Which Segways perfectly into another building your tech stack with Redtail. I am so excited to be joining you all again. Once again, my name is Jackie. I'm one of the product knowledge experts and trainers here at Redtail. And like I said, today we are hosting Rushi from Y charts and he is going to go ahead and tell you all about some of the wonderful features that we integrate directly with and some of the benefits of using Y charts. So I'm going to go ahead and pass it off to Rushi and he can take it over for today. Yeah, thanks Jackie and I'm really excited to be here. I I hope a lot of people on the call have have heard about the red tail and and why charts integration, it's one we're really excited about. It was actually one of our first integrations we rolled out like towards the beginning of last year and it's it's been a fun one and you know I love talking with the Redtail team and working with everyone there. So really excited to be here to talk through why charge in general the integration, how you can leverage it. Um, you know, just just all that. It's it's super exciting. Absolutely, and we're excited to have you. Before we get started though, I do want to point out that we are actually on a new platform today. So for all of our new friends and for all of our returning friends, you may notice we are not presenting on zoom. We have a whole new tie tech platform for you today. So just a couple of things about it. You can customize your dashboards, you can change the sizes of things. So if you change the size of something already, don't be afraid. That's what it's supposed to do. Questions will be submitted in the QA section. And I will just let you all know we may have time to answer a few of them during Rush's presentation. But for the most part we are going to save those for the end and then feel free to at the end of our presentation you will get a link to click and rewatch everything that happened today or to share it with potentially somebody who couldn't make it here today. But we are excited to have all of you. Awesome. Well, and with that? Russia, I think, I mean, it's totally up to you. It's, it's, I mean, it's all on you. Well, I I wanted to start off by just jumping into what what is why charts who is why charts and give you a quick intro for anyone who's new to the platform or just heard about it. I I know our our marketing team does a great job branding and you know getting our name out there. So I'm sure you've seen us on social media or LinkedIn or other places or conferences where we tend to attend a lot of those. But you know basically just a quick sentence about who is why charts were an investment. Research platform. So we provide data and analytics on all things related to the markets and investments and we we love advisors who come to us for that research use case and for that client communication use case. So both of those really tie into what we do here at Y charts. You know we're we're rated pretty well because of the intuitiveness of our tool. Have a little screen shot here, a little visual of of how, why charts. That like our charting tool works. It's really just an easy to use platform that people love having up on a screen throughout the day to keep an eye on the markets and and and really do their their research and reporting with us. So with that I wanted to talk a little bit about the integration today and also give you a little bit more of a product demo. I'll start with this quote from from Terry who's a very happy why charts and red till user Terry has leveraged the integration. To import portfolio holdings from Redtail into why charts and really, really stay in tune with what's going on in in red till and connect that data with wide charts and use both seamlessly. So I'm excited to talk a little bit more about what Terry meant in this quote and and just talk about how you can also leverage the same amazing benefits that that Terry does. So I wanted to start off by giving more of a high level use case overview of what people use, why charts for and and you know we have these key benefits here on the right AUM growth and retention is is at the top of the list. That's what advisors love why charts for it saves significant time for them as well. I think we did a survey a few years back and and we continue to see the same results. People are saving hours in their week by using Y charts and and doing their research with us. So it's really that. That key benefit of getting ours back in your day so that you can spend that time with your clients and really explaining to them what their investments mean, which in the time like now is, is super important. And and the way we do that is, is this. I like explaining this with this cycle here on the left and there's about or there's five different components here and I'll start way on the left with market and portfolio monitoring. I mentioned how advisors love having why charts open on their monitor throughout the day because of you know. And things like dashboards and alerts that we have on the tool, they're able to know exactly where their client positions are at, exactly where the markets are at, at a time like now when you know Powell's on TV making some comments, you want to keep an eye on the markets and that's what wide charts is this for. In addition to that, you know, you move into the research and analysis. So now that you know, you know you're keeping an eye on the market. You also want to maybe use wide charts for that idea generation to find new holdings, to use our screening tools, our tables tool really just to pull data very quickly and find those new investments why charts is a great place for that. But once you've done that research, once you've you've done the the fun parts of you know investing and and looking at data maybe on stocks or funds. The other whole aspect of the advisor workflow is is really meeting with clients and talking to clients and talking about portfolio strategies and and what's going on with their portfolio because at the end of