, don't worry, we'll answer them offline to you as well. Nice. Well Stan do you want to close this out? Yeah I'm I'm going to close off. I I first of all thanking all of you to to Join Now note that this webinar is also being recorded and will be shared afterwards as well. I also encourage you to go to to the resources on this website if you want to get in contact with with our sales team to make sure. Hey if I'm I'm sending on Amazon, how do I do that? Contact our sales force for it. If you find this webinar super interesting, feel free to share it with anyone you know that this might be interesting. We'll be doing multiple webinars around ecommerce with FedEx. So how can you grow your ecommerce business with the help of FedEx? So we will be touching the out of home locations in September. Later on we will discuss about our returns proposition as well and there will be more topics afterwards, so keep an eye on on FedEx. We'll we'll communicate on the socials on on on on the website direct mailing. So if you find us, if you when you found us today, I'm sure you'll find us some other time. So thank you for your time. Enjoy your day. Thanks a lot everyone. _1743200912211

Looking for more control and visibility with your deliveries?

On the agenda

We'll be guiding you through:
