Hello everyone. I am hope and will be helping moderate today's webinar. I would like to go over. I would like to welcome everyone to the RDS 32 BLE connection for Spearview mobile software and Rad Responder Webinar. Before we get started, I'd like to go over some housekeeping. At the top left of your screen you will see our Q&A chat box. Please ask questions throughout the presentation and we will answer as many as possible within our time constraints. Below that is a resource list with more documentation on what we will discuss today. You will also see contact us in there if you would like to talk to one of our representatives. And if you don't want to miss any future webinars, sign up for our webinar mailing list. All of your windows are adjustable, so feel free to move them around for your best viewing. And most importantly, if for some reason you were having trouble viewing this webinar at webinar at any point, please refresh your browser. This webinar will be recorded and available at miriam.com/webinars. Here you can also see all of our past webinars. This link is in our resource section. Today's webinar will be presented by Perry White. Perry has a health physics background from experience at nuclear power plants and years working in commercial nuclear power. He holds degrees in health, physics and engineering and is NRRPT certified. I'd like to thank you for joining us and I will now turn the presentation over to Perry. All right, thank you so much. Hope for the introduction once again. This is Perry white. I have been working in nuclear power since I was 18 and and quite old now been working for Maryam for about 11 years. And so this will be probably one of the, I don't know, 4th or 5th webinar. I've done so. This one's gonna be about the new app that we have for our RDS 32. It allows the connection to the BLE in the actual RDS and gives us some additional functionality that we wouldn't normally have. So without further ado, we'll go through the presentation. The the webinar itself is really going to cover it's it's not going to be very long and because the app's not that big, but it's going to cover the functions and features of the actual remote connection that we call it an app but it's a remote connection or no Bluetooth connection. It allows us to connect not only from the RDS to the actual app, but you also can connect to rad respond or and or our spearview mobile supervisory software. In addition, we'll be able to, we'll discuss some of the other functions of the app which allows you to change the alarm set points and the different parameters that you have on the RDS 32. It keeps you from having to actually make the connection to the CSW software to make these changes. You can do them directly on the app. And and finally what we're going to do is ask you a bunch of questions kind of toward the end. Because we need the feedback on what we need to do for the next version of the app. Right now we've been holding off making the Rev 2 of the app simply because they're trying to get feedback 1st to see what's most important to our customers. So first of all, if you're going to use the app, you'll have to download it from the App Store or the Apple Store or the Google Play Store. The. Making the connection is really very simple. You would just go to the RDS 32 and you scroll through the menus with the up and down keys so you see the communication section on it and then select that and then turn the BLE section of that to on. That takes a couple seconds. You'll see a little icon on the RDS showing it has the BLE connection active. So once that's on, you just open up the app and say connect to the RDS 32. The RDS will show you hey here's here's one or more that you can connect to. You select the one you want to connect to and then you close it and you would be connected. Just one thing, remember if you've made a connection to an RDS and you've turned it off. Sometimes you'll actually have to turn the app back on and back off to remake the connection on a different one, and in addition, the old firmware for the RDS 32 defaulted when you powered off to BLE off. So which meant you'd have to turn the BLE back on every time you turn the artist 32 on the new firmware. Obviously we encourage you to update to the new firmware it automatically the BLE stays on if you left it on, so it'd make the automatic connection without turning it on again. So the the home stream is the obviously where you would look at your dose and rate information if you were just looking at the app and it has not only just the dose and rate information but a number of other different indicators on it. So again first of all it tells you, you know what that you are connected, it tells you the, the serial number that the the OR the RDS that you're connected to. It gives you the battery status again like I said the dose and the rate information from the RDS itself and it also gives you an indication that hey I'm connected to spearview and or I've connected to the RAD responder itself. Just be aware if you actually have an external device connected. It will actually give you the external dose rate instead of the internal dose rate. It's assuming that if you connected an external detector, you'd want to actually see that dose rate. So right now it only gives you one dose rate at a time. So you will just see the external dose rate if you have that connected. And it does tell you it's an external dose rate. So you'll see it on the screen. And then finally if it if it goes into alarm, you'll see an alarm indication on the screen and it just says dose or rate alarm. It doesn't really give you a separate alarm for a warning. If you have a warning set, there's really two active buttons on the the main screen of it, the send snapshot button, which allows you to send the dose and rate information as well as your. Coordinates so forth to either a reach back connection or