Afternoon, all. Want to thank you guys very much for taking some time out of your day to take a look at what Orion has created so far within the client portal. Because really when you think about it, you want to create an unforgettable client experience. Client portal is just one small segment of it, but makes a huge impact on that overall client experience that you have with your individuals. So want to do a quick introduction. Hi, my name is Josh Benson. I'm VP of Business Development and I'm joined by my esteemed colleague, Brian Morgan, our director of product management, who will be walking you through the Orion Client Portal today. So just want to share a few statistics with you for those of you that may not be familiar with Orion. So when you take a look at Orion, the way that we're structured as a company, we have a little bit more than 1400 employees. We have 3 trillion in platform assets under management and we're doing reconciliation on about 5,000,000 accounts on a daily basis. You will see that we do have locations all over the United States. We are located a headquartered here in Omaha, NE. And when you take a look at Orion, these are just a few quick statistics. But when you take a look at our platform as a whole, we really want to put this into a operational tech life cycle. And we like to have the life cycle as being prospect plan invest the cheap well, you're probably thinking where the heck does the client portal live into this? Well, it can actually fit into prospect plan and achieving. So when you think about the platform. As a whole, you can leverage a client portal or a client portal experience during the prospecting phase. When you take a look at the planning, we do incorporate financial planning to our client portal, but then also ultimately achieving that retention rate for those clients because you're giving them a very robust client portal. A lot of providers out there have their own client portal. But Orion, we feel that we did a really good job on eliminating that swivel chair effect and creating a very comprehensive platform that you can deliver to your. Client. So with that being said, I'm going to go ahead, pass it over to my colleague Brian and he's going to walk you through a demonstration of the Orion client portal. As Josh mentioned, my name is Brian Morgan, director of product for financial planning here at Orion. So I am a certified financial planner, love financial planning. But I think the one thing I love more than financial planning is a great client experience. So I am here today to walk you through a Ryan's client portal. And I am excited to get started, so let's jump in. All right. So actually before I get started, I want to make sure that we have an opportunity to answer any questions that you have. So as you're watching this demo, if you do have any questions at all, feel free to chat them. We have a bunch of people ready to go on standby here to answer your questions, and we'll definitely do our best to answer your questions as soon as possible. If we can't during the webinar just because of the number of questions, we'll make sure that we'll send you an e-mail with the response afterward. So definitely make sure you ask those questions as you have it. So this way we have enough time to hopefully answer you. But yeah let's, let's jump in here. So I'll first start, you know when a client logs in, I think one of the important things that we should be doing is making sure that you're branding is front and center. So you'll notice here at the top left sample financial this logo, this will obviously be your logo that you can use for this experience even the color. So this this blue color here on top this blue line, some of the buttons here we allow you to add in that primary color. So that again it's it's. Your branding that kind of shines through here. So the logo, um, the color for the lines, some of the buttons that you'll see throughout this experience, you have the ability to customize those. Also too, I wanted to make sure I showed you our contact and advisor functionality here. So along with uploading your logo, make sure you upload your picture, you know your name, your phone number. Also too, we have an integration with Calendly, so if you use that to schedule meetings, you're able to upload your link here. This way clients can actually schedule a meeting with you through this portal. They can also even send you a message that will be sent to your e-mail as well. But let's jump into the functionality. So you know, landing page, you know you're able to control that. So depending on where this client or even prospect is in their journey with you, you're going to be able to control their landing page. Typically I see firms using our personal finances page as the landing page, which is what I'm showing right now. Just because you know once their client they have your accounts with, they have their accounts with you, they're usually logging in just to see, you know, their account balances, their performance. So this is the the common landing page. But a lot of the other pages I'm going to show throughout this demo can also be a landing page as well. So you know let's start with this personal finances, you know I mentioned client or prospect. So if they are a prospect you know you're and Josh mentioned this earlier about the prospect plan, invest, achieve, you know if there are prospect you can start them in this portal. Gather some information from them, even do some financial planning and I'll show you some of the financial planning functionality that you can have in this portal as well, but once they become a client. You can then flip them to become a client. They'll be able to log into the same portal, see the same experience. It's just now we're going to be able to pull in their accounts, right? So let's say you know, you you custody your custodian is, let's say Schwab for example. We're