Thank you so much for joining us for another building your tech stack with the Redtail CRM. My name is Jack and I'm one of the trainers and product knowledge experts here. And today we are very lucky to have Miss Cassie Jackson from Bento here with us to teach us some really awesome new features about the tool as well as how it works within retail. Now before we get started, we do have a little bit of a different system. So if you're joining us for the first time, we are presenting today on on 24. If you are visiting us again, we are so excited to have you back. Just a couple of things about the engine itself. Ah. We can customize the screen a bit so you can expand the screen, you can move it around, don't be afraid to play with it a bit. If you do have questions, we have a QA and we will be answering those questions throughout, so feel free to plug them in and we'll definitely have time for questions at the end. But if you did have, we have some links that are nice and curious for you to click around in as well that connect you to various free trials as well as help desk articles within Redtail. And then finally, this is recorded. We are live currently, but it will be a recorded webinar that will be posted on the red Tail help desk as well as I'm wherever else our wonderful friends Bento would like to put it. So thank you all so much again for joining us. And that being said, I'm going to hand it off to our wonderful Cassie to tell us a little bit more about who Bento is, what Bento is, if I've had never known or never even heard of Bento. Cassie, what do you do? Yes, thank you so much for allowing me jump on today and share more about the integration. We'll start with the basics. What is Bento engine? We are a newer Fintech helping client centric advisors deepen existing client relationships and convert more prospects by systematically leading advice during those impactful moments and your clients and prospective clients lives. So at our core, we are an integrated technology and content solution. You'll see on the live demo today, we're going to serve up next best action alerts right into your Redtail activities. We're going to marry that with relevant content so you can proactively reach out to your clients during those impactful moments. That's awesome Cassie, because I know that creating that client experience is super important, especially today more than ever post COVID. Yes, yes, absolutely. So just more opportunities to to reach out and engage with those clients and make sure they know that you're there and you're there to support them and especially during these key times. I always like to start with the why? What's driving us here at Bento? Why do we do what we do? We know there's still a large advice gap out there. So we did some research and we surveyed investors aged 62 plus more wealthy who still work with the human advisor, and we asked them when you turned. A certain age point did your advisor give you guidance on? So the first one is age 73 RMD's. You'll see 13% said no for QCD is at age 70 and a half, 63 percent, 63% said no. And as you go down the graph, you see there's a huge advice gap here. We see this as a great opportunity for you as an advisor to add value and differentiate yourself to your client by advising on these key milestones. Also really great if you're trying to grow your business. What a great way to add. Value and stand out to clients who are trying to bring on board to your practice. And so how does Venta work? How do we help you make sure you don't miss these key milestones and that you can systematically reach out to clients and scale this advice engagement we integrate directly into your Redtail CRM and then we look through your client data for advice opportunities. So we're really just looking at your client's date of birth and primary state of residence. We're not pulling any other information. They're looking at any other data. We're searching for those advice opportunities with our advice engine. When we find them, we marry. With relevant content from our content library, we deliver that to you in the form of an activity. At the time it will be most impactful to reach out to your client, so there's no separate login for Bento Noni system to learn. If you know how to use Redtail and access your activities, you're going to know how to use Bento engine. And so when I talk about these, these key moments, these moments that matter, what am I talking about? Before we jump into the live demo, I'm going to share a little more about our program, our programs and these milestones where you can proactively reach out to your clients. So the first one I have up here is our life and numbers program. This really focuses on those 15 regulatory birth dates that trigger distinct wealth management risks and opportunities. It's on the right hand side, you'll see there's ten that are retirement related from age 50, catch up contributions to age 73 RMD's and then on the left hand side we have five related to assisting the next generation. So we know that very few of your clients children consider working with their parents advisor. So this is a great way to reach out to them early on and show them the value that you can add as an advisor. And then our next program, you saw on that previous slide, there's a pretty good gap here between age 26 and 50 on those regulatory birth dates. So we added our second program which is across the bottom here, our life events program. So this really focuses on those dozens of typical life events that your clients may experience, things like birth of a child, buying a home, starting a business. You'll see these across the top are life in numbers. Those are automatically triggered into Redtail. You're going to automatically get those alerts based on client birth date. On the bottom, we say these are triggered by AI, which is advisor intelligence in our case, you knowing your clients well, knowing when these milestones are coming up, you can tag your client with these life events and then we're going to deliver that content advice package into Redtail for you so you have all the content you need to reach out. We know that advisors have a ton of great information to share on these different life events. Always think of this as just automating everything that's in your mind, having the content ready so you can reach out quickly. And proactively, you don't have