something you share straight through your actual app or through your actual phone. And then the other one is to disconnect the RDS 32 from the app. So we're gonna walk through it in the kinda in the order we were talking about it. So the first thing we'll talk about it is the actual snapshot function of the app. So, and I I apologize for a lot of these screens are very very crowded. You probably can't read them all. I I put all this information here so that you can have this also as a reference later if you wanted to look more detailed into what I was showing. So yeah, there's a lot of pictures and text on here, so just bear with me as I go through it all. So to send a snapshot, you just press the button and then once you press it, it tells you, hey, you know what do you want to send a snapshot to? If you want to send the rad responder, you can select RAD responder and that will send an individual data point to Rad responder instead of the time sampling which we'll talk about later if you select the share. You can basically send data as a text message. I am and there's anything that you would normally see when you press the, you know the little arrow forward button on your phone. It allows you to send that and below are some examples of things that are sent out when you send that share portion out of it. And of course you can send it directly to a contact individually as well. So the next screen is the event screen. And that's kind of just an overview of what you're seeing with the RDS. And it does 2 specific things. It has a a really basic graph that just gives you kind of a trend. It it doesn't really show you units. It's just showing you a trend of of the dose and the rate information you're seeing over a period of time. It has two different roll time intervals. It's a 5 minute time frame and a 30. Obviously the the five minute time frame is a much much shorter all all over graph than the actual 30 minute time frame is. So depending on which one you use is how much total last time you'll see on the actual graph. In addition, you'll see in a map that shows the travel path from. Excuse me from when you've connected the app to the point you are right now, it also has a a color gradient scale that gives you an idea how the changes in dose rates based on what the scale is showing. And last course it shows you your actual location as a a little marker on the map. So the setting page has quite a few. Different settings the the first section you come to is the alarm section, which allows you to change the alarm set points on your rdfs without again without having to go to the CSW software or scrolling through the actual menu itself and trying to actually change the alarms with the buttons you can do that. But it's much, much simpler and easy just to go into the app and and make the change of the actual dose and rate alarm set points. The the external dose rate has just one alarm. So like the audience itself which has a warning and an alarm for the dose and the rate, the external only has a rate alarm. So a single alarm for your external dose rates. The the next section we're going to look at is what's called the device section and basically it's telling you this is the settings on your device or your RDS. Almost all of the functions that are in the CSW software that allows you to configure the parameters in your RDS are in or are is in this section. There if if you go through the section there's there's like 7 pages total worth of all the different settings. The the biggest thing we tell people is we don't test all these settings and functions. So we actually have a warning that says hey you know use it your own risk because not all of these functions are tested. We we do a number of different tests on individual functions that are normally used, but we don't test them all. But we do have them in case you want to use them, and there's no reason why they don't work. It's just that some of the names in here are much different than what you would see on CSW if you're used to using that. So you actually have to kind of experiment a little with some of the settings to make sure you know what it's doing. So we plan to make that better in the next release to try to make these. Probably more like what the actual CSW software is, categorize them up into more sections like they have over there. And don't put them just in alphabetical order, we'll put them in the order they would be normally in the csw's and give them better names. All right, so the the the the initial main reason for for creating this app was to make a connection to the right responder. For those of you in the US, RAD responder is a a repository for radiological data. It's part of the CBRN responder network, but it deals with the radiological aspects of things and this is a repository for any kind of radiological event or accidents. You can send the dose rate information there and people can view it from any other agencies that have access to it. So the. The connection is. It's twofold on the connection and the first thing you have to do is you go into the settings section, go to the reach back and then select the RAD responder. When you when you do this the first time, you will actually have to register your device. You don't have to do this afterwards, but you do have to do it initially. So when it goes to register, you'll actually have to log in with your credentials. If you don't have it, you have to create an account with the RAD responder. It does jump straight to the app, but you can do this registration. I guess you could probably do it as well on the on the website directly, but if from the app, it's going to go to the RAD Responder app and jump right into that and it allows you to actually add your equipment to that. So you just fill in the whole form. And then basically when you complete it, it sets the status already. Make sure you set your equipment to a survey meter, that's