able to pull those accounts through the normal Ryan reconciliation and bring those into this client portal experience. So the account balances will be updating daily. We'll be able to pull in all of that reporting from Orion into this client portal. So everything I'm showing on the screen here, these are the typical reporting that we can do and as you probably know Ryan has just a ton of great functionality with with regards to reporting so. When you're looking at the accounts, this could be, you know, a total managed account level. You can look at the individual account level. There's also other ways you can group accounts. For example, we have something called portfolio groups. So maybe you want to have a group of retirement accounts and a group of trust accounts or education accounts. You can group them in different ways, so there's a lot of ways they can slice and dice their performance, but they'll be able to see their market values. This transaction summary can be customized so you can control, you know, what rows the clients will see. You know, we kept it pretty simple. You know, beginning value contributions maybe distributions which draws market value change, but there's a lot of other options you can include for this widget. We have a visual graph to show them, you know how their accounts are trending over time. Also we have this line here to show there's any sort of contributions and what that looks like. And then as the category asset class, these are your asset. Category and asset classes is completely customizable. You'll you'll hear me say that. A lot throughout this demo is that a lot of this is completely customizable for for you, your firm, even at the client Rep level in certain examples. So these widgets, they'll be showing your asset category and your asset classes to the clients. Then at the top right you'll see they have a different ways to to change their performance periods and you can even change the default. So when a client comes into this portal, pretty much most of these options can also be the default, a default period as well. So you know year to date, last 12 months you can even do since inception. Inside this portal, we even have a custom date range, so a lot of different ways to look at their performance. And Speaking of performance, we have a performance tab here on the top. Again, this performance summary widget can be customized. We can show their performance for different periods of time here. But really here at the bottom, I think this is one of the cool parts of our portal is when it comes to performance reporting. It's just that the way the. The amount of flexibility you have to show your clients you know different ways to look at their performance. So here I'm showing account, asset category, asset class management, style, risk category. There's about nine options you can choose from. You can choose to show two of them. You can choose to show all nine. I would say typically firm firms will show 234. Well, let's say ask the class for an example. You know, they want to look at large core. We'll then show all the holdings that roll up to that asset class and then different time time frames for their performance. We'll even show potentially benchmarks if you want to show those in this portal for those asset classes. So again, a lot of ways that you can slice and dice their performance, you can again change the time periods here at the top, right? Positions, again those nine different categories that applies to the positions page here as well. So you know just again to use asset class and you know you want to see all the positions that roll up to that asset class. We show some different information around let's say cost basis for example unrealized gain losses, but you can even click on a particular holding to be able to see their lot details for that holding. So purchase date, cost basis, the holding period. So is it long term versus short term? For capital gains purposes. So we got a lot of great information and you know again as a reminder a lot of ways you can slice and dice these these positions. Finally, I'll also show that we have an R&D dashboard. So this client, it's actually Patrick Mahomes, he doesn't have any accounts that are eligible for RMD's right now, but if he did, you would be able to see, let's say Traditional IRA is the amount. You know how much of that has been taken so far. So for those clients who are taking RMD's, we have this RMD dashboard that they can use. So these are all the accounts that you're managing that are flowing through the normal reporting platform that we have. Dear Ryan, I mentioned financial planning. You do have the ability to either manually add accounts. So if you want to say that they have 100,000 and a 401K for example, you can manually add that. But what I see most firms and most advisors using is our our Plaid data aggregation integration. So clients can link their accounts. This way you're not having to update the balances every time you come in, so you can see those balances updating daily. Uh, you can also even see things like the holdings for investment accounts or transactions for things like credit cards and checking accounts, so. To help your clients get organized. It's great functionality. Again, even if you're just wanting to show an updated balance sheet every day, right? That's what we'll show here. On the left hand side is all those accounts. So hopefully the accounts are coming in from Orion, all those linked accounts. These will be updating daily so that your clients can see everything in one place rather than having to. OK, I'm going to start here in this portal. Now we want to see my 401K balance. I'm going to have to log into my 401K portal. I want to see my credit card. So I'm at the log into that website, you know, helping your clients. That one stop shop to see all their finances in one place is definitely one of the the core items