Hello everyone, and welcome to today's webinar automate data analysis with Minitab. My name is Sean Shapiro and I'm an area marketing manager here at Minitab. If you housekeeping notes before we begin, we'll have a Q&A session after this presentation, so please submit any questions you have and we'll do our best to answer them. We recommend viewing this webinar via laptop or PC for best results. If you experience a delay or sync issues with the audio and slides, please exit the webinar and rejoin or try refreshing. Page. We will send a copy of the recording following this webinar, so there's no problem if you miss anything or you'd like to review afterwards. I'd like to introduce our presenter today, Moyes Juzar. Moyes is a technical solutions architect here at Minitab. He helps Minitab customers do their data journey. He also brings 10 years of analytics and business intelligence intelligence experience to MINITAB and has presented papers at numerous domestic and global conferences on strategies of how organizations achieve better results through efficient data analysis. We're so excited to have boys present today and with that, I'll hand it over to him so he can begin, so he could begin today's presentation. Thank you, Sean and thank you everyone for joining today's webinar. We'll go ahead and get started. Today's session is about automating your data analysis using MINITAB and in this specific webinar we're going to be covering Minitab connects. So just as a quick and brief agenda, we're going to start with why Minitab Connect and a little bit of introduction into the CONNECT tools. Once I give go through those PowerPoint slides, we'll cover two different use cases and the idea is to. Allow you to understand the power of what connect can do in terms of the preparation of your data as well as being able to build dashboards. So really taking these two you use cases you can imagine how it can apply at a data set in your organization. So what is minitab connect? Minitab Connect is a web-based solution that allows you to import, unify, clean, prepare and curate your data for analysis. It also allows you to create visualizations to gain insights, display and share those visualizations in interactive dashboards, and the entire idea is to share your analysis with each other. It also allows you to automate your workflows to refresh and prepare the data. Update any of your dashboard visualizations or send real time alerts when something is not going as planned. So the entire idea of Minitab Connect is to allow you to bring your data in, build different analysis on that data, and once you're done building that analysis, put it in autopilot so it continues to get that new data and update any analysis that you have built using Minitab Kinect. So why do companies use Minitab Connect? So it does allow you to centralize your data for easy access. You need to have connect can bring data from a variety of different sources. We'll cover that as we move forward with this presentation. But it allows you to bring all of the data and becomes a. Single. Let me just Yep, there should be seeing my screen. It does allow you to automate those data pulls and perform any of that manual data cleanup. So most users that are familiar with Minitab are very familiar with Minitab statistical solution where you would start with an Excel file and, you know, run some rules and clean up your data before building the analysis. And we need to have connect automates that entire process. It also allows users to capture. Data that could be manually being written today on pen and paper or in an Excel file. It bills easy, intuitive to use forms that users can simply enter data in and get captured to be a centralized data location for all of your data. It also allows you to display data in interactive dashboards and of course this in today's age control who has access to that data as well. Additionally, many tab Connect can deliver data or notifications. In real time alerts, especially around the SBC area, which we will see a couple of examples in today's presentation. So how does Minitab connect help our customers? It again comes down to the automation. So being able to eliminate time spent on tedious manual data extraction and things that you would do over and over again each time that same similar type of data set is being provided to you, you wouldn't have to repeat those steps over and over again. You set it up once and as that new data keeps coming in from the variety of your different sources, it will automatically apply those rules that you have already configured. As a one time effort, it allows a lot of our customers to record data that they're not able to record, whether it's on their manufacturing floor or any data that's currently not being recorded. In a more automated fashion. They can use our manual entry forms to get that data and start analyzing that data to make Better Business decisions. Users can also interact with real time visualizations in shareable dashboards. So being able to not only analyze and build these dashboards, but share them with. Other folks at your organization and then seamlessly export the data for further analysis into minitab statistical software. Additionally, it allows users to protect their data with industry-leading data governance tools as well. So there are a variety of data sources that Minitab Connect can pull data from. I selected some of the most popular ones that our customers use, but we have a wide range of different prebuilt connectors that allow you to pull your data in, you know, from