Turn the page: Your E-book Future Done Right

SPONSORED BY: Polaris/3M and Library Journal
EVENT DATE AND TIME: Thursday, December 5th, 2013, 3:00 - 4:00 PM ET
It’s no secret that e-books are transforming libraries daily. Polaris and 3M joined forces to build the industry’s first completely integrated solution, considered to be the “gold standard” by many. Make sure to join us as we discuss the impact this technology will have on your library and patrons. We’ll share statistics on e-book usage and impact on libraries, expose common misconceptions and our customers will speak about their experiences implementing this technology. If you’re reviewing your options you can’t miss this opportunity to learn how to provide convenience and instant availability of the latest titles, increasing circulation and patron satisfaction.
William Schickling - President/CEO, Polaris Library Systems  
Tom Mercer - Cloud Library Marketing Manager, 3M Library Systems​ 
Henrietta Thornton - Reviews Editor, Library Journal
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