By empowering our students to lead and serve lead for change is changing lives, transforming communities and improving our world. Learn more, check out the research and access free leadership curriculum now at Welcome everyone on behalf of the American Federation of Teachers. I'd like to welcome everyone to today's webinar. My name is Emily Kopolow and I will be your moderator this afternoon. Before we begin, I'd like to thank today's virtual conference sponsor lead for Change, which is celebrating its 10th year lead for change is a free leadership curriculum for grades six through 12 with a community service framework that is easily integrated into any class, club or setting. Leave port range is the nation's fastest growing privately. Founded Student Leadership Program with more than 15,000 educators and nearly two million students. Give your class, club, or school a chance to win up to $10,000 in the lead for Change challenge. You can learn more about lead for change by clicking on their logo on the right side of your screen. We truly appreciate your support now. Let's watch a short video on how our webinars work. Hello everyone, welcome to our 2022 share my lesson virtual conference. My name is Kelly Booze, director of the American Federation of Teachers. Share my lesson before we begin. We'll go over a few housekeeping items. For those of you who have joined us many times before, you know that we make our webinars as engaging as we possibly can. So to get us started, please open up that group chat box and tell us where you are from and why you are joining us today and what interests you about this particular topic. In addition to the group chat, if you're joining us live, you will be able to provide some different reactions throughout the webinar today, so let us know what you're thinking and throughout the webinar, whatever reaction you want to give, share it with us and share it with your fellow participants. At the end of this webinar, we will be facilitating a question and answer session. Use that Q&A widget to submit any questions that you want us to ask the presenter. If you have any technical issues, please also use a Q&A widget and one of our share. My lesson team members is there and ready to respond to you. If you would like a copy of the slide deck or any of the related materials, you can find those in the resource widget. For those of you who want professional development credit, you will be able to download a PDF certificate at the conclusion of this webinar verifying your participation today, you do need to answer the poll questions that you will see throughout the webinar. To access that certificate now, let's turn it back over to your moderator who will put up a sample poll question for you to try. The poll question is located directly in the slides. You can answer your question and then hit submit. From all of us at share my lesson. Thank you for joining us today. Enjoy your webinar. Alright, so now is your opportunity to practice your poll taking ability and let us know. What you are wearing are you wearing real clothes? Are you wearing pajamas? You can tell us the truth, put any details appropriate details in the comments about your response and we're going to give you a chance. We want to make sure everyone understands how to find the polls. It's in the medium slide area. We're going to give people a little bit more time to answer. So don't wait answer 'cause we're waiting for you to do so. Are you wearing pajamas right now? Alright, it looks like most people have found the poll area and we're gonna close that and see what people say. People are not wearing pajamas right now. There may be a lot of people that are still at school and watching this from school, so that makes sense. But there are definitely some of you wearing pajamas because why not be comfy, right? OK, well now it's time for our main programming of the session. We're so pleased that Barbara Blackburn is back for yet another webinar we always love when she comes. Joins us on SNL. So here you go. Thanks, Barbara. Thank you very much and thank all of you for spending a little bit of time with me. We were just trying to figure out how many of how many years I've done this and we think it's been six or seven, so hopefully you've heard good things or you have been before and you have come back and this year we're going to be focusing on students needs. How do we address those specific needs they have? And this has certainly become even more of an issue as we have come back. From the pandemic or as we are coming in and out of the pandemic, it's always been an issue, but it seems to be even more of an issue. So what we're going to do is look at some ways to actually assess where students are, and then some ways to address that so it'll sort of be a two part session. Absolutely put your questions over the Q&A or in the chat, because we'll take a little bit of time to do that at the end, and I want to make sure make sure that we are addressing. Any of your issues now you need your handouts and they are over on the left and Emily. If I just said that wrong, jump in and tell me, but I think we said the handouts are over on the left and you absolutely want to get close. Is that right Emily? All right, I think she said yes, so we're going to want to do that. There's a lot of detail in there that I'll just have a header slide up, so you're going to want the handouts. If for some reason you can't download them now, definitely do it after the session, because you will want that material now the main page. The first page gives you. What's up on this cover slide, and the most important thing on here is