a variety of different databases, cloud applications, spreadsheets and data files, and even a variety of other data sources. Think if you have any equipment on your floor that's currently automatically pushing data to some centralized location, we could tap into it. Pull that data and the idea is you wanna prepare your data, you want to visualize your data and then you want to automate it. So the whole thing. Will be completely In Sync in terms of automation, so there's a wide range of connectors. We continuously build new connectors to new applications, but the idea is you know it is. Minitab Connect is a cloud application. It can allow you to bring your data into the cloud for that further analysis itself. So Minitab Connect has a variety of different tools and I'm going to start with the most important tool, which is going to be the prep tool. The prep tool allows users to explore and filter data sets in a spreadsheet like interface. Let's imagine somebody gave you an Excel file and you needed to build pivot tables, filter out certain rules, kind of that data preparation, the wrangling, the cleansing, the standardizing and normalizing that you would normally do. You could do that using our prep tool itself. Overall, it provides a point and click preparation layer and a variety of different formatting options for less technical users. Additionally, for any of the technical users that are on this call, it also supports direct SQL. So for any of the advanced functionality that you might be trying to do, don't worry, it does allow you to put in SQL directly in the prep tool for further analysis. Coming from the prep tool, we'll jump into the visualized tool. The visualized tool enables the creation of interactive graphs and charts that can be shared in dashboards, and they automatically refresh as new data flows into the platform. So again, the idea is you set it up once you have it in place. As your data keeps coming in, these charts and dashboards will update with that new data that is now available within Minitab Connect. It provides general visualizations. In reporting tool, yeah, dashboards, many graphing options using our many tabs graph builder. So if you have used mini tabs graph builder in minitab statistical software, it's the same kind of functionality allowing you to kind of drag and drop and visualize and discover your data using our graph builder. And you can also leverage your minitab statistical license to include any statistical analysis on your dashboard as well. And we'll be taking a look at this in today's presentation. The form tool. So I know I wanted to cover the form tool as it provides a very easy way to create and display forms and allow manual data entry to be captured. It's real purpose is, you know, there are many processes today at a variety of different organizations where they're not able to capture some manually entered data. And we'll find them writing it on pen and paper, they'll put it on a text pad or a notepad. The idea is we want to take that data. Because that data has a lot of valuable information and we can allow you to create these different forms that can be accessed on a mobile device, on a tablet device and allows the user to input that data that is then being aggregated over some time as well. Once that data is being saved in Minitab connect, you can use that data to build different charts and analysis as well as combine it from data from other sources to build a much larger appropriate analysis. So I just wanted to mention the form tool. And its capability, I know we mentioned that we would be covering 2 use cases today. So I'll start with the first use case, which is going to focus heavily around the preparation of data and how we interact with the data once we have access to it. And the second use case is going to be a more SPC based use case where a lot of our customers are using the data that's coming into Minitab Connect to build different dashboards with control charts, with capability analysis as well as being able to send alerts. When any of those points go out of control or break the spec lines, as you will see in today's demo. With that being said, I'm gonna now switch over to my mini tap connect application and this here is the home page of the CONNECT platform. And Minitab connect is really broken down into two main building blocks. You have your tables and that's your underlying data sets and then you have your dashboards which uses the underlying tables in the datasets to build and design charts in a dashboard based layout. Directly here on my left I can see some of my more. Recent tables and on the right I can see some of my more recent dashboards. We're gonna start with this date data set, which is my machine sensor data set, and I'll simply go ahead and select it, which now navigates into the prep tool which I mentioned about earlier. The prep tool allows users to prepare their data so that they can make some analysis from that data. If we look at what we're looking at right now, as you can see, I have a lot of data here broken down. But the way my system generates this data, or the way my sensor generates this data, it gives it to me in a format that's not very usable. However, using the prep tool, I can simply prepare this data so that I can use it for further analysis. One of the first things I need to do of course is I need to separate these different data points into their own separate fields. So what I need to do is I have I think about 12345678, so I'm just going to go ahead and add eight of the same columns into my report