Hi, everyone, and thanks for joining the webinar today. I'm Sean Hollingshead, VP of regional sales here at Orion. We sincerely appreciate you taking time out of your busy days and the holiday season to review some of the functions we have within the Orion system today. Today, we have a very exciting webinar we're going to go through. We're going to take a look at some of the core innovations. And integrations that we've made throughout the course of this year. There's been some great acquisitions and partnerships that Orion has made with Redtail. We've launched custom indexing solutions. We've made great leaps within our reporting tools, our billing tools, planning tools, etcetera. And we're going to invite some of our experts on today to go through each of those innovations and what those look like. Now many of you are familiar with Orion, but before we jump into some of the experts and and these updates and innovations we made, I did want to touch on briefly just the history of Orion. And and kind of where we're at today, you go back 20 years, Orion really was just a reporting tool. We we ingest data from a custodial side. We produced reports and and make those available in a more custom format. Today. We've come a long way. We have a nice presence in the Midwest. We're based out of Omaha, NE about 1400 employees today. We have offices throughout the country and we're fortunate to partner with about 2300 plus RA's independent firms, yeah, relationship with broker dealers and that's really helped us grow into some of these innovative solutions. The acquisition of Redtail is also growing our business and allowed us access into some great partnerships with advisory business and broker dealers as well. And it's helped us to bring solutions to the market that allow you to scale at the pace your firm prefers to scale. The objective of an Orion system is allow you to layer in and grow to whatever length that the firm chooses to. It's not a system that you can outgrow. And so we hope over the next couple of minutes days we talk through these items, you'll be able to find some Nuggets that allow you to plan. For 2023 and in the future as as your firm looks to to differentiate yourself within the marketplace. So with that, I'll pass it over to Haley to talk about our latest updates within the Orion and Redtail integration. Take it away, Haley. Thanks, Sean. Hey everyone. I'm Haley Mandrup and I'm one of the product owners over here at Redtail. I get to work on the CRM product, which is what we like to call your advisors bread and butter. Every advisor or admin, typically you're logging into the CRM and the very first thing when you get to the office for the day and you're not really logging out of the CRM ever or it's the first thing you log out of before you leave for the day. So with that in mind, it made sense when speaking with the Orion team when we were talking about. To integrate Orion and Redtail, it just made sense to put the Orion portfolio view within Red Tail and we put it into red tail in several different places. So I'm going to go ahead and demo what that looks like and you're now able to access that Arran portfolio view throughout the CRM in your day-to-day when logging into Redtail, the very first thing that you're met with typically is your today page. So we've added an Orion tab right at the top where you can click on Orion and be brought into your. Orion portfolio view so now, without even leaving the browser tab that you're on, you can. Maneuver around and and check out your Orion portfolio via without ever leaving the Redtail browser tab. It's just kind of streamlined that experience. We're all about lessening those clicks throughout your day for the advisor and you can actually set this Orion tab as your default login page. So for a lot of advisors or admins, if you prefer when you log into red tail to be met with this page is the very first page, then you can do that by going to your name in the top right hand. Corner and Preferences preferences is going to take you to this big old preferences page. If you haven't been here before, I recommend checking it out. You can customize a little bit of your retail experience to fit your role and your preferences, and the very first one I'm going to talk about here is the default login screen. So here you can change you see minus set to Ryan Dashboard. Maybe if you're a little bit more in the task realm you can set it to your activity dashboard or account dashboard if you want to be met with an account overview and red tail, but we do have that new Orion dashboard option. This does also make this top left icon a shortcut to your default login screen, so if you click on Redtail CRM that'll take you over to whatever you have set to that default. Login screen. Now the Today page is not the only place we've added the Orion portfolio view. It's also available on a contact record. Before we go over to a contact record though, I do want to show you the preference that has to do with that contact record. So if we Scroll down on this preference page just a little bit, there are contact record specific preferences and this feature is just very new, a couple weeks old. Um, when you're on the contact record and you click on the accounts tab on the left hand side, you can also now choose if you'd like your default account view to be the red Tail account screen or the Orion portfolio view. And it just depends on your own desires, your own preferences, or what your role is in the office on which one is going to be best for you specifically. So these are all your own preferences. You won't mess anything up for anyone else in your office by changing these. But I do recommend coming in here and just. Switching around your preferences to get that more customized experience. So now I'm going to go specifically to a contact record, and we're all familiar with the contact record screen. We can see everything going on with this person at any given time. And I'm being very general because this isn't always a client, but in this case we are looking at a client record because clients are the ones who are going to have active accounts. So I can tell based on his status that he is an active client. Of mine. And that means he's going to have some accounts showing. In order to see that Orion portfolio view, I'm just going to jump on over to this accounts tab on the left. It's like clicking into a a binder, a binder tab if you will. So imagine this is his entire record. Digitally in the CRM and then I'm going to click on accounts and that will take me into that Orion portfolio tab here and that preference that I showed previously, that's just going to depend on which which one you have selected in your preferences. So I like to go to the Orion portfolio view first so I can get all this juicy information at first glance, but you can also have the default set to the red tail accounts view as well. And as far as red Tail and Orion integrations, this is just the newest iteration of our integration with Orion. But there is more to come and stay tuned to see what else is coming down the pipeline. For now, I'm going to go ahead and hand it this off to Audrey, who's going to talk more about Orion risk intelligence. Thank you, Haley. My name is Audrey, and I'll be talking about the risk intelligence platform. We do advanced risk analysis and help. Advisors through the client acquisition workflow, and that consists of helping them understand their clients. Tons to risk looking at their current assets, how can we reduce fees looking at scenarios as well. We have a library of over 100 scenarios that advisors can choose from if there are any pain points with the clients and then using all of those and building a customized report for the client. So I will take you guys through a brief demo of the site. So when advisors first log in, they're going to want to set up an integration. We have over a dozen. Integration partners and this will really facilitate importing clients for the advisors they are. Most common ones are Arian, Emoney, investmet, and basically all. Once they're connected, all clients and holdings will be synced over into the system. And that will prevent them from having to do all of that manually. It syncs every single night, so data will be up to date every morning when you log into your account. If