Hi, everyone. This is Connor McDonald, VP of Product Sales here at Orion, covering the West and central territories. Appreciate everyone taking the time and spending a little bit of their day, you know, really diving into some of the core functionality of this Risk Intelligence platform that we're going to spend some time on today, so getting into this demonstration of the platform. You know, we're really going to look at three different components to how this risk intelligence tool can benefit your firm. And so whether that be from a prospecting standpoint itself, you know from that model management perspective. So as these models are flowing into the system, being able to do your model management directly inside this tool as well as how the overall functionality of the system. Ties back into that Orion Core platform, you know, allowing you to tap into some of these features while you're working through your daytoday operations with inside that Orion Core platform itself. So jumping into this, you know on the first topic here, we're really going to wait to look at how this tool can be generated and used from a prospecting standpoint. So again, looking at that 3D RTQ, you know, assessing these prospects as well as. Reassessing your current clients risk tolerance score as well as when we're getting into our recommendations for potentially moving them to a portfolio, you're looking at how we can get into our flexible recommendations when we're building those out. Along these same lines, you know, we obviously want to make sure that we're personalizing in these conversations. And this material to the clients and what might be top of mind for them, this is really where we incorporate our real world stress testing scenarios to again pull in that further context with whatever specific scenario might be top of mind for the client. And we'll spend a little bit more time on those side by side comparisons once we've generated everything. And then again we'll touch on, you know really how we can go about, you know, dynamically creating these proposals and personalizing them to the clients themselves And so jumping in what kind of cover some of these aspects to begin with here? All right everyone. So jumping into this first topic that we want to cover today, you know, really with this risk intelligence system, it is designed with personalization at its core here. And so looking at our risk tolerance questionnaire, you know this 3D risk tolerance questionnaire is really B5 of B5 focus risk assessment. It measures 3 different dimensions of risk so that you can build out these recommendations that fully align with a prospects risk tolerance. And so really when we go about assessing that risk tolerance and we have a number of different ways in which we can go about doing that. So whether that be emailing the survey out to the client, you know customizing what that verbiage is before you send that out to the client. You know also having the flexibility that if this is someone you're familiar with and you have a conversation where you feel you need to make an adjustment to that risk tolerance. Our system is going to allow you to make that adjustment manually here as well as giving you reason for change here as well. But then again looking at the survey overall getting into those three different components, right. So looking at the risk capacity, some of that baseline information, you know, their age, level of wealth. You know, financial understanding again taking a step further with that risk tolerance portion itself. So what is this client's willingness to take on greater financial risk during times of volatility as well as what I kind of was alluding to on that composure piece, which is really the incorporation of those behavioral finance related topics into this risk profile. So that we can get as holistic of a risk profile for these clients as we can. Before starting our recommendation process with them and so to really go through this questionnaire, we would be happy to, you know, set some time up with our sales team. We'd be happy to dive into, you know the different and various components that make up that risk tolerance questionnaire overall here. All right, guys. So now that we covered some of that functionality behind really the prospecting side of things, now I want to go through how our system can also accommodate for any of these model management related tasks that you might want to run through through the Orion risk intelligence system itself here. So again, whether we're optimizing this model where we want to get that risk or target. And reallocate these funds to get more closely aligned with that target risk score. You know again we kind of touched on the blending models capability of the system here where and we can blend those models together to get more closely aligned with that risk score or leveraging our different, you know our hedging wizard as well which will allow you to really start to look at securities underneath these models themselves against any of these different scenarios and look at potentially replacing these you know along with all this. We also do have the ability not only to stress test these portfolios like I was showing, but also stress test these models as well against any of these different scenarios. So I want to spend a little bit of time on this. So let's go ahead and jump right into the system here, kind of jumping into that model maintenance, you know capability that the system has. Here again you know we kind of touched on the ability to run your different stress tests against these models, you know with any of our models in the system here as well. You're going to be able to get all of these different risk metrics as well assigned to that specific model itself here. So when we're going through our day-to-day, you know we have the ability to get in, you'll review these models as we need to. You know we will pull in all of these Morningstar style boxes as well that you that you guys would have the ability to leverage here. And then this isn't a static screen either. So whether we want to get more granular you and any of these different modules that are on the screen here, you know we have the ability to do. So you know, when we're doing our review of that model itself here. You know one of the things I wanted to touch on on that model maintenance stayed up on that model maintenance capability is again that ability to run a stress test against this model itself here. So again we can look at opening up this model, seeing all these underlying securities. And then again what are the different stress tests that we want to run this model against based off what we're wanting to identify. And so you know whether it be one of these specific scenarios here that again we can go in and we can stress test this model. You know as it pertains directly to this scenario itself here, you know not only that we're also going to be able to optimize our models as well here which is to kind of touch on how that would look today. You know with this model optimization this will allow firms to be able to really target. You know, what is that target risk tolerance score that we want to assign to the model itself here. You know, when we set that target risk tolerance, our system then can optimize this model where we're not actually swapping out any positions from that model itself, but rather we're reallocating the funds within that model to get to that target risk score that we've assigned there. And so then we can start our comparison. You know again looking