builder into my prep tool as you are seeing over here. If I run this again, as you can see it's showing me the same data repeated. Eight times in each one of those specific columns here itself. Minitab Connect allows you to apply prep rules on any of these columns. So one of the prep rules that I want to apply, and there are a variety of different prep rules, would not be able to, you know, cover all of these. But let's say in, you know, using this use case, I want to go ahead and do a split or I want to go ahead. And split this data using my delimiter, which in this case is going to be 2 at symbols and I only want to bring back my position one. I can simply go ahead and run this again after applying my prep rule and as you can see I now have only the date information in this specific field as you are currently seeing over here. I can of course go step by step and do this at each of the specific columns that I've added in here, but I'm a little lazy and I want to look at it. Easier way to do it so I can apply a mass transformation and I can specify that I want to apply a prep rule on all my fields and I want to transform them using the split function with my delimiter being to add symbols as you are currently seeing here. Now when I go ahead and click on that as you can see it has gone ahead and added it for each one of those columns. I don't need it for the first column because I already had it configured but here for the 2nd. Hold on, I'm just gonna make it position 2. Three for the third and so on and so forth. I can easily go ahead and kind of prep my data. Based on the 8. Or 9 fields. That I have. Once again if I now go ahead and run it as you can see it has gone ahead and taken each of those different fields and produce it in a table like format as you can currently see over here. The only thing missing now is I need some better column headers and what I can do very quickly is I can say all right I know this is going to be my voltage and I do have. A little bit of a shortcut here, so I'll make the second one is going to be. My light. And again, I'm only going to be doing this as a one time effort because once I am done I should be able to go ahead and save this information. As you will see in just a second. So I've gone ahead and did my volume light. My humidity. My next one is gonna be temperature. Time just a couple more left and then the last one is going to be date. Once again. I'll go ahead and run this and as you can see, maybe I don't need that one. Yep, do not need that one. Go ahead and run this and as you can see I now have all my different points data points split into separate. Problems as you are currently seeing on the screen itself. Now I have built this analysis which is connected to my data source and I don't want to rebuild this every time I get some fresh data. So what I can do is I can go ahead and save that as a new view and I'll just call this view my prepped data set and I'll go ahead and save that view as you can see over here. So if I were to go back to my original data set, this is kind of what we started with. And if I want to navigate back to my prep data, I can simply go ahead and say navigate back to my safe section where I can just click on the run button for my prep data where it will now go ahead and show me the data in the format that I had saved it here. Furthermore, I want to apply some settings such as I want to change the format for this specific column. This here is going to be a date so I can just specify it to be a date and here I'm just going to go ahead and change my second column to be time. As that is a time field as you can see over here again, I made a change. I need to go ahead and save that change. I could simply click on save and go ahead and update the previous save that I had made on that prep data set, which will once again show up directly here in the save section of this report that we are currently working on itself. Additionally, at any point if you want to take this data directly into minitab, I can simply say I want to export it to minitab and it will go ahead and download a minitab worksheet file to your PC which you can then open in mini tabs desktop statistical software and further analyze as required itself. So again, just to kind of back up, we did start with our data coming in in this format and it's always going to continue to come in this format but by it's time. The data reaches us and we start analyzing that data. It's already been prepared in this format for us to jump directly into the analysis. Additionally, users can apply conditional formatting rules and a wide range of additional options such as SQL commands directly in here to further create any analysis using this data set, as you are seeing over here. That covers the prep tool and leading from the prep tool I'm now going to navigate into my flow tool. So the flow tool is where users would be able to set up different workflows as to what happens when we go out and get the data. What is the next workflow process or step that needs to happen each time we get new data. So here I have a flow created which is called an automation flow and one of the first things I want to talk about a flow is you can specify. How often a flow should be refreshed? So you could have the frequency set to let's say hourly or every so many hours? Daily, Weekly, monthly, every so many minutes. Let's say if I wanted to run it every 10 minutes, I could go ahead and specify that I want to create a scheduled flow where it goes ahead and refreshes my data every 10 minutes from the underlying