my contact information. For example, you may come up with a question and we don't have time to get to it today. Well, if you email me, I'll certainly email. Back so please feel free to email me if you have need. Maybe you want to ask me about doing something with your school. Whatever you need to, you've got my email address. Even more important than that is my website address the There are over 100 free resources on the website. You do not have to register and you have copyright permission to use all of them. So there are articles. There are radio shows I hosted. There are podcasts. There are white papers. There are so many different things and it's on a wide variety. So if rigor is your thing, that's definitely my thing. There's a lot of information about rigor, but there are also things like. Learned helplessness. I don't know about you, but there were a lot of my students who had developed learned helplessness so they weren't even willing to try. So there's an article with tips and Strategies on that. There's also downloads from all my books so you can access any of those you want to, so just know that at some point you may want to go wander around the website. So that's your main page of your handout. So let's move forward, just to give you a real quick information about me. Makes me sound fancier than I am a top. 30 global guru. I've written over 25 books I think I'm up to 30, but I've got to go back and count. I work all over the world. I do a lot of on site, but particularly the last two years. I've really moved online, so I do a lot of coaching of teachers, professional development, just all kinds of things, OK? Here's a question for you for the chat box. What is your biggest challenge? Related to addressing students needs. So what is your biggest challenge? Think about that, but specific to addressing students needs. So take just a couple of minutes. Oh wow, great great. Responses, so take a look at those. I think we're going to hit a lot of these. Yeah. Wow, y'all got such. Good ideas, you know. The challenge is that we are trying to address these different things so you know how do we actually. You know, try to meet them where they are because where they are is very different from where other students are, so you know how do we do that when we cannot. Plan 30 different lessons because we cannot trying to identify all of their needs. That's a real challenge, but it's one we're going to talk about. I can't help you with the one about red tape and administrators by can solve that one. Wow, I would just get to sit around and wave my watch magic wand so you do have a lot of different issues now several of you said learned helplessness is an issue. So I've just put up my blog. Who learned helplessness? It's one of the ones on share my lesson. So I've just put that in the chat. So if that is a concern I I want you to go ahead and grab that. And as we move forward, I don't think I'm going to hit everybody's challenges. But I think I'm going to be able to hit a good number of them. So let's take a look and see what I can do. All right, the first thing I would tell you, and this starts on page two of your handouts, is that when our students are struggling. We must work to meet their needs, but we have to do that with an eye toward their independent success. Because one of our challenges is that we sometimes provide so much support and scaffolding. That then they become overly dependent on us. And that again can lead to that learned helplessness. So what we want to do with any of our scaffolding, we want to do it a little bit like riding a bike. This is. This is certainly something that was true when I was growing up. We started out on a tricycle. And then when I finally got rid of the tricycle and got a bicycle, it had training wheels. And then I got to take the training wheels off, but my dad held on to the bottom of the seat to keep me steady. And then one day when he felt like I was ready he let go. That's really what we want to do with students, so something as simple as graphic organizers. We may need some that are very detailed. Then we move to some that are more general and then we move to. They only get them if they need them or want them. And then we move to not using them at all. So we really want to use that gradual release method. OK Margaret, I just spotted over in the chat about motivation. Oh my gosh, we can't even begin to talk about motivation. But on my website, under the articles there's about seven articles on motivation. So go check those out, OK? Let's try a chat or a poll question. The statement was, and again, if you've got your hand out, you've got it on page 2. When our students are struggling. We must work to meet their needs with an eye toward independent success. Do you agree with me? You agree with think it's challenging, don't agree with me or you're not sure. OK, click choice. Let's see what you come up with. And the polls are very important for two reasons. They give me feedback that I can work from, but they're also how you get your professional development certificates. So you do have to answer the polls. It's one of the reasons that I'll give you plenty of time to do that. So again, we're looking at struggling students. We should work with them with that eye toward independence. So what do you feel like? You totally agree? You agree, but it's challenging you don't agree, or you're not sure. So about 10 more seconds. Stephanie is not seeing the question and. Susan, I don't know what to do about that. Alright, she's saying try refreshing and we'll push him again later and that you can run back through so OK, so she's got you a good long