to spend a ton of time preparing for those meetings. We're also seeing a lot of our current users are proactively letting their clients know they're now offering advice on these different milestones. We've created some client facing one pagers you can customize with your logo shares. Your clients know to reach out when they're going through these major milestones and life events. And then our last program in our newest program is called Children and Wealth. This really focuses on financial literacy of your clients children. So from age 4 to 18, every two years we're going to serve up these alerts right into Redtail. Again with age appropriate guidance and activities for you to share with your clients that they can share with your share with their children. I have a four year old, I did the activities with her. So it's a very unique program that I haven't seen advisors offering up until now. A very cool way to connect with your clients. They all want to do what's best for their children. They all want financial literacy in their homes, but it's hard to know where to start. So this program really helps to give them some guidance over the years and make sure they can engage with their kids on financial literacy. So now I'm going to share and go over into. Redtail and show you exactly what this looks like. Wow. Ohh well, even just for the slides. That was awesome. All the features. Yeah. Thank you so much, Cassie. Yes. Yeah. So excited to show you all exactly what this looks like in Redtail. So hopefully you're seeing the Redtail dashboard now. This should all look familiar as you're logging in. It's Monday morning, you're checking your calendar, planning your week. And you come to your activities tab. To see who you need to check in with who you should follow up with this week. So your regular activities will be in here that you've added, but now you're also going to see these bent out advice alerts. So as you're scrolling through, you see your client, Hillary. Maybe she, you and her are close. You have coffee once a month. You've already talked about Social Security survivor benefits, so you can dismiss this market as complete. But then you continue scrolling and you see your client, Kathy, catch up for age 50, catch up contributions. And you and Kathy haven't met for a year now. Great time to check in with her and now you have this timely advice opportunity you can share with her as well. Wanna expand this a little bit so you can see the full alert. Our alerts are always formatted the same. We're going to let you know why you're receiving this alert for your client and this case your client's turning 50. And it's a great time to catch up on ketchup contributions. I'll let you know who this topic is most relevant for, and then we're going to have links to the different pieces of content that you can share with your client, and I'll come back to these in just a moment. We also have best practices to consider when acting on this alert and then some potential solutions to meet your clients needs. So these aren't whatever recommending products or anything down here, just trying to bridge the gap between other things that might come up during this conversation so you're fully ready when you meet with your client about ketchup contributions. For coming back to the content, we have several options and different ways you can reach out to your client. We know that most 60 plus percent of people are visual learners. They have a PowerPoint and PDF. If your client you know she's a visual learner, this is the best way to connect with her. The best way to share this information. You can open up this PowerPoint presentation. We have the same structure that you'll see the same thing in the PDF. You can insert this with your annual review meeting, review it separately, whatever works best for you and your client. These are always formatted the same. They have the what, the why, the how of these different advice opportunities. These bullet points and graphs make it really easy to review, share with your client everything that they need to know about ketchup contributions. And if your client prefers, maybe they prefer a phone call. When something like this comes up, that's me. I'm that client. I know that's becoming more and more rare, but I'd rather have a quick phone call. And an e-mail or anything else. So we have this great talking points document. So if you want to give your client a call, it's not a script, but we have intro, framing, key talking points and advice. Along with closing and next steps. And then the last piece you'll see here. Is a short e-mail if you want to e-mail your client about this advice opportunity. You can also always attach the PDF to this if you want to send that in the e-mail as well. We're going to have a template that you can copy and paste so we have some things in red that we know you're going to want to personalize. You can read through the e-mail and make sure everything looks good. Copy and paste and send that out to your client to quickly catch up about this important topic that you saw come in through your Bento alerts within Redtail. We have the links here. We always recommend using the links over downloading these materials. We are constantly updating. If you've been in the industry or while or even the past year, you know that laws and regulations are changing all the time within our space and we make sure that we're updating content in real time so that you always have the latest and greatest to serve to your client and the best information for them. So that is the quick overview of how you'll access these alerts. And Bento, again, they're gonna be automated or you can tag your clients with those life events and then you're going to have everything you need here to reach out. Those are all the client facing materials. There's one more I want to share here. That is our advisor FAQ. So this is an internal use only document. If you haven't advised on these topics in a while, if you haven't talked to your client or a client recently about ketchup contributions, you can come in here. We have 10 pages of everything you could possibly want to know about ketchup contributions for you to get a refresher. Or if you're training new advisors and you want to help them get up to speed on these different advice opportunities, this is a great resource for them to look at before going into that client