What Bunker Fuel For The High Seas?

Wednesday 20th August 2014 - 9AM EST/2PM BST

The 2014 Bunker Fuel Multi Client study frames the bunker fuel future outlooks from current day to the year 2035, focusing on energy market, and brings the field of expertise of IHS Energy Insight while integrating the in-depth analysis accumulated in shipping markets by IHS Maritime. Our study outlines the 3 options available and the impact on cost and operations. The regulations will begin to change in 2015 but you need to start preparations now!

Join our IHS Maritime experts, Krispen Atkinson and Michael Jones, as they review the study and the options available to the maritime industry in light of the impending regulations.

Speakers Overview

Krispen Atkinson, Principal Analyst in IHS Maritime’s Research & Analysis team
Krispen joined Fairplay in 2005, bringing extensive knowledge of the shipping industry through personal interest pursuits and the development of his own database of ships. On joining Fairplay he quickly joined the management ranks and found he could profitably apply his knowledge of ships and cargoes to the commercial arena. Over the past 9 years, Krispen has worked across several data disciplines within Maritime, including leading New Construction, Characteristics, Ships in Service and Ports & Terminals departments.

Michael Jones, IHS Maritime Technology analyst/Senior Journalist
Michael is senior journalist for IHS Maritime Technology magazine. Before joining Lloyd’s Register-Fairplay, later acquired by IHS, he was a maritime researcher in ports and inland logistics with Cardiff University. Prior to that while working at sea he held both masters and engineering licenses.

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