answer in the chat. OK, let's see what we have come up with. OK, so about 34% of you say you totally agree with me, which is always nice because I like to not be totally wrong. But 6061% of you say I agree with it, but it's very challenging and I think that's where most people. Paul. It is very difficult to even know what is correct, how much support do I give them? Am I giving them enough? Am I giving them too much? And honestly there is no perfect answer and I can't give you that answer. The reality is you know your students. You know the content you've got to make that judgement call, and as the year goes on you learn when they need more help and when they need less help. OK? I mean, that really is what it is as a teacher. You are the best one to make that decision. You may not always feel that way, but I'll stack you up against anybody else. So let's go ahead and look at some specific pieces and we're going to start with. How do you? Assess student needs. So again in your handouts you want to be on page 2. I'm showing you a sample up here, but in your handouts you'll notice the first one is a sample one for a language arts classroom because I wanted to give you a couple of ideas so the first one is 1 where they're going to be studying about heroes and heroines. And it's it's pretty simple. Their statements into the left, it's agree or disagree and that's all it is. And it's everything from heroes are always courageous. To a hero is someone who is different from the rest of society. And so it's just a simple, agree or disagree. And then you use that as a conversation. Now what happens with that is you begin to understand their prior knowledge and prior knowledge is their readiness to learn. If they have a lot of it, they are more ready to learn than if they don't. Now. Some people like that real simple one that just lets them see where they are before the lesson. Others like a little bit more so the math anticipation guide is up here. He is also in your packet on Page 3 and notice that what they do is you agree or disagree before the lesson, and then you come back and agree or disagree after the lesson. Now one thing I like to do is not only agree or disagree after the lesson, but if they disagree they need to go back and reword it so they agree with it so that you're really getting them that to focus on the fact that those statements are. Correct, so you can have them rewrite ones that are incorrect, so that's just another way you can tweak an anticipation guide. You can do these individually. I'd like them individually, because then I can see where each student is, but I also work with teachers who do them in small groups, which gives students time to talk and possibly build their prior knowledge. So you really can do it either way, but what you absolutely want to do is use these to generate a whole group discussion. So that then you can help build that prior knowledge before you go into your lesson. So that's what anticipation guides are like. Plenty of them out on the web. Let me also say there's plenty of them that are free out there on the web. A couple of my favorites that the templates are available free are on Readwritethink is from the National Council of Teachers for English and the International Reading Association. I am going to put this right over here. In the chat they've got. Hundreds and hundreds of resources, but they do have a couple of anticipation guides that I particularly like that they've got one that's a little more geared toward elementary, one that's a little more geared to secondary. So again, the purpose of an anticipation guide. Height. To find out if they are ready for your content, access their prior knowledge in a more structured way than a KWL. Do you have any questions on that? Make sure you pop them over there for folks to look at. Now of course, the next thing that we need to talk about, and again I think this one has just become so critical with everything that has gone on with COVID is that we need to assess personal factors that are impacting our students. For example, one of the things that is making a big difference right now for students is many of them lost a family member. Maybe they lost a grandparent. Or an aunt or a parent or or a sibling and so many of them are dealing with that grief. Some of them I was working with the school just last week that this was a situation economic factors had become huge for their students, many of them the families were kicked out of their rental properties and they were living in a car. So even things this basic is getting enough sleep to be a lert. In the classroom that has become a huge area. So what we've got to do is really look at those personal needs. Now, we can't possibly look at everything. OK, we can't. What I do know is that as schools we are becoming better at it, we are doing better jobs as a school at trying to identify specific needs. Whether it is financial. I'm working with a lot of schools who are trying to connect families to charitable organizations to meet some of those resources. Our guidance counselors have always been crucial, but they are even more important now in terms of helping us assess and meet those needs, so we can't do everything but what we can do is a really great classroom activity that will help us understand where our students are coming from. And it's an all about me activity now you can do this as a poster. You can do it as a video you can do it as a PowerPoint slide. You can do it as an audio you can do it anyway. You want to write I did this with my students. They absolutely loved it, what they did. They decided their theme for the year was going to