meeting. So that's the breakdown of the alert. You're going to see this similar format for all of the different programs and age points, life events that I mentioned when I was going through the slides. Now I'm going to stop sharing. Come back to our slides here. Because we wanted to share also on the webinar today, our newest program that is launching in April next month called Your Journey. So this one is for your website. And the good news is most of you have a website, you're getting traffic to that website. We know about 300 visitors per month on average, and most of you have a contact form or accountably link for that website. The not so good news is we know that on average advisers are capturing less than 1% of those visitors as a booked meeting. So we want to help with that here at Bento with our New York journey lead Gen. tool. So the goal of this tool is to convert more of that website traffic into book meetings, express your value proposition for those visiting your websites, and really show them the value you can add during these key milestones in their wealth management journey. So how it works is we install a web widget on your website and it invites visitors to enter just their year of birth. So I don't even have to enter their full birth date, just that year. And we're going to give them a headline on key milestones that you can help them with, and then encourage them to book a meeting either through a form or your calendly link. So this is what it looks like. We're going to customize to your website your colors, your branding. So plug right into your existing website and the place you would like it, the place you get the most traffic. And then the visitors of your website will just enter their year of birth. And from there, we're going to preview some of these milestones that you can help with and give them advice on. So if they're not close to those regulatory birth dates, we're still going to have some of those life events sprinkled in so they can see what's passed. What's up next and what's coming and where can you help advise them on these different advice opportunities? And so we'll have a let's connect. You can also have a book, a meeting or submit a contact form. You can have dual CTA's, whatever your preference is there. But we want to encourage those website visitors to book a meeting with you and capture more of that traffic that's coming through to your website. And so the technical requirements for this were in beta right now testing. So we're having folks on board next month whose website is built on FMG advisor website and WordPress. If you're using a different website and you're interested, let us know. We're just ramping up and and certainly happy to add other options in the future. And then you need to have a contact US form and or calendly link so we can do one or the other or both if you want to install the web widget. I like the calendly option because I know there is a. Wrap your integration or you can get that contact automatically added to Redtail for all about automations, saving you time and making it easier, and using that CRM as your hub just to manage all of your clients and prospects. So if you're interested, this is launching next month. We have a wait list open. If you want to get on the wait list, e-mail us at Hello HELO at Bento and gym exactly how you see in the logo here at and we'll get you on the wait list and when we launch in January or in April. We'll get you all the details on on pricing and what you need to know to get going. And as I wrap up here with the slides, I want to give a review of pricing for some of these programs that I went through. Our first program, life in numbers as well as life and events, life events, you can buy those separately at $79 per seat per month or you can bundle them together for $129 per month. And then the children and wealth is an add on to these programs at only $29.00 per seat per month to add on to those existing programs when we didn't review today life in numbers direct to consumer, this is if you have a large book of business if you're working with a lot of. 401K plan participants, this is a way to automate those life and number milestones. We talked about those regulatory birth dates through a HubSpot or constant contact so that those emails automatically go out to your book of business, so that they're getting advice and and engagement during those key milestones. So if you have any questions, or if you're interested in getting started, you can visit us at or reach out to Cassie, to answer any questions, that was awesome. Thank you so much. I learned so much. It's listening. So many questions that I get during trainings are about how can we automate this process with like the wealth transfer that's coming up with, you know, the baby boomers into like my like the Gen. Ziers that are getting this well transferred and the millennials that are mixed in. So I get questions about this constantly and how we can equip the CRM for it. And this is an excellent solution. Not only is it a time saver, but the way that it connects is just a very unique. So thank you very much for showing us all of that. And then I want to say my favorite part was all of the statistics you have. It was kind of shocking to hear some of these statistics like going through retirement ages and all of the different questions that people are asked and the important questions we should be asking because we want to create. Robust client experience and honestly in my opinion one of the best ways to do that is data. So seeing the value that was placed on data, 60% of people are visual learners. Yes. Yes I've seen some studies those highest 65% I'm a visual learner in ways too. So I mean yeah same still kind of surprising though I'm curious I wish we had a chat box because I would love to ask everyone who's with us like if you think you're a visual learner or not because that's a that's an important thing especially if you're if you if you're on today and you've ever been on a training with me or with one of my coworkers you know that Redtail is a very visual. Program. So it's not. It's something really hard to explain on the phone. That's why we always require live demos because that way we can actually show you and sometimes vocabularies translate differently. So that's just really fascinating. But we did have a question from Rob that I thought was