Hello, my name is Kanika Williams. I am popping in to talk to you all about home organization, self care, productivity, all of the things as it pertains to maintaining your home. This presentation is titled then at Home Mindful Tips to make your Home your peace. Now you guys know we have been spending so much time at home so it's really important to make sure that you're just living in an environment that feels conducive. That really just allows you to be the best version of you so that you can go out into the world and do the work. That you know you are called to do so. Without further ado, I want to go ahead and just dive into what I have to share with you all today. So before we get into the meat and potatoes of the presentation, I do have a few housekeeping goodies that I want to make sure that we are all aligned with so that you can really receive what you need to receive from this presentation. So First things first, I really want you to try to make this as interactive as it can be, so I want you to get out a piece of paper. Pens, pencils, markers, whatever you need, but I want you to take note. I want you to try to limit your distractions, but most importantly, I want you to commit to taking action to creating a home space that you enjoy and that you feel productive and right. As I've already mentioned, this is all about home organization and self care so that you can be the best version of yourself and so at the end of this I do really want you to make a commitment to taking action. What I don't want you to do throughout this. Presentation is just to listen and let it go in one ear and out the other. So no commitment means no action and that's what we don't want to do. So I want you to make a choice to get started again. We're thinking about how you can create a better version of yourself so that you can go out and do the work that you need to do in terms of being a better ally and being a better equity advocate for the people in your community. The objectives of this presentation Zen at home is for you to understand the significance of creating a home space you love and that one of which in which you can thrive in right. I want to offer you some practical tips that you can implement to create a functional home that flows that feels good. That really excites you to be home. You are going to learn my four step process to creating a home environment again that brings you joy and you're also going to learn the key strategies to edit your home successfully. You're gonna hear me say edit quite a bit in this presentation. When I say edit, I mean declutter or purge. Whatever word makes you feel the most comfortable you can kind of interject there, but essentially reading your home with things that you don't love you and need. Before we dive in, I just want to give you guys a quick rundown of who I am. Again, I am Kanika Williams. I am a professional organizer based out of Atlanta, GA. My organizing businesses. Heidi by K. I'm very type A which is perfect for the line of work that I am in. I have a dog, her name is bliss. I joke all the time and say I like I like dogs more than people y'all. I am the crazy dog lady that will literally have spare leashes in my car. As I'm driving in icy Strait, I will literally chase the dogs down. That's how much I adore dog. I'm the first in my family to graduate high school and college and start my own business. Super sarcastic and witty. I am also a former teacher. I completed the core back in 2014 and Tulsa OK. I am a former financial analyst and also a data manager actually works staff. Or indeed data for TFA. So that is me in that shell. Now let's go ahead and dive into the presentation because again, home organization is something that I just. Is my passion. I love the work that I do and I think my mission here is to really help others create a home environment that allows them to be the most the best version that they can be so. Signs that your home is draining you right? Whether it is mentally, emotionally, physically, and I put it, I should have put in there financially, but in this list I just want you guys to know that this list is not all inclusive. There may be other things that are kind of draining you as you kind of think about your home, but this is a pretty decent starting point, so if you're really realizing that you feel lethargic or you have like this lack of motivation or apathy, or you're not as productive as you'd like to be at home. We often feel hopeless about your surroundings or you're irritable with yourself or others sharing a space with you. You're having difficulty concentrating to do things at home. Or maybe you're just completely avoiding your home, avoiding different spaces in your home. These are really good signs that your home is not conducive to the environment that you want to be in, right? So, as I mentioned, this list is not all inclusive. This is where I want you to pause the video. And get that piece of paper that marker, that pencil, whatever, whatever you have and write down some of the ways in which your home makes you feel right. We're going to use this list as a guide throughout the remaining pieces of this presentation. So I really want you to have like a solid understanding of. OK, this is how my home makes me feel because we're really going to work to tackle some of these things so that you can make concerted efforts to creating a better home environment for yourself. So perfect timing for you to go ahead and pause. Video so that you can write this down right? I'm gonna keep going but make sure that you are writing your things. So when you're thinking about home organization, I truly am a firm believer that it is the ultimate level of self care right when you are really taking. The time to take care of yourself. Important to your home, or poured into your your well being. You're able to present a better version of yourself to