for some reason like you're working with a prospect and it's not in your other system, you can obviously create the client manually and it'll work the same way. So looking at the sample client. The first thing an advisor is going to want to do, assuming the. The holdings are entered. These will feed through like I said, from the integration or they can be imported. This works like an Excel spreadsheet so they can easily be pasted in to the system. So the first thing they want to do is establish a risk tolerance for their client. They can set it manually if it's a client they're familiar with and they know their tolerance to risk. If it's a prospect or they just want to go through the survey, they can complete a restaurants questionnaire this. Is basically a bunch of questions going over the clients current financial. Setting and looking at what they're trying to achieve along with any how they would handle any change in the economy and volatility after the. The RTQ is completed. You'll be given a number. So in this case, let's assume my client has a risk score of 42, but their holdings are out of 66. Their advisor can use the various tools on the system to create a recommendation that's going to be better suited for that clients talents risk. So we'll go in to. Create a new recommendation. They can either pick from models, they can blend models together, they can create a new integration, or, sorry, a new recommendation from scratch and we'll pick blend models. In this case, they can retain any existing position that they might want to keep. So legacy positions here, I won't do that. But then they're presented with all of their models. Different stats return. Yield volatility and they can essentially pick which one is best for their client and they can mix and match. Put 50 and break it out into multiple bottles. In this case we'll select this one and the stats on the side are live, so as you edit and create your recommendation, they're going to update to help you. Through the process, so in this case we were trying to get closer to that 42. We brought this down to a 52 and your recommendation is created. So we're now within that category range. The advisor has the ability to go through the risk profile comparison, which is like a high level comparison of the two portfolios kind of look at their breakdown. Their risk and return. Which is based off of our scenario analysis and various other stats. Historical stats are scenarios and they kind of seek conceit which portfolio performs the best given the scenario selection. Once there. Satisfied with the the recommendation, they can come in here and create that customized proposal report. And these proposals are very customizable. So advisers can decide as to make the report as long or as short as they want to. They can reorganize sections, they can remove sections to make it shorter and move things around to really make it their own report. You can also add in scenarios, so if you're having conversations with your client and they tell you that they're really concerned about midterm elections, you can select. The various scenarios for those and they'll be added into your report. So I'll hit generate. It usually takes about 30 seconds to run and you're presented with this report. With the table of contents. In this case, I didn't complete the survey so this page is blank, but a risk profile overview. This is what we saw in the client page, an account summary page and again this is very customizable so you can make it your own as long as this one is 40 pages. But we can make it a lot shorter if needed and just an overview of the two side-by-side accounts. And we're also working on some integrations with the Eclipse team into their system. So that's something exciting to look forward to and that's about it. Thank you for watching. And I'll hand it over to Andy to talk about custom indexing. Thanks, Audrey. That was great information on risk intelligence. I'm Andy Rosenberger, head of Ryan custom indexing. And I think one of the nice things that you'll see about Orion is that we can take different tools that we have here and apply them in different ways. And so when Audrey was going over risk intelligence, one of the things that you'll see as we talk about Iran custom indexing is how we can actually incorporate that into some of the, the additional tools that we can provide to you. Now when we talk about custom indexing here to Ryan, it can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people depending upon what offering in the marketplace you're looking at. Before we actually get into the Orion offering though, I actually just want to give a very high level overview of what custom indexing is now. I often explain it through the lens of the advisor and the lens of the end client. And if I explain it through the lens of the advisor, really it's just it's a technology that that we have at Ryan's that we can sit on top of a portfolio that allows you to customize that portfolio for the client. Our customer customization can be a lot of different things and we'll talk about that here in a second. But it gives you a lot of flexibility to build that portfolio in a way which is most suitable, most appropriate for what you're trying to accomplish. If I look at it through the lens of the end client. In other words, if I were an advisor and I've been explaining to the client. This slide that we have up here I think is a really good slide to be able to do that. And and how I think about it is really just a simple four step process where the first step is you're picking your exposure. I'm going to keep it really easy. I'm going to assume it's an index, let's just say it's the Russell 1000. So we know what we're trying to get for that client, the underlying target exposure. Once you have the target exposure, the next step is we're going to unwrap it. I'm like an ETF or mutual fund where you're going to buy one ticker. What we're going to do within a custom index portfolio is buy the underlying securities. And by owning the underlying securities, what you can do now is that three, customize it. And again, we'll go into more customization. But it could mean tax management, tax cuts, harvesting, it could mean concentrated positions, it could mean ESD or Sri. It could mean the number of holdings we have in the portfolio. But by owning the components, you can now combine those components together in a way which makes the most sense for that particular client. And then lastly, because it's a portfolio which we need to manage, the clients going to take distributions, you're going to see Texas harvesting, you need to continue to manage that exposure. So it's the ongoing day-to-day management which you'll see, which we'll take care of on the back end for you. So custom indexing at the end of the day is really just giving an exposure to a client that's personalized for their needs. Now when we think about the ways that you can customize a portfolio, there's a lot of different ways that you can approach it. And in fact, there are so many ways. I'm not going to be able to cover even the vast majority of them, but I do want to categorize maybe maybe 3 high level ways of thinking about it. And the three buckets that I would categorize them into is tax transitioning. Tax management. And then a lot of other ways you can customize the portfolio, which I'll highlight a couple of the most important or the most notable ones. Let me talk about each of these three buckets very briefly. The first one is tax conditioning. Now what is tax transitioning? What's essentially saying that you have a prospect or an existing client and you're looking to bring those positions over in kind, move them into a portfolio and build your portfolio around with the client currently has. The nice thing about doing this is that it's a really custom solution that helps you transition assets over without realizing a bunch of capital gains to make that transition. So it becomes a great prospecting tool. It also becomes a great way of working with clients who may be higher net worth. Been invested in the market for a long time. Have high tax rates and are really worried about what is the impact to their to their tax bill if they want to make a change in the portfolio. So tax transitioning is something that we can accommodate very