that we wanted to achieve with this client portal. So they'll be able to see all their accounts here on the left hand side, again updating daily. So we see a lot of clients log into the portal just to not even see their performance, but just to see everything updated in one place. So it's great functionality here. From a reporting standpoint, I showed you all that great reporting that we have available to you, but we actually have what we call our ad hoc reports where you can even make more reporting available to your clients. So these reports that I'm showing here, these are the reports that you have chosen to show to the clients and each of these reports will have, you know, different variables. So maybe you want to look at this at a household level versus an account level. You want to look at this for different time periods. So all that reporting I just showed just wanted you to see. That you have even more available to be able to display to your clients. Brian, if you don't mind, I want to interject here real quick. Mostly because, I mean you, you hit the nail right there on the head on saying that. Within this client portal, we're able to pull in your investment account, so you're able to link in outside athletes. You're able to incorporate financial planning when you take a look at a typical advisor website. I mean, you could have anywhere between 35678 different login options. Really when you take a look at the Orion client portal, we try to mitigate the number of usernames and passwords that client really needs to leverage or maintain on their end. Because within our client portal you have the ability of seeing all that information within one user interface one experience. More importantly though it still branded to the advisor, it looks like it is still the advisors website. Yep, absolutely. So yeah, that one stop shop, you'll probably hear me say that at least one or two more times throughout this demo. That's definitely one of the, the key parts of building this portal is to is to help you again as Josh mentioned, mitigate the number of logins. And also I think a key part of what Josh just said is having that be Brent, you know, everything's branded to your experience. So whatever they're looking at, they're still going to associate all that with your firm. So great call out, Josh. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. And I do want to encourage everyone here. Don't be shy. Go ahead, drop your questions into the chat feature. We have a number of individuals here ready to assist you and want to make sure you get your questions answered while we're meeting today. Awesome. Alright, so I'm going to transition now from Patrick Mahomes to Kurt Cobain just because Kurt Cobain has some additional functionality that I that I turned on. So first I'm going to start with financial planning. So we talked about financial planning. We know that you may be you know everyone on this call could be using different software, right. And again we want to go back to that one stop shop experience. Orion I think historically has done an amazing job at integrating with. Over I think 100 integration partners and financial planning is definitely. Part of that as well. So a couple of things I want to point on the financial planning side is that one as an Orion client you will have access to Orion planning formerly known as Advisor. So this is a financial planning software that you'll have access to at no additional cost. So you know again when you're thinking about that cohesive client experience, the financial planning that we built with Orion planning is no different. So you know you can make a a lot of the functionality of a lot of functionality. Available to your clients to be able to use within this portal. And it's really flexible as far as when you turn this on for the client. So you can start with planning, right? Let's say their prospect, have them enter in as much information as they can and then you can cut off their access, you know, give you time to actually create that financial plan and then turn it back on when you're ready to display the results. Or if you're the type that likes to do more white glove, where you're going to be doing all the input for them and then you want to show them the results after, you can certainly do that as well. So very flexible as far as when you turn that on. You just saw a couple seconds ago that I went and I just flipped a couple switches and now the financial planning functionality is on. So again Orion planning form, we know his advisor is going to be one of those options that you have as as a as part of this client portal experience. If you use money guide pro, we do have that integration as part of this client portal as well. So we have 4 screens that you know, you can let's say use all four. You can choose to use two or three of them or one of them, it's up to you. But just really quickly, a summary page, a place to show any existing insurance policies, this goals page which really just shows I think their proposed scenario, you know how they're doing for their goal and then finally net worth if you've added that information within money guide. Well the last thing I'll mention here is there is this button to access plan details. So this is something that if the client clicks on it. They can actually single sign on into money guide pros portal. So again, we're trying to reduce those logins rather than them, you know, starting in one portal without having to go to a completely different portal. They're still able to log into one portal and then go to the different integrations that we have within here with a click of a button. So that's money guide pro. We also have an integration with E money, same thing as I just mentioned with the single sign on for money guide Pro, there's this launch E Money portal which will then take them to. The E Money Client portal recently we just made available