
Mobile Device Trends in the Internet of Things

January 19, 2017 02:00 PM EST

In the Internet of Things, there's no such thing as a mobile device that operates in isolation. And yet, mobile devices and apps are often marketed, sold, and bought as if they're independent products. Manufacturers and consumers alike need to think less in terms of "discrete product" and more of "interconnected systems." No one wants 50 different mobile apps to control 50 different things in their smart home or smart health environments. With IoT product manufacturers championing different communications protocols, the challenge is to enable one mobile app to control many devices.

Please join us for this webinar to better understand:
  • How difficult setups are causing consumers to not adopt the technology
  • Why it’s important that the consumer uses the operator of their choice
  • The other players besides the end user and what is important to them
Even if manufacturers never agree on protocol support, IoT platform technologies can help negotiate interoperability, while also giving manufacturers greater flexibility to navigate future unknowns.

Oliver Cockcroft, Product Architect, Ayla Networks
Patrick French, Director of Business Development, Cardinal Peak

Brandon Lewis, OpenSystems Media
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