data source itself. Well, I already have some data in here. So if I go and get more data and I put it in here, maybe I need to be able to run some deduplication, or maybe I need to truncate or empty the table before I load it with more data. And that's where I would be able to then create a variety of different processes. And here I'm going to go ahead and create a process. We're going to call it a deduplication process. And I'm just going to add a process called it dedupe. And I can specify what do I want it to do. Maybe I wanted to delete some records. Maybe I want to move data from one table to another table. Maybe I want to truncate the table. But in my example I just want to go ahead and check for any deduplication. So if there's any repeating data on this column. So this is the field I want to go ahead and remove any duplicates based on my biggest or newest records based on the system ID. I can now add this process directly here into my workflow. And then click on save where now I can simply go ahead and take that deduplication process and I can make it part of my workflow as you are seeing over here. Maybe once it runs the deduplication process, I also wanted to send me a notification that hey, I've brought in that new data and I've ran that deduplication process and what I would like to do is maybe schedule an e-mail that comes directly out to myself saying. Your process needed. And I can also go ahead and specify if I wanted to add any of the previous task outputs. They're log files available. In case you know something goes wrong or you want to see it, you can simply go ahead and specify here that as well. I'll go ahead and click on OK and I've basically set up my automation workflow to run every 10 minutes. It's going to go and get that. Data. It's going to run a duplication process on my data that it brings and then it's going to send me a notification via e-mail notifying me that my process is complete. I'll simply go ahead and save this process and to go ahead and run it. I'll just go ahead and run it right now to kind of show you how it works. And as you can see, it gives me a confirmation that my automation flow has been successfully queued and as soon as it is completed it will provide me with a another notification. That my process has completed running successfully along with an e-mail that I will be receiving telling me that this process, this automation flow that I've created is now complete. As you can see, I have received another notification that my process is complete if I just quickly open up my e-mail. As you can see, it has now sent me a live completion alert letting us know that it has been completed. You can also, as part of these flows, add additional outputs. So maybe as part of this I also wanted to go ahead and send the data directly as a new export. I'm going to send a minitab worksheet file to my analyst for my prep data set. Via e-mail attachment I can simply go ahead and specify my details. So in this case I'm going to say this is the prep sensor data. I'm just gonna add the current date so the user receiving the file will have access to the date and then I can specify, you know, an analyst e-mail address. In this case I'm just going to use mine and give it a subject body. Here is your weekly. Data and simply go ahead and save this as an export option. As you see over here, you can continue to build the workflow with these different processes based on exactly what you want the system to do as part of that automation flow that we are building over here. So this use case was really to focus in on the idea of preparing that data. You know, we started with kind of a single column, you know, kind of the what you would expect from a sensor in terms of the data string that it provides. And then we finally ended up with the result here we also set it up to run as an automation task using our flow tool in which the workflow would refresh every 10 minutes. It would run a deduplication process on this data. And then it would send an e-mail confirming that that duplication process ran successfully. The second use case I want to cover is a little bit different, but it applies a little bit of the same prep rules that we will see here. But it also will take us to our next step, which is taking some of this data and using it to build and design charts and dashboards as you will see here today. So let's say I want to start by adding a brand new table. I can simply click on the add table functions here and I'm just going to call this temp webinar. Example, and in my case I do need to save it into a folder. Think of this as a folder you know on your PC. In this case it's just an organization tool that allows you to organize this data set into a respective folder. There are a variety of different connectors that are available. You know, I've shown you a couple on the previous in the PowerPoint, but again, if you're using SQL Server on premise or in the cloud, Oracle Snowflake A WS, there's a. Wide range of connectors OSI π just to kind of name a few based on what you're seeing here. And for my example, I want to go ahead and get a new data set from my OneDrive connector and I can simply go ahead and search for OneDrive and it will ask me if I want to build a new connection. In this case I already have a connection that I had set up before this presentation, so I can just go ahead and say I want to use my OneDrive connection and in this case I want to use my specific business drive. And simply click on next to go ahead and select the file that I want to link it to that is located