the day that's that's what's really important right is connecting you know what you know about the markets with with your end client and that's where this integration is has been so impactful for so many. Users, it's really in that portfolio construction process. Initially when you had to create a portfolio and why charts or you know just getting that data from one tool to the other, you'd have to do it manually whether that's a spreadsheet or typing in those holdings one by one. We know that can get pretty cumbersome with all the clients that you have at your firm. So we did an integration with retail where you know we, we know that you have that data within red till and your account information and I'll show where you can. Find that within your Red Hill account and pulling that data into Y charts is is great because then you could do that portfolio analysis, right, right within our tool. So. So that's kind of that first part, that portfolio construction, that's where this integration comes into play. But once you've imported that portfolio, here's where we make things really easy on why charts you have that portfolio in here, you can do side by side reports, you could do charts, you could pull data on those underlying holdings, maybe your client gives you a. Colin says, hey, what's going on with this stock in My Portfolio, you have their portfolio ready and Y charts and pulled. You could pull that data within seconds. So it's really that proposal client communication use case that I'm really excited to show today as well and how that all works. The last thing I'll I'll mention and I'll mention it because I do want to cover this too is that advisor client alignment and it's really that side-by-side analysis of saying you know in a time like right now you're probably reflecting. Their clients in asking or they're asking, you know what happened in 2022, how are we positioning ourselves in 2023 and what matters and using our advisor client alignment tools and workflows is going to be really helpful for you as you're as you're gearing up for those client meetings. So let's let's go right into why charts and red till I want to. I want to show both of them together and I'm just going to share my screen here and and cover how to get the integration set up and also you know cover a lot of the things I just mentioned. So Jackie, are you seeing the white chart screen up? I am, yes. Perfect. So I'm just gonna jump right into our dashboard here on why charts and this is that market monitoring home base where you can really view that market information throughout the day. I could see you know the markets intraday, I could see my client portfolios, my client holdings maybe I want to look at what's going on in terms of the economy really this dashboards that that great home base to to understand you know what's going on and and what you want to keep an eye on. This is fully customizable. As well, so I can resize this, I can make multiple dashboards if I want, one for fixed income for example, or the US economy and and really I can view all that data here within our tool. And let's say, you know through this conversation or through this client meeting that you're preparing for, you really want to get in get a perspective on what the markets have been doing. We have great resources on why charts to get that information. So you know we have this dashboard that you could build by yourself, but we also have resources available to you. The one I wanted to cover today because it is pretty timely with the year just ending is our ECON summary deck. So within resources you can go to our. Pecon summary deck and find it, I actually have it open just to give you a little preview and this is really impactful for just kind of talking through what's going on with the economy. Maybe you want to get up to speed with how different asset classes performed. We build this out internally. Our team here builds these charts out for you. You can use them in your presentations or in your client meetings. Maybe you're looking at this and you're about to meet with your client and you've noticed, you know, in 2020. To. Maybe US value was towards the top of performance even though it was negative growth. Stocks and small cap and some other asset classes were towards the bottom and that's really giving you an idea of how you want to reposition your clients portfolio. We have a lot of great stuff in here. I won't cover at all, just quickly scroll through it, but this is a great place to start and say, you know, now I have my talking points for 2022. I've, I've looked at the economy, I know what's going on now let's jump into my client. And let's prep for that meeting. And that's where why church is great because or white churches and Red Hill and that integration because within red till and I I just have a sample account for myself hopefully this is this is how it looks for you we have you know we have our overall. Accounts and emails and contacts and everything here. Mine looks pretty blank but I'm sure you have a lot more in in within your red till accounts. When I go into accounts I can see. The underlying accounts that I'm managing and the actual clients that are associated with those. So if I click on open here, I could see some some sample accounts. Today we're going to talk about Bruce Wayne maybe I'm meeting with him next week and I'm prepping for that meeting. And this is exactly the data that you're going to be able to pull in the Y charts. So if you have this account view open on your end, if I click into this brokerage account, I can see Bruce's holdings. So hopefully that's. What you see on your end as well I'm sure if you're not someone at at retail can help you get that set up. But I have all this data available. I have my holdings information. I'm able to really understand where Bruce is at and where this integration is impactful is. Now let's take a look at some of these holdings and and let's let's prep some talking points to talk with Bruce about. Couple ways to access that