the type of equipment. And then you just say register and that registers that specific RDS in to RAD responder. In order to do the snapshot you have to at least have this portion of it done so. This is the neutral registration which puts it into the RAD responder. The next thing you can do is you go to the RAD Responder website and you have to manage adding your RDS to the event that you're going to be that you want to send the data for. OK typically this will probably be done. You'll have the events set up when something happens. You'll have to go in there at that point in time and then make sure that your event has your RDS in its equipment screen. Again, the the devices you're registered on your system already should be in there so you can just search for your specific device and you know mine says period is 32 so I can search for it, find it, and then add it to the event fairly simply. So once you add it, it will go back to the Simon's page and shows that the device has been added and updated. And then you can go back into the RDS 32 app and then on that same first page where you were doing the registration, you hit refresh and then it will explain that you actually have an event now that you can choose. To send the data for, so you have to have that event. So now you have the event, it's registered, you have an event you're gonna use. So the next thing you'll want to do, and this is how most of the readings are done, is there is an automated update for it. So besides sending a snapshot at a specific time and place. What most people would do is basically say, hey, I just want to update Rad responder every five minutes with my dose and rate information. And so this is where you would actually do that. So you would go back and go to the supervision section and you would go to either Rad responder or spear view. But in this case we're going to the RAD responder section, we would select enable. You would select your interval for it. You would tap authorize to obtain your access and this gives you to the login page and let you log in and then authorize it. And then what you do once you're authorized for it is you just choose the specific event. So there's a little icon and where's my drawing thing. Now I do forget where that is, but there's a little icon on the bottom left hand side that says edit and there it is right in there. So that's the edit portion of it. And when you select that, that shows you a list of events and then you can choose your event that you're going to want to push the data to. Again, you can have multiple events on there that are already preset up and you just go through at the time and select the events you want to start automatically sending data to and that's where you do it. One thing to note and this was something that we when we were first experimenting and playing with this, that the the dose rate information goes to the field survey. Screenings and the dose information actually goes to a completely separate section called the Dosimetry section, and the dose readings are accumulated per person. So if you want to see individual readings, you have to expand it all out to see the individual readings that are actually showing up. The the, the. It's a little kludgy the way it works, or the way it worked for me at least, is that. If I every time I sent dose in for my RDS, it assumed it was a new dose and so it added my doses up and up and up. So it shows I have a lot of dose accumulated because each dose information has been additive for me, not necessarily the RDS. If you've been to Rad responder it, it has a a couple different map view versions the the one on the right. That one is like a point data you can go to a specific point and say hey where is this actually and it shows you that's that's actually from our, our Connect conference last year we were on Connect 22 where we did that one and then here there is the IT shows points are on the thing. So little green circles here which you probably can't see very well our data points. That are having to be on a map and so that happens to be where Kip lives over there and this is where I live here. So we always do testing at our houses when we're doing the RDS app. So the next thing we're going to look at is trying to connect to the spear view mobile. Spear View Mobile is the Mirion supervisory software that provides. App and dose rate information, it goes straight to our server and you can basically pick it up back from our server. It's kind of a cloud server. You can pick it up from anywhere and see it. So basically I send data on my phone through the app. Anybody that's on the Spearview software can be seeing my dose and rate information from my device or multiple devices as the case may be. So to make the connection, obviously you have to have an address for your your spirit view mobile server to send the actual data to. So once you get to this, you want to select enable, you enter the URL address of your server, you specify the port that you're gonna send data in on, and then your username and password and. Once you do that, you select save and hopefully it's correct and then your spearview mobile will show up blue like the red responder hopefully is as well and that has a connection to spearview route responder and of course you're connected to your RS32 all show up there or right there. OK. So the a new thing we added the very end of last year. Because people outside thought, even though they don't necessarily use rad, respond there. And we had people in Europe that said, hey man, I really like the app. We'd like to use it for speed of view over here, but we need to be able to see it and see birds. So we made some changes at the very end of last year and said, hey, let's make that change. And so we added at the end last year a additional part called display, which is the units of measure. Okay. Obviously it's very simple, you just select the display