on my OneDrive application. So in this case we are going to be taking some temperature data and as you can see I've just gone through the steps of going ahead and selecting it where it's asking me some preliminary set of questions. You know, do I want to delete the file after I bring it over or do I want to skip certain rows or columns? All can be very customized based on your specific requirements. In this example I have now gone ahead and completed it. So I'm just going to go ahead and click on save and what that's going to do is that's gonna go ahead and set up. A table in that Prep view format and if I just go ahead and reset it, as you can see it is now gone ahead and brought over some data, in this example about 379 records here into my prep tool itself. Again, I can use the prep tool to do a variety of things. If I wanted to filter this data only for a specific site like Baltimore, I could say I just want to see my Baltimore related data set and it would allow me to apply that filter as you are seeing over here. Or maybe I wanted to. Do some further analysis where I wanted to know based on the different sites, what is my average temperature. I could easily come in and say show me the average on my temperature field. Broken down by my side ID where I can now go ahead and run it and kind of see that average temperature. As you can see over here, all these different analysis can of course be saved. In our example, we don't really need too many. So I'm just going to go ahead and reset to our previous one and I'm just going to go ahead and save it as a default view as you are seeing over here. Your different saved views can now be used to build and design A dashboard. So in this case I'm just gonna navigate back to the home page where I can of course add a new dashboard. But I already started creating one from this before this call where I have SBC Dashboard webinar created. Here it is a blank dashboard just with a title and a logo. And one of the first things I need to do is I need to select my data set by simply going in and specifying. That same exact data set that we just saw previously in the prep menu itself. I'm going to navigate into my sandbox and I believe I called it. Temperature SPC. Webinar. Maybe this one and I'll go ahead and now open this. Which gives me access to all those fields that I had seen available in the prep tool itself. You can add multiple datasets as needed to support and build the different charts in your dashboard, but in this example we're just using this one data set to build an analysis and I'm then going to navigate into the asset section to start building some visualization. So Minitab Connect does support a wide range of visualizations as you can see over here. And I had mentioned earlier that you can use graph builder to kind of build your analysis in this case, and just dragging the gap graph builder onto my canvas, selecting that default view, it's the only one that I have available. We're now I can start dragging and dropping fields to kind of build my visualizations directly here on this dashboard itself. In my case, I want to add a histogram for diameter so I can simply go ahead and create it and I'm just going to drag a couple more in this one. I wanna see, let's see. Maybe I wanna see a diameter broken down by die manufacturer. And maybe I would want a box plot for this, so I can simply go ahead and add that box plot as I'm currently doing. And then I'm going to go ahead and add another graph, which is going to be another histogram, ideally on my temperature field, which I'm really monitoring at my organization. So I've simply gone ahead and dragged over some different charts and built this analysis based on the data that's available. As you can see over here, since this is an SPC analysis, I also want to add some control. Charts. In this case I'm going to go ahead and add an IMR chart based on that default view itself and simply click on open which gives me the definition of setting up that the IMR chart, in this case primarily around my temperature. So I'm going to select my variable temperature and I do want to change my scale in this case from an index or an observation using my date and time like I normally would do in a run chart or a control chart. As you are seeing over here, you will have a wide range of. Options as to which you know parameters if you want to specify your own mean and standard deviation or which specific control chart rules you want to apply for the alerts, which we will cover just in here in a short second. So I've gone ahead and now define this control chart and as you can see it's going ahead and showing me my details as you see over here. If I wanted to add any spec details or any spec lines or reference lines, I can easily navigate to the options here. On the right and add any reference lines, in this case to my eye chart or to my MMR chart accordingly by simply adding it providing an value. In this case I'm gonna do. I believe I clicked on the individuals chart, so we'll go with hundred and I can say greater than as well as get a little bit of control as to what color you would want that line to be on the chart itself. Let's say I'm going to go for this Gray. As you can see over here, it goes ahead and adds it directly over there. I also would like to add a capability analysis on my dashboard. So here we do have and there is a wide range of control charts that are supported in connect. But just to kind of continue this use case, I want to go ahead and add a capability analysis. Simply go ahead and select my data