integration with wide charts. The first one is if you're familiar with this integrations drop down here. You'll notice all the integrations available to you. If I scroll all the way towards the bottom you'll see why charts there. If you're not seeing why charts there, you do have to just click on your your name and click on manage your integrations within your retail account. And then you could just turn on why charts here at the bottom. So that's how you'll activate why charts within your retail account. It's really easy. Once you have that activated, you just click on here and it takes you straight to Y charts. Once you're in white charts, if you if you didn't want to do it that way and you wanted to actually activate it from your Y charts account, the way you could do that is hover over support and click on integrations. This is where we have all of our integration partners listed. So you'll notice pretty exciting. We actually are integrated with Orion and retail. So if you're using both we, you know we're we're glad to have both integrations that way you know all three tools can work pretty seamlessly which is great. But for retail specifically, you can click on manage and click on activate. You'll notice mine's already active, but yours might say something like inactive and you could just quickly log into your red tail account. And you're ready to go. Pretty, pretty seamless way to just connect the two platforms. Alright. So once you're connected, now you're ready to go, you're ready to start importing Bruce's portfolio. So I'm going to go ahead and click or hover over tools and click on model portfolios. So this is the spot within why charts where you can build out whether you have models at your firm, whether you have different types of client portfolios, any type of portfolio. Here you can go ahead and create within your model portfolio menu. And the way you do that from Redtail is you could click on import holdings and you could click on red Tail. So from here I'm meeting with Bruce, so I'm gonna go ahead and search for Bruce. And I'm gonna click on that client's name. If you search you, you might have multiple bruises or or. All those will show up and you can click on the correct one. Once you hit next, you'll notice all of Bruce's accounts. So I believe this is the one that we were just looking at within Redtail. Let me just go to accounts. Yep, it was that 415 account here that that Bruce has. So I'm going to go ahead and click that 415 account and hit import. And that takes about 3 to 5 seconds. There you saw how quick it was and you'll notice all this data is going to match what you're seeing in retail, which is pretty great. It was all just one click. You didn't have to type all this data in you. You'll see all those dollar amounts for your holdings. You have different settings up here as well if you wanted to change the benchmark, if you wanted to add an advisory fee here, change some of the settings, I might just change the name instead of brokerage account, I might just add in. Bruce Wayne's brokerage account in there and go ahead and save that down. Now that I've saved it down, that portfolio will take about a minute or so to calculate as we are taking all those holdings and backtracking all that information. So you have all that great data. I'm going to go ahead and clear my filters and let's see where this portfolio is at. Alright, looks like it's ready. I'm gonna go ahead and click on that portfolio. You'll notice that this portfolio has all those holdings listed here. That portfolio value should should match what you're seeing in Redtail as well, which looks like it is. Now I will make a couple of points here about this portfolio and why charts, it is all hypothetical returns based on your current allocation. So it's not going to be your true portfolio performance looking back. It's more so just kind of showing your allocations and data from what your holdings are currently. So hopefully that that you know making sure that that is a point you make with your clients will be pretty important. But once you're in this portfolio, I mean there's a lot of great data here on, on Bruce's portfolio that you could talk through. So maybe you wanna talk about Bruce's portfolio performance and you want to talk about 2022. So you have that data right down here. You could see Bruce's portfolio maybe underperform the market. You could talk through, you know, what went on there. You could also click on holdings and understand what holdings are within Bruce's account. I'm noticing a lot of allocation towards Intel and Adobe. Maybe I wanna take a look at that and say maybe there's an opportunity to revisit those or or, you know, rebalance this portfolio to to match what we're thinking for 2023. Also it's great you can look at allocations and say, alright, you know this, this overall portfolio has 77% in stocks, 13% in bonds. Maybe that's a little bit aggressive for Bruces age and where he's at in his life and you want to rebalance some of those things. So all that is, is possible here. You could view all this data and kind of going back to this talking point of how do we want to prep these meetings in 2022 maybe maybe you want to say. You know, maybe we want to reposition this portfolio. Let's let's go out and find some new ideas going back to that ECON summary deck that I mentioned before. Perhaps you're looking at value as being more of a a play this year as opposed to growth and and noticing that Bruce's portfolio might be a little misaligned with with those expectations. You can have a conversation with Bruce about let's let's propose a new idea, let's propose a new portfolio, and before I do that, I'm going to go and find some new investment ideas. So I have Bruce's portfolio here. Let's go find a maybe a value ETF, something that's a little bit more diversified than an individual stock and I'm going to use our screening tool to do that. So I'm going to go into our fund Screener and. I'm going to say you know what I I need to find Bruce a new a