
Day 1: Strategy Session -- April 26, 1-4pm ET
You can’t control the fragile economy or the ongoing leadership changes but you can control the efficiencies and costs of your government operations and boldly steer it forward. For one afternoon, clear your schedule, stay where you are and plan to spend 3 interactive hours with your colleagues, state and local government leaders and industry experts as they reveal how to leverage the power of public cloud technology to drive high-powered change now. You’ll learn how to propel stronger citizen engagement, robust employee productivity and magnify transparency while maintaining control and mitigating risk.

Day 2: Solutions Evaluation & Training -- April 27, 11-5pm ET
Join us on day two for content-rich workshops that will help you sharpen your skills in intensive deep-dives across cloud technologies and solutions. Take a look “under the hood” and explore full mechanics, grasp key functionality and build critical skills. Pick and choose the sessions you’d like to attend or stay for a full-day track – it’s up to you!

This two-day, deep dive will be your can’t-miss immersion in the strategic game-changing decisions in government. Click here to view all tracks and workshops. Register today!

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Untitled Document
1:00-1:05 PM ET Welcome/Intro - Jeff Tozzi & Bill Wolpin
1:05-1:35 PM ET Revolution Next: How IT is Revolutionizing Government Services
1:35-2:15 PM ET Window of Opportunity: Preparing to Make the Most of Windows 8
2:15-2:45 PM ET Built for the Future, Ready Now: Choosing an Infrastructure that Gives You the Power of Cloud on Your Terms
2:45-3:30 PM ET Anywhere Access: Harnessing the Power of the Cloud to Enhance Government Workforce Flexibility and Productivity
3:30-4pm ET Moving Beyond If, When, and Why: How to Support the Consumerization in Government IT

Click here for full webcast descriptions