set again. What's my data column? I'm doing it based on temperature, my subgroup size being one. My lower spec, let's say is 60. My upper spec let's say is 100. And I can simply now build a capability analysis. As you are currently seeing over here, the capability analysis also comes with its own set of graph options, which you will be able to configure. So it's. Currently showing OOS observed and PK. If I wanted to add CPK or maybe I wanted to Add all my statistics onto a dashboard, you know, for any of the users that do want to see that level of detail, you can simply go ahead and toggle those buttons and add them as you are currently seeing me do. Additionally, I also want to go ahead and add a table of my actual data set directly here in my dashboard so I can simply go ahead and configure it and I'll just specify that I want to see the default view of my data, and that's going to show me my actual data that we saw earlier in the prep tool of the section of this solution itself. I'll now simply go ahead and save my dashboard now that I've gone ahead and completed building it and I can quickly toggle. Into the preview menu to see exactly what my dashboard would look like when a user is previewing it, hovering over any of my data points, seeing any of the details as you are seeing here. Or maybe I want to see the statistics of my capability. I could simply go ahead and click on that details to kind of understand what's going on with this specific process. We did have a couple of different sites so it would be nice to be able to kind of slice and dice this dashboard based on the different sites. So I'm just gonna navigate back to my dashboard and in this example I'm just going to drag over my category slicer. I'll paste it directly here at the top and I'm going to link this back to my site ID field so that now once I go ahead and save and preview my dashboard, I will be able to quickly move between my Baltimore data set my Newcastle. Data set and as you can see, it's all automatically refreshing with my clicks directly over here itself. Now once I'm done building my dashboard, my next step would of course to be set up some real time alerts on let's say my control charts for example. So I can easily come in, click on the control chart where I want to specify an alert and say I would like to create a new alert, give that alert name. And specify how you would like the user to be alerted to. We can support e-mail, SMS, or in app notification. You've probably seen the notifications popping up for different things that are running, but these are the different modes of alerting a user for any of your different control chart rules that you have configured on your chart itself. Again, I don't need to use all these rules. Maybe I only want to focus on the first control chart rule. You know, one point greater than three standard deviations, and maybe I have my you know. Different lines or spec limits that I wanna send some alerts from. You could go ahead and configure that by simply selecting those reference lines and again just configuring the e-mail. So in this case it's coming directly back to me, I'm just going to say. As a simple notification once it goes ahead and allows me to now save this alert as you are seeing over here. Additionally, even on the capability analysis, you can go ahead and set up a variety of different alerts based on a variety of different conditions. So any of those statistical conditions such as OS or your LSL or USL greater than or less than CPK PPK, all of them will be available for you to configure and set up your. Own specific alert conditions based on your business processes at your organization. Once the alert is set up and as new data keeps coming in to our system from your variety of different applications, it will send out those alerts as you will see here in just a second. So what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to go ahead and save this dashboard that we've built and I'm just going to go ahead and simulate some data and go ahead and. Add an additional, you know, it's February 15 today. We went ahead and opened a new plant or a new site ID. That new site ID is, you know, my Lancaster site and I of course have the data set that we initially set up, which was going to be my webinar data set. Temp webinar examples. I'm just gonna navigate into my flow tool and I'm gonna go ahead and say let's run this again bringing me a fresh set of data from my OneDrive application. As you will see over here, that process has been kicked off. It went ahead and gave me a notification and I'm just waiting for it to give me another notification that that process is complete. And as you can see it has given me another notification that that process has been completed successfully as you can see over here. Give me one second. As part of that, my data updated. It did go ahead and send me a notification. That point that I got it to render was an out of control point. And as you can see, it's sent me an e-mail notification telling me to take the necessary steps to address this alert, along with a link to the URL of the dashboard that we were currently configuring this alert on as soon as we get access to that data itself. So that's how you would be able to set up the different dashboards. Your organization from a variety of different, you know, sources of data that's coming in, being able to build these dashboards, being able to then share these dashboards and also if you had the use case of you know, I need to put this dashboard, let me back up a little bit. It's this one. I