
Title: Journey to the Cloud: SAP Strategy and Roadmap for Cloud and Hybrid Analytics Scenarios
Date: March 16, 2017
Time: 8:00 am PT, 11:00 am ET, 4:00 pm CET
Duration: 90 minutes
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The momentum of customers moving to the SAP BusinessObjects Cloud is rapidly accelerating – and so are the innovations being introduced by SAP. New features and functionality for cloud and on premise with SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise offer hybrid use cases that organizations can take advantage of as they embark on their journey to the cloud.

In the December askSAP call we posed a poll question related to your cloud plans and learned that many of you will be exploring a move to the cloud this year, and many of you are planning an on premise and cloud environment. As you make these transitions no doubt you have a lot of questions. This #askSAP Analytics Community Call will be focused on providing the information to answer those questions. You will hear from SAP BusinessObjects Cloud customer, B. Braun, and our panel of analytics experts will discuss innovations and how to take advantage of what’s coming next.

During this live call you will:
  • Learn SAP’s vision and strategy for analytics and product direction for cloud and on premise solutions
  • Experience new innovations and capabilities for SAP BusinessObjects Cloud and insights into future releases
  • Hear hybrid use cases on how SAP analytics solutions are allowing organizations to act in the moment
  • Learn about continued innovation to your on-premise SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise solution and data investment; including interoperability with SAP BusinessObjects Cloud to enable, extend, and expand beyond the current boundaries of your business today
  • Learn how existing SAP analytic investments such as Universes, Business Planning and Consolidations models, Predictive Analytics models, and Lumira models can be used with SAP BusinessObjects Cloud
  • Have plenty of opportunities to ask questions through live chat or Twitter

Featured Speaker:

Taking the step into the digital future with SAP BusinessObjects Cloud is B. Braun, one of the world´s leading providers of healthcare solutions, offering over 5,000 products as well as supplementary services to the healthcare sector. Christian Frank, Head of Innovation Service at B. Braun will join us on this call to share why the company turned to the SAP HANA Cloud Platform and SAP BusinessObjects Cloud to develop new, innovative services for its customers. Learn how B. Braun brings together 6 billion records to bring analytics to their data and improve safety and quality for sales and service to their healthcare customers.

When you register be sure to post any questions you have in advance to help us tailor the presentation for your needs. Or connect with us via Twitter to submit your questions with #askSAP. This is your chance to join the conversation and share your thoughts on where your organization and industry is headed in 2017.

The SAP analytics team is looking forward to hearing from you!


Timo Elliott, Innovation Evangelist

Timo is an Innovation Evangelist for SAP and a passionate advocate of analytics, business intelligence, and digital transformation. His articles appear regularly in publications such as Forbes, ZDNet, The Guardian, and Digitalist Magazine.

Christian Frank, MBA, Head of Service Innovation, Aesculap AG

Today Aesculap AG, a leading supplier of sterile and non-sterile goods for surgeons, has a truly strong portfolio of expert applications. This range of tools supports several sales services by process optimization and gives the chance to globalize value added services to all Aesculap sales units worldwide. Next stage of development will be the step to cloud solutions to create a digital market place with direct access for the customer to all service data. This step of digitalization automatically leads to new business models beyond the product. Christian Frank is responsible for further developments of digital and service innovations.

Mike Flannagan, Senior Vice President of Analytics

As Senior Vice President of Analytics at SAP, Mike Flannagan is responsible for Product Strategy and Product Management with a focus on building products that deliver business insights to anyone, anywhere, on any device with a world class user experience. Mike also leads the Customer Success team, where SAP works closely with customers to ensure they derive maximum value from SAP’s products.

Mike earned his MBA from Auburn University, where he now serves on Advisory Boards for the College of Business and the Graduate School.

Ty Miller, Vice president of product management for SAP BusinessObjects Cloud

Ty Miller is Vice President of SAP BusinessObjects Cloud Product Management. Over the past 16 years Ty has either been responsible for, advised on, or implemented all of SAP’s analytics solutions. Prior to his career at SAP he spent five years in the French Foreign Legion's 2nd Parachute Regiment. Ty holds an MBA in International Business and an MA in International Affairs from The George Washington University.

Adrian Westmoreland, Product management for SAP BusinessObjects Cloud

Adrian Westmoreland has been with SAP for about 19 years with a focus on Analytics throughout his entire career especially in the area of SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence. He has held different roles within SAP over several years including pre-sales and product management building a strong relationship with customers from various industries around the globe. Adrian’s expertise is based on many years of consistently delivering successful products and solutions.

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