Hello and welcome to Orion Lanning robone training, my name is Brian Morgan, product director of financial planning here at Orion and thank you for partnering with us to to help you know these pro bono clients. We think our software is a really great solution, it's really flexible. So it can help in a lot of different examples with with pro bono clients the goal for this webinar. It's really to take you through how we would use the software with your pro bono clients and then at the end we'll we'll talk about next steps. We know what do we do after watching this webinar. So with that let's jump in. Alright, so once you log into the tool, you're going to look to add a client. So let's do that now. So let's add in Jane Smith. So as I mentioned earlier, you know our tool is very flexible. You know, when working with pro Bono clients, it's possible that you're going to have scenarios depending on you know, the organization you're working with and their structure. You know you could have a one and done type conversation where it might be good to get as much information up front as possible before talking to them. Or it could be something where you have multiple engagements and you know really that first meeting you're getting to know them and then you know after that it might make sense to use. The software to focus in on, you know, the goals that the the pro bono clients have. So you know, you as a financial advisor can, can do this work. You know, for example you can click on start planning here and that's where we have our workflows. So you know, for example, they might want to talk about buying a home. So we have our home purchase goal workflow here. They might want to talk about paying down their debts. So, you know, maybe they have student loans, you know, credit card debt that they need help with. So you can have a conversation, you know what if you were able to make an extra 50 bucks? Per month, you know how much of an impact that would have so. You know using these workflows I think are really great to have that focus discussion. Our comprehensive plan, our comprehensive workflow, you know, I think could be really helpful for those, you know one and done type situations where you can send them this comprehensive link. It will really ask them for a good amount of information and then you can take a look at that and then make some recommendations from there so. And depending on you know, how you're engaging with these pro bono clients, I would definitely recommend using our workflows. We also have a profile section here on the left. This is another way for you to enter information you know. I know that your time is very valuable and you may not have a lot of time to fill out this information. So again, I think using those workflows are going to be the best way to approach this just because they're very simple. But as you can see, you know you'll have access to, to really use the full extent of our planning software. You know for example in this expenses section if you click on detailed you'll be able to, you know really have a budgeting conversation with with them and and that could be very valuable and this is part of the comprehensive workflow. So you know just having them go through how much am I spending on my rent, how much am I spending on, you know food and groceries, you know any sort of you know, childcare, things like that. Down here at the bottom, you know, you can add expenses. You can, you know, so you can have custom name here. You know, you can even control when this happens. You know, for example, maybe they're paying for daycare for, you know, for a couple of years until their kids are in kindergarten, right? So it's very flexible. I think this could be very valuable for helping someone understand, you know, where they're spending their money. So I just wanted to call attention to this, one of the workflows. Is our accounts workflow and this will allow you to essentially have the clients either, you know manually add their accounts. But really what I think is valuable is if they link their accounts so this can be done inside of this workflow. We use plan to do so. So played links with, you know, thousands of institutions and, you know, if they were to link, let's say, their credit card, we'd actually be able to view their transactions. So let me show you an example of that. So this is a client where I've I've linked their transactions. If I go to personal finances, you'll see right here this first page. It will show you know that they spent on gas stations. You know at Costco this is just a. An example is, but you can imagine you know anything where they're using their credit card or they're checking account. You know they're checking account where they might be paying you know for some of their expenses like their electric bills, maybe their rent or mortgage if they have one. So definitely a benefit to linking their accounts. And again you can use our account linking workflow to do that or if they're in the tool, they can go to profile and then accounts as well to to link their accounts. So you know as part of this. Offering for those of you who are Arian clients, you know this account linking is typically $10 per year per household, and that you know that would include as many institutions as they like to link. But as part of this offering, this is something that Orion will cover the cost for. So just want to remind everyone about linking their accounts because this could also be very valuable for the clients now. Um, with giving access. So let me, let me cover that part. Now you know when you're giving access, you know here on top you know this