new ETF, an equity ETF and maybe it's something in the value bucket. So I'm going to go ahead and click on this this new template that we have within why charts. These templates are basically pre canned screens that you could just pull and view that data within Y charts. So top value funds, let's let's take a look at the list. Maybe there's something in here that catches your eye. You want to understand a little bit more about some of those top value funds and and screen down the full universe of funds to find something that that matches your criteria to put into Bruce's portfolio. So this will take just a few more seconds to load and then we could take a look at the results. Looks like we have about 354 funds coming through. So from a universe of around 70,000 funds, gaining that down with one click down a 350, I'm sure that's pretty powerful and and just an easy way to get through all those funds out there and find the one that's right for you. And right here I have, I have my results, I have those 350 funds. I'm looking at these ranked by return. So these are the funds that perform the best over the last year that match these criteria. So they're all you know large cap, midcap, small cap value funds based or domiciled in the US they actually rank in the top 50 of all funds in terms of three-year, five year, 10 year and one year return. So really these are the. To outperformers within that that value section. And the one I I might catch my eye, you know this mid cap fund, it's maybe that's something that I want to focus on small cap underperformed last year as well. Perhaps this is a fund that you want to do some more due diligence on. Time to go and take that fund and and take a look at at this fund further. So that's what I did there was I just opened that fun page from the Screener and now I'm looking at RV I can do a ton of analysis on this fund as well and and prep for my conversation with Bruce why are we investing in RFP what about this fund is catching my eye. I have all that information at my fingertips with why charts and I can say you know what from a performance perspective from an allocation perspective this fund that. Does well, the expense ratio is low. It's not gonna cost you as much you know. It's it's just a good, a good option for us to get out of Intel and Adobe a bit and reposition ourselves into this mid cap value fund. So you have that thesis. Now. How? How are you gonna communicate all of that to Bruce? Well, why? Charts has a lot of amazing reports that you can use to actually have this information in front of you while you're meeting with Bruce. So I can go ahead and click on reports. And four RFV specifically. So if you wanted to pull this data up with your client in the meeting we could go ahead and click on tear sheets and we have this clean one page report super, super easy to read and and just kind of view the most top level data on RFV. It's right here. I can I can take a look at it and print this out for Bruce or maybe pull it up during the meeting and say here's what we're looking at for that new investment. It's pretty powerful just to get that that PDF report. So now you're at the stage of you know, you know what you want to change Bruce's investments to, you know you're 2023 thesis, you've used wide charts for both of those. But let's get aligned with our client, let's get aligned with Bruce and show him what what potentially he could be looking at if we do reposition the portfolio to this. That's where what I did within Y charts was I actually created a proposed portfolio for Bruce. So I took Intel and let's see here. I took Intel and. Adobe and and lowered those allocations and I added allocations to our RFP. I already created this portfolio within my account, but you'll notice this proposed portfolio for Bruce has. It has Adobe and ITC at 5% instead of the 20 or so that it was before. We also have that 15% allocation in small cap or sorry mid cap that RFV fund and also the allocation data. The asset class breakdown is a little closer to 5050. Maybe Bruce is a little bit more focusing on capital preservation this year rather than you know being heavily invested in the stock market. So I repositioned the overall. Allocation for Bruce to around 5050, so it aligns a little bit more with what Bruce is looking for in his portfolio. How am I gonna talk to Bruce about this in my meeting? Well, I I talked about reports. We also have a great charting tool. We have this little quick flows menu here and I can pull in. This Bruce portfolio. I could pull in Bruce's current portfolio. And then let's just pull in the S&P 500 for comparison sake. I have all three of these here. Let's just get that performance start ready to go for Bruce. So with one click of a button, I'm now comparing where Bruce is currently, where we want to take Bruce's portfolio and the S&P 500 and I can talk through, hey, you know what in 2022 if we had used it, you know, a little bit more of a safer asset class breakdown or maybe we were invested in value. This, this would have looked a little differently in 2022 and you could talk through that and say you know instead of losing 29% you might have been closer to to what the market did overall. You know this is all hypothetical but it could be a way that you can position your your client meetings. And lastly, what you could do then is go back into that in Bruce's portfolio and let's create that report that I was mentioning that side by side, so I could click on report here. And I could go ahead and create a comparison report. And I'm gonna do a comprehensive report with a benchmark. Let's go ahead and compare Bruce's brokerage with that proposed portfolio. So I'm going to generate that PDF Now I can with that tear sheet I mentioned of just RFV. I can also pull up this report with Bruce and say. Alright, here's here's what the breakdown is of those two portfolios. We have performance on here. We have asset class allocation, maybe you want to talk about region exposure and then we just have a lot of cool