want to go ahead and you know put this dashboard. In my manufacturing facility on a big screen TV, you could simply go ahead and share that you know using a URL any browser based system. It would allow you to take this dashboard and share on a big screen TV at your warehouse itself. Now you're probably asking me. Yeah, Minitab Connect does a lot of the, you know, graph builder functionality, control charts. But what if I want to bring in some statistics back onto my dashboard? And earlier in the webinar, when I was going through the PowerPoint, I did mention you can leverage your Ms. license to bring statistical analysis onto this dashboard as well. So let's take a look at how we can even automate the manual tasks that we're currently doing in minitab. Statistical software by leveraging both connect and Minitab statistical software and the process starts in Minitab statistical web version. And yes, I do want to continue my session, it's just going to have it. Have me log in. And once I am logged in, the beauty of using the web version is you can get access to your data directly from Minitab Connect. So most of the time when you're using Minitab statistical software, you're starting with a flat Excel file that you're loading into minitab and then kind of doing your analysis. In this case, you can get that data directly from Minitab Connect. So any of the data that you pulled into mini. That connect any of the prep rules that you applied in Minitab Connect will now be available as a data set to build statistical analysis on directly here in this framework. So I'm just going to go ahead and navigate into my sandbox. I believe I called this. Temp webinar example and we had built that default view today I'm just gonna go ahead and open it and I'll go ahead and continue without autosave where now I have that data available in read only format. So the user can't edit the data because again the data is tied to a live data source in this example. So I can't really modify my data in minitab statistical software. But now I can use this data and I can use a lot of the. Features that are available in minitab statistical software. Like say I just want to do some basic descriptive statistics on my temperature field broken down by my different sides. Just as a brief example, I went ahead and build this analysis as you are seeing over here, pretty simple, showing me my mean, standard deviation, min, Max, so on and so forth and I can now send this analysis directly to a report. As you are seeing over here, I'll just go ahead and. Rename this report as my webinar example analysis. And as you can see, once you add that statistical analysis to a report, you can send that report directly into Minitab Connect. So in this case, I want to send this analysis back into Minitab Connect. I'm just gonna go ahead and close out of my dashboard and jump right back into it to then say that I want to add an asset. And in this case, I want to add an analysis asset to my dashboard. So I'll just simply drag it down, we'll put it, let's move this table over a little bit. And drag this one further, we can of course resize it accordingly. And in my case I wanna take that webinar example analysis that we just built and pushed over back into Minitab connect and I want to add that here into my dashboard as you are currently seeing. Of course I can. Kind of move this and make this a little bit smaller to make it fit perfectly within my screen. Or I could go ahead and extend the size of my canvas by increasing the width as you saw me currently do, giving me a little bit more space on my dashboard as you can see over here. Now I was able to go ahead and get my data from Minitab connect into minitab statistical analysis and put the output back directly here on my dashboard as you can see. Over here now the idea is as new data keeps coming into our application from your live systems, this dashboard and your statistical analysis can automatically be refreshed each and every time new data is being pulled here into Minitab connect itself. So just kind of bringing it back to the idea of automation. Everything you've seen me do would be a one time effort set up. And once it is all set up and everything is kind of defined in that workflow as to where the data is coming from, how often the data is coming, what are the next logical steps that needs to do. Maybe it needs to run the statistical analysis, maybe it needs to send me an e-mail alert. Once that is all configured, it is all left up to automation and your processes continue to run so you don't have to. Through those manual tedious tasks over and over again to understand your data better. So with that being said, I'm just going to go ahead and open it up for a Q&A. Yeah. Thank you, boys. Um, so we hope you all enjoyed the presentation. I just wanted to repeat, we will send a copy of the recording following the webinar. So there's no problem if you missed anything or you want to review what Moyes talked about today afterwards. Please submit any questions you'd like answered today in the Q&A box now. We will do our best to get to them or respond after the webinar. While we wait for some more questions to come in, we ask that you provide your valuable feedback by taking the survey accessible from the PING survey box at the bottom of your screen. And so we give give you a few more moments to add in some questions and then we'll get started. Yeah. So let's start at the bottom of the list. There's a lot of questions that have come in. Won't be able to get through all of these in today's webinar, but