onboarding section. So let's say you haven't met with the client yet and you want to give them the comprehensive workflow. This will again allow them to add a lot of information. You know it's a step by step workflow so it has a good structure to it's easy for a client to go through. So for those one and done I would definitely recommend the comprehensive. If you know a little bit about the client already, you know they want to focus on buying a home or debt management, they can choose those workflows. You can also choose all workflows as well and let them choose what they go through. Then from here this dashboard. This will allow them to see their results. You know you can think of sometimes when you're dealing with a normal client of yours. You know, maybe you want them to go through and add the inputs, but then you as an advisor want to go through and take a look at everything, make some changes and then show them the output. But with the pro bono client, you know, again, your engagement might be, you know, much more limited. So you can just have them see all of the results, give them access to this tool. You know, document Vault is something where they can upload a document, so this could be helpful for you. You know, if if you, if you need to gather information from them, they can use our document vault. And then finally access to link account. So if this is on again if you're in a Ryan client, you'll have this pro bono client toggle. You can just turn that on and we won't charge you the $10 per year. If you're not earning Ryan client, then it'll just say access to link accounts and that will be turned on. And then with the landing page, you know if this if they're going to be going through their workflow that will be the first page that they look at, but maybe afterward you want them to land on the personal finances or goal results. I would say personal finances is generally where clients would go, especially they're looking to like link their accounts and see their transactions. But if you want them to focus on their goals, choose goal results now. For some of you or many of you, you may be new to this tool so something I would recommend doing is using our preview client portal link. So with the preview client portal link. That will then allow you to see what the client will see when they log in. So for example if I get a comprehensive workflow and click on preview client portal. That will say you know welcome, let's get started. Pro bono, that's the the name of the client. As you can see, this is now the workflow. Very simple. You know it just takes them step by step where they can enter you know their information, you know their goals, you know with the goals inputs. It's very simple. So we built this, you know, for a client to be able to go through on their own their accounts, they can go in, they can add accounts, they can link, you know log in institution. I would definitely recommend clients do that. So I'm not going to take you through the full workflow, but as you can see it's just a very easy. Step by step process. Now with the results. So once you you know they've gone through their workflows and now you want to start making recommendations this goal flag here that will take them to their goals. You know we have what ifs that you can use now every goal will have their own set of what if so, for example retirement will have you know when do I want to retire? If I change my allocation, if I change my savings, which can be very important for these clients. So you'll have, you know, a bunch of what ifs available for you at the goal level. Debt management, same thing. So. You know what if I want to, you know save more, right? What if that's going to be a recommendation that you make so maybe you take you took them through their budget, you said, hey, you know if you cut back on this you might be able to put $50.00 more towards your debts, right. And this is a great visual to show them. So here at the bottom right it shows for this client, they have 20 years to pay. It's going to take them 20 years to pay off their loan. They're making $350.00 a month of payments. They're going to be paying 37,000, almost 38,000 in interest over this time. If they then. Make 9 extra $100 per month of a payment that cuts off their loan by 7 years. So now goes from 20 years down to 13, and they'll save, you know, almost 15,000 of interest. So it's just a really cool way to show them, you know, hey, by making some small changes, it can actually make a big impact in your plan. You know, same thing with, you know, saving for retirement. If I was to make, you know, using the additional savings, what if I was to save an extra $50.00 more, you know, how much more would I have? A plan maybe that might make them funded right? So definitely would use the what ifs. Now as far as an output, we have a PDF that you can use as little download PDF icon here at the top. Then you can go through you know pick and choose the pages that you like. What I would say are probably going to be very helpful pages. One is our executive summary. So on our overview page, so the client overview, you'll see an executive summary. So this could be it's 2500 characters long. You can type in some recommendations, you know anything you want the client to know. I think this can be very helpful to use. The other page I would use is in reports and it's action steps. So here is again where you can start making recommendations. So if I said, you know I want them to save more towards or pay off more of their debts, right. So if I go in and say. Want you to pay off an extra $100 per month and I hit apply. And now if