sections in here like a scatter plot and maybe something that's really important to talk to Bruce about is the holdings right and really explain, hey look at what you were at, you were at 28% in Intel, 23% in Adobe. We repositioned that for you to to align more about what we think is best. For 2023 and you know with what's going on with the markets, we want to be a little bit more diversified into mid caps and and value and that's why we made that change as well. And this report is also great because you can add your firm colors, your firm logos to it. If you have a custom disclosure you want to add in here, you can add that here at the bottom as well. There's just a lot of a lot of customization here that you could do that will help you for your, your client meetings. So now I've, I've got everything ready to go for my client meeting with Bruce. I've, I've done my research, I've, I've looked at some new ideas using the screening tool, I've built those portfolios out using the Redtail integration and that proposed portfolio as well for Bruce. How can I go ahead and get all this ready for my for my meeting? Well, I was able to find something pretty cool in Redtail where I can actually go to Bruce's account. And I can actually add a note in here. So I have a note here with my meeting documents from why charts, and I just linked five different documents that I just pulled. A few of those were during this webinar and I was able to attach all those PDF's ready to go. I made a note to send this to Bruce after the meeting is complete, but it's great because I have, you know, a couple of these tear sheets of ITC and Adobe so I can talk through those. I have the RFB 1 ready to go and I also have that. Um, that PDF report side by side, it's like a click right here and it's gonna it's gonna download that. So everything's all in one place. It's all organized within retail and they're all the data is in why charts and I could seamlessly use both tools together. And that's it. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna pause there and see if there are any questions but that that was the gist of how the that integration works and hopefully you saw the the value and impact there. Wow. Oh, my goodness. That was robust. Oh, my God. I I've only seen a small portion of it just from my experience with my clients. But I had no idea that you could do so much with why charge rasheeda, thank you for walking us through even what feels like a very small part because I we saw a lot of other things that you can do in there that you did not go over. But I have a feeling there's way more things to discover in the integration. Yeah, definitely. And I know we only have around 30 to 30 minutes to an hour today or else. And just keep talking and talking about different functionality we have, but I think we we hit the the high level ones. Awesome. Well, I did have a curious little question. So when you are looking at your holdings for broker dealers, is it supposed to show all of them or does it show just a select few? It will show you all your holdings from your portfolio. So I believe we support up to 500 holdings. So if you did have a portfolio that had you know, let's say 250 or so, you'll get that full rundown within your portfolio that you import from red till. Excellent. So if you were maybe someone who isn't seeing all of your holdings, should you reach out to Y charts? Or should you? If you're a red tail integrator, should you reach out to a red tail? You think? Yeah, I think you could definitely reach out to us and we can show you where to find that that information. I did show the Holdings tab within that portfolio view that that would probably be the best place to see all those holdings. But yeah, we could definitely help you out and show you some other spots where you can see that information. Perfect. Oh awesome. I know we are lucky to have the questions today. I know that it's hard when we get really specific ones about certain databases, but I think that that's awesome that you all offer that kind of support. So if you are you are struggling or you do see that you're missing something, it's easy to get a hold of you all. Thank you so much. Yeah, of course. And if you're, if you are a wide chart user you do have your your customer success Rep that's always, you know, one call away. We also have a chat feature which is awesome. Um, they said just down the hall from me and they they answer questions within seconds. So if you have questions, we are more than happy to help with them. Is that just on your website? Can you just access the chat like when you log in? Yeah, even if you're logged out and you have a question or if you're if you're logged in and we have a little chat bubble in the bottom right of every single page. So even if you're just looking to ask a one off question or if you wanted a longer conversation, they can give you a call, do a screen share with you. They're pretty helpful. Awesome. Oh my gosh, that's that is such a cool feature to have, especially. I know not everybody wants to talk on the phone anymore, but definitely a good way around that. From Russia. So I do see we we have some questions that came in now Rishi, would you mind reviewing exactly how you can connect or obtain the retail client information to integrate it with wide charts. I know that you went over it was super easy. Would you just mind repeating that? Yeah and let me just share my screen again so I can show where you can find that. So within retail you should have account information for your clients. So I I'm not sure if. That your account might be a little bit or structured a little bit differently than mine, but within mine I have my contacts. But also on the home page I believe there should be an accounts section where I can click and find all the accounts that are on my rental account. So I could click right here and I believe right here. If you click on open you can click within these underlying accounts and that's where that information comes from. That goes into