Building Apps that Run Everywhere with jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap

The massive growth of mobile computing presents software developers with amazing opportunities, but also significant challenges. The explosion of platforms and devices has created an unprecedented level of fragmentation, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. For developers who need to reach the broadest possible market, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap Build offer a powerful combination of cross platform UI widgets, device API access, and distribution options (web and/or app stores). Follow along as Jonathan builds a web app that runs on a huge range of browsers using jQuery Mobile, and then packages it for distribution on app store distribution with PhoneGap Build.


Register now for FREE for all of Jonathan's upcoming webcasts

April 17: Cross-Platform Perfection: What To Do When Media Queries Aren't Enough

May 15: Real-World Responsive Design: A Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Entertainment Weekly Redesign

June 19: Modern Web Design with Progressive Enhancement, Responsive Design, and CSS3

July 17: Debugging Mobile Web Apps: Tips, Tricks, Tools, and Techniques


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