Readers’ Advisory: How Do You Measure Up?

SPONSORED BY: EBSCO/NoveList and Library Journal 

EVENT TIME AND DATE:  Tuesday, February 4th, 2014, 2:00-3:00 PM ET/11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

Be among the first to hear what we learned about readers’ advisory services in public libraries during a recent survey featured in the February 1 issue of Library Journal. Developed in conjunction with NoveList and the RUSA/CODES Readers' Advisory Research and Trends Committee, we sought answers to a variety of questions, including:

•  Is RA here to stay, or is its value declining?
•  Does every library in the country (other than yours) have a fully staffed readers’ advisory department?
•  What digital strategies are libraries using to suggest books to readers?

Join us for an engaging discussion where our panelists will share their reactions to the survey results, offering insights about what it all means for you and the readers in your community. Whether you believe that bringing books and readers together is at the heart of what libraries do, or you wonder just how important this work really is -- you will not want to miss this exclusive event.


Duncan Smith - Vice President, NoveList

David Wright - Reader Services Librarian, Seattle Public Library

Neal Wyatt - Co-Chair, Readers' Advisory Committee, ALA/RUSA/CODES


Etta Thornton  - Reviews Editor, Library Journal 

Can't make it February 4th? No problem! Register now and you will get an email reminder from Library Journal post-live event when the webcast is archived and available for on-demand viewing at your convenience! 

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