and integration with right capital as well, very similar to the EMONEY integration where it's a single sign on. So Orion planning Money Guide Pro E Money, right capital. Are definitely some of the the bigger softwares out there and we have integrations with all of them in this portal. So again when you think about starting with the prospect, you could have them starting here. Then once they're a client, you get to take advantage of all that that planning or that all that reporting functionality that I was showing earlier in the demo. We also have a document vault and this could again back to the prospect scenario. Maybe you need to gather information from there. You can start with this document vault. You can start with just giving them access to the document vault, collecting that information that you need, and then once they become a client you can turn on everything else. They can see their account values, their performance and everything. So with this document vault. There's a few options here. We have integrations with cloud storage providers. So if you use those and that's in this example what we have, so, Sharefile, there's about five different integrations that we have for cloud storage integrations. But even if let's say you're not using the cloud storage integrations, you'll be able to take advantage of some of the, the files that we collect from the from Orion. So one of them is, one of those is performance reports. So let's say you're creating. Really. Performance reports those can be sent to this document vault. So clients can view those here, let's say you're, let's say you're, you use Schwab as your custodian, we have custodial statements. So you'll see here as an example we have the monthly Schwab custodial statements flowing here. So monthly statements, tax reporting documents, all those can flow in here. So again when you think about that one stop shop experience versus I'm now having to go to the custodians website to see these, they're able to see this all within your client portal so. It's a great way just to help clients get organized. If you wanted to use our native document vault, you could upload things like, you know, have your clients upload things like DACA, estate, planning documents, insurance policies. So again, it's a great way to help them get organized. Or you as the advisor can upload documents here. So for example, newsletters, right? Maybe you saw an article that you thought was really relevant for the client and rather than getting it lost in their e-mail. You can just upload it to their document vault. So this is provided just as part of the client portal experience and we see advisors really using this again as a way to get them organized. But just also is this a way to reduce the number of logins, you know, having to go to that custodian to see those custodial statements as an example? Brian, I do want to circle back into a previous comment that you made, especially when you're setting up a client portal is when you take a look at a client portal or a client experience. Configuring their access is always a terrific way of tailoring that client portal for them. Because when you take a look at different investor personalities, it could be a licious, say, a doctor or teacher or lawyer, different investors, different investors or different clients may want to see a little bit more information. Other clients may want to see less information. So you can really scale this portal to fit that individual clients need and what information do you want to present in front of them. Yeah, absolutely. You know, I mentioned just all the flexibility that's here as far as, let's say, some of these widgets, you can have more or less columns, even things like performance, you can just choose to turn that off. For example, sometimes it can just be really overwhelming for a client to see all this in their portal and you want to leave that more to, let's say, your quarterly meetings with them, right, or your annual meetings with them. So Josh, great call out. Yeah, I mean, definitely as far as when they're moving throughout the process, you can turn on or off functionality. But even for the functionality that is on, you can certainly scale that back or give them full access for those, let's say those accounts or those engineers of the world. I know on the planning side they love to see all the numbers. I'm sure you know on the performance reporting side it's, it's the same, right. So you know, that's one of the other things I think that's really cool about this portal is it can be really tailored all the way down to the client, not just the firm level or the Rep level, but also to the client level as well, what they're comfortable with. So great call out there, Josh. And, and you know what, I think it's a great way to to segue into a presentation, right. So sometimes when a client is viewing their portal, you want to help them digest the portal, right? So you'll notice that right now I'm logged in as an advisor. I see Kurt Cobains, my client here at the top left. You'll see this offline. So if the client is online, I can Click to Co browse with them. And when I do that, I'm actually able to see what they're seeing. I can see their screen. Or even take control of the mouse. So if let's say I'm doing financial planning right and I want to just walk them through some of the different outputs, some of the results, or maybe even make tweaks to the results on the fly with them with Co browsing you can do that. Or even if let's say you just want them to be able to see certain things for performance reporting by clicking by using that code browse functionality. It's just another way to present to them. You know, obviously with the pandemic and everything becoming more remote over the last couple of years, this has been a really helpful way. For for clients and advisors still to be able to have that more intimate meeting, that