be rockets. So we made rockets out of toilet paper tubes or a paper towel tubes and everybody did their all about me. And put it up inside their rocket, and we hung them from the ceiling, and then we opened and began at the end of the year. So you can do this any way you would like and what it is, is this. You basically give students some prompting questions. The overall goal is I just want to know how you are. I want to know about you. I want to know who you are. I want to know anything you want to tell me. You can tell me about your family. You can tell me about your pets. You can tell me about where you live. You can tell me what you like. You can tell me what you don't like. You can tell me about your. Friends, you can tell me anything you want to and I start out that open ended and they can write it. They can draw it. They can cut pictures out and do it. They can take pictures of things at home and bring it in. Do digital pictures. They can do whatever they want to do. Now for the student who says to me, because there's always these students for the student who says to me. I don't know what to do then I'm going to have some sample questions to get them started. I may just talk to them about it. I may have them up on a poster whatever I need to do, and whatever is best for my students. Again, it just sort of depends, but the goal is that they're going to tell me whatever they'd like me to know. Now I'm also going to do mine and I'm going to make sure I share things. I'm going to tell them about my husband. I'm going to tell them about my puppy dog named Haley, and you know, she just runs all over the place and the her favorite thing to do is that she loves my mother. She knows if I say grandmomma, she knows that my mother is coming in the door and she likes to jump all over. Which is great because my mom is 89 and has dementia and she just loves that somebody loves her so. You're all about me. Can be whatever you would like it to be. You know I might tell you that my favorite color is blue. I might tell you that I really like to listen to a certain kind of music. Whatever my favorite part of teaching. And so you make your own, they make theirs, you share them. You learn about each other. They don't have to share everything with the whole group. You can, you can have them choose what they want to share. Again posters you can put up inside rockets that you're hanging from the ceiling. If you want to do that, do them digitally. Do them however you would like to do. Videos are certainly great. Some kids don't want to do that anymore, but whatever works for you and what you do is that you're just. Finding out more about them. Hey, you may already know a lot, which is great, but when they get to choose what to tell you, it's really interesting to see what they have to say. So that's one way you can assess the personal factors that go along with your students. Alright, the next one. Growth mindset again always been important. Huge with everything we've been going through because one of the sad things that has happened is that many students during remote learning have learned. I'm not a very good student. I can't do this. I'm really dumb and I'll never get any better and they may have already felt that way and they may feel that way more with remote learning. A lot of times your very advanced students became very negative. With remote learning. You know we had good examples of remote learning, not so good examples and students have responded in different ways, so it's really important to find out how they feel about their own learning. Do they feel like they can learn and grow that they have a growth mindset? Or do they feel like I'm where I am? There's nothing I can do. So. If you take a look on page four of your handout packet, I give you where you can get the full versions of these because they're up on my website. I I told you that one of the things are my downloads from my books. These are examples of downloads for books, so you have the full link on my website or I have to tell you you can go to my website and go to free and wander around. And if you can't find something, email me and I will tell you where it is alright page 5 and you handout packet again. Those are over on the left. If you don't have them. You see a sample of the middle highschool growth assessment. I also have an elementary version up. The elementary is more of a yes no with smiles and frowns. This one they're actually ranking themselves and So what happens is you're looking at statements like the harder you work, the smarter you will be. And if they agree with that. Then that tells you that they're willing to put forth effort. But if they tell you they don't believe that, then that's an area you've got to work on, because if they don't believe that the harder they work, the better they're going to be. Then they're not going to try. And you're not going to be able to get anything else to happen, so you really need to understand where they are about growth mindset. So again, I've given you on page 5, that's one page of two for the middle high school and on page 4 I gave you the link to go directly to them, and you can download both the elementary and the middle high school will tell you that a lot of my middle high school teachers who are teaching students with special needs like the elementary one a little bit better in some ways just because it's easier to read. And they're not having to rank it, and sometimes that's a little more challenging. So it's your call. But you can access both of them there. So let's go to a poll question. And that's just not even the right one, so I don't know what the KWL