IMA Webinar
12 Principles of Best Practice FP&A: What a Global IMA Survey Reveals
Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 01:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 60 minutes
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Event Description
FP&A (financial planning and analysis) is the primary vehicle for Finance to engage with the business. Join us as Lawrence Serven, of BOARD International, reveals IMA research from more than 700 institutions worldwide and the resulting 12 principles of best practice FP&A. He will explain what best-in-class companies are doing differently with FP&A, and how you can apply these principles to achieve the status of trusted advisor and partner within your organization.
Learning Objectives
After this webinar, you will be able to:
1. Explain FP&A as a decision-making platform.
2. Name the 12 principles of best practice FP&A and be prepared to evaluate your own FP&A environment accordingly.
3. State the implications of the 12 principles on training and development
4. Identify the implications on technology enablers given the 12 principles