
IoT Panel - An Inside Look at IoT Platforms

On-demand webcast:
Aired live: March 09, 2017 02:00 PM EST

IoT known for its unique architecture involving sensors, embedded devices & gateways, and data center/cloud applications. Once the architecture is understood, defining platforms that implement the architecture is the next logical step toward effective deployment of a variety of IoT applications. Often platforms are thought of simply as a framework that provides code and interfaces for IoT development. However, the IoT platform must extend to ecosystem, manageability, security, and tools in order to address key IoT development challenges.

Join us as IoT experts outline key capabilities of emerging IoT platforms and important connectivity, manageability, ecosystem, and development tools needed for successful IoT development.

Ayla Networks, Parasoft, PTC, RTI

Curt Schwaderer, OpenSystems Media
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