question is up there for. So here's the deal. Everybody put yes, and we're going to keep going. There is nothing better than to be flexible, because really what what I want to know is more about how you know how important do you think it is to look at things like growth, mindset and students personal factors. So just everybody put a yes on this. So you get credit. Definitely want to make sure you get credit. Yeah, Carol, it's it's, you know. People say you know this is not for kindergarten or whatever. It is absolutely. I mean, at those very early ages is when we've got to start really building some things. OK, so thanks for that. Alright, let's move on to some instructional strategies now I see where the KWL question is supposed to be. It's out of order. That's OK, we will make it work. So we've talked about how to assess students. So now we want to talk about how do we? Teach in a way that matches some of those assessments, so the first one is just modeling OK, But what I would tell you is a lot of times we think about modeling, being modeling the content, so modeling that content. What I would encourage you to do is think about that. There's a couple of ways of modeling. It is important to model content to model your thinking about how solve a math word problem? OK, that's important. But it is equally. If not even a little bit more important to model strategic knowledge. Here's what strategic knowledge is, as opposed to content knowledge. Strategic knowledge is the knowledge you need to use a particular strategy. So let's take something like notetaking. We're using PowerPoint, we're putting some information up there. We are talking, so there's more than just what's on the screen. We're talking about our content, and here's what the kids are doing. They're copying the PowerPoint. And I have people who say, well, they're taking notes. No, that's not taking notes, that's copy. And then I'll have a teacher say to me. Well, but I put a blank in and they have to figure out what goes in the blank. Yeah, OK. Maybe it's a little bit better still not taking notes, because here's what taking notes is taking notes is looking what's on the screen. Listening to what's being said. Pulling out the key information and writing that down. So if you want to model that strategy, then what you would do is put something up on the PowerPoint screen and say what we're going to be doing. We're just going to do this one slide. I don't want you to copy it down. I want you to read it, and I'm going to talk. And then we're going to take notes, but don't write anything down right now or I put your pencils down and I haven't read the slide. I talk about the slide, and I say OK, now you can pick up your pencils. Here's what you're going to do. I want you to write down. Two sentences. That summarize what we just talked about, you can't copy and slide. You need two sentences. You have to think about what I said and what the slide says. Write down to sentences that summarize that material and you do that multiple times. You teach them overtime. How to do the strategy? Of note taking and it's amazing once they learn how to do it, it's just that. They don't learn it quickly and sometimes they don't know how to do it because we've never taught them. That strategy of notetaking, they learned early on that note taking is copied, and sometimes they learn that from parents, not from us. So when you're looking at modeling, you want to do strategic modeling in addition to content modeling. Now. Here's the KWL. So at the bottom of page 6 you have this. This is an adaptation. This is a KWHL. What I know what I want to learn. I added the H when I was a teacher. How can we learn this? Because I wanted their buy in, I didn't want it to be that I was just dictating to them. I wanted to make sure they felt some like they had some choice and voice. And I was working with a teacher in a high school and they were studying the Holocaust and she did this and she said it was amazing just to do the H because kids said something like Oh well, there's a virtual museum here and the teacher knew a lot of this, but she wanted the kids to have some voice so they said, oh, we found a virtual museum here or we found online journals from Holocaust victims here. Or there's somebody in my church who served in World War Two. And you know, they had all these different resources. And the lesson was so much richer because of that. And I, my students were doing that under the age. They also did things like we could do a virtual tour versus just reading the textbook. One that I've seen added recently is the R, which is the. What resources can we use so a lot of what my students did for an H. Then they blended it under the R. OK. So for what resources can we use? And then of course you go back to what? What did we learn? So this is just a really interesting way to look at content, knowledge, content, knowledge, not strategic knowledge. OK, we are all going to have surprise because the next slide is supposed to be the one about prior knowledge that we've already looked at. So let's see what it is. Been there twice. OK here we go. So do you think that changing from a traditional KWL 2A KWHRL would be effective for your students? Now? I'm not saying you just hand it to them, you do it as a group or in small groups. So do you think if you added those extra columns? That that would be more effective for your students. Maybe not in every lesson, but in some lessons. And again, you've got this at the bottom of page 6 in your handout so that you have it as a template to use. Alright, so over 80% of you think yes, so that's a good one to try. If you'd rather