Driving relevant business insights from social media

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Now Available On-demand

Social media can provide rich customer, employee and partner feedback to show how markets are evolving. The challenge is to use an analysis approach and metrics that are aligned with your company's goals. Yet, the question arises, which metrics and for which constituency? The Social Media Analytics framework, a key design element of IBM's Social Media Analytics solution, attempts to provide a relevant set of these metrics.

Ed Burek, Senior Marketing Manager at IBM, will introduce the framework and show how internal departments such as risk, employee relations, and marketing, as well as product strategy can benefit from metrics and insights derived through this framework - without requiring a "Social Media Ph.D."

Emily Rosenblatt, Senior Consultant at IBM, will share how she drove a social media implementation at Telerx, one of the world’s most innovative contact center outsourcing providers , enabling the analysis of unstructured text data mined from social networks, call center notes and near real-time transcriptions of customer phone calls to offer clients revolutionary new insights into consumer behavior.


Ed Burek
Senior Marketing Manager

Emily Rosenblatt, PhD.
Advanced Analytics Consultant


Heather Clancy

Award-winning Business Journalist