The objective of this webinar (45-minute presentation / 15-minute Q&A) is to discuss the two levels of thinking required when establishing a successful food fraud program in your organization. The first is done by determining vulnerabilities in your supply chain on the categories, products and materials you work with. Known, high-risk products need to be monitored continually for concerns of fraud. However, there is another equally important dimension. How do you go about detecting emerging, unknown risks in a proactive manner? Instead of responding when something occurs, how can you be prepared before it even happens? Both aspects are important and will be addressed in this interactive session.
Food fraud encompasses a wide range of deliberate acts. Most common among these are:
The driving force behind these acts is usually economic gain. Knowing the current meta trends effecting your materials, ingredients and their associated risks is an essential part of the vulnerability assessment. We will begin our conversation by quickly surveying the global market.
Secondly, we will look at how the most recent launch of SGS Digicomply Ultimate, specifically addresses food fraud by having a new, dedicated module for incident monitoring. The ability to drill down into detailed past events and use these as the basis for future monitoring has become much easier.
Thirdly we will discuss how technologies, like SGS Digicomply, are being developed to predict issues before they happen. By creating a web of relationships across ingredients, hazards, and substances it becomes possible to find connections that don’t appear to the naked eye. We are just at the start of the journey but the possibilities are boundless.
Target Audience: The webinar is aimed at all food quality, safety, supply chain and regulatory compliance professionals.
Language: English
Cost: No Charge
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