Synchronize Workflow Documentation

Securely manage and distribute internal and external standards

Date: Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Time: 9:00 am PST | 12:00 pm EST | 5:00 pm GMT | 6:00 pm CET

We invite you to attend the IHS webcast, IHS Internal Standards Management – A Single-Source for Internal and External Documents. We will show you how you can easily manage document distribution associated with a major, global enterprise-wide environment to provide a secure, single source of access to your internal company documents and external IHS documents. Applicable for your vendors, suppliers, and company colleagues, the Internal Standards Management solution integrates your internal and external standards and documents so they are fully searchable, retrievable, and linkable as referenced documents.

Tailored to fit your current workflow, an Internal Standards Management solution is built with the requirements you provide for the process you own for the product or service you provide.

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