
Free Webcast: Oversight of Corporate Culture: A Core Asset in Driving Performance and Deterring Fraud

Event Date: December 13, 2017

Event Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern

CPE Credits: 1.8
NACD Skill-Specific Credits: 1

Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics (BE)

Level: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Basic understanding of corporate management, internal controls, corporate governance, fraud deterrence & detection.

** Earn free CPE and NACD Skill-Specific Credit

**Note: Not all states accept Behavioral Ethics credits for this type of program. In those cases, you can apply these credits as Accounting or Auditing. Please check with your State Board of Accountancy.

Sound corporate culture is a cornerstone of fraud deterrence and detection. This webcast, hosted by the Anti-Fraud Collaboration, will highlight leading practices on assessing and strengthening a company’s corporate culture. Hear from an expert panel, who will share actionable recommendations that organizations can implement to deter fraud and misconduct.
The panel will also address oversight responsibilities of audit committee members, company management, and internal auditors. Expanding on insights contained in a 2017 National Association of Corporate Directors Blue Ribbon Commission report, Culture as a Corporate Asset, the webcast will cover how culture impacts strategy, risk, and performance.

Learning Objectives:

Gain insights into:
• Defining culture
• Leveraging your culture as a core asset in driving performance and deterring fraud
• Understanding key oversight responsibilities of financial reporting supply chain members in assessing and strengthening an ethical corporate culture
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 This event also qualifies for 1 NACD Skill-Specific Credits. Please check this box if you wish to earn NACD Skill-Specific Credits for attending.
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Cindy Fornelli
Center for Audit Quality
Executive Director

Cindy Fornelli is Executive Director of the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), a position she has held since the CAQ was established in 2007. In 2017, Fornelli was honored for the ninth time by Directorship magazine as one of the 100 most influential people on corporate governance and in the boardroom. Accounting Today has named her one of the 100 most influential people in accounting for 11 consecutive years.

Fornelli serves on the Advisory Board of the Ira M. Millstein Center for Global Markets and Corporate Ownership, the Securities and Exchange Commission Historical Society’s Board of Trustees, the Audit & Risk Oversight Committee Advisory Council of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), the Accounting and Auditing Committee of the International Corporate Governance Network, and the Markets Advisory Council of the Council of Institutional Investors. She previously served on the NACD's 2010 Blue Ribbon Commission on the Audit Committee and 2009 Blue Ribbon Commission on Risk Governance.


Gilly Lord
Head of Regulatory Affairs and Audit Strategy & Transformation

Gilly Lord is a PwC UK partner and chartered accountant. She is a practising audit partner within PwC’s Banking and Capital Markets team. She has recently been appointed Chair of the ICAEW’s Audit and Assurance Faculty and is also a Council Member at the ICAEW.

Lord is PwC UK's Head of Audit Strategy and Transformation and sits on PwC’s Assurance Executive Board. In her role, she is responsible for the development of the firm’s external audit proposition, operating model, technology and tools, ensuring that they remain relevant and fit for the future. She leads for the firm on issues of assurance regulation and public policy.

Brenda J. Gaines
Tenet Healthcare Corp.
Audit Committee Chair

Brenda J. Gaines retired as President and CEO of Citicorp Diners Club, a member of Citigroup. Gaines was responsible for leading the activities of the North American franchise in the global twenty-nine billion-dollar Diners Club International network. She served on the Diners Club International Global Board and the Citibank Canada Board of Directors.

Prior to joining Citibank, Gaines served as Deputy Chief of Staff to Chicago’s Mayor Harold Washington and as Commissioner of the Department of Housing for the City of Chicago.

Ms. Gaines is a director and Audit Committee Chair at Tenet Healthcare and also serves as a director at Southern Company Gas. She is a former director and Audit Committee Chair of CNA Financial and Office Depot and former Compensation Committee Chair at Fannie Mae.

Paul L. Walker
St. John’s University
Schiro/Zurick Chair in Enterprise Risk Management

Paul L. Walker is the Schiro / Zurich Chair in Enterprise Risk Management and the Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in ERM at St. John’s University. Walker has professional work experience in banking, in public accounting, as an auditing and fraud expert witness, and as a consultant. He has publications in the Journal of Accountancy, Financial Executive, Decision Sciences, Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Management Accounting Quarterly, and The Accounting Review. He co-developed one of the first courses on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and has done ERM training for executives and boards around the world. This training includes helping boards develop risk oversight practices, benchmarking ERM practices, advising organizations on ERM process development, and identifying black swans and unknown risks. He has also researched ERM at the headquarters of companies such as Wal-Mart, Microsoft, DuPont, Intuit, Harley-Davidson Inc., and others.

Mark Carawan (Invited)
Chief Compliance Officer

Mark Carawan is the Chief Compliance Officer for Citigroup. In this role he is responsible for independent compliance risk management across Citi, reporting to Citi's CEO.

Carawan was formerly the Chief Auditor and Managing Director responsible for the Internal Audit (IA) Department. Reporting to the Citigroup Audit Committee Chairman, Carawan was responsible for IA's delivery of audit assurance on governance, risk management and control across Citigroup globally to the Board and Executive Management.
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