others, right? You are able to create this level of peace. You're able to create this level of tranquility and product productivity and efficiency and what you're doing on your day today. And that's what allows you to show up in and serve and and be a better ally and be an equity advocate, right? So when you're. Thinking about your home, I really believe that your home should be a place of sanctuary. It should be a place that revised that revived you and recharges you. So just like your scheduling time for your physical self care, you know you're getting your nails done or your hair done. You're getting your weekly massages. You're hitting up the gym on a day to day basis. You should also be scheduling time for your emotional and mental self care, and I believe that home organization is one of the easiest. Not maybe I shouldn't say easiest, but it's one of the simplest ways for you to tackle self care and you only need 30 minutes a day to do it right. It's not something that you have to dedicate hours and hours and hours. You know a day or you know hours for your weekend. You don't. You need 30 minutes a day to kind of tackle some of the things in your home so that you can create a better environment for you, and even for your family. Again, the entire thought is that when you have an environment that. Feels he's full to you and feels like a comp setting to you. You're able to be a better version of you and you're able to do the work that you know you need to do the work that you are called to do the work that you're passionate about. So how is the question like, you know, OK, yes, my home should be my sanctuary, but how do I create this sanctuary? How do I create a page, a space that feels homey and feels comfortable and feels like it is sparking joy for me? Really, there are two things that you need to pay attention to decluttering or editing your home and then organization. Right decluttering is letting go of items in your home that you don't love. Use and or need right? Because these things are going to require your space, your time and your energy to maintain. When you think about decluttering or editing, every time I do this process with my client in terms of letting teaching them how to let go, they say things like man, I feel lighter, or my home feels brighter and I have more energy and it feels more peaceful. Those are some of the results of decluttering or editing or letting go of things that are literally taking up valuable space, time, and energy in your home. And then the second step or the second piece of creating a cynical. Home is organized organization bringing order into your home, being able to pinpoint literally everything in your home, at the drop of a dime is y'all. It's like living in a luxury right. It is so nice to be able to just know. OK, this is where this thing is. This is where this thing is. I am, you know, in and out I'm being productive. My home feels tranquil. There's a level of like peace that comes when your home is organized organization. Again, it's all about peace, productivity and efficiency, so I really want you to kind of sit back and reflect when's the last time you work to fully declutter and organize your home, right? When I say fully from start to finish from point A to point B, when's the last time you really work to create an environment that was really going to be conducive for? Again, sparking that peace, and that joy that we all want? So when we're thinking about getting organized. In this presentation, my goal is to teach you the skills you need to stay organized for life, not just for time frame, not just to kind of organize your closet. I want to teach you the skills necessary so that you can just embody the practice of self care and body. The practice of organizing your home again, because when you're in a home environment that feels good to you, you are going to be the best version or what you're working towards. Being a better version of you so that you can be out. And the work in the in the workforce doing what you need to do right? They are normally four main obstacles. I see when I'm working with my client in terms of achieving excuse me achieving that organized phase. One lack of strategy. We don't really know what to do. You don't know what to buy. You don't know where to put things to. Quantity of items, you just have way too much stuff. It's just too much stuff. Three, no clear system and then for this is a favorite of mine. UM, not a favorite, but it's something that I see quite often and it's something that I really try to enforce with my client. Like listen, we have to establish in a respect the limitations of your home, right? A lot of times, people say, oh, I just don't have enough space. More times than not, you have the space. You're overcrowding the space because you're not respecting the limitations of the space, right? So again, these are some of the obstacles. The main obstacles I see and this is kind of what I want you to also process through to say OK. Which of these are my obstacles? Which of these are the culprit of? Why my home doesn't fill the way it needs to fill up? So with these reasons, I want you to kind of highlight which of these is true for you. I want you to put that on your paper. Which of these is true for you? And if none of these can you pinpoint something more specific as it pertains to your home as to why you are struggling to create a home environment that feels peaceful and joyful. When we're thinking about my organizing process, I have a four step organizing process. This is the same process I used for every single client, even from my home. I have followed this process and I'm going to share this process with you all again, because my goal is to ensure that you have the skill set required to create an home environment that you can thrive in that deals in full again with the ultimate goal of you being a better version