section and then it allows you to select either REM receivers and then if you change it from REM to sieverts it will display in micro sieverts and you'll see what your information is in the Siever units if you happen to. So this is set per device, so if you. Um, if I have my RDS and I've, you know, my RDS is 200-0171 that I've actually got here and I have it set for seaverts, and I connect another RDS that was not necessary. Connected as Seaverts, it's going to go back to the default which was the rim. So but if I connect my other one again my 171 is going to come back as micro seaverts unless I change my other one. So anyways, the way it was set, glass is the way it would be brought back in. So we have a couple videos to display just because it's it's hard to show what the app looks like. Live time. And of course it's hard to show what spearview looks like on a on an actual webinar, because to be honest, nothing ever works right if you try to do a live demo on a webinar. So we prerecorded this a couple weeks ago at the office, did a really quick run around by the office and prerecorded both the app showing the app moving around. And then we showed the, the people moving around on spearview itself. So we're going to show you a couple of videos of that. And before that, we're going to ask you, you know, we want you to answer a bunch of questions first. So we're going to go through a series of functions and suggestions that we've gotten so far. Excuse me. And we just want you just to check one of the three answers. I don't need this feature at all. Hey, it would be nice feature to have or hey, I really need this feature and it could affect whether I'm going to buy an RDS 32 or not. So those are the the three selections you can give you and I'll walk through these different functions and try to explain them as I ask the questions. So the ability to connect multiple up to five. Devices either RDS 30 twos or other devices to the app and and this was requested by one of our account managers because another app allowed you to connect multiple devices. So we thought it would be good to ask about this now this was it's a it's a more difficult one to implement. So I don't know we'll get in this version of it, but it's definitely something that we're looking at doing. So again, the ability to connect multiple devices to the app, which would again be able to send data to the spearview and rat responder, etc. I'll give it a couple more seconds to get some more responses. Still a few more responses. And there's another one. All right, another one. Yeah. Sorry, it's taking us long. So as long as it keeps increase, I'm sitting here. All right. It looks like it's done. So we'll go to the next one. The ability of the basic graph graphing function to actually display the units into basically automatically scale. Right now it's just a line drawn based on the general dose and rate information. So this will actually add the units of the scale which would be in seaverts or micro seaverts per hour Miller and per hour or and or do automatic scaling. So if it got into you know. Rent per hour, whatever, it would automatically scale up as well. So anyways, the ability to add the details of the graphing function to the app, and again, I'm watching the answers come in on how many of the total people are submitting the actual answers, and so I'm trying to. Give everybody time, because once I move off of this, you would no longer be able to answer. So I'm kind of waiting to make sure there's nothing else submitted before I move on to the next one. And there goes some more. All right. It looks like we're done moving to the next one this one actually came from. Our French compadres because they like to be able to see a Max reading so they know what the Max dose rate is or and or contamination level. If we actually get the contamination one on the actual when you're looking at scale it's going to show you a little Max reading things. So you always know what the Max reading was you've seen on the scale. And it's more for finding hotspots and going back to see where they actually were. So once again, the ability to see a Max reading on the scalar graph information portion of the app and looks like we got about 30% and a few more seconds, a little bit more. There's some more, all right. And it looks like we're about done. Last chance. All right, we're moving forward. The next one is the ability to display contamination data on the app, be it beta and or alpha. Contamination levels and and of course obviously that would have to be from an external probe. So do you think that is important to be able to see that. So for instance if you're counting an air sample or you're frisking something and you won't be able to send that data would would that be important? So anyways just let us know if that's going to be useful for you and again we're you know we allow an external probe right now but just the dose rate probes but we're looking at adding the ability to. Put the contamination probes on there. Well, whether it's a frisker probe or nsab 100, etcetera, the ability to add contamination data to the app. All right. So we're at 40% and getting close that we've been getting here to. And all right, we're moving there goes another one, last chance 123, all right, moving to the next one when we're speaking about having the external probe data on here. The ability at this point not only to see the external data, whether it's just gamma and or contamination levels, but be able to see both the internal dose rate and the external levels on the actual app. So that's the next question, both external and internal data all together on the app and realize of course you know the. Depending on how you know what the connections are and how this is going to work with multiple devices, this will be simple. Doing it with multiple devices is gonna be a little bit harder. So again, this is mainly