I go to my action steps page. You'll see here for student loans paying extra $100 per month. So when you're making changes to the what ifs, those should show up on these action steps page, especially the things that they can do right now. You know, changing things like retirement age wouldn't show here just because that would be in the future. But actions that they can take right now will show US action steps page. So here is where either we have system generated action steps or you can go in and you can type in your own action steps. So again you're making recommendations, you know you know look into some sort of. Federal debt assistance, right. Maybe you want them to update their documents like they're, they have any retirement accounts, just making sure they have their beneficiaries. You know, any sort of conversations you would be having with these clients, you know, you can make these recommendations, you can assign it to the client, you can give them a due date so that they have some sort of deadline. So this is also a very helpful page that you can use in your output. You know with the PDF you can make this as short as you like. So you know with these clients you're not going to be necessarily doing a full blown financial plan, but you might you know have a couple of goals that they want to to look at. You can create your own templates in here. So if you know you're having you know, similar conversations with clients, all you do is hit save template and you can create as many of these templates as you like, but that will definitely cut time on some of these pages so. You know, I just wanted to to get rid of some of these pages here, hit download PDF. So this could be something that really can be as short as 10 pages maybe, you know, maybe 11-12 depending on how many of these pages you're adding. Could be 2030, right? But for these clients, again, you can keep it short and sweet so that you have something that they can use as a take away, right, that they can take home with them. If you're with them in person, you can also add this. So once you download it, you can also add it to our document vault. So this way they can view it online, so maybe you're not. Able to meet with them. In person you can at least have this available online so you know again when you when you're when you're dealing with these pro bono clients I definitely recommend you know, using you know giving access to the clients to go through this on their own. We're all very busy right we built this to these you know simple enough that a client can go through this on their own. So I would definitely use these workflows this way they can go in and they can you know really manage this on their own right they can keep track of their expenses. I know myself as a client, I, I look at this page, you know, every, you know, week or so just to make sure that there's nothing out of the ordinary that popped up here, making sure that we're staying on budget. So I think regardless of pro bono or not, this is a great page to use with clients. And then using our goal output, you know, having them have these focused conversations, you know, here's your debt, here's your retirement, here's your home purchase. I think that really helps with these conversations, so. Now, as far as next steps, I'm going to go back to the presentation now. You know, before I do talk about the next steps, you know Orion, we have partnered with the Foundation for Financial Planning. Our CEO, Eric Clark, is on the board for this organization. They are fantastic. They have a ton of resources. So here at the bottom, you'll notice there's a link here, FP probono.org, back slash training. So for any sort of training resources, this is a great place to go. Again, I'll link at the bottom FP probono.org back slash training. For any training, there's also the ability to sign up right? So they have this pro bono match program, again, pointing out the link just so you can write this down, pro bono planner match.org. So if you're looking to get more involved than you already are, again, this is a great organization to partner with. So they have this link to be able to do more and then supporting their mission right. So if you're looking to you know obviously you're hopefully spending time with pro bono clients but if you would like to to donate they have their link here FP probono.org/donate and if you want to stay up to date they have their their E newsletter so the website here at the bottom FP probono.org/update. So again we wanted. Just to make sure, if you're looking for more opportunities, this is a great organization to partner with. So again, if you're looking to sign up, probonoplannermatch.org to sign up with this organization. As far as next steps, you know once you after completing this webinar, we will our support team will reach out to you. We'll send you an e-mail with an agreement for you to sign. Once you send that back to us, we will then turn this on for you. So it's a pretty painless process. We just need you to to sign that document up front if you have any questions. Maybe if you you missed the link for some of those pro bono resources. If you have any questions just send us an e-mail to financial.planning@orion.com. Again that's financial planning our Orion at orion.com. Thank you again for participating for partnering with us to to help out this this. Community, we obviously know with the last couple of years that more people than ever need help and we really appreciate you joining us to to help out as much as we can. So with that, thank you again for joining us webinar, hope you have a great rest of the day. _1739916732135