DorobekINSIDER Live: Rethinking Management in Government

Government managers have been dealt a rough hand. Hiring freezes, furloughs, sequestration and budget cuts have crippled manager's ability to promote and reward their employees in traditional ways.
How do you really inspire the best and brightest in these rough times? Back in its inaugural term, the Obama Administration issued direction to agencies to promote better management with many excellent goals and guidance for achievement in financial accountability, human resources, competitive sourcing, eGovernment, and budget and performance integration. However, these goals were spread across many Executive Orders and mandates which made them difficult to carry out.
Register below to hear from Chris Dorobek, host of the DorobekINSIDER Live and a panel of thought leaders as we explore the state of government management. Specifically, we will:
  • Share the best management tips in government
  • Provide insights from current leaders on meeting supervisory training mandates
  • Learn how to motivate employees during times of sequester
  • Explore management trends from articles in Harvard Business Review to new structures being implemented in popular and private companies like Google and Facebook
Panelists include:
  • Chris Mihm, Managing Director of Strategic Issues, Government Accountability Office
  • Alan Balutis, Managing Partner, Cisco Public Sector Consulting Service & Former CIO, Commerce Department
  • Jonathan Bruel, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown Public Policy Institute  & previous Senior Adviser to the Deputy Director for Management, OMB
  • Doug Criscitello, Managing Director, Grant Thornton's Public Sector Financial Services Practice & Former CFO, Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • Steve Ressler, Founder & President, GovLoop
Although the live date has come and gone you can still register to hear the discussion and download helpful resources.

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