easily. We have a lot of flexibility with, we can do that with stocks, ETF, mutual bonds, lot of different ways that we can transition portfolio. So that's the first bucket. The second bucket bucket would be tax management. Now tax management again can come in many different forms, but I think maybe the two that are most notable would be one, capital gain budget. So limiting the amount of capital gains you're going to realize for a client in any given year. And then secondly, tax loss harvesting. Now Texas harvesting is something that we're very aggressive with. We're doing daily. We're looking at client accounts every day to say can we take losses in the portfolio and generate that tax alpha for them. A lot of other ways that we can do tax measurement in the portfolio, but capital gain budgets and tax and taxes harvesting are probably the two that are the most. Widely known within within what we offer. And then the third bucket, the last bucket there is the other forms of customization and for other forms of customization this could be things like ESG restrictions or SSRI or faith-based restrictions. It could be you want to have a sector tilt in the portfolio. One of the great Staffs I heard the other day was that Apple is now a bigger weight in the S&P 500 then than the entirety of the energy sector. And so we're having clients come to us and say, hey, can we talk a little bit? Towards energy or maybe you have a client got to cut your position. Maybe they work from Microsoft and they want to build a portfolio around that that position in Microsoft. So customization come in a lot of different forms. Often it's tax management, but there's a lot of different things that we can do in the portfolio which can really conform to what the client is ultimately trying to achieve. So with an overview of Orion custom index thing, I want to point out that there's a lot of offerings in the marketplace that that are custom indexing or direct index offering. And when it comes to a Ryan, there's a couple competitive advantages I think we have compared to some of the other offerings in the marketplace. The first that may be the most important is that we're embedded within the Orion platform and technology stack. So when it comes to setting up an account or getting an account traded or taking a distribution or all the things you think take time for that in client, what would normally take days or weeks with other firms to set up and get implemented, we can do in the matter of minutes or you know same day probably in a in a in a more difficult situation. So it's embedded within the technology that you already know when you use and it's going to be highly efficient for you able to put an account to work or to to manage an account. Within the Orion offering? I'd also like to point out that in addition to being really easy to use. The incredible reporting that we've built out for our clients and that reporting will come both in terms of the proposal and it will come in terms of the ongoing, the ongoing reporting that you have on the back end. Now on the on the proposal, one of the tools that we've built out is the ability to take a portfolio that may be a prospect or even existing account and map out what it would look like to go from where they currently are to what they're ultimately trying to achieve. I'm going to go through this very quickly. But at the on the screen here, you'll see. The client profile and a couple of capital gain budgets, different options that we can provide to them on how they could transition that different portfolio. In this case we have scenario A which is $1000 CAP for game budget that are B which is 20,000, scenario B which is 50,000. And based on those capital gain budgets, we can come in and we can explore with the client currently owned and how each of those recommended portfolios would look with those different capital gain budgets. That was important is that think of custom indexing as being a trade off where if you want to realize a lot of capital gains, you're going to have a portfolio that might be really tight to what you're trying to target that large CAP portfolio for example. But not it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. You're going to find that clients may not want to realize a bunch of capital gains, in fact most probably won't. And so really think of it as being again, a customized solution, a spectrum of different options. And the way that we can measure how far or how close they are to that target portfolio is through this tracking different. Tracking difference here on the report helps you see are they close to that target objective or do they need to make some progress or realize some more capital gains to get there? And then maybe most importantly, when we get to the benefit to the client. We're highlighting at the very end of the report how much in tax savings. We have because we're taking this more custom transition based approach. In this particular example, we're saving the client close to $84,000 in taxes by taking an approach that is more targeted and incorporates a lot of the legacy positions that they may be transferring over. Now, when Audrey was going through and talking about risk intelligence, the other nice thing is as you go through a lot of this report, you're going to see a lot of familiar pages. And this is. Or Ryan, as an organization really incorporating some of the technology that we have at the firm to bring it all together to tie it all up into one nice package that you can present to the client. So whether it's the holdings of the allocation or the geographical analysis, these are all part of what the transition proposal would look like. And then lastly. We want to make sure that this is complete end to end and where we have the proposal on the front end of the process to help the client understand what the transition would look like on the back end, we built out an extremely powerful reporting which helps them see. On an ongoing basis, what is the tax savings that they would see? What is the portfolio look like in terms of the benchmark for their investor profile? They're doing a transition a lot of different ways that we can show this. A lot of great information we have here. Maybe the one that I'll highlight just for the sake of time at the very top you can see we've brought out the tax savings for that client. But that tax savings is a way for you to reinforce the value add that you're bringing to the table. It takes the conversation just off performance and puts it on top of another way that you're adding value to them and it we're hoping that it does so in a way which all clients can really understand. It's not hiding it behind some sort of tax alpha number, which may be complicated for the client to wrap their arms around. Bottom line dollars and cents. Here's how we can save the client. Money and keep have them in in a in a portfolio which is ultimately set up for their long-term needs. So we have a lot of great offerings, a lot of great technology here to Ryan, custom indexing, think of it as one tool that your disposal that you can use to help transition portfolios, make portfolios more tax efficient or really have a scalable practice on the back end. So thanks for listening up. Next is Brian Morgan is going to be talking about the automated account solution. Thanks for your time. All right. Thank you, Annie. Again my name is Brian Morgan. I am director of product for financial planning here at Orion. So I work on Orion's financial planning tool as well as our client portal and mobile app. So one of the projects that we worked on this year that I am super excited about is our new automated accounts solution. You know just your as you're going to see in this demo a really quick and easy way for clients to open their accounts digitally, fully digitally which is you know as we get into. Or in 2022, but soon 2023, I think you know, clients will continue to expect a more modern digital experience and that's what you know hopefully what we're we're delivering here with this new solution. So with that let's jump into the new demo. All right. So I want to client logs in or even a prospect, the prospect can do this as well. So you can send this you know one by one to an existing client to a prospect or you could even send a link where this can be sent out