
New Solutions Optimize Income Without Stress on IT - Managing Recurring Revenue

This webinar was originally broadcast on:
Thursday, March 14, 2013 02:00 PM EDT / 11:00 AM PDT

Today, the ability to increase revenue with subscription management systems is driving successful companies. However, continuing to insure, or improve, customer satisfaction and retention requires a new breed of billing, one that brings the features, benefits, and capabilities that customers want and will buy on a regular, recurring basis, what some call “Subscription Revenue”.

This session will examine key issues for subscriber management including:
  • New capabilities in subscription management systems
  • Increasing customer satisfaction with subscription management systems
  • Using subscription management systems to drive new revenue
  • Integration with your key systems with minimal impact to IT or financial operations.

Most IT organizations can’t commit their IT or Financial Operations resources to do a large scale implementation and deployment of a new subscriber management system. This is where the SaaS offerings of Aria Systems can make a huge difference. Using this cloud-based system, you can gain the benefits of improved subscriber management, without the cost and resource demands common in designing, testing, and deploying in-house systems.


Bob Harden
Director, Global Billing Solutions

Jon Gettinger
Senior Vice President of Marketing
Aria Systems


Stefania Viscusi

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