Do you really know how well your end users are adopting your SAP S/4HANA solutions? If you could measure their proficiency, wouldn’t that be a better way of gauging what your end users need?


The days of broad-brush communications and training rollouts are over, and SAP can help you target what your end users need to mitigate risk and create happy SAP advocates.


In the first half of this session, Dan will take you through his many years of experience working with customers on solving their adoption challenges. He’ll present SAP’s 5-Point Service to measuring and maximizing adoption, and how you can save time and realize the greatest value of SAP.  


A customer roundtable will follow featuring questions and discussion on real-world scenarios and challenges faced by new and existing SAP S/4HANA customers. 


Want to be featured as a case study? Let us know by sending a note to