at these models side by side here and really starting to get into these different risk measures that we need to hear. And again if we like these allocation changes then going in and actually acting on these on these different elements of making that model adjustment here as well. Beyond this, you know, I also want to touch on that hedging wizard capability here. You know again looking at our different models here, you know we have the ability with this hedging wizard to then take this model. And then run it against any of these different scenarios that we have out there in the system today. So looking at a specific example here again and we can take this scenario of the baseline S&P 500 going down 20% and the system will allow you to target all these individual securities here and really help to identify you know what potential securities would we want to replace as far as any model changes that we might might want to make you know in this specific scenario. And so getting into that, again, we can identify, you know what are those positions that we've identified that we want to look at potentially replacing here. And then we can go about running our hedging screen or here where there's a lot of flexibility within the system really to help you guys identify and filter out. You know what are those positions that you might look to potentially replace the ones that we've identified here. So whether you're wanting to target stocks, ETF's and mutual funds or maybe you want to make it more broadly based. And then filter in some of this underlying fund criteria here where we can, you know, set our thresholds if we don't want to go above a certain expense ratio or you know, maybe there's a Max drawdown percentage that we want to stay. You know below you know we have the ability to filter these out to identify these potential positions, you know, based off that criteria we set. You know from there we can then generate a pretty, you know whether it be broadly based, we can get that extensive list or as you narrow down those filters you're really targeting and identifying those potential positions to be able to replace you know within this itself here. And so again if we want to tap into you're really a lot more of the capabilities on this model maintenance side, we'd be happy to you know please reach out to our sales team and we'd love to dive into this aspect as well for you guys today. All right guys. So now that we've touched on some of those aspects of you know that those prospecting workflows as well as how you can go about leveraging the risk intelligence system, you know from a model maintenance perspective as well. You know I want to finish up today really with covering how these different elements have been embedded into that Orion core connect platform that you guys will be working from you know on a daytoday basis and how we've incorporated a lot of those different elements again whether it be you know that portfolio view showing those risk profiles. Eclipse or being able to incorporate these into you know our actual reports when we're building those out here as well. So we'll go ahead and dive into some of those various components that we've made available to our clients today. All right guys. So jumping into kind of what this would look like for you guys at the firm today, you know this is probably going to be pretty familiar to you guys, right. So it's the core Orion dashboard itself, you know, we like I was saying. And we've also embedded a lot of those risk intelligence components directly into the system here. And so you're looking at what that really would look like for you guys today. You know whether we're looking at this portfolio view of Kurt Cobain here at the household level or any of these individual accounts. You know again we're able to get those same analytics directly driven into the system here. So whether we're wanting to look at the same risk profile screen, you know at the household level. Or maybe we'll want to adjust it to only analyze this you know, individual account here, you know we're going to have the ability to do that here. And I want to note that this isn't a static screen either. So all those same elements you know that you would be able to leverage within the risk intelligence tool itself. You're going to, you're going to be able to do that directly inside the Orion Connect system as well. So all these different modules again tapping into additional you know, reporting metrics and analysis you you are going to have the ability to do that here. You know, not only that, but we're also going to be able to stress test, you know, whether we're looking at the individual account or at the household level. You know all those same stress testing capabilities can be ran, you know, directly with inside the Orion Connect system itself here. And again if we need to pull this client over for additional analysis within inside the risk intelligence tool, you know, we can easily pull them over to start further analysis inside that risk intelligence tool itself. There. Beyond that I do want to also spend a little bit of time just touching on. You know the different reporting capabilities that we have directly inside our report builder here. So again looking at this component itself, all those Morningstar style boxes that we're touching on, you know we're going to also have the ability to incorporate these directly inside our reports as well so that we're we're generating these reports for our clients. You know we can tap into these additional reporting metrics from the risk intelligence tool and being able to actually add those into you know our reports that we're building out for our clients here. And the last thing that I'd like to end on is really just how we've tied these into our Eclipse trading rebalancing platform as well. So kind of looking at this from, you know, your portfolio managers getting in, you know, making updates to models, placing their trades. You know, again we've built out the same analytics directly in here to help you guys out when you're analyzing these models and making any different adjustments to it that you might need to. So again looking at this Level 1 model here, you know we can get in and we can get that same risk profile snapshot. Directly inside here when we're going and making our updates to these models themselves as well as having that additional capability to stress test this model, you know, against any of these different scenarios that we have living within the system. So again, trying to eradicate how many times you're having to bounce over to that system and making it much easier for you guys to stay within one core system, you know when you're doing your daytoday operations here. All right guys. So like I said, appreciate you taking a little bit of time out of your day to spend with me covering some of that functionality within the risk intelligence system. You know, we really only scratch the surface as far as the capabilities of that system itself. So if you'd like to learn more, you know, schedule a call to really get that indepth demonstration of the platform itself and we'd be happy to do that from our sales team. And so you know, click that, request a demo button down at the bottom there and one of the members from our sales team will reach out to you guys. To get that demonstration scheduled so that we can have that conversation with you. Again. Appreciate the time today. Hope everyone has a great rest of their day. Thank you. _1722038330662

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