of you so that you can be out in the world doing the work. That you are called to do right. So I called my process repo and it stands for refined edit place an order. We're going to break all of these down, but we're going to spend a little bit more time on the editing because this is the phase of the OR the phase of the process where a lot of people need a little bit more handholding so we're gonna walk through this a little bit more in depth, but in terms of refining when I say refine, I want you to establish goals for your space. Right? What are some of the things that you want to be true or your home or the space that you are tackling? How does each space need to function and feel this is going to serve as the framework and the foundation for the rest of the process so? You know how they say don't skip this step. I mean it don't skip this step. I want you to refine your goals or each of the spaces that you are going to be tackling. The second step of the process is editing, right? So now that you have your goals established, editing means you are going to determine what gets to stay within the space that you are organizing into cluttering right up in this Phase I really want you to be ruthless because we are going in with a very clear objective of how we want that space to operate, how we want that space to fill what this space is going to be used as, right? And when we're thinking about the third step of the process, is all about placing placement of the things that are now in that space to live for. Good right? How? Where is this gonna live? What kind of systems do you need? What type of products do you need? This is all in that third phase of you know. How can we organize this thing and then order another one of my favorite step in this process. This is all about respecting the limitations of your home and respecting the limits that you've established, right? This is how you are able to live in maintenance mode and prevent the black the back slide by the time you get here, you put in the work to really transform your home or your workspace. Your mind now you're just really focusing on being clear on the parameters that will allow you to stay in this organized phase, right? This is not really about deprivation or living uncomfortably. It's about establishing boundaries and and maintaining the boundaries and honoring the boundaries that you establish for yourself, right? So this is the process of getting your home from. This is stressful to getting your home too. Then at home. Peaceful tranquility, comma and the ultimate level of productivity, right? Again, when we're thinking about the ultimate goal of having a home that is conducive to how we want to live. That's because we all have goals we all have passions. We all have aspirations, and I know many of you. Your goals, your aspirations, your passions are to make your community better. To be a better equity advocate, to be an ally for our community and. It's hard to do that when you're not the best version of you. So when we're thinking about refining, we really want to establish you know where you're trying to go with all of this work before you start the process right, you want to have goals you want to understand what the end result can look like if you follow the goals that you set for yourself. So here are some examples, right? So what do I want to make space for? If you are organizing your master closet and you? Are trying to share space. Maybe you're consolidating or sharing space with someone else? You know the goal is OK. This person needs their side. I need my side. I don't want anything on the floor so I want clear floors up. I want to be able to access. You know things that I use most frequently. So these are goals that you have or the closet you need to now work to create systems to honor those goals, right? When you're thinking about editing, this is the. This is the the the phase of the process where many people struggle, but I want you to go into the editing process with OK, I'm going to be really ruthless about this. This phase I'm going to go in with very clear objectives and goals, and I'm not going to. I'm not going to stop because I know that I have goals that I need to accomplish. To get the space that I need, right? So before we dive into it. When we're thinking about editing, I want you to go into editing with reframes, right? A lot of people already have like their misconceived notions of what editing means or decluttering. A lot of people equate decluttering to getting rid of things that they love or they use or getting rid of. You know their grandma's heirlooms, or whatever the case may be. A lot of people already have these beliefs about decluttering and editing, and so before we dive into that, I do want to start off with. Some re frames so that you know editing is not a negative step, right? It's not a negative process, so reframe number one. The ultimate goal of editing is to create space in your home for things again that you love using need right? So a lot of people think oh, I have to get rid of, you know my favorite pair of pants or I have to become a minimalist. That's not true. You just need to get rid of things that you know you don't actively love, use or need anything that. Does not fall within you. Don't love yous and meet them then you you should keep them right. This is decluttering is not a process of getting rid of things that you love or getting. Becoming a minimalist or you know, following all of these rigid rules. That's not what decluttering means. And so that reframe number one is intended to really solidify to you. That only things that you don't love you then need should be exited from your home. Re frame #2 is that editing your home again means honoring the limitations of your home so. Paying attention to OK, this truly doesn't fit. I haven't. I haven't used this. I don't love it. I don't need it and