really specific. So unfortunately, if you're watching the recording of our wonderful Cassie today, don't. And you can't ask her a question right now, but you can e-mail her at was it hello at Bento engine. Com Yes, yes, definitely reach out to us. Hello happy to answer any questions you have, but Rob did have a good one. Also, if you can't answer this, what data fields do you technically have access through or access to through the API? And he understands that you may only use some fields, but would you potentially have access to other data points as well? Yes, this is a great question and something that's very important to us is that we don't have access to those other data points. So when we're scanning and I say that advice engine through your CRM looking for these opportunities, we're just pulling the only fields we have access to is date of birth and primary state of residence and how we link that back to your specific client. I use Kathy in the example. We don't see that that's going to Cathy. We have a unique ID for her to send that back into her profile. So we wouldn't see her e-mail or even her name. But we do know to deliver that advice opportunity to her based on date of birth and then some of these milestones and key moments I went through there. Different like insurance can be different state per state. So we take that into consideration with the content as well. So we like to look at state just to make sure we're getting you the best information for that client. Wow. That you know, I love to advocate for knowing more about API because I know it sounds scary if you're have never heard of it, but everyone should learn more about API and how it works. Oh damn, that's this is an excellent question. So Dan asked he's he's curious if Bento studied the likelihood that website visitors will enter their birthday. Yeah. So this is something we considered. We don't have studies yet, which is a big reason why we did the beta, but we didn't want to have them enter their full birth date because we wanted to remove that barrier. If they don't want to enter their whole birth date, if they're hesitant about that. So we're just having them enter the year, which we've gotten great feedback so far is a rolling this out that that's a much lower barrier and people are much willing to go in there, test some birth dates, you know, maybe them themselves, their children, a spouse. And that feels like a lower barrier to come in and enter that information and then see the value of that. But the different advisors can provide them. Great question. Should have more data as we go forward. I think that would be very interesting to share. Absolutely. I never would have thought that birthday would be a barrier to keep people from entering information. So that's fascinating that you all just decided to use the the year. Is that correct? Is it month and year or just year? Just the year, yeah. Trying to keep it as easy as possible for them to come in, use the tool, engage with your website a bit instead of just moving forward on to the next thing, which I'm going to try to keep them there for a little bit, exploring the services that you offer. Do you find that with that website engagement, because maybe the shift in communication that's happened in society, that more people are likely to engage with a website versus talking to someone on a phone or in a chat? Yes, there's some great studies about this too and I don't have them in front of me, but we are seeing that people will go out and research the look at maybe a social media channel, a website, they'll search and do a little bit of research before they ever reach out. So anything that you can get out there about yourself and your business to help them take a look before they're coming through and booking that meeting or coming to your contact form is is extremely valuable. You know, that makes sense because on a like a much simpler level, before I make any sort of big purchase or big decision or honestly even buying groceries now, I feel like I have to look up the brand. I have to know like even like the the groceries I was buying on Sunday, the brand of Apple sauce I bought, I was like OK, I have to know where this is packaged. I have to know how when it expires, like are there any additives and if other people enjoyed it. So you if you go through such a rigorous process with so many other things, it would absolutely make sense why. Seeking your financial advisor or picking or engaging with the financial advisor would be. A more strenuous process too. Yes, absolutely. Most people are doing a little bit of research before they're they're reaching out. Ohh, Rob asked another good question. Any thoughts on how to use on how to use on your website if only one advisor is interested in using, yes, very interesting. I think it'd be great to discuss with you and see if we could do a landing page or or if there's an option to kind of direct clients, but also wanting to look at where you are getting some traffic to make sure it's easy for them to access, but the notification and calendar link will go to one. Advisor, unless you're using some kind of group calendly or something like that so we can work with you on that workflow and and make sure it's going to the right person and whether that lives under your about page or your profile, we can definitely explore. Oh, and that opens up another question if you don't mind, Cassie. So could you do customizable things for like stay in office that maybe needed something a little bit more specific? Yeah, we're definitely open to exploring. We have the, the system I showed right now that's built out, ready to go. But if you have something specific and unique, always open to exploring, hearing more, definitely reach out and we'll see what we can do. Absolutely, because I know that every, every, every office is different, even if you're under a broker dealer or you're not. Every office is unique, especially in the experiences that they want to offer, or maybe the experiences you're comfortable offering. So for variety of different solutions available, and I think it's important to keep that in mind because it's it's so easily easy to get bogged down in what is everyone else doing? To be successful, I should copy them exactly. That's not necessarily the case. You have to do what works for you. Yes, absolutely. And the great thing about Bento is it