DorobekINSIDER Live: BYOD Lessons Learned

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) continues to shape the government workforce. Like any new technology initiative, one of the core concerns about implementation surrounds security. Today, technology exists to allow government agencies to fully leverage BYOD strategies and protect information and data.

On February 20th, Chris Dorobek and a panel of thought leaders discussed BYOD Lessons Learned on DorobekINSIDER Live. Speakers included:
Kimberly Hancher, Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology (OIT), EEOC
David Yang, Vice President at Digital Management
Shawn McCarthy, Research Director, IDC Government
Steve Cooper, former acting Assistant Administrator for Information Services and CIO at the FAA
Register to listen to the on-demand version. Participants will learn:
    • Best practice strategies from agencies who successfully implemented a BYOD policy.
    • Common pitfalls to avoid as you make the transition to BYOD.
    • How to mitigate risk and protect your secure information.

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