let's say an e-mail. Campaign, social media campaign, or even a button on your website. So when they click on that link, they'll register, you know, add their name, username and password and then this will be the first screen that they'll see. So we're going to ask them what type of account they want to open. Is this going to be a taxable account or a retirement account, retirement account to your traditional retirement accounts, Traditional IRA, a Roth IRA, Rollover IRA and so on with taxable account last if it's single or joint? I will ask for their date of birth. Uh, their total investable assets and with this question and then the next question, how much they saving per month, we're doing a little bit of a planning workflow here just to be able to show them some estimates based off of the the model and what their account balance could be in the future. Then we'll we'll go through a risk tolerance or in this example risk profile. So just to understand what model makes sense for them and I'm going to quickly go through this risk tolerance Questionnaire, you're going to see this. Later on in this presentation, so I'm only talking a lot more about this. You know we're really excited about this new functionality as well this new 3D risk profile. But there is another option that you can use which is our seven Question Questionnaire which is just focuses on risk tolerance. So you have both options available to you, both the new 3D risk profile which is what I'm quickly going through now or our seven question risk Tolerance questionnaire and then at the end of these you'll get a score. Which will then use to come up with the model recommendation. And with these models, these will be your models. So these won't be just, you know, cookie cutter models. When I say moderate model here, that's whatever name you would choose for your models. What's going to show here? So you can have 35710 models, you know, however many you like, you can have different model groups, so maybe for one client or prospect based off maybe their net worth, for example, you might have one model group available to them and then maybe based off let's say A for a higher net worth individual you can have a different model. So different model group could be you know, a models that have more alternatives in it for example. So again these are your models that you would use to execute to open accounts for clients. We'll give a recommendation where they can go up or down one risk level. We'll also have some what ifs here just so that they want to see, you know what if I were to save more initially into the account, what if I were to save more monthly change when I would start taking my with my distributions right which is what we're showing here you know in the year 2050 for example. So again some some what ifs help them make a more informed decision as far as you know what model is right for them and then once they're ready they click on open this account. And we take them through the account opening process. So the agreements, these would be your agreements that you would have them go through. So they would have to Scroll down to the bottom and accept these once they've accepted all of the agreements. So you can have 1235 agreements that they need to agree to here before they can move on. Once they accept the agreements now we're looking at the account opening forms and to use this workflow this would require using today using APEX as the custodian. So apex is the custodian behind a lot of the really successful you know Robos out there betterment for example use them Robin Hood so they have a great track record of of helping you know firms open accounts digitally. So you know that they're the the custodian behind this solution. So these are their questions. You know, this, this, this format I'm going through, these are apexes questions. So you know most common question that I get for this solution is do I need to use apex as a custodian to use this? And the answer is yes. So if you would like to get more information about the solution and more importantly about apex, you know, definitely feel free to reach out to us and we can do a more thorough demo for you. What as I answer these questions, if there was something that came off that was entered incorrectly, maybe I have a ZIP code that doesn't match the state, for example. So we're going to be doing those nygo. We're going to be doing the night go behind the scenes, you know, using apex to do that. So we'll be able to capture those issues. But as you can see, these questions are are pretty straightforward and you know, let me just make sure, OK good want to make sure I didn't have a mistake there myself. So we'll we'll be able to default a lot of these questions. There will be some questions that we require the client to answer, Umm, just to make sure that they actively you know enter those those answers and then at the end. There's an agreement, a custodial account agreement that they'll have to say yes to. Now, this whole process that I went through, I went through this as a client. So I'm right now logged in as a client. But you as a financial advisor can also go through this process and your portal as well. So you can answer all these questions for the client. And then at the end we'll then have a button instead of saying confirm here, it'll just say send to the client so the client can log in, just confirm everything's correct, sign off on these custodial account agreement. And then open the account. So we want to make sure that depending on you know, your process, how you interact with your clients that we made this flexible so that there's an advisor LED journey here as well. But then once you hit, once the client hits confirmed, then we're going to start opening the account with apex. We're going to start opening the households within Orion Connect if it's not already open already. Let's say it was a prospect. We're going to send all that information we collected to that household inside Ryan connection, not having to duplicate efforts, which I think is really important. We're trying to streamline all this for you. Even that model that was selected so in this example was a moderate model. We're going to tell Ryan connect, hey they selected this, this moderate model. So let's say you're going to be doing this trading when eclipse. Everything's everything's teed up, ready to go for you and then when it comes to adding the funding. Our clients are able to link their accounts here. So if they want to do ACH, for example, we use played behind the scenes to do this. So let's say they wanted to, you know, take money from a checking account, right? They can go to their can log, link, log into their bank. Say I want to put in, you know, $5000 for example, to get the account started. So they're able to to do that, ACH, all part of the same workflow. So not having to wait, log in tomorrow, log in next week, they're able to put all this information. Now also once the accounts open they can even go through an acat process. So what I'm showing here is our is the ACH funding, but they can also go through a process as well. And what the ACH is to point out, they are able to do not just you know one time funding but recurring. So maybe they want to put money in every month, you know every other week, right. That's all something that could be done as part of this, this one workflow experience that clients are logged into. So again this is all part of the client portal experience. So once the accounts opened, now your clients are going to be able to see, you know these accounts especially once they're funded and we have all the, the information trading, you know every this will all be part of their normal client portal experience where they're able to see their performance, their documents with the documents we're going to upload everything from that experience so. And here I'll log in as a client, as an advisor here really quick just to show you that, but. With the documents, they're going to be able to see you know all those questions that they answered for the account opening form all the agreements. So having all those timestamped will all be part of the that will all be available and the document ball. So clients can see that. So you can see that and especially for compliance purposes that will be helpful. So all that