just do HL, or if you'd rather do HRL totally up to you and and by the way, OK, I love searching for things online. My problem is I start searching for one thing and I look up and I spend an hour and a half. I don't know if that ever happens to you, but there's a lot of good material out there and again, I would tell you there's plenty of paid stuff out there too, but you can find. You can find some really good things and you can cite the source. You can search something like alternatives to a KWL and you'll find some really interesting things, so good resources, alright? Next one is to use Post-its and mind dumps. One of my favorites. I used it with my students when I was teaching. I used it when I was teaching grades 789. I used this with my graduate students when I was teaching at the university, so here's what you do. You can either just have them listed. Or you can use post it notes, but my students come in. They're very overwhelmed. They're worried about all kinds of things. I don't know why, but this tends to happen on a Monday or a Friday and they are just overwhelmed. So I'm going to give him a stack of post it notes. Or again, they can just take out a sheet of paper and I'm going to say I want you to write down everything that's in your head right now, one per post. It note you've got 2 minutes ago and they just write and write. Write something like I don't know what to write now, get over there to them, and I say, well, water. What are you worried about right now? Well, I'm worried about. OK, write that down. What do you thinking about right now? I'm thinking about this and you just have him do a mind dump. That's exactly what you do is it's a mind dump. And then once you've given them a minute for it, you say, OK, I want you to take everything you wrote down. Stack it back up. Put it in your desk or put it under a book or put it wherever and they could have drawn pictures. OK, they don't have to write. They can draw pictures and you say we can't do anything about any of that right now. So for right now we're going to do. We're going to talk about oceans. And so for right now, let's just talk about oceans and then you can go back to your post. It notes later. And I'm gonna tell you it clears their minds long enough for you to get a good lesson in. It's amazing. And then what you can also do at the end is say or you can even say at the beginning is if there's any post it. Note that you want to share with me. Feel free to give it to me and we'll talk about it. But again, you're getting them focused on the lesson and that gets rid of some of those. Those personal factors just all the stuff they're worried about. OK, Janice saying JAM board is often awesome for this though is Mary so great I do. I love post it notes and kids love post it notes so I you know I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's the calendar. I mean the colors of it or what it is. So that gives you a couple of good options there, OK? The last strategy I want to talk about is differentiating lessons so that you can meet students needs. If they are struggling. So I'm gonna give you 2 I I use a lot of these with the schools I work with in all subject areas, but I wanted us to look at just two again. You've heard me say before you really need your hand out because the lessons are in here. So bottom of page 7 we're going to look at a content literacy example. This works probably grades four and up, although you can adapt it and do a lot of it orally in some different ways. Also, let's say I'm teaching because I get this. Sometimes I get this like, well, you know, we can do this, but I bet you first grade can't do this. Sure, you can. What I'm going to do with a differentiation, like with first grade. Ideas I've got a standard book and we read it aloud. You know, I'm reading no puppies today and then I'm going to have my students in flexible groups. This time I'm going to have them by their readiness level and my students, who were in my main group. They're going to re read the story and I'm going to give them a task today. My advanced students are re reading they're doing a task. It may be a different task, one that is higher level. My struggling status, which is really who needs that extra help. I'm going to meet with them and I'm going to reread to them if I feel like they need that and ask them questions throughout, so if they need that second read aloud from me, I'll do that. Maybe they're going to be OK as long as they can read with a partner and I'm there to answer questions. Maybe I can give them a set of guided notes with some key things to look for, and maybe they can do that so I can differentiate in a lot of different ways for all levels of students. So and I'm not telling you to teach 30 lessons to 30 kids. OK, don't go home and tell anybody. I said that because I don't. I tended to just try to even just to start with. I do two groups. Those who are struggling, those who are not. You know that's a very basic level. And then I might try to break into three and then I. Sometimes it would depend on the students. I might have struggling and really struggling, you know, so I might have a fourth group over there doing some things, but I'm gonna keep it pretty basic, so let's look at this one that's in here. The first thing that happens with the on grade level, they're reading an article. And I give them some thinking notes to use, and they're going to answer some questions. We're not going to talk about the advanced. You can go back and look at that, but I want to talk about the struggling. OK, they can't read that article that's the problem. They can't read it. So what I'm going