it just doesn't fit in the space. Should I feel comfortable with parting ways with it? Absolutely. And reframe them. Reframe #3. Is editing is not a process that removes important memories, events and or people from your life. This is something that many people struggle with when it comes to the sentimental categories because they feel as though if they get rid of this physical thing then the important person or memory or experience type to them also is going to be exited from their brain right? And that could be the furthest furthest thing from the truth. So really when you're thinking about editing, I really want you to pay attention to. These refrain, UM, and as we're going through these, I want you to kind of identify which of these you personally like to focus on 'cause these are generally the three refrain. Things that I have to coach my clients on UM. Or if there is another refrain that you feel familiar with, I want you to write it down and really work to actively dismantle that thought process that is hindering you from decluttering. So this would be a time for you to pause your screen, or if you feel good to go, we are just going to keep it moving. But if you do need to pause your screen to kind of think through this or process through this, then I definitely want you to do that because these reframes are going to be really really helpful as you are working through editing your home, especially if you struggle with this phase of the process. Now I want to focus on, you know, setting your goals right for editing. So when you're thinking about editing, the reason why you want to set goals is because it allows you to be intentional and objective about the editing process. Editing can be a quick process or it can take you weeks. Months, years if you are not really clear on what it is that you're trying to accomplish, right? So ultimately, your goal is to accumulate many wins throughout your editing process, right? Because as you're able to do a smaller space in terms of editing and getting purging and getting rid of all of the stuff that you don't need, it's easier for you to then now take those those same strategies that you just employed to bigger spaces, right? So that is the reason why you want to focus on editing goals. Establishing them and then beyond the goals establishing rule. I do this for every single client. Every client that I'm working with, we establish rules because it allows you to get through editing a little bit quicker through rapid edits, right? So when you're able to follow your pre established rules, you're able to make decisions quickly and not become more becomes a more simpler process for you to let go, right? So rules like you know if it's trash supposed. Organizing a pantry or client, I'll ask them, you know, if any of this stuff is expired and my free to trash it, they'll say sure, or if it's broken, can it be trashed? If it's stained, can it be trashed right? So these are establishing rules, so as you're picking things up in your home as your decluttering specific spaces, you can apply your rules and that makes the process so much more easier and it allows you to kind of move through the process way faster than not having rules. Write another rule. Donate the duplicates. If you have seven spatula, you can keep the best and donate the rest right up. All DIY projects older then and this is the the luxury of decluttering, right? You get to establish your own rules so you can insert your own time frame. If it is older than three years, then you're going to give it the boot. If it costs more to store it. So think about like your financial, physical and emotional aspect. If it costs more than store it, then the value it brings to you, then you're going to let it go. Whether you are recycling it or donating right so you can kind of see as you are able to establish really solid rules for your space as you are coming across items in that space, it's easier to easier to say. Yes, I'm going to keep it. No, I don't want it. I'm going to trash it or donate it. Hopefully this is making sense. So right here I want you to kind of take a pause and establish some of the. Rules that you would have for your own space right whether you are organizing your closets your pantry your garage. I want you to establish some of the rules. And. Another piece, hypothetical. What it what if scenario? I'm going to lose the weight so I'm gonna keep this one. Or this is a DIY. I plan on doing XY and Z with it. Hypotheticals, they come go lower, you guys. When it is time to edit. When it is time to declutter all of a sudden these what if scenarios start rolling in and it is hard to make decisions on what you have. So here are a series. Here's a few questions that I asked myself 'cause sometimes I get stuck on the hypotheticals as well. But I asked my clients as well to block the hypotheticals so that you can power through the editing right again. The end goal is to create a home environment. It feels good a home environment that allows you to be the best version of you in a home environment that is conducive to you getting what you need done on a day to day basis. So you have to do your part to creating that space. If hypotheticals are kind of becoming a roadblock, these are the questions I want you to ask yourself so that you can block the hypotheticals and continue on throughout the editing process. Question number one and you guys. I love these questions. They truly, truly. Work so you feel stuck. These are the questions that you need to write down one. What's the worst thing that may happen if I no longer had this item? If you threw it away right now, what is the worst thing that could happen? Right now there are some things that you don't want to get rid of because they are a hassle to replace, right? They are hard to get there more expensive now than they were when you bought it, and it would be the worst