information that the client answer will be available inside of this client portal experience. Clients will be able to once they open those accounts as I mentioned you know see all their performance. You know all the reporting that we do within the normal client portal experience financial planning. So clients will just have that one log in from start to finish or not having to have multiple logins to go through this process. So again we're really excited to to offer the streamline account opening solution for you and for your firms. And again if you do have any questions, if you want to do a, A, you know a more thorough demo, understand all the capabilities with this account opening, definitely feel free to reach out, we'll be happy to dispense. The time with you. So with that, I'm now going to turn over to next speaker, which is Kate to talk about protective dream. Thank you very much, Brian. As Brian mentioned, my name is Kate, I'm a product manager with Orion planning. And today we want to talk about protective dream or PLD as we call it. This came from Doctor Daniel Crosby, our Chief behavioral officer. And the idea however really turns on the phenomenon of mental accounting, which is a quick refresher is the propensity of individuals to treat equally. Fungible dollars differently based on the way that we're mentally or emotionally accounting for framing these assets in our minds. So the story behind the assets has a lot to do with our behavior around the assets. You know, we've seen this bear out in the way that people treat and spend bonuses versus rebates when the only difference is the nomenclature is just as just one example. So and again no value. Judgments here, mentally counting is not a good or a bad thing. It's just baked into being human. And everybody is susceptible to it, whether you're in the industry or not. And but what we certainly know is that clients are quite vulnerable to this. So I I love the quote by Eric Clark, our CEO, who says, hey, you know, we've done a pretty good job of solving the investment problem when you consider how sophisticated the industry is, but what we haven't. Quite down, or at least our our mission here is, is to address the investor behavior problem and that's where PLD can be so powerful. So the question becomes why does any of this matter and how is it valuable for you as an advisor, for your clients? How do we translate the knowledge that clients are engaging in mental accounting into something actionable that you can implement into your financial planning process or into your practice management strategy? Most of the time, I'm hesitant to use the word. Good. And this is one of those rare cases when I am confident in saying that I think it best, excuse me, advisors really should consider using a tool like protective Dream just on the basis of how valuable implementing some kind of behavioral coaching. Practice into a financial planning process has been shown to be and I'll reference research done by Merrill Lynch in the slide in front of you titled old school versus New School. Where items on the left under old school asset allocation, tax management, product allocation and rebalancing were compared with some items on the right client assessment, behavioral coaching, goal optimization, and savings and withdrawal guidance. The upshot of this research is that everything that advisors do for their clients is valuable, and that's both unsurprising and also heartening to know and hear and have reinforced. What's more surprising is just how valuable some of the items on the right actually are. In this case, the least value, the least valuable item on the right, is more valuable than the most valuable item on the left. And we also see that behavioral coaching is head and shoulders the most valuable. Behavior that was studied in this research and it can be one of the most valuable things that advisors ever do with their clients. To protect Live dream is technology that enables advisors to have these conversations around. Around money and around your clients relationship to money in a way and in terms that your clients understand and are already thinking of. This kind of conversation overtime promotes great investor behavior and great investor behavior. Overtime produces better investment outcomes as most of you have never seen protective dream before and this is a sample clients protect live Dream landing page. You can choose this as the default page that a client would land on upon logging in or a variety of other pages are available for you to choose. And by default we have this client's assets. Living in a specific bucket, these are our defaults, but if you choose to customize this, we have added a lot of flexibility for you to adapt the protective dream results as you wish, and I'll show you that on a couple of levels. First, I'll start with the firm level. In firm settings, we've got a dedicated asset bucketing tab. And you'll see I can choose between 2 columns. And up to four columns. I can always default and reset back to the protective dream layout. But let's say that I want to change the naming convention here to protect, grow and give. I can change that headline. I can change the names of the buckets. I could also change. The headline description and the description of the buckets. But I could also change the default asset assignment. So if I want to move my Roth IRA for example and tax free accounts into the give category I can do that. I'll go ahead and save that. And if I return to. The client we were just looking at. And go back to their protective dream results page, you can see that the naming convention has been updated. And the asset assignment has been updated. So now we're that was the, the, the firm level customizations. We can also make these changes on the client level. So if I click this ellipsis menu, I can choose edit asset bucketing. And while the client at this stage won't change the names of the buckets, they will be able to drag and drop their assets across buckets and that will be really valuable to them. Because it allows them to honor and view their assets in the way that they're actually mentally and emotionally thinking about these assets. And then of course, as the adviser that allows you to be able to have discussions around these assets exactly in that way. So I'll go ahead and save these changes. As a as a quick teaser for the future, right now what I've done is dragged and dropped accounts from bucket to bucket. But if we drill down even further in the near future, we'll be able to drag and drop individual assets at the position level from bucket to bucket because we know that that's that's something that clients are also wanting and advisors as well, so. That is just a quick rundown of protective dream, what it looks like and some of the customizations available to clients and to advisors. Thank you so much for your time and attention around protective dream. For those of you who are not as familiar with the rest of Orion planning capabilities at a high level, Orion planning is a cash flow and goals based financial planning platform. It comes at no additional cost for clients of Orion. So it's a great value. And I or anyone on my team would be happy to provide you with a demo answer any questions that you might have and certainly would love to hear how you're currently using your financial planning software throughout your planning process. And with that said, I will turn it over to my friend and colleague Jake to talk about retail campaigns. Thanks a lot. Thank you, Kate and thank you everyone for having me. My name is Jacob Lacey and I am the director of Orion prospect. And today I want to talk about some of the exciting new developments and the prospect side of things. Here at Orion and give you some insight into our our latest tool and how it can help grow your business. So if many of you recall about a couple years ago now we came out with the Orion marketer tool which is the Orion marketing automation engine. And with that tool we allow you to take pre built marketing campaigns and send them the clients and prospects. And with that tool we've helped a lot of firms grow their business and and really improve the efficiency of their marketing efforts. But at the beginning of this year, we wanted to examine how it was we could take that marketer