to do is give them an article on exactly the same topic written at an easier level. There are lots of places you can get things like this new Zella used to be free and now they charge so I don't like that. But like oh I love tween tribune from the Smithsonian. They're fabulous kids news is out of Australia. Kids news dot AU. Lots of really good things. So if you if you Google. I'm trying to think how would be the best way to Google this leveled text. And then I want you to put in a name Larry Ferlazzo. OK, and he runs A blog. Oh my gosh, every day he does resources on different sources. So I'm putting this over in the chat so you can get it. But if you look at at. Larry's blog a couple of times you will go back every day because it's so good. He writes books on motivation too, so he's a really good guy. So anyway that gives us. I just posted tween tribune and if you Google Larry Ferlazzo level text, oh Mary Jo, he just he is so awesome you have to tell him I said hey he writes for my my publisher we we both right for the same publisher. But yeah if you Google him he's got a list and it is just a little bit of everything. So definitely do that Google that I put in the chat. OK, So what happens is they read the easier article. And they answer some questions now. We're going to go to the next activity. On grade level they read a second article. It's written a little bit higher. My struggling students now go up to that grade level article, so we went down a level. Now we're coming back up, and here's what happens because they read the easier article. First they built background knowledge and they built vocabulary and they're able to better handle the grade level article. So you see, the rest of the piece there, but that's how it it works. Oh Susan, great kid. Kids me I love kids news and you've got Larry Ferlazzo. And I know that if you go to his and and Google or search for level text, he's got a wealth of information. He's got a list. It's probably a dozen. So you absolutely can do that. Oh no better Joe. Well, when you can talk to him and tell him I said, hey, OK, you've also got a second differentiation example for art with a virtual field trip and so you can see what that one looks like. So what we've done so far is we've talked about some ways to assess where students are, and we've talked about some ways to meet those needs. It is time to stop and answer questions, so Emily, I'm going to turn it over to you. Wonderful thank you so much for your presentation so far. Alright everyone, so if you have questions that you want answered, go to the Q&A widget. And type in your questions. In that box I go to the Q&A space and type in your questions and we will get to as many as we can in the next 10 or so minutes. Or maybe more. First we have one. I've just pasted 22 sites I do like. I've just pasted these in the chat, reword to find text compactor you can cut and paste text into them and they simplify it for you. So those are good ones too. Alright Emily, I'm going to be quiet now. No problem, well, we're gonna need you to talk again in just one second. So here's our first question. How do you get started planning differentiated instruction? How do you get this work? You know you're gonna think this sounds silly, but how you plan is you plan your basic lesson. Plan a lesson that's going to meet your main students needs. OK, just plan a solid lesson. And then what I do is I almost just draw another column out and I look in that lesson for ways that I can provide extra support and scaffolding. And I'm not necessarily going to redo the whole thing. That lesson I gave you on content literacy. That's an easy one, because what I want to do is provide level text so it looks very different. But the lesson itself, at its core, is the same, so I'm going to plan my standard lesson. Then I'm going to add in some pieces for my struggling students. That's what I'm going to do to get started, and until I get good at that, I'm not doing anything I need to get good at that. Then I can figure out what I want to do for my advanced student. Really thank you. We had a question from Juliet who asks how would you help students who are nonverbal and do not have assistive technology. Ooh. Y'all just decided you wanted to be hard today, didn't you? You know, I wish I had a really great answer for you with that, and I don't because the assistive technology is what we've really moved to to be effective for them. I know that I had one student like that, and you know, I honestly used. Yes, no signs, smile frown signs. You know if they could write something I had them do that if they could Draw Something I had them do that. You know, that's that's old school that was. That was what worked. But that was before a lot of this technology existed. There are probably other ways. I probably would Google something like alternatives to assistive technology for nonverbal students, you know. I probably would Google something that specific and your best sources with something like that. There will be a lot of state departments put their information up on the web or dot WA for Washington or something like that. You may you may end up in a document that you have to look through, but but a lot of times I find really good information there, so I'm sorry I do not have more information for you. That's pretty much the best I've got. Thanks for those ideas. OK, next question is what do you do when you when what you are doing doesn't seem to work? That's another hard question. It is OK first. You gotta you gotta not be discouraged and to some degree you gotta let it go OK because sometimes you do everything you can do and it