thing ever, but more times than not, you don't. You're not coming across many of those things that are questionable, right? Second question, am I really going to use or need this thing? I want you to be honest here, right? Are you really going to need it or use it? And then the third thing is, could I function or go without it? If your answer to be is yes, then it's a really good indication that you could probably ditch it, right and not feel bad about it because you were honest with your responses to the questions. The third step of the process is all about placement, not gonna dive too hard into this, but just knowing now that the hard work is pretty much done right, you've gotten rid of all of the things that we're no longer serving. Only now have the things that you absolutely love using meat. Now it's just a matter of finding the right products for your space and establishing systems that are good that are going to be functional, but then also beautiful, right? Because you want to create an environment that you love. That feels peaceful and that sparks joy. So you do want it to be functional and then you do. You do want to have those aspects of. This is really nice. I could just look at this all day. It looks absolutely beautiful. So it's time to kind of do the shopping right, and I wanted to add a resource to you all in terms of the right product to buy for your space. So once you have kind of figured out placement and now it's just a matter of finding the right items might go to stores or the container store Amazon and Target. But before you do that, I want you to shop your home, right? Are there bins that you can re purpose in your home? Are there? You know, products that you could? Actively used to create the systems that you need before running to the store. If so, use that and then use. I offered you all a product my product go to list. These are the product that I used in my home and my client home as well. This list is going to be helpful and it's just a really good resource. If you're like OK, I've already shot my home. Now I need some actual advice on what type of products I can use and where should use them and where I can buy them so this is a list that I've. Provide it to you all as well. Uhm, and so again, thinking about product shopping, product shopping. I always recommend Pinterest first. You guys just to get like a visual cue of. How can I maximize the space? What are other people doing? What type of systems could I implement based off of what other people have done in spaces that look similar? Product shopping via Pinterest is a little bit helpful, so I just wanted to offer you guys. That piece of advice as well. And then the last, the last step of the process is all about order, right? So? It's probably like a little heart pill because a lot of times I think people just think their space just got disorganized or their space just got cluttered or their space just isn't. Homie, because it's it's always been that way and the truth is you all. It's just because of your habits, your routines up. So if you weren't happy about how your home looked or if it felt mentally or emotionally draining and if you felt like you were always unproductive or you felt stagnant or you build up this level of apathy towards your home. It's normally because of your habits and your habits created that so. Really, what I tell people is that you just need a habit. Facelift right? It's a personal wake up call for you to adjust your practices so that you can maintain the order that you have worked so hard. Now at this point to create up you have to respect the limits of your home. You have to honor positive routines and kind of ditched the habits that are counterproductive. Really you have to create commandments for your home and that is how you're able to maintain the system. That's how you're able to create a home environment. That feels peaceful and calm and tranquil when you start focusing on maintaining the order, you'll be able to adjust your habits a lot of times people kind of use the scapegoat of it's just always been that way, and it's always been that way because of the habit. So I do want to kind of end off with some of the commandments that I always recommend to my clients, and some of these. I also practiced in my home as well so that you can honor your home and honor even. Yourself again you guys. Keep bringing it back. Hold so so the center of self care and to you being the best version of yourself. It starts at home. You have to create an environment that allows you to do that and it creating commandments or establishing commandments so that you can maintain the order is going to help you. Then that's what I encourage you to do right. So I want you to focus on starting small. Well, focusing on adding three to Five commandments that you will abide to or your home right. And these are just a few. As an example, this can be what you have got. You can add your own to this list, but I also want you to know that this list is not an overnight shift, right? These are things that you have to actively practice and actively work towards, so some of the examples for commandments that you will abide by in your home. You're not going to throw your clothes on furniture. Right, everybody has a couch in their room and it has closed on it, had laundry or you have a bent or an Ottoman. You have some flat surface, even your bed where you're throwing clothes on right? I want you to honor the space and honor the limitations of your bed or your couch and not put clothes on them right? Or tidy your kitchen at the Knights Inn. This is a commandment that I personally live by 'cause I'm not a morning person. So what I hate the most you guys is waking up in the morning. A dirty kitchen because now I have to tidy the kitchen before I can even get breakfast started and it drives me bonkers. So that's a commandment that I live