if you do have further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to minitab. We'd love to schedule a one-on-one demo and show you how many tab connect can help your organization. But one of the first questions I received was is Minitab Connect an independent software or one needs to purchase first minitab? So Minitab Connect is an independent solution. Run on its own, it is a cloud based application. When combined with your minitab statistical software licenses, it does provide that extra edge of allowing you to bring statistical analysis onto your dashboard. But again, it is an independent software program itself. Boys, one I keep seeing here is what is the recommended update frequency for data and how frequently can that data be updated? Yeah. So data can be updated as frequently as every one minute. So we're talking about 60 seconds in terms of getting your data and it reflecting on your dashboard. Not every use case is going to be specifically 60 seconds or one minute, but that's the quickest. So as soon as the data is available, there's, you know, one minute lag between when that data can be available within Minitab Connect. But you do have the flexibility. You know, for some use cases you might just need the data refreshed on a weekly basis. For a daily basis, so you do have the full flexibility of configuring it, but the fastest is gonna be every one minute itself. Another one here more is does Minitab connect have the functionality built into the program to automatically check for errors? Yes. So as long as you can define what an error would be, you can set up different rules to help you identify any of those errors. So I'll just give a brief example. Let's say you know some data is coming in and you shouldn't have any empty data values for your measurement that you're recording. But then all of a sudden you're getting some data and the measurement value is not part of the data set that's coming in. You can set up alerts around that. They would notify you, you know, if there's null data that's coming in for that specific field to then you know, notify you saying that there's something you know not right. Based on these rules that you've defined. We were expecting a value, but a value is not here. So you can set up, you know, those kinds of alerts around any errors that might happen during the data movement process itself. Let's see if we could get a few more in here. More is another one that I I think you, you touched on at the beginning of the webinar. Maybe some people came in a little bit later, so there's a few questions in here asking if you could combine data from multiple sources. Yeah, absolutely so we didn't get to cover it today with today's idea for the webinar being automation, but yeah, if you have some data coming from your mes systems. You have some quality data that is manually being entered using our form you can combine all of that data. To produce one single analysis. So it does have functionality that really allows you to build out, you know, what happens once that data comes into our platform. And you can mash that data up into a mashup data set and create basically a new data set combining two different datasets coming from two different data sources. And then let's do, let's do one last one here. So who can see these dashboards? Is it only those who have a license? Can you touch on that a little bit? Yeah, there are a couple of different ways that a user can see a dashboard. You can of course share a dashboard to a licensed user within our application. You can also share a dashboard externally, outside of your organization with specific users as long as you have of course your IT's approval and you're an administrator in the tool. You can share it outside as well. There are some specifications to that, but again you know you can provide it and then you can of course share to internally. Anyone who has a license or dashboard viewer license will be able to see the dashboard as long as you share the dashboard with that specific user. Perfect. Thank you. And we do have some more questions in here. So we'll do our best to reach out to you all individually to answer them. Thank you so much for answering those questions, boys. Um, we could go to the next slide here. So if you enjoy today's webinar and want to see more presentations like this one, please join us as we come together for Minitab Insights 2023 global conference. Our conference will take place in person from May 1st to May 3rd in Scottsdale, AZ. You'll have the chance to connect with innovators, peers and professionals who help shape the future with data-driven insights and explore new solutions you can implement immediately. To close this webinar, I'd like to share some information for those who may not be as familiar with minitab. For 50 years, MINITAB has helped companies spot trends, solve problems, and discover valuable insights in their data. In the webinar today, you saw Minitab connect. Some of our other solutions include our flagship product minitab statistical software. We also have minitab engage minitab workspace, minitab model OPS, real-time SPC education hub and SPM. We also offer training, statistical consulting and Technical Support services. Again, thank you all so much for attending the webinar today. We hope you found it valuable. We'll keep the webinar screen open a little bit longer just so that you will have some time to answer those survey questions. Again, you can access that survey from the Pink Survey box at the bottom of your window. Thank you all so much. _1743238499142