doesn't work and that has to be OK. Sometimes you do your best and it's the best you can do in a given situation. And when it's that, don't beat yourself up. So that's the first thing I tell you. The second thing is then you've got to look for something different that maybe you haven't tried and I am big. First of all, on going to the experts, you know that are in your building. You know if you know somebody you just know they're a good teacher. They may not be dealing with that right now, but they're really good just to bounce ideas off of. So I do that. I think it's really important and and I feel sure that a lot of you have. Because you're on this, but building that personal learning community. Online so that you got some go to people there. Twitter. Usually there is a. There's a hashtag hashtag for about everything in the world. And even the things you might not think have a hashtag or have a group they do. So I'm putting up a website like library man only cybrary man and. Now Maltais you his website is not pretty, but but I don't care that it's not pretty is really good. It is like an encyclopedia of resources. Like if once you get into education and start looking around like he's got a list of all the Twitter education chats and what time they are. So like if you want to go to the 4th grade chat he it tells you what time it is. If you want to go to the one for Canada or whatever, it's got all those. It's got hashtags, it's got pages on all different topics. That's a good place to go to sometimes get started and like he's even got a thing on personal learning networks but but I think that that's another place to go, but you've got to get, you know you've got to get to the right people. So like if I've got my question about a nonverbal student and I don't have the assistive technology. Well, your best hashtag is not going to be hashtag Ed tech because Ed Tech is their thing, so you've got to find somewhere else, but it may be speedchat. So you've got different ways to go at it, but I would really encourage you to access human experts you see and online experts. You can get to. Thank you so much you've provided us with so many ideas for what we can do in our classrooms and where we can look to get more advice and strategies. Do you have any final words for us tonight on strategies for student success? You know I do only because of the quote, whoops, OK. Real quickly we gotta do the polls so you get your credit. Sorry everybody do those real quickly. What do you want to try? Level text level questions or something else? It could be the kW LP's again, it could be anything we've talked about, so do those real quick. I definitely want you to get credit. Here is what I'm going to say to finish and I was not going to say this, but because the person said I'm doing everything I can do and it's not working. What do I do? I'm going to tell you this because we all have a day like that. Where we think we have done everything we can do and and we feel like we have. And here is what I would say to you as a teacher and I'm just gonna I'm gonna give you another minute on this this poll. And then we'll move just so you've got the time on that. I want you to think about this. On your worst day. Now that means the day that your kids overslept and you spilled coffee on your blouse and the kids missed the school bus and you got to school in the copier was broken and you had two phone calls from a parent and everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong on your worst day. For at least one of your students. You are their best hope. Now think about that. On your worst day. You are somebody's best hope. Don't ever ever forget it. If you need me, you've got my email address. You've got my website address on the handouts. If you want me to talk to your school folks, some. I love doing that. I pretty much do it virtually these days, but as you can tell, I do not mind talking over the computer. I have a good time, so if you need anything, don't hesitate to let me know. And Emily, I'm gonna give it back to you. Thank you so much again for your great presentation and helpful comments and thank you to the audience for joining us. We now have one more short reminder video before we close out. Be sure to download your certificates and enjoy the rest of your evening goodnight. Hi everyone, Kelly booze rejoining you again. I hope you enjoyed today's webinar as much as I did. I want to go over a couple reminders and I have one big favor to ask of you. First, you should now be able to download that PDF certificate for your participation. Today you can access that PDF certificate using one of the widgets, the one with the checkbox. From here you should be able to open up that PDF certificate and download it. The certificate will be saved to your name for up to a year. 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If you click rate and review, you can give it as many stars as you want. In this case, I'm going to give it five stars. There was an excellent keynote last year and it was really inspiring and then let others share my lesson. Members know how you use this resource? This webinar, how it was helpful for you. And finally, keep this great dialogue going with your fellow participants and your share my lesson team and join our Virtual conference webinar community. 2022 will continue to highlight great content, great webinars that are happening year round, including our summer of learning webinars series Reading opens the World Literacy Series and so many great Wellness series that we're doing throughout the year. In addition to other great exciting stuff coming your way. _1736816917012