right now for just the single device with the external detector on that and we're about halfway. Again, a little bit more and. All right, last chance. There goes the last ones we normally get. All right, moving forward. There was another one we we spoke about connecting different devices to the app and one of the suggestions because we now have the BLE. Connection to our DMC3000 dosimeter, would it be good to be able to connect the dosimeter to the app and again this currently would just be the same that we're seeing right now. You would be able to connect it to the app and see the dose and the rate information. You you wouldn't necessarily be able to change the functions on the dosimeter like you can with the RDS, but it would mainly be for dose and rate information. So if you think that is needed. Please answer it or not needed. Please answer it. Yeah. And when we talked about doing this before, you know we have something that that makes the connection already to the DMC and so it wouldn't be that hard to do, but we thought it would be something to add to this instead of having a separate app for it. So instead of having different apps for everything, we would have the the DMC included in this app. So it would have like A1 app for most of the Marriott products. All right, looks like we're about where we normally are. We'll move forward again the ability to add password protection for the device section of the app. And again, as I said, that was the section where you could main you could make the changes to the parameters of the RDF 32. So anyways, would that be something that's needed or not needed? And because the, I mean obviously the reason behind it is and I'll explain it up, I was playing with it and turn something out on my RDS that was causing all kinds of weird things to show up and we had to go back and forth with Turku to find out what I had changed. And literally I didn't even realize I'd even make a setting change in the app, but. It wasn't actually in the CSW, it was only in the app. It was a setting that happened to be there from something else that wasn't implemented in the CSW. And so I happened to pick the one thing that I shouldn't have in my app and made a change and it kept flashing up a PTB correction factor. So anyways, it was interesting, but yes, password protecting on the apps and looks like we're about where we normally are. A couple more seconds. All right, 321 moving on. The next one is something that we've asked for for a while, and it was originally intended to be able to do this, but it's a lot. It's a little bit extra to implement it, so. The ability to do the calibration or to initiate the calibration of the R DS32 using the app, is that something that you think would be needed and and I would say probably if we did we would probably password protect that too. But yes, the ability to calibrate with the app right now to calibrate the RDS, you have to hook it to the computer to the CSW software, tell it what dose that you can put it in and then tell it you're going to calibrate it and the RDS starts as. Pre delay for calibration and waits for you to put it in the actual device. This will be easier because you can actually have the BLE outside the Chamber, put it in there ahead of time and say go ahead and start and not even have to worry about pre delay. So it should be faster, easier to use. Anyways, this is something you think is useful in the app and we're close to our number. See a few more, a few more. All right, last chance, 321 moving on. The next one was from one of the account managers. They were thinking what about if I could save all my settings on my apps so that all my people that use the app or all the people in my FM team? Have the same settings that I have. So that was the the the question. So the ability not to only to save your app but to send the settings to people so you can standardize what you see and how your app is used. So that's the question on that one. And there there was a way in our debug that we did some things like this but it's not a it's not a feature that. We have on the app right now, which is part of our debug that we're doing for testing. So this will be actually adding it to the app and being able to send the datas back and forth. All right, once again, we're about at our point. Give it a few more seconds. All right, 321 moving on. They're the last two moving on now then. And the ability to record whether Reading was an open window or closed window reading, obviously if it was an iron chamber connected the app and and we we do have an expectation that when we do release our our IC3 ion chamber that we will be able to connect to the app with it. So that is a. It's something that we have to add because it's not available in the RDS and open window closed window designation. So it does require additional work to be able to do that. So is it needed to add that to the app, yes or no or maybe. Anyways, that is the question and we'll see where we're at about a little bit more. And like I said for for nuclear plants, the open and closed windows does is used to designate whether it's a elevated or ground plume. So it was important for nuclear plants to have it. So I don't know if anybody else thinks it's important. So that's why we're asking. All right, we're almost about where we normally end up at about half of them. All right, last few seconds, Answer 321 and moving on. The ability to have multiple languages in the app and again this is more for there are non North America or non-us users its ability to have it and is that needed or not. I know we can do some things with spearview. But this would be actually for the actual app itself. And I think what we'll do when we ask this, we'll actually do a free form. If there is a yes to say what is it? And again, I don't know. You know how many languages we would add and it's there's not much to the app, so it shouldn't be that difficult except for the actual parameter section and so. We would have to decide how much changes would be made. So then let's go a few more seconds to see if we get any more. All right, last chance 321 the answer this one. And so if you did want an extra language, if you would, please just type in what language you think is needed on the app. And I think this one is this one gonna stay popped up. Hope or I have to wait for this one? Wait for this one? Okay in about 30 more seconds. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah, I don't see the number of answers on this one, so I couldn't tell for sure. Yeah, that's one. Do I have to wait for people to type in the actual answer? So wait a few more seconds on this. I think the last one we do is a pop up. Oh, no, that's later on. That's the last one. OK, good. All right, we'll make a few more seconds. All right. All right. We're gonna answer. Answer Now or forever. Hold your piece, 321. Moving on. OK. So now are the the two videos I wanted to show and we obviously this is in Atlanta so we're not driving quite as fast as it looks like we are. We are making the we did speed up the the videos so we wouldn't you wouldn't have to suffer through us you know driving for 15 minutes around Atlanta. There there's two videos. The first one is the video of just the app. So basically just recorded what we saw on the app as we were driving around Atlanta. So again, remember I showed you it's the I'm going to show you the map view in the graph view and unfortunately in the office we were playing with sources in the office and so. I had spiked it before I went out there. So anyways the the graph view has a spike already so you don't see much on that, but the map view does show you how it actually drives around and shows the actual data going through. OK, So what you're seeing is. The the driver, I'm actually just in my car. This is actually my RDS on my app. And so I'm driving through right away from. So our office is where that little spike is over there. That's where our office is. And so I've been driving down through some in Atlanta. They're building apartments everywhere in downtown Atlanta. And so this is just a place where I drove through where they were building a bunch of new apartments through there. And then you'll see there's changing in dose rates as I go through certain areas. Obviously it's the background must be higher due to all the concrete and stuff where the apartments are. So it's gone to a slightly higher background. And then of course I did mention that there is a instruction. So twice I had to actually stop and wait for. Construction vehicles get out of the way to get down the road. I really should have chosen a completely different way to to traverse, but I thought this would be open. I didn't realize all the construction that was going on. It's funny, Wesley's got a he drove in a much better place and you'll see his next on the spearview portion of it that it it worked out a much, much better drive than what my name because I had to sit here and wait quite a bit. For mine to update and get past the trucks. So and you, yeah, the other thing with being in a bunch of really high buildings being built is you, you do lose contact a little bit sometimes with it and you'll saw that's why that one jumped over there. And then I got to a place where I could not go any further and then I had to try to back back out of it and go another direction. But that was where the hotter spots were was where I had to back up. They must have had a bunch of, you know, depleted uranium they were using for something over there. So it was much, much higher dose rate over there and you see the hotter spot was over there. And so I went up and around the other way because the dosimeter was getting a little bit higher and went back the backside of it to see if I get out through that way. And fortunately I was able to get through the backside of it. And again as I went by the the hotspot area, it again went up and actually went into a red dose rate as I got by it this time and then hit it back to the office. By the way there there was, there was no dose rates there. I brought sources with me from the office and yeah so. There wasn't any real dose race. Just kidding. Atlanta's not a bunch of depleted uranium around it. It's okay. So that was the that was the actual app and what you would see if you actually had the app on your phone. And we're just watching it and let's move back to that. And the next one is the event screen. There we go. So this video is the replay from spearview. And so both you'll see my myself and my partner Wesley, we both took our our Rd. s's and apps and and drove around Atlanta. You'll see the same thing you saw for mine on my app. It's on spearview as well and so here is that. So again, we both started out in the office. Obviously we had a bunch of different, we're again you see we're playing around the office. You had higher dose rates in there. So and we had a number of different devices that were connected. And so I went one way and Wesley went the other way on it. And so this is just the excuse. Yeah, Kip was doing the recording of this and so he's been going in and out. And it looks worse when you're when you're on multiple like 2X or 2.5 XB when he moves things in and out looks a little jerky. But this is kind of give you the idea of what you see in spearview and you'll see that it's right now it's showing my line because it's my, it's my device that's actually was connected and now we just switch to Wesley's and you'll see Wesley's line so. Basically that line is giving you who's actually connected the the other data or the semi transparent data of the dose rates is going to be there regardless. It's just that line is the difference when you're showing who is selected and who is not. So you see Wesley went up to a fairly open area, drove around, he found again