why charts so all of this data. Right here the account assets that's that's what's gonna come into build that portfolio within why charts. Beautiful. And I can clarify if you are accessing through your home screen or your today page in retail, that is actually called your accounts dashboard. So it is a little bit different than if you're accessing it directly from the client profile for example. Awesome. OK, thank you so much for clarifying that. See, that's super easy. I never would have thought that a connection like this could be made that easily. And then rush, if you wouldn't mind just clarifying where what, what is the cost of why charts and then do we do you know if we have any sort of special deal with Redtail? Yeah. So the cost does kind of differ based on, you know, how many users you might have or. You know how many subscriptions you have, but yeah, we are subscription features. So it is an annual subscription cost that normally is around 6000 per year per for one user, but that differs. I believe we do have a promotion. I'll have to check with our our marketing team and we can we can get that on the recording link, but I believe you will get a discount for attending today's webinar so. Awesome. Hey, I love all the incentive. Thank you so much for clarifying that. It's a subscription feature, which is so cool. So then you can just keep it all year. You don't even have to worry about it. Awesome. Now Rishi, if there are, if you're a user and there are no holdings in Redtail, you don't have any accounts in Redtail. Is there a way to get? Is there another way to get the holdings in potentially to Y charts? Yeah, we definitely have a pretty, pretty seamless way to do that using, you know, using like an Excel CSV file export and import. So a lot of our users, if you have that account data within, whether it's your brokerage or even if your client emails you, they're holdings in an Excel sheet, it's super easy to then just upload that into the portfolio creator within Y charts. So we're happy to show you how to do that. It, it is a couple extra steps, which is why we did the integration. But yeah, if you don't have that underlying account data in retail, we could definitely help you get that information in. Perfect. Now, OK. Could you go through the chat feature to initiate that process? Yeah, definitely they will. They will help you with that for sure. I love that. I'm sorry. I think that's so easy and accessible. Oh, so nice. Awesome. Well, Rishi, I just had a question I really would love to know and I asked this of all our integration partners. But now if you had to pick, what would you say is the most unique feature of why charts? Um, wow, that's a good question, I think. Unique is probably that quick flows section I I I showed towards the end where you where you're able to just with one click of a button pull up like a chart or scatter plot or a data tool or view your clients holdings. It's pretty unique because you know we're all about wanting to make sure that you save time so it's kind of a a time saver. It's always on the right side of your screen you can you can click on it and and go anywhere within why charts so. And it's customizable, so it's it's pretty cool I'd say it's the most unique feature and and get to learning the product pretty, pretty easily. Oh, that's awesome. Yes, I would have to agree. That was one of the most interesting things I did see today, especially because then, I mean, you can take that and you can show it to your client and like you said, save yourself some time. And I think everyone who's participating or potentially watching now definitely can relate. The clients love to see something tangible. They want to be able to see those charts or potentially even just see a list of kind of what exactly the breakdown is. And that is so cool that you can do it so easily through my charts. Yeah, definitely. And the fact that you know. Nowadays we're doing a lot more zoom calls and we used to five years ago having why charts up during a screen share and just pulling the data on the fly. If your client says, hey, what happened in 2020 or what happened in 2013, you're able to pull that data right away just by having white charts open, so. And that's awesome because, and I want to bring it back to that point that you said earlier, it's all about saving time because your time is truly invaluable, especially with your business and with your clients. You want to make sure that you're getting absolute most out of all of your work day hours. Awesome. OK. Well, I don't see any other questions flooding in here. Rushi, while we're waiting, I'll give everyone like a two-minute notice. If you have a last minute question, go ahead throw it into our QA. But Rush, if you had any closing thoughts or just anything you want to share while we're waiting, we're more than happy to listen to you did a great job today. Thank you so much for joining us. This was awesome. Yeah, of course. And it's been, it's been really great being here and I I love talking about this integration because it's it's been such a good one for us. But yeah I mean I I think just key takeaways or next steps for us if you're interested in checking out why charts definitely visit our our site and you can set up a trial you can let us know you watch the webinar and even even name drop me that I said that there there may or may not be a discount and hopefully they'll be able to help you out with that. But yeah definitely excited to to talk to all of you today and hopefully you saw some value in that integration and and why charts in general. Awesome. All right, everyone. Well then thank you so much again for joining us on another building your tech stack with Redtail. Once again, this was a Rushi Shah from Hawaii charts and we are so happy to have hosted you today. Ruchi, thank you so much again for joining us. We will be back on 3 seven with a Bento. So thank you all so much and we'll see you next time. Yeah, I think so much, Jackie. Thank you, everyone. _1739115137245