Whether you call them Full-Service Community Schools, Community Learning Centers, or Community Hubs- community schools make a difference in the lives of children, families, educators and their communities every day by becoming the heart of their communities and creating better conditions for both teaching and learning. This isn’t just another program: It’s a paradigm shift in the way we think about schools that goes well beyond just providing supports and services for students. They’re a place where teachers, families, community members, and service providers come together in a coordinated partnership to solve problems and create opportunities.
Join the American Federation of Teachers in this webinar for helpful resources and tools for school and district administrators, educators, support personnel and family members wanting to be more connected and find support in and outside the classroom. This webinar is the first in a monthly series exploring what makes community schools successful, and it will dive into one of the core elements of a community school: family engagement. Led by educators, parent advocates, and community school practitioners you will answer the questions: why is family engagement important; what does a high-quality family engagement framework look like; and what are some strategies for deepening family engagement at my school or district?
Available for one-hour of PD credit.*
*You will be eligible to receive one-hour of professional development recertification credit for participation in this webinar if you complete all the poll questions, survey, and actively watch the webinar. At the conclusion of the webinar, you will be able to download a certificate that verifies you completed the webinar. Check with your school district in advance of the webinar to ensure that the PD recertification credit is accepted.
You must be a Share My Lesson member to participate in this webinar. By registering for this webinar, you consent to getting a free account on Share My Lesson if you are not a current member.