some hot spots fire this. Warehouse. They were probably storing something again. Yeah, they're it is fake, by the way. I'm. I'm just making things up. So, Yep, he found a hot spot over there and I'm still on the other side of here, stuck in, stuck in the traffic by all the construction by the apartment buildings, and Wesley's coming back the other way. And, you know, I think you'll find another hot spot here as it goes to the next drive around. Yep. And you'll see him as he goes up this way on his route. Found some additional higher spots. Well, meanwhile, Perry stuck over there. But I did see, you did see my first big dose rate over there where mine showed up. And then there's Wesley's. He found his hot spot over there. And we're all trying to head back to the office. So except for all the zooming in and out, this is what you would see with spearview itself. So it gives you you can select either person. You'll see their lines and where they went and what the dose rates were. Again, a very similar line gradient that you saw on the app, but this is the Spearview line and and that is adjustable on spearview. The I don't we'll have to look at the app. The app's not adjustable as far as what the dose rates are or the gradient is on the app. OK. So Wesley's got back. Perry's still getting stuck in traffic over there. So almost done. And this is where you'll see the yeah, saw Perry turn red and went into alarm, actually, that's why I went in. He saw actually an alarm on that one. So I was actually an alarm when that hit, when I got that close to my source over there, so. Perry's almost headed back to it again, much shorter route than Wesley had, but we're almost done with this one, just to give you a quick idea of it and let me go back and that is done on that. So this, if you look at it is again just the. After the I can go and replay and look at it and I can actually go back and show the actual route. I can pick whoever I wanted with the actual route based on which RDSI selected. Again, we had three there, 11 state in the office. I went this way. Wesley went that way. And that just shows I selected the other RDS and it shows the route and the hotspots there. This is the last question and this is a pop up so you can take whatever time you want to answer. Is there any other functions that we have not listed that you think would be useful to add on the next version of the app? So this is a pop up, you can take your time to answer that. And we'll go to the questions. All righty. So let's look and see what questions I have. I don't know if there's any priority set up yet. Nope. OK. So we'll start from, we'll start from the top, I guess. Let's see, I'm asking about Rad Responder network app. Applications download process. So the the app for Rad responder you should be able to get from the App Store. You can download it and the the application itself or the website you can always go to as well. So you can get the you can get the app on the phone or you can go straight to the actual RAD Responder website and you can. Get the details from there, but yes you should be able to find rap responder on the App Store. Next question, if we connect an external probe, the RDS app will only show the external probe reading or both the internal and the external. Currently if you if you connect well first of all you can Only Connect an external dose rate probe and if you do connect an external dose rate probe. It will choose the external douche rate to display instead of the internal douche rate. One of the the questions or selection is do you would you want to see both and so if you answered yes to that then that most likely will something will add. Next question where can we download the SPEARVIEW and RAD responder software applications? Spearview, you would have to talk to the account managers specifically. It's a it's a the software for Spearview is not it takes a little bit to set up. It's not necessarily a free software. I mean certainly we can provide demo of it, but it's not something that's a a a free downloadable software. Rad Responder is of course you can. So you can download the RAD Responder app and you and you can get the go to the website and go on the RAD responder page and log in and look at data from there as well. But Spearview is a is not a free app or a free software. Does the app connect to the RDS 31? It does not connect to the RDS 31 because the RDS doesn't. Have a the RDS 31 did not have a Bluetooth connection. Is there any cost to the app? Nope. Nope. The the apps or the RDS apps have no cost. Neither the Android or the iOS version have a cost. Will this app continue to be supported and and the answer is yes we we're. We've asked for maintenance budget to be kept on this app so it will be supported as we continue forward with it. Can the app be used on an iPad or tablet? It was designed for the phone, so it's a I mean it it's not, you don't it's not the IT doesn't scale quite the same to the tablet. But yes, you can use it on an iPad or tablet. It does work fine on there. And again what external pros can be connected to the RDS in the app? But currently any external dose rate probe for the RDS 32 can be connected and will will be seen in the app. Is rad responder US only? I do believe it is being used some in Canada now. I don't know if anything is is happening in Mexico but certainly it is North America limited and and there are different different types of apps probably out there for different countries. But right now the RAD responder is is mainly North America focused. So how many devices can we connect at the app at a time? So currently you can Only Connect 1RD S to the app at a time. And it is one of the questions that you know is it? Is there a need to be able to connect more than one? And if you connect more than one, how would you want to handle it? Because again, it's a it is a design for a phone app so it's not as easy to