more personal meeting, you know. And so this has been something that we see a lot of advisors using versus having to now set up a zoom or any other type of sharing function at which can be difficult for clients sometimes to download and to to be able to use properly. So we try to make it as easy as possible for you with this crowd cobrowse functionality. So I definitely wanted to make sure that I called that out as well. All right. So I'm going to, I'm going to start to wrap things up again. If you have questions, feel free to put those into the chat. You know, that's why we're here is not only to show this demo, but also answer any questions that you have. But as a reminder, when we're thinking about client portal experience, you know, being able to again based off of where they are in their journey, I think our portal could do a really great job whether they're, they're prospecting, you're trying to gather information where you can use our document vault or you're trying to use our financial planning functionality or some of the integration partners that we have for financial planning. Then once they become a client being able to pull all those accounts in, have those update daily link their accounts so that they can see. A full financial picture, not just accounts that you're managing, but those outside accounts like their 401K's, their bank accounts, their credit cards. This way again, your your portal is going to become more and more stickier with them the more they're they're looking to use it versus having to use 5 or 10 different websites to see everything that they want to see. So a lot of great performance reporting information once they're a client using our document vault. Again you'll be able to see things like custodial statements, performance reports flowing through here as well. We also have a news feed that I want that it even show you earlier where we can show those quarterly statements posting to this news feed. Your firm can also use this as a way to upload things like. Like videos, um white papers. So I have an example of a video here as well. So this is another way to get in contact with your clients to be able to share information with your clients. So this is also functionality that you'll have access to, to provide you know, turn on or off for clients as well. You can choose to show this or not, but this is just another way to to share information with them. And then let's say you have your meeting, you want to do any recaps, you can use our document vault for that as well. So again when you think about that, that that journey from prospect to client when you're meeting with them on a quarterly on an annual basis, you know really everything you're looking to do can be done within this client portal. And then let's say your clients are using this portal and middle of the night, maybe they have a question, they can use that contact my advisor button that I showed you earlier to schedule that meeting to send you. That message, should we have that functionality here as well. Also just as a quick, I want to be able to make sure you see that we have a great support team here at Orion and this is across all the different products that you're using. But our client portal or financial planning functionality is no different. So you'll see this let's talk button at the bottom here. So anytime, yeah, anytime you have a question you can use either use chat, we have an option for phone, for e-mail. So you'll have some great supports this way as you're setting up this. Client portal to be exactly the the experience that you want your clients to have. You'll have that support to make sure that your clients are getting exactly what you want them to see. So I want to make sure you're aware of that. So Josh, I'm going to turn it back over to you to wrap things up. Brian, thank you very much for walking you through a very thorough demonstration of the Orion client portal. As mentioned though, if you did have any questions and if we didn't get back, if we didn't get to them, we will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer. Over there. But if you want a little bit more of a one-on-one or curated demo, there is a black Big Blue button right there on your screen. Go ahead, get in touch with us and we'll be more than happy to do a little bit more of a consultative conversation with you, yourself and possibly your team as well. We will like to let you know that if you didn't catch everything as you're jotting your notes down, we will be sending in a recording of this out as well. So you can always go back revisit. And hopefully either generate some questions or generate a little bit more interest and explore the Orion client portal a little bit further. Thank you all very much for your time today and have a fantastic day. _1740312739357

Get an Insider Look at the Exponentially Growing Orion Client Portal

The client experience is one area that you can’t afford to skimp on. Your clients are at the center of everything you do, so it’s imperative that you have a Client Portal that meets their needs and expectations. As we see incredible growth rates of the Orion Client Portal, come and see what you are missing out on! Brian Morgan, CFP® and Josh Benson will provide a demo of the Orion Client Portal, including our advisors’ favorite features such as best-in-class integrations, performance reporting, and financial planning, and our newer features such as the mobile app, newsfeed, and automatically uploading custodian statements.

The CFP® designation is a professional certification for financial planners conferred by the CFP Board. CFP® professionals have completed extensive training and experience requirements and are held to rigorous ethical standard, while understanding the complexities of the changing financial climate, and know how to make recommendations in their clients best interest. To learn more about the CFP®, visit