by. Another commandment is no unmade bed. As soon as you get up in the morning, make your bed right. It's going to make your space look. You know. Well put together less cluttered, more organized. These are the things that you should really be honoring so that you can create again that home environment that makes you feel good. Because when you feel good. You'll be a better version to you and to the people that you are in front of, right. So that is basically the presentation I want to kind of tackle some of the frequently asked questions that I get from my clients or from my audience over on social media platforms, just so that if it's helpful to them, I'm sure it can be helpful to you. I'm gonna just pick a handful of these up so that I don't keep you guys here for an extended amount of time, so one of the questions that I get often from my audience or. Even from my clients, it's how do I get my kids or my spouse involved in the decluttering and organizing process? It seems like I'm the only one doing all the work, and this happens quite often. A lot of people haven't really created the systems. The structure for other people to kind of follow into and or even the habits to kind of just be in a live in a better environment and so one person, generally, you know, has to do more of the work than everyone else. And so here's my take on it. In terms of hitting your kids, especially if they are already of age, having conversations with people and saying, hey, listen, we're going to start doing things a little bit different. We are going to start adding structure. This is these are your jobs. These are the roles that you need to fill. This is speaking specifically to your children and these are the new routines that we're working to establish. I want you to hold me accountable just as much as just as much as I'm going to hold you accountable because we all live here. We all have a job. We all have a responsibility. To creating an environment that feels good and it allows us to be our best self so and just having conversations. It's all about having conversations with your family and also holding people accountable to maintaining their responsibilities as it pertains to the spouse. You guys. I always get this question and I'm like I don't know. I'm not married, but what I tell my clients who are married or even my audience is lead by example and just do your best to create the systems. That everyone can follow and make sure that they are. They are aware of how you feel about the lack of systems or structure so that they can also start pitching in and doing some of the work up. Another question I want to answer is how do you handle this? Is the second question. How do you handle decluttering and storing sentimental items right? I always struggle with this and could use a few tips in terms of decluttering and storing sentimental items. Again, paying attention to that. Refrain number. Three of just because you no longer have that physical item does not mean that memory or the experience or the event or that person goes away. Right, you can still, you know. Not you can part ways with the physical things if they are not serving you and still hold onto the person or hold onto the memory if they're positive things, so that's a refrain that I really want you to pay attention to. If this is something that you struggle with in terms of still storing them, there are multiple ways to kind of re purpose things that feel sentimental but you don't use them in that same way. So for instance, for me I have T shirts from college that I was no longer wearing, but I didn't just. Wanna ditch them because of the experiences and events and the people tide to them. So I repurpose all of the T shirts into way quotes, right? Or you know I had a client who had a bed frame that was made by like a great great Gran father and they didn't want to just get rid of the bed because of the sentimental attachment to it. So they had it repurposed into a table orbits or parts of the wood was repurposed into a table. So if you have. Like the capacity to do things like that to kind of re purpose. Some of the sentimental things I would definitely do that. Uhm. Another tip is to kind of I do this for some clients where we reserved like a space or a bot to kind of fill with sentimental items and then that is kind of the limitation or the boundary that they established for those sentimental things. So kind of being intentional about how they can. Create boundaries or repurposed to kind of hold on to those sentimental. Uhm, OK I am not going to answer the other three, but if these if the other three questions are something that you would like a response on, I'm more than happy to engage with you via social media platform or email my contact information I think is somewhere on the screen for you all to reach out to me, so please feel free if you have any questions at any point throughout this conversation that you would like. To pick my brain, please feel free to just send me a message or an email and I'm happy to respond. Hopefully this presentation was helpful to you and some light up again, the ultimate goal is to create then at home so that you can be a better version of yourself so that you can go out and be a better advocate for your community. Alright, beautiful people. I am going to let you all go. I will see you all a little bit later. _1722041141715
Clearing away clutter can help you make healthier choices, improve your relationships, and cultivate a more balanced life. Join Kenika Williams, professional home organizer and TFA alum, as she talks through the power of spending 30 minutes a day for a week to declutter practically any space that you inhabit. She'll give you a blueprint on the best way to navigate decluttering your space, resources that will personalize this work for you, and and set the foundation for focus, balance, and impact._1722041141872