
Government Innovator's Online Summit

On September 13, GovLoop hosted a free, interactive virtual conference focused on hot topics facing the government community. Check out the on-demand sessions to hear government thought leaders discuss current challenges in government, lessons learned, and ways to help you do your job better. Sign up to view as many or as few sessions as you’d like!

State of Government Social Media- 11:30-12:30PM EST

Join us as we discuss the state of government social media in 2012. Learn best practices for managing multiple accounts, archiving, and using tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

How to Advance Your Tech Career in Government- 12:30-1:30PM EST

This session is designed to help IT Specialists, Program Managers and Project Managers understand the IT Program Management career path and know where to find the top courses and certificate programs that develop these core competencies.

Mobile Government: Today, Tomorrow and Beyond- 1:30-2:30PM EST

With citizens and government employees increasingly adopting multiple mobile devices, how do agencies adapt? In this wide-ranging training, we will discuss launching a “Bring Your Own Device” strategy, optimizing content for a mobile audience, and managing content across multiple platforms.

How To: Create a Great Government Website - 2:30-3:30PM EST

How do you create a great government website? Join us as we analyze case studies of amazing government websites and discuss the ingredients necessary from discovering citizen needs to prioritizing top tasks and optimizing for social media search.

Project Management Survival Guide- 3:30-4:30PM EST

Government is becoming more and more projectized. Join us as we help you take a concept and move it from idea to implementation to evaluation. Also, learn how to create a project charter, gain key stakeholder buy-in, and develop an appropriate road map with clear scope and key stage gates.

When: September 13, 2012
Time: 11:00-5:00PM ET

 If you have previously registered for this event, please login below:

Registration is required to attend this event. Please register now.
First Name*
Last Name*
Job Title*
Work Phone*
Are you a GovLoop member?*
Which sessions are you planning to attend?State of Government Social Media
How to Advance Your Tech Career in Government
Mobile Government: Today, Tomorrow and Beyond
How To: Create a Great Government Website
Project Management Survival Guide
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*Denotes required.

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