display. For instance, I mentioned up to five so. Would it be 5 separate apps you'd have to open up and and make connections or we try to see five dose rates and doses on one app. It's if we do more than one, we'll have to try to figure out the best way to deal with multiple devices. OK. Apart from the RS32, what other devices can we connect this site? Currently it is only the RDS 32. Again we are looking at connecting possibly the DMC3000 and we're also looking at connecting our IC3 ion chamber when it comes out, which will be probably Q3 of this year for it comes out. Is there a log? Of changes to the settings in the device. I'm not aware of any log for changes currently it's just whatever you do now they obviously if we can store the settings it may be easier to create some kind of log, but right now we're not really storing and saving the settings. I just wanted to repeat, could you repeat about whether the reading of the external or internal readings can be studied using the app? The the either or can be seen on the app, but if you connect an external dose rate probe right now, you're going to see only the external dose rate reading. You will not see the internal dose rate reading. Currently the way the app is set up so you would only see the one reading right now you would see the total dose from the RDS but you would not see the internal dose rate on the RDS. Question is not ready to RS3. However we have a spear ident mobile system and wondering how we can get updated software for this system. We don't have the arts experience in so. If you have spear mobile, the spear view software works with spear the spear ident system as well. I would basically I would just ask your account manager to be able to update that so if you have a spear ident mobile. It's already available, or you already can make a connection to spear view. You would just have to actually have a spear view server set up to be able to send the data to. But yeah, your spear of Dent Mobile does connect to Spear view specifically, if that's what the question is. Okay, is there any other questions? All right. And again, you know, you can continue to send us information or ask things for us later. Again, don't forget to there's another one. Can you put the icam on the application? At this point, there's no. Easy way to put an icam on because it has to be a Bluetooth connection at this point and there's no no easy way to get a Bluetooth connection from the icam to the app it it would be nice. I know Kip is working on another way to get the icam to at least Rad responder but not currently through the app. Will this app work with the Spear Ace device and? No, this does not. So the the the acurad and the sphere ACE devices are are slightly different. The Acurad actually has its own app. Sphere Ace can connect to Spearview but doesn't connect directly through this app. Does the app log the location G PS:, coordinates of the person traveled on the particular day with dose rates? We're only using the RDS app but not spearview. There is no. There is no report log of and that's a. That's actually a good question I make. I'm actually add that as a suggestion later. So there is no report log of. Your current mission on the app, you know, you you see the thing on on the the little map feature but there's no way to currently download that information assuming it's saved somewhere. I I guess we could probably add something else to you know, send data to just a log maybe? Instead of to Rad responder or spear view, send to log. So that's a good question. Yeah, so that that may be an interesting thing to add to the system is to be able to send to a log file the data every whatever it is for every every five minutes or 10 minutes instead of sending it to rad responder or or spear view. So that's a good question. I'll probably add that to my selection of questions. All right. Any other questions before one more? Can you make the videos available for viewing? The the videos are are embedded in the webinar. I'll have to ask, hope is there are they separated anywhere? I know someone's asked for a video before from our our our Orion webinar. Are these videos sent? Stored separately anywhere. They're not currently stored separate anywhere. But we can do that and send it to the person individually. But if you do go back and click on the link tomorrow or any day in the future that you joined today, you can watch this webinar again and get to the videos and Fast forward to that specific section if needed. All right. Thank you. All right. Well, that was some good questions and especially I thank. The question about the the app log think that's a really, really good idea and I would pronounce what your name is. I don't know that I would pronounce it correctly. So I'm just not going to pronounce it. And I apologize because I try, I was thinking should I try it or not and I'm not going to pronounce your name. But I do appreciate the questions that very, very good questions on that. All right. So if no other questions, so we're going to jump forward and. Just be aware that we'll have a bunch of our Mirion people at the end Rep, which should be early next Monday, next week in Indianapolis. So if you're, if you're at the end Rep or your call leaders are going to the end Rep, tell them to stop by the Mirion booth they can. We'll have an actual QR code there on the table for you to get to the. The webinar and you can go through the webinar and answer the question. So you can still do feedback if you didn't get a chance to do feedback here. The QR code if you go to write responder will be on the table and you can get to it there all right. And again, I appreciate you for attending our webinar. Be sure to join us in July for our Mirion Connect users conference and hope you close us out. That's it. Just thank you everyone for coming and have a good day, okay. All right, thank you everybody. _1739650152813