experience, really take it to the next level and help you connect that experience to the broader wealth management, your broader wealth management efforts. And really importantly, how do we connect that marketing experience to CRM? Thanks to our friends at retail who are now part of the Orion family of tech tools. So how do we connect marketing to the CRM experience, because in our eyes, those two. Tools and that those two experiences really do belong together. And so like I say at the beginning of the year we looked into how we can do that, what does that experience look like at the end of all of that where we arrived is with the the experience you see outlined here in this slide, which is the red tail campaigns experience. And so the way we achieve that was by the help of two partners. Now obviously Redtail is that first partner as the name alludes to. And so we've put this new marketing experience underneath the Redtail umbrella. And are really leveraging that team to help deliver and really improve that experience and connect it to the broader wealth management experience. But the second part of this is we enlisted the help of a firm called Snappy Crackin. And snappy crackin is you know in many people's eyes and ours as well, the market leader in the marketing automation technology. So they have a really great platform and with that platform we're able to take their baseline experience, their baseline technology platform and build our experience. Of Redtail campaigns on top of that. So what you get is an experience that leverages their leading technology platform and adds Orion and Bretelle unique elements to it. That really is the best of both worlds. And rather than continue to describe it, I think the best thing for me to do would be to jump into the platform to give you an idea of what exactly I mean and really show you the power of this new tool that is retail campaigns. So like I say, I wanted to just give you an idea of the power of the red tail campaigns tool, but as a little bit of background. The tool consists of many different marketing campaigns that have all been prebuilt, pre designed, pre written, pre optimized for you to then take off the shelf and and apply to your practice and apply to your marketing efforts and these campaigns. These marketing automate automated marketing campaigns span a variety of topics on everything from current market events to financial planning to how it is that you should talk with clients, anything and everything you could. You can think of that you need to communicate with both prospects and clients. They are loaded into the system and allows you to filter through and see which one is best for you. In our case and for just for me to give you an idea of how it works and the power of it, I want to focus on the Orion exclusive campaigns. So as I mentioned we leverage Snappy Kraken and and they're great platform and the content they add in the system. But on top of that Orion adds its own unique specific content that you can only get through our experience and and much of that is built in a way that it connects to that broader wealth management experience. In this case I want to allude back to what Kate was just talking about which is. That protect lived dream financial planning workflow. So as he showed that that great workflow was built to help you take prospects or clients through this experience that that protective dream experience. But from our purposes, let's imagine that you have that workflow ready to go and you want to get it to a group of prospects who you think would benefit from that experience. We've created a marketing campaign within retail campaigns that does just that. So say for example you have a list of prospects you met at an event and you know that this list of say 10 prospects would really benefit from that that protective dream experience. If you look here on the screen, there is the Orion exclusive protective Dream financial planning workflow campaign. So if we click into it. You'll see that we've built a campaign all around that workflow. And the goal of it is to do 2 things. It's one to engage those prospects with materials on this topic that you think that we think they would find interesting. So a white paper that discusses the science of the PLD workflow, some social posts that really call attention to how it works and how PLD can help with their own finances, etcetera, etcetera. And so if I click the personalize button, you'll see the full campaign. But the point being? Uh, if we click over I have a new tab open with the with the campaign built out for for time purposes. But the point being is that this campaign really allows you to take a prospect, send them down a pre built marketing funnel that takes them from being a prospect to someone who is first engaged with your practice and the and the materials you provide them, then engaged with financial planning specifically and finally the coup de grace they say is it engages them by sending them that PLD workflow itself. Which gets them even further into the work the excuse me the the workflow and gets them started with your firm. And so as you can see, there's a full campaign. Everything within this has already been created. So for example, the landing page is ready for to go for you. You can change anything you like to change any of the assets, but it's also written in a way that allows you to just view it, save it and have it ready to go. And that is true for every all these assets, which all work in a way that makes it easy for you to set up a pretty complex marketing or automated marketing workflow and really do so pretty easily and pretty quickly. You can simply go through, see each of the assets, see how they work together and save them. And it's really ready to go. And it includes everything like I mentioned, from social posts to white papers to emails, and all of it works together to, like I say, put that prospect through the funnel and ultimately turn them from a prospect into a client. And importantly, the last piece of this is whenever you're ready to send this out, you can of course send it to your compliance department if needed, in a manner in which they prefer. So that was very quick, going through how a campaign might work in retail campaigns and giving you a brief demonstration of what the power of the tool can be. Obviously, there's many different campaigns on many different topics. But the last thing I'll say is that when you look at the campaign, I just put together very quickly, which I can go into a lot more detail about it, but I won't. But when you look at it, what I did was was a, I created the marketing campaign, yes, so we were able to have all the parts and pieces of marketing. Uh, the, the designed social posts, the, the optimized landing page, the e-mail workflow and all the copywriting imagery web development, everything that goes into that has already been done for you. So that's that's the the core benefit and and the first benefit you see out of that. But on top of that by filtering the funnel down to that PLD workflow, we've also pushed that prospect into the financial planning experience and importantly push them into the Orion client portal. So that way as they engage with your firm. And begin to use the tools you give them. They're in their own client portal. They have one login. It's all seamless experience, and for them, everything happens quite easily. They're kind of introduced to your experience without knowing that or without having to go into different logins or go to different places or schedule different things. It all happens seamlessly for them and for you. It also happens seamlessly and that now they're set up in the client portal and everything's ready for you to go to start planning, to start initiating that broader wealth management experience. And really that is, that is the power of retail campaigns, automated marketing that connects to your border wealth management experience and ultimately helps you grow your business. And I think I will leave it there and after me I will pass it off to Brian Morgan who will talk about some of the latest and greatest from his world including the the three RTQ. Alright, thank you Jake, this is Brian Ward again. I'm back to talk to you about another exciting enhancement which is the 3D risk profile. So I'm