GNSS Interference Detection and Mitigation for UAV Navigation

Date:   Thursday,  May 22, 2014

Time:   10 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m. EDT / 5 p.m. GMT

The need for robust, highly-reliable, navigation information in GNSS-denied environments is fast becoming a critical issue for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) / unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in both commercial and military applications.  Total reliance on GNSS can lead to disastrous consequences when signals are interfered with or obstructed. Low-cost, non-SAASM, GPS sensors are particularly vulnerable to jamming and interference. 

Attendees will learn how robust, cost-effective Hybrid GNSS Technologies (HGT) offer unique capabilities for UAV navigation in environments where traditional GPS receivers may fail.  Combining signals of opportunity (SoOps), inertial sensing, and multi-frequency GNSS using Spectral Compression Positioning, assures continuous navigation by detecting typical GNSS interference and mitigating their effects through alternative navigation means. 


Dr. Michael B. Mathews, CEO / Founder Loctronix Corporation

Peter F. MacDoran, Chief Scientist Loctronix Corporation

Michael O. Davies, Senior Engineer Loctronix Corporation

Franck Boynton, Vice President and CTO, NavtechGPS

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