The efficiency and reliability of wastewater-based monitoring of the Sars-Cov-2 (Corona) virus has been proven by studies across the world. The immense social and economic cost of lockdowns and sickness rates could be mitigated by an efficient early warning system.
Wastewater surveillance allows health authorities and other stakeholders to anticipate an outbreak and take preventive or containment measures. Information gathering and early warning have been crucial in the pandemic management in various countries in Europe. The virus remains active in our populations and long-term impact remains unpredictable.
A good monitoring system will help cities, regions and even companies to effectively lower the impact of the virus. During low prevalence periods, in which appetite for human testing is limited, wastewater surveillance is the key tool for monitoring outbreaks.
Explain how one can establish a wastewater monitoring system that is very cost effective to set up - especially compared to mass-testing campaigns of the population and the costs resulting from lock-downs.
Target Audience
Regional authorities, industries with large number of on-site employees and municipal health authorities.
Cost: Free
Language: English
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