going to show you where to find it, how to use it and I think you know really how you can take advantage of of helping your clients especially with the recent markets that we've been having. In helping understand their total risk of picture. So I'm going to start from the beginning, start with the new client here, just to show you how easy it is to find it. So I'm going to add in Jane Smith. All right. And then just to make sure that this is something that you have available here at the top left where you click on Jane Smith's name. You'll see client settings. So for Risk Questionnaire, we have a couple of options. We'll have the Orion questionnaire which is a seven question risk tolerance questionnaire and then we also have the new 3D risk profile. So just make sure that you have the new 3D risk profile selected if you don't already. Alright, and then you can go to profile here on the left. And then risk profile. So here you're going to see us assess my risk tolerance. We're then going to look at building your 3D rose profile, so taking you through this this questionnaire. So it does take a few minutes to go through. For the sake of of this demonstration, I'm going to quickly go through the questions, but you'll notice that with 3D risk profile takes into account not just risk tolerance but also risk capacity and risk composure as well. So we're going to create that that risk profile. So we're going to start with risk capacity. So these questions, you know. As you can see as you go through it very easy for a client to collect and go to the next question. If they need to, they can click on previous. Here you know how secure is your current future income. How are you able to handle for financial emergencies? So again, these questions are geared just towards risk capacity. Whereas you know, most questionnaires are just really looking at risk composure. So this this is part of the 3D risk profiles taking into account the different components. So now we'll do risk tolerance. So we'll start with it. Now they can invest. And these are questions around, you know, how comfortable would they be with, you know, losses and what type of gains they're looking for? So we'll give them their score just for risk tolerance and now we'll go into risk composure. So I am easily stressed out, I rarely worry. So again when we think about the markets that we've had you know in 2022, you know these are really important questions to ask, could really help when we're, when we're having another choppy day in the market, you know, understanding which clients maybe have a lower risk composure to, to be proactive to reach out to these clients. So now we have our, our score for risk composure. And then we'll give your total score. So based off of the individual scores for risk capacity, risk tolerance and risk composure, you know we have a formula here to give your total 3D risk profile. If you're using our planning tool. We'll then also show you know which you know model this equates to when we're thinking about just you know, when we're making our recommendations for their overall household as far as you know, what models they should be looking at as a starting point and and as a reminder, you know these are your models so we have. Or default models that you can use, but you can also customize these models. You know the names of the models, the number of models, so just keep that in mind. But then we'll, you know show once they're done these these scores will always show here so you can easily go back not just see the the total score but also see the underlying components. You can also download this in a PDF. So here at the top right you'll see download PDF. And then you'll see, uh, near the bottom here, 3D roast profile. So this could be total part of the total financial plan if you're running a financial plan for them. You can also create a template, right? So you don't have to include all of these pages. You can even just include just that one page. So I can just remove all these these other pages options here. I can create a template with just, you know, with just the 3D risk profile I can even get rid of the composure. Save that template so I don't have to go through that process that I just did every time and then download the PDF and then we'll show the questions, the answers, just so that you can. You know your clients can have a take away you have some sort of formal output from the questionnaire, not just something that lives inside the tool. So that's how you jump download the PDF. Just wanted you also to see that this is something that you can send to your clients to do on their own so you have the ability to invite clients to this portal. You can have them just go through their risk tolerance questionnaire, the 3D risk profile, right, so you can turn off everything else. Have them go through just that 3D risk profile. So this way, you know, it's easier for the client to do this on their own. You don't have to do this with them, you know, in the office with you or by zoom. You can also then say OK, well after they do the three years profile, I want them to see everything else. I want them to see their accounts for example the document involved. So this is all very customizable, but I just wanted you to see that this is also a workflow option where the client can log in and just do this, just do the 3D risk profile and nothing else. So that's that's that's it for my demo of the 3D risk profile. Obviously have any questions? We have a great support team. We also have some information inside of our Resource Center to find that if you click on help near the top right. And then Resource Center here. So we have a ton of content around the different risk tolerance questionnaires that we have available. So check that out if you have any more questions. But with that, I'm going to turn it over to Bola to talk about redshift. This is Bala, a product manager for the cloud data team. So I'll be talking about Red shift today. So there are many financial institutions with unique and complex needs, and Orion is a premier provider of financial advisor technologies, has always showcased its commitment to serving them. Today I love to start with the evolution of integration here at Orion. As you see in the slides after the ancient times of paperwork 20 years ago back in 2000, the only way to digest or receive information is the ADOC delivery of flat files, where the data is delivered by a SFTP or e-mail. But there is always a problem with it. The data is always stale. Later there are the scheduled processes or jobs that are running every two to five minutes to look for the new. That are pulling files into the system or the data warehouse on the advisor side to effectively reconcile it. And then in 2014, Orion kicked off Fuse Hackathon where we have announced our Restful APIs which is urgent transformation of data integration. That time where two partners beat Orion and a custodian or Orion and a customer can integrate through the APIs and do data transfer but the overhead of code maintenance or having to consistently. Update the APIs might still take down some processes that are already built in 2016. Then we started contextual Assos which made the UX navigation from one platform to another platform easy for the workflow enablement in the context of a specific client for a specific scenario. So while we still support all these legacy platforms from evolution perspective, we took the data integration a few steps further this year. So where we are going really now is towards revolution arising the data sharing model. We chose AWS Redshift to be our cloud data warehouse that allows server to server data sharing in real time. Where an integration partner or a vendor or an advisor will have real time access to our Orion data tables in the form of raw read only views that are updated as the reconciliation happens or as the team are making changes to the transactions, accounts, Billings etc. You can see. All the data flowing directly to the consumer cluster. So how does this all work? When the consumer spins up their own provisioned or serverless cluster. And she has some specific details about that. With us. We will have a virtual handshaking done to be able to establish a producer and consumer connection to share all the views that help the consumer run their business