Beef up your knowledge of EPA's changing Pyrethroid regulations

Date:   Thursday, April 4, 2013
Time:   10 a.m. PT / 1 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. GMT
Webinar Topic/Abstract:  Beef up your knowledge of EPA's changing Pyrethroid regulations
Get the full scoop on the EPA's revisions to Pyrethroid labeling past and present, how this affects the products you buy and the way you apply.  Marie Knox will give an overview of the industry shaking 2009 label language revisions and shed light on the new label language revisions just handed down from the EPA. These revisions have changed time tested application methods, but don't have to be a negative factor on your business.  Join us and find out how.

Marie KnoxSpeaker:
Marie Ann Knox
PCO Technical Services Manager, Control Solutions Inc.

  • B.S. Entomology and M.S. Nematology from the University of Florida.
  • Thirteen years of industry experience in basic manufacturing as well as distribution.
“My favorite part of my career has been the opportunities it has provided me to teach and share knowledge with others.  I love learning and believe we must constantly learn to grow whether it’s personally or professionally.  I simply love the contact with people my career has afforded me and I love that my customers have taught me over the years as well as much as I have been able to share with them.  Healthy relationships are those where you can learn from each other to experience positive growth together!”



Will Nepper
Managing Editor, Pest Management Professional magazine


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Your Question for the Speaker
How are you planning on re-training your technicians?Doing it yourself
State association meetings
Distribution or manufacturer reps
Reading online
Will you switch to alternate chemistries because of the revisions?Yes
Annual amount your company spends on liquid GHP insecticide (for perimeter pest control only)
What percentage of that is spent on Pyrethroid or Pyrethroid-containing combo products?
How do you view the Pyrethroid revisions?
How have you or technicians in your company adapted to "new" application techniques?
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