is easy to make adjustments based on your business. So if you have a larger book of business, this is a great example of this. If you have a larger book of business, we can schedule your alerts to come out earlier. We have longer lead times, so we have that customized where it's earlier. For the more complex advice opportunities, we're going to give you more of a lead time, but you can also pick between a shorter lead time and a longer lead time. That's something we go through during onboarding. But just to really make sure this is going to make sense. Your business and exactly how you work, that's very important. Or do you want the alerts delivered on a Monday or a Friday? We'll let you pick. What do you want those alerts coming in? Do you want them coming in every day as they're relevant or do you want them batched, delivered once a week? We definitely have some options to make make this work well for you and the way that you interact with clients and run your business. Awesome. Trevor did ask a question. I think it's a. I think it's a pretty important one. Trevor asked. Is it possible to opt out of specific portions of the automation if it's something already handled by the office? For example, if the office already has a financial talk plan for when clients hit age 55, they maybe wouldn't want to do 2 different chats. Yes, absolutely. So there's a few way our users are navigating this. Some say send me all the alerts, they'll be a good reminder. If I don't want to use them, I'll just mark as complete dismiss. And I'm not going to use that alert because I have another way I reach out some other content I use. That's great. Or if during onboarding you say, I don't think we need alerts for age 55, this isn't something our office needs. Can we just turn off that alert? Absolutely, we can do that as well. I love how easy that is too. It's not like a you have to submit a request and then we have to like try to change the feature. It's just nice and easy. It's just, yeah, very, very flexible. We know everybody works a little bit differently and I just wanna, we really want to make sure you're able to provide these services and extra value to your clients and again a lot of advisors are, but in a way that's scalable, easy, little more automated that is our goal at the end of the day is to save you time and and just make it easier. And that's always the big question with in Redtail is what's automated and what's not. And Redtail itself, as a lot of you probably know, not super automated on its own. It's very reliant on your ability to be proactive. But that's why I'm so excited things like this exist because this effectively gives you an automation arm and makes the makes this just a hair easier for you and your team to prep all of this for you automatically. So it's such a huge time saver and I'm so happy you exist. Thank you so much, Kathy. We don't have a ton of other questions coming in. So I am going to say if you do have a question, definitely plug it in. I have one final question for Miss Cassie while we're waiting for that those final last call questions. But Kathy, if you had to say, what is your favorite or the most unique feature of Vento? I I love the automation of the advice opportunities. I used to work with clients one-on-one and I did a lot of group benefit type advising. It was license and insurance and and worked with small businesses for a long time helping them with retirement plans and their health insurance benefits. And so at the end of the year I was so busy coming up to open enrollment that my other clients were just everything else would shut down and I would not do any proactive outreach to them. So to have these alerts coming in with the. Contact during that time or flick back and think, I wish I had this, I at least have some of those touch points, make sure I wasn't missing anything. I just love that that automation piece because sometimes we get busy, we're wrapping up tax season. I know a lot that's keeping a lot of advisors busy right now. But to have these alerts that are going to engage them very quick, you can shoot off the e-mail, offer to schedule an appointment once you wrap up tax returns or whatever works best for you. It's that automation but also gives you that flexibility. Let your clients know you're thinking about them and then schedule time if needed. So yeah, anything that automates makes life easier is is a big win. I completely agree, absolutely nobody's perfect. I have met a lot of advisors who like to think they could absolutely keep track of everything in their head, but you're bound to miss something sometimes. So just like you said, Cassie, if you can make, if you can at one point just set an automation to remember for you, why wouldn't you? Then you don't have to worry about that, that piece taking up space in your head anymore and your time is valuable and so is your headspace 100%. Excellent. Things are changing all the time advisers, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but laws and regulations are constantly changing. So that's a big value to is. Our team is taking on that that burden that due diligence to make sure as as things roll out things get updated right away and then you get the best information coming through. Yes. And you need reliable information these days too, because like you said, one, the one constant is that everything is going to change. Yes. So true, that's a good expectation to set, always. Just try not to get too comfortable, you know, ever in regulation. Exactly. Anyway, well, thank you so much everyone for joining us today. Cassie, thank you again for being here and educating us about Bento and for giving us that little sneak peak on what we have coming up. Hopefully, we'll get to see that feature maybe demoed soon for us. I want to reiterate, if you do have any questions for Cassie, please don't hesitate to reach out to her. She is a delightful human and I know that from personal experience. It's just hello at and she is obviously happy to answer any questions. She was incredibly knowledgeable about the product. Cassie, that goes without saying. So we were very lucky to have someone as intelligent as you want today. Thank you all again for joining us and please feel free to tune in in two weeks for another building your tech stack with the Redtail CRM. Thank you so much and have a great day. Thank you. _1739915917320