and allow them to query in real time and have those views seen in real time. Now that we have dozens of consumers have already onboarded during 2022, we see that the ease and speed with which the large and extremely large datasets be replicated, partitioned and even the permissions. Can be managed is extraordinary, So what problems are we really solving with this? And then beyond improved data accessibility, decreasing operational costs and reducing API traffic, this cloud based real time data has the potential to solve an industry wide issue of reconciliation. And also Ryan as a producer itself has improved report generation speeds and the application performance speeds by three times by leveraging cloud technologies and the search query speeds are tracking 9 times faster now so. And now what? What? We should discuss why this really matters to you, in addition to the fact that this offers all the firms to have secured access to real time data in seconds. Improved application performance. This also solves an ongoing issue of stale and inefficient data delivery as we get closer and closer to real time data. It is interesting to see how just in time reporting moves into the hands of advisor even when they have to run multiple batches of reports at a time. And there are firms doing a lot of testing bid from compliance perspective or billing perspective. Rob's perspective and having more and more real time data allows them to be more proactive than being reactive four decision makers as well as the people working on performance testing. It is so helpful to have the real time insights as we get the real time data at the disposal of advisors, clients or investors through this redshift data sharing they can integrate. Data with BI tools like Power BI, Tableau or the tools that exist within AWS such as quick site would definitely fuel the business and this can enhance client experience as well for the entire business where everything from notifications to portfolio rebalancing works based on real time data flows. So we strongly believe that this fuels Fintech innovation making T + 1 the thing of the past we hope to have more and more real time integration with. Customers and partners and ultimately on board custodians taking the data quality and collaboration to the next level. Thanks for joining and we would love to hear back from you. Happy to answer any questions you may have. Please shoot an e-mail to cloud data support@orion.com. Now I'll be handing this over to Brian Nelson to cover Orion trading tool. Thanks, Bala. My name is Brian and I'm covering a few of our big trading enhancements that we released this year. The first major enhancement in our Eclipse trading platform is the ability to set account or portfolio specific security equivalents. Accounting portfolio equivalents are a solution for handling client assets that are not targeted in a model. Common examples include legacy assets and assets that may have a low cost basis in a taxable account account portfolio equivalents allow you to set a security to be a direct equivalent to a targeted model security on an individual account or portfolio. For example, a clients model target is Apple stock, but they already own Microsoft at a low basis in a non qualified account. The advisor would like the Microsoft stock to take the place of the Apple stock model target rather than treat the Microsoft stock as a non model position. The process to set up the equivalence is very simple and it is found within the existing security settings area for account or portfolio preferences. The equivalents can be set up individually or imported in using our import tool on Eclipse. The second major enhancement in our Eclipse platform this year is the integration of portfolio groups between our portfolio accounting platform, which we refer to as Orion Connect, and the Eclipse platform. Users can now create a portfolio group in Orion Connect and it will automatically sync to Eclipse and create the same portfolio group there. Conversely, a user can set up a portfolio group in Eclipse and it will automatically sync to Orion Connect and create the same group there as well. In addition to the setup of a portfolio group, a user can also modify portfolio groups in either platform and all changes will seamlessly sync to each platform. Setting up this integration requires a call with our trading support team, along with completion of a short tutorial on how to set up and use the integration. Thanks for your time. I'm now going to pass it over to Michelle Marcuzzo with our reporting team. I'm Michelle Marcuzzo, senior product manager for reporting. We are continually making enhancements to reporting, usability and functionality and we're basing this product development work on what advisors are telling us about the industry needs and the most important problems needed to be solved for advisors. Today I'm going to talk about some of the most recent enhancements we have been released for reporting. First, we'll start with report accessibility improvements. In order to help advisors serve a wide array of clients successfully, we've made some important accessibility enhancements to our reports. For example, we adopted a new PDF format that is compatible with assistive reader technologies such as Talkback and Voiceover, allowing users with visual impairments to fully utilize reports. We also made visual improvements to donut charts. We're making these enhancements to ensure that all aspects are reports. Are usable and valuable to your clients. Next, we have enhanced financial planning components in PDF reports. To support your efforts in helping your clients visualize their financial planning goals, we've integrated components from a Ryan planning into PDF reports. There are several new sub reports including action steps, goals, net worth, balance sheet and charts that can be incorporated as valuable visualization and a customer port for client facing meetings. You can also easily provide your clients with a snapshot of their plan on any day their report is run, with a recent as of date enhancement. The ability to compile client facing network reports with any data for any timeframe the client wants to see. It will allow insightful comparison of net worth and quarterly statements. You also see a new report package functionality. With the new report package feature, we've added the ability to quickly and easily run multiple reports for clients at one time and then present it as a concise package for client meetings. This will decrease the prep time for client meetings with just a few clicks you can do on one screen. Report packages will help you visualize the value you bring to the client advisor relationships. And finally, as part of our ongoing usability enhancements, we've recently redesigned the reports landing page. With this redesign, you can quickly and easily find reports you need with enhanced search and filter functions. We can you can easily put the focus on the reports you care about the most with the favorites and recently edited features. There's also a recently deleted feature that will show all reports available to available to you that have been recently deleted, and includes the ability to undelete a report for up to 90 days post deletion. So those are few, a few of the most recent report usability enhancements. We will continue to listen to our advisors to help guide us on what areas of reporting we need to work on next to provide you with the intuitive and powerful tools you need to show value created in client relationships and continue to grow your business. And next I'll hand it off to Sean. Thanks, Michelle, and thanks everyone for sticking with us as we went through those ten different enhancements that we've made within the Orion system today, some of the innovations and product structures we know many of you probably have questions. We can't cover everything in detail in these types of webinars. If you do have additional questions, questions, please feel free to hit the contact button within the the webinar, reach out to your local Rep on the Orion side. We're more than happy to talk through any details related to how to better grow your business and partner together as we go into 2023. So with that, thank you. Again for joining us and we'll see you again next time. _1739916352651